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Journal of fisheries and marine sciences education | 2012

Processing and Characteristics of Canned Kwamaegi - 2. Processing and Characteristics of Canned Boiled Kwamaegi

Tae-Ho Park; Yu-Ni Noe; In-Seok Lee; Soon-Jae Kwon; Ho-Dong Yoon; Cheung-Sik Kong; Kwang-Soo Oh; Jong-Duck Choi; Jeong-Gyun Kim

This study was conducted to obtain basic data which can be applied to process of canned boiled Kwamaegi. Commercial Kwamaegi was cut into cm lengths, filled 90 g into can (301-3) and added with 60 g water and then precooked for 10 min. at . And water layer was drained. The precooked Kwamaegi was packed into the can, and added with 60 g of mixed salt solution, which is mixed with salt 0.5% and bamboo salt 0.7%. The cans were seamed using a vacuum seamer, and then sterilized for various Fo values (Fo 8~12 min.) in a steam system retort at . pH, VBN, amino-N, total amino acid, free amino acid, color value (L, a, b), texture profile, TBA value, mineral, sensory evaluation and viable bacterial count of the canned boiled Kwamaegi produced with various sterilization condition(Fo 8~12 min.) were measured. There was no remarkable difference between sterilization conditions and sensual characteristics. The results showed that the product sterilized at Fo 8 min. was the most desirable because this condition is the most economical and tasty.

Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | 2016

Risk Assessment of Oyster Crassostrea gigas Processing Site For an HACCP System Model

Kyung Tae Kang; Min Joo Kim; Sun Young Park; Jong-Duck Choi; Min Soo Heu; Jin-Soo Kim

최근 우리나라 양식산 굴은 연간 생산량이 약 30만톤 내외에 이르고 있고, 국내 패류 총 생산량의 60% 이상을 차지하여 우리 나라의 주요 양식 자원이다(Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, 2016). 굴은 칼슘, 철분 등과 같은 조혈성분이 풍부하여 어린이 발육과 허약 체질 개선에 좋고, 저칼로리 식품으로 비만을 막아 주며, 글리코겐 및 타우린이 많아 심장병, 고혈압, 변비, 당뇨병 등을 예방하는 기능이 있어 영양 및 건강 기능성이 우수한 식품 중의 하나이다(Linehan et al., 1999; Hosoi et al., 2003; Kim et al., 1981; Sakaguchi and Murat, 1989). 일반적으로 굴의 소비 형태는 비산란기인 11월부터 4월까지의 경우 고가의 생굴로, 그리고 산란기이어서 생굴로 식용이 곤란하거나 저가인 5월부 터의 경우 주로 냉동품, 건제품 및 통조림 등으로 가공되어 수출 되고 있다(Kim et al., 2002). 그러나 최근 양식산 굴은 내수를 목적으로 한 생굴 비중이 점차 증가하고 있고, 이들은 대부분이 탈각 후 유통되고 있다(Park et al., 2006). 굴 양식장이 위치하고 있는 우리나라 연안은 최근 경제성장에 따른 인구 밀집과 강우 발생으로 일반세균 농도는 물론이고, 장 관계 바이러스 등의 식중독 원인체가 함유될 가능성이 있는 분 변성 오염물질의 농도가 증가하고 있다. 따라서, 이와 같이 오 염된 해역에서 생산된 굴은 자연히 식중독의 원인물질을 함유 할 가능성이 크다(Lee et al., 2010; Oh et al., 2012; Iritani et al., 2014). 또한, 굴 탈각장은 FDA나 EU 등록공장을 제외하고 는 관련법규나 전처리 가공공장 관리 규정이 미흡한 위생관리 의 사각지대에 놓여 있다. 이러한 측면에서 생굴의 안전성을 확 보하기 위한 방안은 굴 탈각장에 HACCP (hazard analysis and critical control point) system을 도입하여 생굴에 대한 기준 규 HACCP 구축을 위한 굴(Crassostrea gigas) 가공공장의 위해 평가 강경태·김민주·박선영·최종덕·허민수·김진수*

Journal of fisheries and marine sciences education | 2015

Processing and Property of Olive Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus Terrine

Moon-Joo Yoon; Jae-Dong Lee; Si-Young Park; Soon-Jae Kwon; Jin-Hyo Park; Kyung-Hun Kang; Jong-Duck Choi; Jong-Chan Joo; Jeong-Gyun Kim

Abstract Aquaculture of olive flounder started in the middle of 1980s and now farming has been taken place in many places along the coastal line in Korea. The taste of olive flounder has a good chewy texture because of high collagen content, low fat content, so it is popular for sliced raw fish. Olive flounder is popular among Koreans but the consumption pattern is uniformly so as to be used as sliced raw fish but not other ways. So, now there needs to develop high valued-processed food using olive flounder.This study was set to investigate the processing of terrine by using olive flounder, in which terrine is French style meat loaf that is well favored around the world. In this study, terrine was prepared by chopping olive flounder meat with 39 g egg white and 10 mL fresh cream (per 50 g fillet) and then seasoned with 5 mL lemon juice, 5 mL brandy, 0.05 g salt and 0.05 g pepper. The 25 g of dough was placed on a vinyl wrap, put with 2 g cheese, and layered an another 25 g dough, and then rolled up and wrapped by aluminium foil. Two different cooking methods were used for terrine processing in this study. Terrine-1 was cooked by vacuum sealed in polyethylene film (20×30×0.05 mm) after boiling for 5 min and stored at -20℃ for 7 days. Terrine-2 was prepared by vacuum sealed in polyethylene film (20×30×0.05 mm) and stored at -20℃ for 7 days. After 7 days, Terrine-1 was thawed and then heated up in microwave for 2 min (Sample-1), while Terrine-2 was thawed and then boiled in water for 5 min (Sample-2). Viable bacterial count, chemical composition, pH, salinity, hardness, TBA, free amino acid content, and sensory evaluation were measured for both Sample-1 and Sample-2. Especially, the scores of sensory evaluation of Sample-2 is slightly higher than that of Sample-1. On the other hand, there were no significant differences on color, odor, taste, texture, and overall acceptance between Sample-1 and Sample-2.Key words : Terrine, Olive flounder, Sensory evaluation, BoilingCorresponding author : 055-772-9141, [email protected]

Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | 2013

Comparison of Quality Characteristics between Imported Skate Rays

Hyun-Su Jo; Ki-Hyun Kim; Min Ji Kim; Hyeon Jeong Kim; Gyeong-Suk Jeong; Byung-Yeul Cha; Jong-Duck Choi; Min Soo Heu; Jin-Soo Kim

This study was conducted to compare quality characteristics of imported skate rays. The moisture content was higher in imported skate rays than in domestic mottled skate, while the protein content displayed a contrasting pattern. From measurements of the volatile basic nitrogen content, pH, viable cell counts, and urea and ammonia contents, the freshness of skate rays imported from Chile, Canada and Uruguay was considered to be inferior to domestic mottled skate, while the freshness of skate rays imported from the USA was similar. The measurement of physicochemical properties revealed that four kinds of imported skate rays were of inferior quality, as compared to domestic mottled skate.

Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | 2015

Processing and Quality Properties of Olive Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus Balls Product

Moon-Joo Yoon; Jae-Dong Lee; Si-Young Park; Soon-Jae Kwon; Cheung-Sik Kong; Jong-Duck Choi; Jong-Chan Joo; Jeong-Gyun Kim

【Olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus production has increased gradually in recent years, but prices have fallen. Thus, the development of a variety of processed foods incorporating olive flounder would help to increase the income of fishermen. This study was conducted to investigate the best method for olive flounder ball processing. Clean olive flounder were divided into five portions. Olive flounder meat (100 g with added egg white 39 g) was chopped and then mixed with 10 mL fresh cream and ingredients. The dough was molded into the shape of a ball. The olive flounder balls were then processed by two different methods. In the first method, the flounder ball was boiled in water for 3 min then vacuum-packed in polyethylene film and stored at

Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | 2015

Sanitary Quality Characterization of Commercial Semi-dried Conger Eel Conger myriaster and the Guideline for Controlling Quality

Jong-Duck Choi; Sang In Kang; Yong Jung Kim; Su Gwang Lee; Min-Soo Heu; Jin-Soo Kim


Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety | 2015

Evaluation of the Microbiological Safety for the Seawater in a Part of the South Coast, Korea

Yeong Min Park; Hyun Jin Yoon; In Tae Ham; Hean Jae Yoo; Jong-Duck Choi

for 7 days. After 7 days, the ball was thawed and heated in a microwave for 2 min (Sample-1). In the second method, the ball was vacuum-packed in polyethylene film without boiling and then stored at

Journal of fisheries and marine sciences education | 2014

Quality Characteristics of Canned Boiled Oyster and Canned Boiled Oyster in Bamboo Salt in Various Sterilization Conditions

Cheong-Sik Kong; Hae-Soo Je; Jae-Hun Jung; Soon-Jae Kwon; Jae-Dong Lee; Moon-Joo Yoon; Jong-Duck Choi; Jeong-Gyun Kim


Applied Biological Chemistry | 1998

Preparation of Calcium-based Powder from Fish Bone and its Characteristics

Jong-Duck Choi; Dong Soo Kim; Jin-Soo Kim

for 7 days before thawing and boiling in water for 3 min (Sample-2). After heating, both types of olive flounder balls were evaluated. Various factors (including the viable bacterial count, chemical composition, pH, hardness, thiobarbituric acid level, salinity, and free amino acid content) were measured, and a sensory evaluation was conducted. Based on the results of the sensory and hardness evaluations, Sample-1 was deemed to be superior to Sample-2.】

Applied Biological Chemistry | 1998

Component characteristics of fish bone as a food source

Jong-Duck Choi; Jae-Geun Koo; Jin-Soo Kim

붕장어는 형태가 원통형으로 가늘고, 체장이 암컷의 경우 약 90 cm, 수컷의 경우 40-50 cm 정도로 다른 어류에 비하여 길며, 꼬리 부분이 약간 측편하여 뱀모양을 하고 있어 뱀장어목 붕장 어과로 분류된다(Kim et al., 2001b). 이러한 붕장어는 성숙한 개체의 경우 가을이 되면 우리나라 연근해에 남하하였다가, 제 주특별자치도 서남해역을 거쳐 산란기로 추정되는 4-5월경에 는 일본 남부 연안 대륙붕 주위에서 산란을 한다. 붕장어의 어 획량은 최근 10년간 13,400-19,400 M/T 범위에서 증감을 하 여 편차가 있으나, 연도에 관계없이 대체로 다량 어획되고 있는 대표적인 자연산 어종 중의 하나이다(Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, 2014). 이와 같은 붕장어는 비타민, 단백질 및 무기질 을 다량 함유하고 있어 보양식 어류로 널리 알려져 있을 뿐만이 아니라, 혈중 콜레스테롤의 농도 저하, 두뇌성장 촉진, 심장질 환, 동맥경화, 고혈압 등을 예방하는 중요한 생리적 기능을 가 지고 있는 고도불포화지방산을 다량 함유하고 있어 건강 회복 용 식품 소재로도 널리 알려져 있다(Kim et al., 2007). 또한, 붕 장어는 생태적 특성, 통발에 의하여 어획하는 어획 특성 및 영양 특성 등으로 인하여 우리나라에서는 대부분이 활어 상태로 유 통되고 있고, 일부가 운반조건의 변화, 즉 온도 변화, 산소 부족 등으로 죽은 선어로 출하되고 있다. 이로 인하여 이들 붕장어는 활어의 경우 대부분이 횟감, 회덮밥 등과 같은 고가의 소재로 이 용되고 있고, 선어의 경우 모두가 구이용 반건조품 및 탕 등의 소재로 가공되어 국내에서 이용되거나 일본으로 수출되고 있다 (Oh et al., 1989). 그러나 이들 붕장어 가공품 중 반건조 붕장어 는 HACCP 시스템의 관리를 받고 있는 공장에서 제조된 일부 수출용을 제외한다면, 지방자치단체의 지역명품으로 소개되고 시판 반건조 붕장어(Conger myriaster)의 위생학적 품질특성과 품질관리를 위한 가이드라인 최종덕·강상인·김용중·이수광·허민수·김진수*


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Jae-Dong Lee

Gyeongsang National University

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Min Soo Heu

Gyeongsang National University

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Ki-Hyun Kim

Seoul National University

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Kyung Tae Kang

Gyeongsang National University

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Min Joo Kim

Gyeongsang National University

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Sang In Kang

Gyeongsang National University

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Dong Soo Kim

Pukyong National University

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Ho-Dong Yoon

National Fisheries Research

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