Kayoko Matsunaga
Nagoya University
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Featured researches published by Kayoko Matsunaga.
Contact Dermatitis | 1988
Kayoko Matsunaga; Kaori Hosokawa; Mari Suzuki; Yaeno Arima; Ritsuko Hayakawa
We patch tested 13 beauticians with hand dermatitis between 1982 and 1986. They were all young female novice beauticians or those in training. The onset of their allergic dermatitis was noticed within 1 month to 1 year of their starting this occupation. Definite positive reactions to products were seen from hair dyes (as is, open test) (6/12), cold permanent wave primary solutions (as is, open test) (7/13) and a shampoo (1% aq., closed test) (1/13). Positive reactions to allergens were seen with para‐phenylenediamine (1% pet) (12/13), ammonium thioglycolate (5% aq., open test) (3/7), para‐toluylenediamine (1% pet) (7/9), para‐aminophenol (1% pet) (1/4), ortho‐aminophenol (1% pet) (1/4), Quinoline yellow SS (0.5% pet) (1/4), nickel sulfate (2.5% pet) (1/12), cobalt sulfate (2.3% pet) (1/12), thimerosal (0.05% pet) (1/12) and procaine hydrochloride (1% pet) (1/12). Study of the prognosis showed that 5 out of 12 cases could continue their occupation, but 4 cases had persistent hand dermatitis despite protecting their hands from hair dyes with gloves, 7 cases quitted their jobs, and in 5 their hands healed while 2 cases continued to have atopic hand dermatitis. A personal or family history of atopy was frequent among the cases, so we recommend that those who have such a history should not become beauticians.
Contact Dermatitis | 1987
Ritsuko Hayakawa; Kayoko Matsunaga; Yaeno Arima
We reported 2 patients with pigmented contact dermatitis caused by occupational airborne contactants, whitening dyes in clothes and formaldehyde in packing adhesive tapes. A woman developed airborne pigmented contact dermatitis due to musk ambrette in incense. Patch testing confirmed the diagnosis. Since olden times, people in Japan have burnt incense when they worshipped their ancestors. Recently, it has been in fashion to enjoy perfumes and people may burn incense all day long every day. Our patient burnt 2 kinds of incense every day for about 5 years. We assumed musk ambrette was volatilized when incense was burnt, and contact on her face being dissolved in sebum, thus inducing allergic pigmented contact dermatitis.
Contact Dermatitis | 1987
Ritsuko Hayakawa; Kayoko Matsunaga; Mari Suzuki; Kaori Hosokawa; Yaeno Arima; Chang Sik Shin; Masaharu Yoshida
Sesame oil has been reported to contain sesamolin, sesamin and sesamol as contact allergens. A female patient had chelitis due to sesame oil in a lipstick. She reacted to sesamolin and sesamin, but not to sesamol. We earned mil analysis of the sesame oil by high performance liquid chromatography. We detected sesamolin and sesamin but not sesamol in sesame oil.
Contact Dermatitis | 1985
Ritsuko Hayokawa; Kayoko Matsunaga; Shigeo Kojima; Masaaki Kaniwa; Akitada Nakamura
Naphthol AS is a coupling agent of cotton dyeing. 2 elderly women with hyperpigmentation of the neck and limbs are described. Both felt itching on the neck, forearms, and lower extremities and noted hyperpigmentation a month later Both had worn cotton flannel nightdresses in winter. Patch testing with cotton flannel and methanol extracts were positive, but after estraction with methanol, the residual flannel did not react. The methanol extracts of cotton flannel, were analysed. The patients were tested with 5 extracted components; Naphthol AS was found to be the causative agent.
Contact Dermatitis | 1991
Ritsuko Hayakawa; Kayoko Matsunaga; Mari Suzuki; Yasuko Ogino; Kayoko Arisu; Yaeno Arima; Osamu Hirose
Introduced primarily for babies, moist toilet paper is now also used by adults, both to improve hygiene and to control pruritus ani. The main ingredients are water, fragrances, humectants such as sorbitol, glycerin and propylene glycol, preservatives and surfactants. The allergens are the preservatives and the fragrances (I, 2). Most cased are caused by Kathon CG (3). We analyzed 13 types of moist toilet paper (8 brands), and found that all but 3 contained Kathon CG, at from 5.923.4 ppm in the water phase. Patient no. 4 had allergic contact dermatitis from methyldibromoglutaronitrile, one of the active ingredients of the preservative Euxyl K 400. This preservative is a Kathon CG substitute: patient no. 3 had used the same paper brand, which at that time (1988) still contained Kathon CG. Few cases of contact allergy to Euxyl K 400 have yet been reported (4). This case will be expanded on elsewhere (5). We suspect that contact allergy to moist toilet paper is not uncommon, even though few cases SHORT COMMUNICATIONS
Contact Dermatitis | 1990
Joshin Okada; Reiko Kanbe; Michiya Kuzukawa; Yuzo Ikeda; Koichi Yoshimura; Ritsuko Haykawa; Kayoko Matsunaga
C.I. Solvent Red 23, commercial Sudan III. is widely used m cosmetic products. Chemical analyses and guinea pig sensitization tests were carried out to identify its contact allergens. In the Magnusson & Kligman guinea pig maximization test. C.I. Solvent Red 23 showed 20% positive reactions. By conducting chemical analyses with HPIJC and GL.C. 2‐naphlhol (82 ppm). azobenzene (48 ppm). Sudan I(570 ppm) and many unknown impurities as well as the main constituent pigment Sudan ill (87%). were found. The chemical structure of one unknown impurity was identified as an isomer of sudan III. We found that purified Sudan III showed no positive reaction, while the isomer elicited 30% positive reactions, in the same guinea pig test. Furthermore cross‐sensitization with P‐phenylenediamine was investigated using the guinea pig test. Animals sensitized with P‐phenylenediamine also showed positive dictation reactions with purified Sudan III. From these results. the contact allergenicity of C.I. Solvent Red 23 is considered to be due to impurities, including the isomer of Sudan III, 1‐(o‐phenylazophenylazo)‐2‐naphlhol. Positive reactions to Sudan III previously demonstrated in hairdressers are due lo cross‐sensitivity with P‐phenylenediamine
Contact Dermatitis | 1990
Ritsuko Hayakawa; Kayoko Matsunaga; Mari Suzuki; Yasuko Ogino; Kayoko Arisu; Yaeno Arima; Osamu Hirose
( + / + + ), aluminium subacetate I% aq. (+I++). Later still, the patient was tested intradermally with 0.05 ml aluminium hydroxide (AI(OH)3) in 0.5% sodium chloride, which gave a positive reaction after 1 day which did not disappear until 7 days. 1 month later, we patch tested the patient again with the GIRDCA standard series, using different patch test units (Curates!) and obtained the following positive results: cobalt chloride (+I+ +) and Disperse Yellow 3 (+I++). The history showed that the patient had been exposed to aluminium salts at work; in fact careful enquiry revealed that a component of abrasive products used for burnishing marble consisted mainly (95.2 to 99.2%) of aluminium oxide (Alp3).
Karger Kompass Dermatologie | 2017
Akiyo Sano; Akiko Yagami; Kayoko Suzuki; Yohei Iwata; Tsukane Kobayashi; Masaru Arima; Yasuto Kondo; Tetsushi Yoshikawa; Kayoko Matsunaga
Hintergrund: Seit einigen Jahren wird perkutane Sensibilisierung als Hauptmechanismus der Entstehung von Nahrungsmittelallergien diskutiert. In Japan ist seit 2010 bei Personen, die Seife mit hydrolysiertem Weizen verwenden, die Inzidenz von Weizenallergien vom Soforttyp gegen hydrolysiertes Weizenprotein drastisch gestiegen. Dies spricht für die Hypothese, dass Nahrungsmittelallergien durch perkutane Sensibilisierung entstehen. Klinische Zusammenfassung: Ein 25-jähriger Patient (Fall 1) und eine 18-jährige Patientin (Fall 2) mit atopischer Dermatitis stellten sich mit Nahrungsmittelallergie und Handekzem in unserem Hause vor. Nach Aufnahme einer beruflichen Tätigkeit, bei der sie mit Fisch in Kontakt kamen, entwickelte sich ein ausgeprägtes juckendes Ekzem auf den Händen. Im weiteren Verlauf manifestierten sich nach dem Verzehr von Fisch orale Allergiesymptome, intraoraler Pruritus und Dyspnoe. In beiden Fällen wurden spezifische IgE-Antikörper gegen zahlreiche Fischarten nachgewiesen, und auch im Haut-Prick-Test zeigten beide Patienten positive Reaktionen gegen eine Vielzahl von Fischarten. Auch die Microarray-Immunoassay-Analyse ergab positive Reaktionen für die Fluoreszenzstärke spezifischer IgE-Antikörper gegen Parvalbumin verschiedener Fischarten. Wir stellten in beiden Fällen die Diagnose einer Kontakturtikaria infolge perkutaner Sensibilisierung gegen Parvalbumin durch beruflich bedingten körperlichen Kontakt mit Fisch. Schlussfolgerung: Die Vorgeschichten und Untersuchungsergebnisse der Patienten deuten darauf hin, dass eine perkutane Sensibilisierung durch berufsbedingte Exposition gegenüber Parvalbumin zur Entwicklung einer Nahrungsmittelallergie führen könnte. Übersetzung aus Case Rep Dermatol 2015;7:227-232 (DOI:10.1159/000439080)
Karger Kompass Dermatologie | 2017
Wolfgang Uter; Peter Arne Gerber; Bastian Schilling; Anna Piepiorka; Christine Schiller; Katharina Treyer; Julia Weber; Vera Mahler; Markus Braun-Falco; Ina Zschocke; K.A. Engebretsen; Jacob P. Thyssen; Percy Lehmann; Sandra Philipp; Akiyo Sano; Akiko Yagami; Kayoko Suzuki; Yohei Iwata; Tsukane Kobayashi; Masaru Arima; Yasuto Kondo; Tetsushi Yoshikawa; Kayoko Matsunaga
Skin Cancer | 1989
Kayoko Matsunaga; Yasuko Ogino; Kaori Hosokawa; Mari Suzuki; Ritsuko Hayakawa; Kanehisa Fukuta; Shuhei Torii; Kazuyuki Naitoh; Akiko Ohno
線維肉腫に近い悪性度を示した隆起性皮膚線維肉腫の32歳女性例を報告した。腫瘍発生より5年後初診。左頬に30mm径の紅色軽度隆起性病変を認め, 皮下に下床との可動性に乏しい35×60mm大の不正形硬結を触れた。リンパ節, 全身転移は認めなかった。生検の結果線維肉腫の疑いで腫瘍辺縁より眼の下は12mmその他は15mm離し, 下床は一部骨膜を含み一塊として切除し, 皮膚欠損部には胸三角筋部皮弁を作成し移植した。術後放射線療法と化学療法を施行した。摘出標本で腫瘍は皮下組織, 筋肉内ヘレース状に深く浸潤していた。腫瘍は線維芽細胞様細胞が明瞭なstoriform patternを描き, 核の多形性は少ないが, 核分裂像を多数認めた。現在再発転移なく健在。