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Featured researches published by Kátia Conceição Guimarães Veiga.

Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2008

Produção do conhecimento em enfermagem: a (in) visibilidade da atenção à saúde do idoso

Kátia Conceição Guimarães Veiga; Tânia Maria de Oliva Menezes

Bibliographical, exploratory and descriptive research, with a quantitative approach, aiming at identifying the occurrence of nursing studies about healthcare for the elderly and analyzing the production of this knowledge in five nursing journals published in 2005. The results show that the number of journals in this area is very limited, 3.7%. These journals are concentrated in the states of Sao Paulo, 40%, and Rio de Janeiro, 28%. Qualitative approaches were predominant, 50%, with several theoretical methodological references being identified. The objects most often studied were the healthcare necessities and the caretaker, with 33.3% each; the professor was present in every article published. It is concluded that there is a necessity for knowledge production in Nursing about health-care for elderly patients. In order to make this theme more visible, it is necessary to recognize and consolidate this specialty as a professional area, have competent researchers and a national policy of research incentives.Bibliographical, exploratory and descriptive research, with a quantitative approach, aiming at identifying the occurrence of nursing studies about healthcare for the elderly and analyzing the production of this knowledge in five nursing journals published in 2005. The results show that the number of journals in this area is very limited, 3.7%. These journals are concentrated in the states of São Paulo, 40%, and Rio de Janeiro, 28%. Qualitative approaches were predominant, 50%, with several theoretical methodological references being identified. The objects most often studied were the healthcare necessities and the caretaker, with 33.3% each; the professor was present in every article published. It is concluded that there is a necessity for knowledge production in Nursing about healthcare for elderly patients. In order to make this theme more visible, it is necessary to recognize and consolidate this specialty as a professional area, have competent researchers and a national policy of research incentives.

Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 1998

Atuaçäo da enfermagem no gerenciamento de recursos materiais em unidades de terapia intensiva (UTIs)

Cátia Romano; Kátia Conceição Guimarães Veiga

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar la actuacion de la enfermeria en el gerenciamiento de recursos materiales en hospitales generales. Se trata de un trabajo descriptivo, de naturaleza cuanti-cualitativa, realizada en cuatro UTls de hospitales generales y de grande tamano, de la ciudad de Salvador-Ba. Fue observado que, de las cuatro unidades, en tres existe la presencia del enfermero en la comision de seleccion y compra de materiales. La participacion de la enfermeria en el proceso de la prevision y control de materiales, es minima, no habiendo, consecuentemente, una evaluacion del material que se esta comprando, ocasionando la presencia, muchas vezes, de materiales similares, ociosos y de mala calidad, comprometiendo directa o indirectamente la asistencia prestada. Quedo constatado que la actuacion de la enfermeria en el gerenciamento de recursos materiales se limito, apenas, a la reposicion de estos en el servicio, sin, apesar de esto,incluirse efectiva y efizcamente en el proceso de prevision, seleccion, compra y control de estos insumos.

Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2011

Estudo estrutural das representações sociais do trabalho noturno das enfermeiras

Kátia Conceição Guimarães Veiga; Josicelia Dumêt Fernandes; Mirian Santos Paiva

This cross-sectional study with quantitative and qualitative approaches, seeks to apprehend social representations from nurses about working night shifts through identifying the central core and peripheral system. Free evocations produced by 25 nurses from a public university hospital in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, in January of 2008 were collected from the inducing expression, “Nurse’s Night Work” and subjected to the four houses framework analysis. The results showed the social representations structure with the following central elements: responsibility, arduous, stressful, suffering, and autonomy. Its peripheral elements were ethics, financial need, double shift, overload, and initiative. These results indicate the need for reflection in order to develop strategies which contribute to personnel management policies considering the specificity, subjectivity, and complexity of nocturnal work. DESCRIPTORS: Nursing. Nocturnal work. Social representations. ESTUDIO ESTRUCTURAL DE LAS REPRESENTACIONES SOCIALES DEL TRABAJO NOCTURNO DE LAS ENFERMERAS RESUMEN: Estudio descriptivo y analitico, con enfoques cuantitativo y cualitativo, a fin de aprehender las representaciones sociales de las enfermeras sobre el trabajo nocturno, por medio de la determinacion del nucleo central y del sistema periferico. Se recolectaron evocaciones libres producidas por las veinticinco enfermeras de un hospital universitario de la red publica, en Salvador, Bahia, Brasil, en 2008/1, a partir de la expresion inductora: el trabajo nocturno de la enfermera, y se examinaron segun el analisis del marco de las cuatro casas. Los resultados mostraron la estructura de la Representacion Social que tiene como nucleo central: responsabilidad, agotador, estresante, sufrimiento y autonomia, y como elementos perifericos: etica, necesidad financiera, doble jornada, sobrecarga e iniciativa. Estos resultados muestran la necesidad de una reflexion de las enfermeras para desarrollar estrategias de trabajo que contribuyan a las politicas de personal teniendo en cuenta la especificidad, la subjetividad y la complejidad del trabajo nocturno. DESCRIPTORES: Enfermeria. Trabajo nocturno. Representaciones sociales. 682

Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2013

Análise fatorial de correspondência das representações sociais sobre o trabalho noturno da enfermeira

Kátia Conceição Guimarães Veiga; Josicelia Dumêt Fernandes; Mirian Santos Paiva

The study aimed to apprehend the Social Representations of nurses on nocturnal work. It was based on the Theory of Social Representations with qualitative and quantitative approaches. The free evocations of 25 nurses in a public hospital in SalvadorBahia were collected, that underwent the Factorial Analysis of Correspondence (FAC). The FAC revealed on the opposition game demonstrated, in Factor 1, opposition between shifts service and, in Factor 2, age x length of service. Seized on the semantic universe of nurses the nocturnal work is a Responsibility Work, Hard Work, Initiative Work and Financial Need. The nurses refer to the nocturnal work through representations that give normative character, prescribing attitudes and behaviors socially constructed and accepted as from the category itself, emphasizing the historical development of the profession. Those results indicate the need for strategies that contribute to the development of policies for managing people, considering the specifi city, subjectivity and complexity of nocturnal work.The study aimed to apprehend the Social Representations of nurses on nocturnal work. It was based on the Theory of Social Representations with qualitative and quantitative approaches. The free evocations of 25 nurses in a public hospital in Salvador-Bahia were collected, that underwent the Factorial Analysis of Correspondence (FAC). The FAC revealed on the opposition game demonstrated, in Factor 1, opposition between shifts service and, in Factor 2, age x length of service. Seized on the semantic universe of nurses the nocturnal work is a Responsibility Work, Hard Work, Initiative Work and Financial Need. The nurses refer to the nocturnal work through representations that give normative character, prescribing attitudes and behaviors socially constructed and accepted as from the category itself, emphasizing the historical development of the profession. Those results indicate the need for strategies that contribute to the development of policies for managing people, considering the specificity, subjectivity and complexity of nocturnal work.

Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2008

Knowledge production in nursing: the (in)visibility of the attention to the health of the elderly

Kátia Conceição Guimarães Veiga; Tânia Maria de Oliva Menezes

Bibliographical, exploratory and descriptive research, with a quantitative approach, aiming at identifying the occurrence of nursing studies about healthcare for the elderly and analyzing the production of this knowledge in five nursing journals published in 2005. The results show that the number of journals in this area is very limited, 3.7%. These journals are concentrated in the states of Sao Paulo, 40%, and Rio de Janeiro, 28%. Qualitative approaches were predominant, 50%, with several theoretical methodological references being identified. The objects most often studied were the healthcare necessities and the caretaker, with 33.3% each; the professor was present in every article published. It is concluded that there is a necessity for knowledge production in Nursing about health-care for elderly patients. In order to make this theme more visible, it is necessary to recognize and consolidate this specialty as a professional area, have competent researchers and a national policy of research incentives.Bibliographical, exploratory and descriptive research, with a quantitative approach, aiming at identifying the occurrence of nursing studies about healthcare for the elderly and analyzing the production of this knowledge in five nursing journals published in 2005. The results show that the number of journals in this area is very limited, 3.7%. These journals are concentrated in the states of São Paulo, 40%, and Rio de Janeiro, 28%. Qualitative approaches were predominant, 50%, with several theoretical methodological references being identified. The objects most often studied were the healthcare necessities and the caretaker, with 33.3% each; the professor was present in every article published. It is concluded that there is a necessity for knowledge production in Nursing about healthcare for elderly patients. In order to make this theme more visible, it is necessary to recognize and consolidate this specialty as a professional area, have competent researchers and a national policy of research incentives.

Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2013

Factorial analysis of correspondence of the social representations about nurse nocturnal work

Kátia Conceição Guimarães Veiga; Josicelia Dumêt Fernandes; Mirian Santos Paiva

The study aimed to apprehend the Social Representations of nurses on nocturnal work. It was based on the Theory of Social Representations with qualitative and quantitative approaches. The free evocations of 25 nurses in a public hospital in SalvadorBahia were collected, that underwent the Factorial Analysis of Correspondence (FAC). The FAC revealed on the opposition game demonstrated, in Factor 1, opposition between shifts service and, in Factor 2, age x length of service. Seized on the semantic universe of nurses the nocturnal work is a Responsibility Work, Hard Work, Initiative Work and Financial Need. The nurses refer to the nocturnal work through representations that give normative character, prescribing attitudes and behaviors socially constructed and accepted as from the category itself, emphasizing the historical development of the profession. Those results indicate the need for strategies that contribute to the development of policies for managing people, considering the specifi city, subjectivity and complexity of nocturnal work.The study aimed to apprehend the Social Representations of nurses on nocturnal work. It was based on the Theory of Social Representations with qualitative and quantitative approaches. The free evocations of 25 nurses in a public hospital in Salvador-Bahia were collected, that underwent the Factorial Analysis of Correspondence (FAC). The FAC revealed on the opposition game demonstrated, in Factor 1, opposition between shifts service and, in Factor 2, age x length of service. Seized on the semantic universe of nurses the nocturnal work is a Responsibility Work, Hard Work, Initiative Work and Financial Need. The nurses refer to the nocturnal work through representations that give normative character, prescribing attitudes and behaviors socially constructed and accepted as from the category itself, emphasizing the historical development of the profession. Those results indicate the need for strategies that contribute to the development of policies for managing people, considering the specificity, subjectivity and complexity of nocturnal work.

Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2013

Análisis factorial de correspondencias de las representaciones sociales del trabajo nocturno de enfermeras

Kátia Conceição Guimarães Veiga; Josicelia Dumêt Fernandes; Mirian Santos Paiva

The study aimed to apprehend the Social Representations of nurses on nocturnal work. It was based on the Theory of Social Representations with qualitative and quantitative approaches. The free evocations of 25 nurses in a public hospital in SalvadorBahia were collected, that underwent the Factorial Analysis of Correspondence (FAC). The FAC revealed on the opposition game demonstrated, in Factor 1, opposition between shifts service and, in Factor 2, age x length of service. Seized on the semantic universe of nurses the nocturnal work is a Responsibility Work, Hard Work, Initiative Work and Financial Need. The nurses refer to the nocturnal work through representations that give normative character, prescribing attitudes and behaviors socially constructed and accepted as from the category itself, emphasizing the historical development of the profession. Those results indicate the need for strategies that contribute to the development of policies for managing people, considering the specifi city, subjectivity and complexity of nocturnal work.The study aimed to apprehend the Social Representations of nurses on nocturnal work. It was based on the Theory of Social Representations with qualitative and quantitative approaches. The free evocations of 25 nurses in a public hospital in Salvador-Bahia were collected, that underwent the Factorial Analysis of Correspondence (FAC). The FAC revealed on the opposition game demonstrated, in Factor 1, opposition between shifts service and, in Factor 2, age x length of service. Seized on the semantic universe of nurses the nocturnal work is a Responsibility Work, Hard Work, Initiative Work and Financial Need. The nurses refer to the nocturnal work through representations that give normative character, prescribing attitudes and behaviors socially constructed and accepted as from the category itself, emphasizing the historical development of the profession. Those results indicate the need for strategies that contribute to the development of policies for managing people, considering the specificity, subjectivity and complexity of nocturnal work.

Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2011

Structural study of the social representations of nocturnal nursing work of nurses

Kátia Conceição Guimarães Veiga; Josicelia Dumêt Fernandes; Mirian Santos Paiva

This cross-sectional study with quantitative and qualitative approaches, seeks to apprehend social representations from nurses about working night shifts through identifying the central core and peripheral system. Free evocations produced by 25 nurses from a public university hospital in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, in January of 2008 were collected from the inducing expression, “Nurse’s Night Work” and subjected to the four houses framework analysis. The results showed the social representations structure with the following central elements: responsibility, arduous, stressful, suffering, and autonomy. Its peripheral elements were ethics, financial need, double shift, overload, and initiative. These results indicate the need for reflection in order to develop strategies which contribute to personnel management policies considering the specificity, subjectivity, and complexity of nocturnal work. DESCRIPTORS: Nursing. Nocturnal work. Social representations. ESTUDIO ESTRUCTURAL DE LAS REPRESENTACIONES SOCIALES DEL TRABAJO NOCTURNO DE LAS ENFERMERAS RESUMEN: Estudio descriptivo y analitico, con enfoques cuantitativo y cualitativo, a fin de aprehender las representaciones sociales de las enfermeras sobre el trabajo nocturno, por medio de la determinacion del nucleo central y del sistema periferico. Se recolectaron evocaciones libres producidas por las veinticinco enfermeras de un hospital universitario de la red publica, en Salvador, Bahia, Brasil, en 2008/1, a partir de la expresion inductora: el trabajo nocturno de la enfermera, y se examinaron segun el analisis del marco de las cuatro casas. Los resultados mostraron la estructura de la Representacion Social que tiene como nucleo central: responsabilidad, agotador, estresante, sufrimiento y autonomia, y como elementos perifericos: etica, necesidad financiera, doble jornada, sobrecarga e iniciativa. Estos resultados muestran la necesidad de una reflexion de las enfermeras para desarrollar estrategias de trabajo que contribuyan a las politicas de personal teniendo en cuenta la especificidad, la subjetividad y la complejidad del trabajo nocturno. DESCRIPTORES: Enfermeria. Trabajo nocturno. Representaciones sociales. 682

Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2011

Estudio estructural de las representaciones sociales del trabajo nocturno de las enfermeras

Kátia Conceição Guimarães Veiga; Josicelia Dumêt Fernandes; Mirian Santos Paiva

This cross-sectional study with quantitative and qualitative approaches, seeks to apprehend social representations from nurses about working night shifts through identifying the central core and peripheral system. Free evocations produced by 25 nurses from a public university hospital in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, in January of 2008 were collected from the inducing expression, “Nurse’s Night Work” and subjected to the four houses framework analysis. The results showed the social representations structure with the following central elements: responsibility, arduous, stressful, suffering, and autonomy. Its peripheral elements were ethics, financial need, double shift, overload, and initiative. These results indicate the need for reflection in order to develop strategies which contribute to personnel management policies considering the specificity, subjectivity, and complexity of nocturnal work. DESCRIPTORS: Nursing. Nocturnal work. Social representations. ESTUDIO ESTRUCTURAL DE LAS REPRESENTACIONES SOCIALES DEL TRABAJO NOCTURNO DE LAS ENFERMERAS RESUMEN: Estudio descriptivo y analitico, con enfoques cuantitativo y cualitativo, a fin de aprehender las representaciones sociales de las enfermeras sobre el trabajo nocturno, por medio de la determinacion del nucleo central y del sistema periferico. Se recolectaron evocaciones libres producidas por las veinticinco enfermeras de un hospital universitario de la red publica, en Salvador, Bahia, Brasil, en 2008/1, a partir de la expresion inductora: el trabajo nocturno de la enfermera, y se examinaron segun el analisis del marco de las cuatro casas. Los resultados mostraron la estructura de la Representacion Social que tiene como nucleo central: responsabilidad, agotador, estresante, sufrimiento y autonomia, y como elementos perifericos: etica, necesidad financiera, doble jornada, sobrecarga e iniciativa. Estos resultados muestran la necesidad de una reflexion de las enfermeras para desarrollar estrategias de trabajo que contribuyan a las politicas de personal teniendo en cuenta la especificidad, la subjetividad y la complejidad del trabajo nocturno. DESCRIPTORES: Enfermeria. Trabajo nocturno. Representaciones sociales. 682

Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2008

Producción del conocimiento en enfermería: la (in) visibilidad en la atención a la salud del anciano

Kátia Conceição Guimarães Veiga; Tânia Maria de Oliva Menezes

Bibliographical, exploratory and descriptive research, with a quantitative approach, aiming at identifying the occurrence of nursing studies about healthcare for the elderly and analyzing the production of this knowledge in five nursing journals published in 2005. The results show that the number of journals in this area is very limited, 3.7%. These journals are concentrated in the states of Sao Paulo, 40%, and Rio de Janeiro, 28%. Qualitative approaches were predominant, 50%, with several theoretical methodological references being identified. The objects most often studied were the healthcare necessities and the caretaker, with 33.3% each; the professor was present in every article published. It is concluded that there is a necessity for knowledge production in Nursing about health-care for elderly patients. In order to make this theme more visible, it is necessary to recognize and consolidate this specialty as a professional area, have competent researchers and a national policy of research incentives.Bibliographical, exploratory and descriptive research, with a quantitative approach, aiming at identifying the occurrence of nursing studies about healthcare for the elderly and analyzing the production of this knowledge in five nursing journals published in 2005. The results show that the number of journals in this area is very limited, 3.7%. These journals are concentrated in the states of São Paulo, 40%, and Rio de Janeiro, 28%. Qualitative approaches were predominant, 50%, with several theoretical methodological references being identified. The objects most often studied were the healthcare necessities and the caretaker, with 33.3% each; the professor was present in every article published. It is concluded that there is a necessity for knowledge production in Nursing about healthcare for elderly patients. In order to make this theme more visible, it is necessary to recognize and consolidate this specialty as a professional area, have competent researchers and a national policy of research incentives.


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Dora Sadigursky

Federal University of Bahia

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