Josilene Almeida Brito
Federal University of Pernambuco
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Featured researches published by Josilene Almeida Brito.
frontiers in education conference | 2015
Josilene Almeida Brito; Ricardo José Rocha Amorim; Bruno de Sousa Monteiro; Alex Sandro Gomes; Ivanildo José de Melo Filho
This paper aims to specify strategies for learning scenarios that incorporate ubiquitous features to support pedagogical practice. Thus, the development aims to verify if the resources of technology with context awareness promote significant changes in teaching practice, and can impact positively or not the effectiveness of learning and engagement of learners. In this regard, a reference ubiquitous environment called Youubi was used to support learning activities based on context. It consists of a framework of services that are easily integrated from applications in API format. In order to achieve the objectives of this research, the proposed method consists of three (03) phases. The first phase was a systematic review of the ubiquitous learning environments in order to identify which architectural features and their learning processes are used in learning scenarios based on the context. In the second phase an installation designed with the Youubi ubiquitous environment proposed a learning scenarios and new pedagogical practice for teachers in higher education. The third stage will be the design of high fidelity of ubiquitous learning scenarios prototype. After that, the actions will consist in validating the ubiquitous learning scenarios. In this paper we present the results of the systematic literature review. From these outcomes, we will generate pedagogical strategies for ubiquitous learning scenarios. These may also be used as recommendations to improve of current ubiquitous learning environments as well as the design of the Youubi environments.
Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education (Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação - SBIE) | 2011
Josilene Almeida Brito; Ivanildo José de Melo Filho; Rosângela Saraiva Carvalho; Rosangela Maria de Melo; Alex Sandro Gomes
A educacao a distancia tem ganhado significativa atencao tanto na academia quanto nas iniciativas governamentais. Neste contexto, cresce tambem a preocupacao com a avaliacao da qualidade dos diversos aspectos destes cursos mediados pelas tecnologias da informacao e comunicacao. Apesar de muitos trabalhos discutirem diversos aspectos da avaliacao em Ead, a literatura carece de relatos de experiencia que, especialmente, abordem os cursos tecnicos a distancia que possuem especificidades relevantes. Assim, este trabalho relata uma experiencia onde se avalia e adapta uma das propostas existentes na literatura de avaliacao mediada por foruns, ao contexto dos cursos tecnicos a distancia, constituindo-se esta adaptacao e sua discussao as principais contribuicoes do mesmo.Em Educacao a Distância mediada por meio de Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem, foruns de discussao sao um instrumento importante e amplamente utilizado na articulacao de debates e discussoes entre os atores envolvidos no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Com a ampla utilizacao dos foruns muitas mensagens sao trocadas e isso, por vezes, excede a capacidade de monitoramento por parte dos professores e tutores. O presente trabalho apresenta a concepcao de um classificador de mensagens de foruns que classifica as mensagens em positivas ou negativas, a fim de identificar mensagens que necessitam de maior atencao. Este trabalho aplica conceitos de mineracao de textos, com o algoritmo SVM obtendo taxas de acerto satisfatorias.Este artigo apresenta o framework Contagious, cujo proposito e estabelecer diretrizes que norteiem a construcao de redes sociais online orientadas a Difusao de Inovacoes. Compreendo-se o fenomeno das redes sociais online como consequencia natural do carater social do ser humano, vislumbrou-se esse meio tecnologico de comunicacao e interacao social como potencial ferramenta para a extensao de praticas educativas, com vistas a formacao do carater integral do cidadao. Para isso, foi adotada a teoria de Difusao de Inovacoes, propria das ciencias sociais. As contribuicoes deste trabalho, portanto, compreendem duas vertentes: a) o mapeamento de principios de uma teoria social na forma de recursos computacionais e; b) um enfoque orientado a educacao sobre as redes sociais online.A proposta do trabalho consiste em desenvolver um sistema para ser usado no celular como ferramenta de auxilio para alfabetizacao, utilizando-se de imagens e sons como forma de facilitar o aprendizado. Como metodo de desenvolvimento utiliza-se o processo P@PSEduc (Processo Agil para Software Educativo) e a ferramenta JME (Java Micro Edition).O crescente uso e difusao de tecnologias Web, a ubiquidade de ferramentas educacionais vem proporcionado verdadeiras revolucoes nos ambientes de ensino. Atualmente, sabe-se que nao mais se deve tratar alunos de forma homogenea, como se assim os fossem. Em face disso, este artigo apresenta um sistema adaptativo de apoio a aprendizagem colaborativa, cujo tema e a construcao e representacao do conhecimento por meio de mapas mentais multimidia. Tal sistema, baseia-se na Teoria da Carga Cognitiva, cuja preocupacao primaria e a facilidade com a qual as informacoes sao processadas pelos individuos.
iberian conference on information systems and technologies | 2015
Josilene Almeida Brito; Ricardo José Rocha Amorim; Alex Sandro Gomes
This work it is a PhD project that aims to develop the communication pedagogical model of u-learning Youubi with the adequacy of pedagogical models to favor the effectiveness of learning through the use of ubiquitous technology. The work related to this issue highlights the difficulties of the adequacy of pedagogical models that incorporates the ubiquitous computing resources in the educational context. The ubiquitous learning environment that will be object of study is the YUUBI. The reason for their choice was based on the different features in ubiquitous learning situations, and that this is a free software-based environment. Initial results from the use of this environment are being analyzed. It is worth noting that the environment is continuously evolving process, allowing different types of research in this area are developed, contributing to its maturity. Thus, some methodological procedures related to the last stages of the methodology are still under review.
iberian conference on information systems and technologies | 2014
Rosangela Maria de Melo; Ivanildo José de Melo Filho; Fábio Feliciano; Rosângela Saraiva Carvalho; Josilene Almeida Brito; Alex Sandro Gomes
This study aimed to investigate the learning concepts of logic programming for high-school students introducing the arduino tool as a pedagogical strategy. therefore, the methodology applied initially consisted in presencial classes, as well as the subsequent interaction with the tool and assessment activities. initial results indicate that this strategy was adequate for materialization of abstract concepts that are taught in logic programming, but it also allows one to identify formalization difficulties of mathematical concepts for solving activities that were proposed.
international workshop on groupware | 2017
Josilene Almeida Brito; Bruno de Sousa Monteiro; Alex Sandro Gomes; Ricardo José Rocha Amorim; Luma da Rocha Seixas; Ivanildo José de Melo Filho
Mobile and ubiquitous technologies provide new learning experiences anytime, anywhere. In this type of learning mode, there are mechanisms that combine real scenarios with ubiquitous technologies, favoring a greater and meaningful exchange between individuals and groups through collaboration. In this sense, this study introduces an experience in the urban context supported by an u-learning environment in professional education. We used a ubiquitous learning platform called Youubi to lead an experiment at a public vocational school in Brazil. The theory of meaningful learning was used to support the interpret knowledge construction phenomena presents in the ubiquitous learning situation. It was proposed learning situations that allowed the exchange of meanings, based on the teachers’ planning based on the urbanization theme of the cities. The method was based on a hybrid-qualitative and quantitative analysis of ubiquitous learning in urban context. The results indicated that the features of the U-learning environment promoted collaboration around the didactic content outside the classroom in a dynamic way, allowing collaboration and knowledge sharing among those involved, mainly strengthening existing meanings and the perception of problems in life related to the proposed content.
iberian conference on information systems and technologies | 2017
I. V. P. De Oliveira; Alex Sandro Gomes; Josilene Almeida Brito; I. J. Melo Filho
This study is the first step in the search for evidence and empirical data related to the use of DLEs in educational scenarios as a fundamental element for the orchestration of learning experiences.
iberian conference on information systems and technologies | 2017
Josilene Almeida Brito; Ricardo José Rocha Amorim; B. De Souza Monteiro; I. J. Melo Filho; Alex Sandro Gomes; I. V. P. De Oliveira; L. da Rocha Seixas
Mobile and ubiquitous technologies allow new learning opportunities anytime and anywhere. In these types of learning with mobility, there are mechanisms that combine digital and real scenarios using mobile and ubiquitous technologies. However, few of them analyze the effectiveness of actual learning experiences. To address this problem, this study proposes an evaluative approach to learning in ubiquitous learning situations in an urban context. To evaluate the importance of learning, a two-month experiment was carried out in a professional course of a public school in Brazil. During this time, teachers and students participated in a ubiquitous learning situation, consisted of a platform called Youubi on their mobile devices. The results showed that the introduction of the integrated u-learning environment in everyday situations generated an involvement in the process of discoveries and associations with evidences of the real world of the apprentices, favoring the significant construction of knowledge.
Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development | 2017
Josilene Almeida Brito; Luma da Rocha Seixas; Ivanildo José de Melo Filho; Alex Sandro Gomes; Bruno de Souza Monteiro
Mobile technologies allow new learning experiences anytime, anywhere. In this sense, this study presents a learning experience in urban context supported by a U-Learning environment. Using the Youubi ubiquitous learning platform, the experiment was carried out in a vocational course at a public school in Brazil. Challenging learning situations concerning the urbanization theme of the cities were proposed. The approach adopted was based on the qualitative analysis. The theory of meaningful learning was used as a theoretical framework to assess knowledge construction. The results indicate that the Youubi learning environment fostered the discussions on the content in a dynamic way when outside the classroom, allowing collaboration and knowledge sharing among those involved, mainly strengthening the existing meanings and the perception of problems in the daily life related to the proposed content.
iberian conference on information systems and technologies | 2013
Ivanildo José de Melo Filho; Fábio Feliciano; Josilene Almeida Brito; Rosangela Saraiva Carvalho; Rosangela Maria de Melo; Alex Sandro Gomes
iberian conference on information systems and technologies | 2012
Josilene Almeida Brito; Rosângela Saraiva Carvalho; Alex Sandro Gomes; Ivanildo José de Melo Filho; Rosangela Maria de Melo