José Luis Moya Mur
University of Alcalá
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Featured researches published by José Luis Moya Mur.
Revista Espanola De Cardiologia | 2004
Antonio Hernández Madrid; Carlos Escobar Cervantes; Blanca Blanco Tirado; Irene Marín; José Luis Moya Mur; Concepción Moro
98 La insuficiencia cardíaca es una de las enfermedades más prevalentes en los países desarrollados. El pronóstico de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca avanzada es todavía malo, a pesar de que en las últimas décadas se han investigado nuevas terapias para mejorar la calidad de vida y la supervivencia de estos enfermos. Por otra parte, hasta el 30% de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca avanzada presenta alteraciones de la conducción intraventricular, lo que condiciona una asincronía en la contractilidad normal del ventrículo que deteriorará la función cardíaca. Mediante la terapia de estimulación cardíaca con resincronización se puede conseguir una mayor sincronía en la contractilidad ventricular. Numerosos estudios han demostrado el beneficio que produce la terapia de estimulación biventricular en la mejora de los parámetros hemodinámicos, la calidad de vida, el test de los 6 min y la clase funcional en pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca, disfunción sistólica ventricular y retraso de la conducción intraventricular. Algunos estudios han demostrado una mayor supervivencia en los pacientes tratados con resincronización y desfibrilador. Todavía quedan bastantes interrogantes por resolver sobre los efectos de la terapia de resincronización cardíaca, el lugar de estimulación y el tipo de dispositivo a implantar (desfibrilador o marcapasos).
Revista Espanola De Cardiologia | 2004
Antonio Hernández Madrid; Mercedes Miguelañez Díaz; Carlos Escobar Cervantes; Blanca Blanco Tirados; Irene Marín; Enrique Bernal; Javier Zamora; Fernando J. Cordova González; Manuel Alfonso Pérez; Lilianna Limón; José M. González Rebollo; José Luis Moya Mur; Concepción Moro
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES The aim of the present study was to document the evolution of the blood levels of brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) in patients with heart failure and their correlation with the clinical course after implantation of a biventricular pacemaker. PATIENTS AND METHOD Twenty-eight patients with heart failure associated to left bundle branch block and left ventricular systolic dysfunction were included in the study. In each patient we performed laboratory tests, chest X-ray, electrocardiogram and echocardiogram, and measured blood levels of BNP. RESULTS During follow-up (10 [6] months) functional capacity improved, decreasing from 3.3 (0.6) to 2.10 (0.4) (P=.03). The rate of hospitalizations for heart failure decreased from an average of 1.8 (0.7) (6 months before the procedure) to 0.8 (0.3) (6 months after the procedure; P=.04). The basal value of BNP decreased from 193 (98) pg/mL to 52 (14) at the end of the follow-up in the responder group (22 patients) and increased from 564 (380) to 650 (80) pg/mL in the nonresponder group (6 patients). Patients who responded showed significant clinical improvement and decreasing levels of BNP, which reached a plateau an average of 6 months after implantation. Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified lower levels of BNP, idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, and functional class as independent predictors of response to therapy. Age, QRS width and left ventricular ejection fraction were not predictors of response. CONCLUSIONS Brain natriuretic peptide concentrations allowed us to monitor, in an objective manner, the clinical course of patients with biventricular resynchronization therapy.
Echocardiography-a Journal of Cardiovascular Ultrasound and Allied Techniques | 2015
Daniel Rodríguez Muñoz; José Luis Moya Mur; Covadonga Fernández-Golfín; Derly Carlos Becker Filho; Ariana González Gómez; Sara Fernández Santos; Carla Lázaro Rivera; Luis Miguel Rincón Díaz; Eduardo Casas Rojo; J.L. Gómez
Swirling flow, organized in vortices, contributes to adequate left ventricular function. In this study, we apply a novel echocardiographic flow‐mapping technique, vector flow mapping (VFM), to evaluate the main characteristics of left ventricular vortices and its relation to filling parameters.
Revista Espanola De Cardiologia | 2001
José Luis Moya Mur; Gabriela Guzmán; Paz Catalán; Alicia Megías; Soledad Ruiz; Vivencio Barrios; Javier Ortega; Carmen de Pablo; Claudia Harriague; Alberto García Lledó; Enrique Asín Cardiel
Introduccion y objetivos Se realizo este estudio conel objetivo de valorar el rendimiento y la utilidad de laecocardiografia transtoracica (ETT) con sonda de altafrecuencia para detectar y analizar el flujo de la descendenteanterior en pacientes con lesiones de la misma yen pacientes con infarto anterior. Material y metodos Se estudiaron 11 pacientes conlesiones mayores del 75% y 10 pacientes con infarto anteriorprevio. Los resultados se compararon con un grupocontrol de 18 sujetos. Se intento localizar la descendenteanterior en el surco interventricular anterior partiendo deuna proyeccion apical de 4 camaras. Se considero quese detectaba la descendente anterior cuando se registrabacon Doppler pulsado un flujo predominante diastolico. Resultados La arteria fue detectada en 37/39 (94,9%)pacientes. Los pacientes con lesiones coronarias presentaronuna disminucion en el limite de la significacion delcociente velocidad pico diastolica/sistolica: 2,5 (desviacionestandar [DE], 0,7) frente a 1,8 (DE, 0,3) (p = 0,024).Los pacientes con infarto anterior presentaron un cocientevelocidad pico diastolica/sistolica mas disminuido respectoa los controles: 2,5 (DE, 0,7) frente a 1,4 (DE, 0,3)(p = 0,001). Conclusiones El flujo de la descendente anterior sepuede analizar con ETT y sonda de alta frecuencia enmas del 90% de los casos. Los pacientes con lesionescoronarias y aquellos con infarto tienen disminucion delcociente de velocidad pico diastolica/sistolica.
European Journal of Echocardiography | 2015
Daniel Rodríguez Muñoz; José Luis Moya Mur; Cristina Lozano Granero; Covadonga Fernández-Golfín; J.L. Gómez
Echocardiographic left ventricular (LV) flow analysis was performed with vector flow mapping (VFM) in a 48-year-old asymptomatic patient with prior mitral valve replacement by bi-leaflet prosthesis in 2013. Streamlines in Panel A show the consequence of trans-prosthetic mitral inflow directed towards the septum: the development of a dominant posterior vortex showing counter-clockwise …
Revista Espanola De Cardiologia | 2004
José Luis Mestre Barceló; Luisa Salido Tahoces; Alejandro del Río del Busto; Asunción Camino López; José Luis Moya Mur; Jaime Pey Illera
Acquired coronary-cameral fistula is an uncommon disorder. We describe a 50-year-old man with rheumatic valvular disease who required emergency mitral and aortic valve replacement due to Staphylococcus aureus acute infective endocarditis. He underwent further surgical interventions due to bleeding and prosthetic dehiscence. During follow-up, a continuous parasternal murmur was noted. Echocardiography showed continuous coronary fistula flow from the left anterior descending artery to the right ventricle. Elective closure of the ostium was achieved with direct implantation of a 3.5 × 16 mm PTFE-coated stent (Jostent Coronary System Graft ® , Jomed, Germany).
Echocardiography-a Journal of Cardiovascular Ultrasound and Allied Techniques | 2014
Daniel Rodriguez Muñoz; José Luis Moya Mur; Derly C. Becker Filho; Luis M. Rincon Díaz; Ariana Gonzalez Gómez; Covadonga Fernández-Golfín; J.L. Gómez
We describe the use of vector flow mapping (VFM), a novel echocardiographic technique allowing intracardiac flow visualization, to quantify flow intensity inside a left ventricular aneurysm in a 68‐year‐old man. VFM successfully identified areas of stagnant flow corresponding to the wall region where a thrombus had been formed.
European Journal of Echocardiography | 2014
José Luis Moya Mur; Tomasa Centella-Hernández; Jorge Sebastián Reyes Villanes; Covadonga Fernández Golfín; José-Luis Zamorano Gómez
A 25-year-old asymptomatic woman showed, in two-dimensional (2D) transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE), a membrane in the left atrium (LA) diagnostic of cor triatriatum sinister. A three-dimensional (3D) TTE (view from the left ventricle; Panel A and Supplementary …
European Journal of Echocardiography | 2015
Daniel Rodríguez Muñoz; José Luis Moya Mur; Javier Moreno Planas; Covadonga Fernández Golfín; J.L. Gómez
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Current Cardiovascular Imaging Reports | 2014
Rocio Hinojar; José Luis Moya Mur; Covadonga Fernández-Golfín; Jose Luis Zamorano
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a complex and the most common inheritable cardiovascular disease. Echocardiography has numerous clinical advantages, including its availability, time and cost-efficiency, and ease of use in most patients and clinical settings. 3-dimensional echocardiography, by addressing the limitations of 2-dimensional imaging, may become the technique of choice for clinical evaluation of cardiac chambers and function in this clinical scenario. This review summarizes the role of 3D echocardiography in HCM with a focus on its diagnostic features, improving the quantification of left ventricular mass and left atrial function and the identification of the common intrinsic abnormalities of the mitral apparatus. Recent implications from 3D echocardiographic assessment and deformation analysis are also discussed including their role in the clinical diagnosis, the identification of preclinical disease in carriers of HCM mutations, and the utility in the planning and monitoring therapeutic strategies.