José Teixeira de Seixas Filho
Universidade Federal de Viçosa
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Featured researches published by José Teixeira de Seixas Filho.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2001
José Teixeira de Seixas Filho; José de Moura Brás; Andréa Tassis de Mendonça Gomide; Maria Goreti de Almeida Oliveira; Juarez Lopes Donzele; Eliane Menin
The objectives of this work were to study the functional anatomy and the comparative morphometry in the medium intestine and in the rectum of Teleostei, surubim, Pseudoplatystoma coruscans (Agassiz, 1829) (Siluriformes, Siluroidei, Pimelodidae), with carnivorous feeding habits, in two size classes, aiming to provide nutritional data for the adjustment of different artificial feeding system. It was concluded that the surubim intestine, under a morphological view, must be called of medium intestine and rectum, due to the presence of ileo-rectal valve and of intestinal valve invagination among these segments. In relation to the intestinal widding pattern, although the overall arrangement of the medium intestine and rectum was maintained, the medium intestine rings showed undefined arrangement, and an standard arrangement could not be determined for the specie. The intestinal arrangement was compatible to the most carnivorous fishes, or predominantly carnivore, once the intestine is almost ret; however, the circunvolutions of intestine final rings of medium intestine can be considered adaptations of a possible omnivorous feeding, preferentially carnivorous. The intestinal fold were more complex and developed in the intestine of the second size class species. In order to establish the relations among the mucous fold arrangement and the o food transportation speed in the medium intestine of the studied specie, it is suggested that the longitudinal pattern, with several anastomoses delay the feed progress in the aboral direction, allowing a larger digestive period and, consequently, better feed nutrients profit, by the feed material exposition to the intestinal mucous for larger period, besides contributing for the fecal mass preparation. The mucous fold next to the anus have longitudinal direction, contributing for the fecal bolos expulsion, directing them to the exterior environment.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2008
José Teixeira de Seixas Filho; Marcio Hipolito; Vinicius de Frias Carvalho; Ana Maria Cristina Rabello Pinto da Fonseca Martins; Lilian Nogueira da Silva; Airton Antonio Castagna
Necropsy and histological examination were made on bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) tadpoles fed commercial rations with 32, 36, 45 or 55% crude protein (CP) to establish the relationship between dietary crude protein and health of the animal. In the necropsy, the tadpoles did not show externally any changes, however, the liver of animals at all crude protein levels, presented a straw color and stained. Histological analysis showed livers with rarefaction and degeneration of cell protein, intestines, with colitis and flattening of microvilli, spleen with lymphocyte hyperplasia, heart, without alterations, kidneys with glomerulonephritis and areas of tubulonefroses; mononuclear gastritis and hyperplasia and hypertrophy of regional lymph nodes. In all organs, there was hemossiderin deposit. These injuries suggest degenerative nutritional condition, with development of inflammatory processes, spreading to all organs. The results suggest that the animals were fed diets with low biological value proteins, therefore, poor quality, which affects health and performance of the animals. Further studies are necessary to understanding the biochemical behavior of bullfrogs in the tadpole stage, aiming to adequate nutrition of these animals.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2000
José Teixeira de Seixas Filho; José de Moura Brás; Andréa Tassis de Mendonça Gomide; Maria Goreti de Almeida Oliveira; Juarez Lopes Donzele; Eliane Menin
The objective of the present work was to study the functional anatomy and the comparative morphometry in the medium and posterior intestines and in the piracanjuba (Brycon orbignyanus Valenciennes, 1849) (Characiformes, Characidae, Bryconinae) piloric cecum. Anatomofunctional and morphometric studies were carried out in the medium and posterior intestines and in the piloric cecum of this specie with omnivore feeding behavior. By means of these studies, it could be concluded that the widding pattern of the intestinal rings, in N derived, presented, in the second size class, frequent variations in the medium intestine, but was compatible to the other species with similar feeding behavior. The morphometric studies showed that the total intestine length of the intestinal rings and its gauge exert, probably, a specific function on the nutrients absorption. The relations among the mucous fold arrangement and the food transportation speed in the medium intestine suggest that the traversal and obliquous patterns delay the feed progress in the aboral direction, allowing a larger digest period, better feed nutrients profit, contributing for the fecal mass preparation. The length and the piloric cecum gauge increased as fish developed, and the mucous pattern had the same anatomical characteristics as the intestine.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2009
José Teixeira de Seixas Filho; Marcio Hipolito; Ana Maria Cristina Rabello Pinto da Fonseca Martins; Eliane Rodrigues; Airton Antonio Castagna; Silvia Conceição Reis Pereira Mello
The relationship between the quality of dietary crude protein and health of bullfrog juveniles (Lithobates catesbeianus) was evaluated by necropsy and histopathological examination of animals. The histopathology results showed that animals fed different feeds, regardless of CP levels, presented lymphocytary hepatitis, colitis and flattened microvillosities; kidneys with areas of tubulonephrosis and renal tubule calcification; myocarditis and cardiac muscular fiber dissociation. Such injuries suggested a degenerative nutritional process, with development of inflammatory processes spread to all the organs. These findings suggested that the animals had been fed with proteins of low biological value, indicating, apparently, poor feed quality, that harmed the health of the frogs and, consequently, their performance. Complementary studies are necessary to understand the biochemical behavior of the bullfrog in its second phase of life, supplying data for a better understanding of the nutrition of these animals.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2010
José Teixeira de Seixas Filho; Maria Goreti de Almeida Oliveira; Guilherme de Souza Moura; Eduardo Arruda Teixeira Lanna; Silvana Lages Ribeiro Garcia; Jorge Luiz Pereira Lima
Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a influencia da alimentacao de girinos de ra-touro com racao comercial contendo 28% de proteina bruta (PB) no desempenho e nas atividades de enzimas digestivas desses animais. Utilizaram-se 120 girinos no estagio 25 de Gosner com 0,046 g e 6,22 mm, respectivamente, mantidos em quatro caixas contendo 30 L de agua, na densidade de 1 girino/L. O experimento teve duracao de 60 dias e quinzenalmente foram avaliadas as seguintes caracteristicas de desempenho: taxa de sobrevivencia, comprimento, peso final, ganho de peso, consumo de racao, conversao alimentar aparente, taxa de crescimento especifico e as atividades no quimo das enzimas amilase, lipase e tripsina. A alimentacao teve efeito quadratico sobre o comprimento e o peso final. O crescimento dos girinos foi maior do 15o ao 45o dia (19,82 mm). No 15o dia, os girinos apresentaram a maior taxa de crescimento especifico (16,93%/dia), de modo que o maior ganho de peso (5,460 g), o consumo de racao (14,099 g) e a melhor conversao alimentar aparente (2,46) ocorreram do 45o ao 60o dia. A atividade especifica da amilase foi 205 vezes maior aos 60 dias em comparacao ao inicio do experimento. Os resultados indicam que, para as tres enzimas em estudo, a capacidade de acao sobre o quimo dos girinos aumenta significativamente apos o 3o dia experimental e que a capacidade dos girinos em digerir alimentos a base de carboidratos e superior a de digerir proteinas, fato que se acentua na fase inicial da alimentacao exogena. A racao comercial com 28% de PB proporciona bom desempenho aos girinos de ra-touro, possibilitando a formacao de imagos dentro dos padroes dos ranarios comerciais, um indicativo provisorio para alteracao de manejo visando a reducao de custos operacionais.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2008
José Teixeira de Seixas Filho; Leonardo Henrique Gomes; Delfim Vera Cruz Aguiar; Marcio Hipolito; Ana Maria Cristina Rabello Pinto da Fonseca Martins; Antônio Carlos Palermo Chaves
The development of midgut, liver and pancreas bullfrog tadpoles (Rana catesbeiana) fed commercial diets with 22, 24 or 28% of crude protein (CP) was evaluated. A total of 360 tadpoles, 15 days old, from the same spawning, was allotted to 30 L-boxes, using a density of 1 tadpole/L, kept at 25 °C (±1°C). A completely randomized experimental design with four replications was used. Three tadpoles of each group were collected from 9th to 48th day of feeding, and organs (midgut, liver and pancreas) were fixed in Bouins solution and staining by Hematoxilyn and Eosine. The presence of extremely loose connective tissue in the intestinal loops of tadpoles suggested temporary situation for the change of the architecture after metamorphosis. During this period, there was an increase in goblet cells and microvilli numbers, and in the 25th day, it was observed presence of liver cells, with more compact glandular arrangement, suggesting functionality and confirms the best performance results obtained from that period in tadpoles fed diets with the highest protein level. On the 35th day, it was observed structure of bilobade liver, with signs of disorganization, which indicates rarefaction cell protein, due to poor use of dietary protein. Further studies are needed to continue the clarification of the physiological characteristics of bullfrogs during the tadpole phase.
Food Science and Technology International | 2014
Eliane Rodrigues; José Teixeira de Seixas Filho; Silvia Conceição Reis Pereira Mello; Airton Antonio Castagna; Marcos Aurélio de Sousa; Ulisses Pereira Silva
Captive breeding of bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) is of great economic potential, mainly for its thighs and leather. The nutritional quality of frog meat includes properly balanced amino acids with a protein profile of high biological value, low fat and low cholesterol, and high digestibility due to its short chain molecule structure. It is recommended by doctors and nutritionists, especially for protein restricted children or malnourished children. Aiming to aggregate value to the segment and offer a product with nutritional properties that meet the need of children aged six months and above, a meat product based on the composition of frog meat was developed experimentally. To ensure raw material quality after bleaching and deboning, the microbiota present in the frog meat was determined. The analyses were performed according to Brazilian laws. It was observed that the resident and transient microbiota met the standards set by regulations. The results found were: mesophyll 4.5 x 104 CFU/g; Staphylococcus coagulase positive 2.0 x 102 CFU/g; negative for Salmonella sp. and Aeromonas spp. The findings indicate that the raw material showed satisfactory sanitation even in terms of family industry.
Revista Brasileira de Saúde e Produção Animal | 2012
José Teixeira de Seixas Filho; Rodrigo Diana Navarro; Marcelo Maia Pereira; Silvia Conceição Reis Pereira Mello; Eduardo Arruda Teixeira Lanna; Jorge Luiz Pereira Lima
From the digestibility values of some ingredients, it was proposed diets with different levels of digestible protein and energy, in a 3x3 factorial design for bullfrog tadpoles, aiming at evaluate the zootechnical performance. The experiment was conducted during 60 days with 810 tadpoles from the same spawning distributed into 27 polypropylene boxes at a density of 1 tadpole/L. The experimental design consisted of a factorial arrangement with three levels of digestible protein (27; 31 and 35%) and three levels of digestible energy (2700; 2800 and 2900kcal/kg) with three repetitions. Parameters evaluated at 60 days were weight gain, feed intake, dietary protein intake, feed conversion, protein efficiency rate and survival rate. Results were subjected to analysis of variance and Duncan test (95% accuracy), and presented no interaction between digestible protein and digestible energy for any parameter evaluated. As for the digestible protein, significant differences were detected in the dietary protein intake, and protein efficiency rate, evidencing inefficiency of diets with high protein values. Bullfrog tadpoles should be given diets with 27% digestible protein by having the best result for the protein efficiency rate and for the dietary protein intake, with the lowest value and similar to other levels among evaluated parameters.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2004
Luciana Almada Thomaz; Lídia Miyako Yoshii Oshiro; Andrea Cecchetto Bambozzi; José Teixeira de Seixas Filho
The feeding is one of the most important factors to larval development and the sucess of the commercial cultivation of decapod crustacean larvae depends on the efficient and economic utilization of the available food. The performance of Macrobrachium rosenbergii larva submitted to four different feeding systems was tested by using the daily observation of the larval substages and the first metamorphoses. The larvae were stocked in a density of approximately 100 larvas.l-1, in 16 tanks, with 33 liters capacity. The experiment was divided in four experimental units (blocks). Four feeding systems were tested in the hatchering in an open circuit, with four replicates for treatment. The feeding systems in which progressive substitutions of the nauplii of Artemia sp. (nas) were accomplished, for the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis (rots), the following treatments were tested: 100% Brachionus plicatilis (30 rots/mL) (T1); 100% Artemia (5 nas/mL) (T2), 60% Artemia (3 nas / mL) + 40% Brachionus plicatilis (12 rots/mL) (T3) and 40% Artemia (2 nas/mL) + 60% Brachionus plicatilis (18 rots/mL) (T4), Humid ration was added to all treatments. The results of the change of the larval stage demonstrated that there was not significant difference among the treatments T2, T3 and T4. The treatment T1 (100% Brachionus plicatilis) had total mortality in the 14th day of the experiment. The effect of the occurrence of the first metamorphoses for post-larvae, ocurred at 27th day in the treatments T2, T3 and T4. Consequently, the hatchering cycle to the metamorphosis of 90% for post-larvae (PL1), was the same in the respective treatments (35 days). Therefore, the use of the enriched rotifer and frozen in the feeding systems of the larvae allowed a satisfactory performance in terms of larval development of M. rosenbergii until the passage for the post-larvae stage.
Revista Valore | 2017
Rafael dos Santos; José Teixeira de Seixas Filho; Maria Auxiliadora Terra Cunha; Felipe da Silva Triani; Jorge Felipe Columá
A terapia do riso e uma tecnica ludica utilizada ha tempos, embora seus efeitos sobre a autonomia de individuos idosos ainda sao pouco conhecidos. Dessa maneira, o objetivo deste trabalho foi conhecer os efeitos da aplicacao da terapia do riso sobre as atividades instrumentais da vida diaria na concepcao de individuos idosos. Para atingir o objetivo foram avaliados dezesseis idosos, variando de 65 a 70 anos, sendo o desempenho funcional medido pela capacidade dos idosos de executar Atividades Instrumentais da Vida Diaria. A avaliacao foi realizada pre e pos-intervencao. Nessa perspectiva, os resultados apontaram que apos 60 dias de terapia do riso houve melhora na autonomia funcional dos idosos. Portanto, a investigacao concluiu que a terapia do riso se mostra como uma boa estrategia de intervencao para a promocao da saude de pessoas idosas. Palavras-chave : Desenvolvimento Local; Ciencias Ambientais; Envelhecimento.
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Ana Maria Cristina Rabello Pinto da Fonseca Martins
Instituto Biológico
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