Kor-jent van Dijk
University of Adelaide
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Featured researches published by Kor-jent van Dijk.
McMahon, K., van Dijk, K-J, Ruiz-Montoya, L., Kendrick, G.A., Krauss, S.L., Waycott, M., Verduin, J. <http://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/view/author/Verduin, Jennifer.html>, Lowe, R., Statton, J., Brown, E. and Duarte, C. (2014) The movement ecology of seagrasses. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281 (1795). p. 20140878. | 2014
Kathryn McMahon; Kor-jent van Dijk; Leonardo Ruiz-Montoya; Gary A. Kendrick; Siegfried L. Krauss; Michelle Waycott; Jennifer J. Verduin; Ryan J. Lowe; John Statton; Eloise Brown; Carlos M. Duarte
A movement ecology framework is applied to enhance our understanding of the causes, mechanisms and consequences of movement in seagrasses: marine, clonal, flowering plants. Four life-history stages of seagrasses can move: pollen, sexual propagules, vegetative fragments and the spread of individuals through clonal growth. Movement occurs on the water surface, in the water column, on or in the sediment, via animal vectors and through spreading clones. A capacity for long-distance dispersal and demographic connectivity over multiple timeframes is the novel feature of the movement ecology of seagrasses with significant evolutionary and ecological consequences. The space–time movement footprint of different life-history stages varies. For example, the distance moved by reproductive propagules and vegetative expansion via clonal growth is similar, but the timescales range exponentially, from hours to months or centuries to millennia, respectively. Consequently, environmental factors and key traits that interact to influence movement also operate on vastly different spatial and temporal scales. Six key future research areas have been identified.
PLOS ONE | 2014
Catherine J. Collier; Cecilia Villacorta-Rath; Kor-jent van Dijk; Miwa Takahashi; Michelle Waycott
Halophytes, such as seagrasses, predominantly form habitats in coastal and estuarine areas. These habitats can be seasonally exposed to hypo-salinity events during watershed runoff exposing them to dramatic salinity shifts and osmotic shock. The manifestation of this osmotic shock on seagrass morphology and phenology was tested in three Indo-Pacific seagrass species, Halophila ovalis, Halodule uninervis and Zostera muelleri, to hypo-salinity ranging from 3 to 36 PSU at 3 PSU increments for 10 weeks. All three species had broad salinity tolerance but demonstrated a moderate hypo-salinity stress response – analogous to a stress induced morphometric response (SIMR). Shoot proliferation occurred at salinities <30 PSU, with the largest increases, up to 400% increase in shoot density, occurring at the sub-lethal salinities <15 PSU, with the specific salinity associated with peak shoot density being variable among species. Resources were not diverted away from leaf growth or shoot development to support the new shoot production. However, at sub-lethal salinities where shoots proliferated, flowering was severely reduced for H. ovalis, the only species to flower during this experiment, demonstrating a diversion of resources away from sexual reproduction to support the investment in new shoots. This SIMR response preceded mortality, which occurred at 3 PSU for H. ovalis and 6 PSU for H. uninervis, while complete mortality was not reached for Z. muelleri. This is the first study to identify a SIMR in seagrasses, being detectable due to the fine resolution of salinity treatments tested. The detection of SIMR demonstrates the need for caution in interpreting in-situ changes in shoot density as shoot proliferation could be interpreted as a healthy or positive plant response to environmental conditions, when in fact it could signal pre-mortality stress.
Applications in Plant Sciences | 2014
Kor-jent van Dijk; Jane Mellors; Michelle Waycott
Premise of the study: New microsatellites were developed for the seagrass Thalassia hemprichii (Hydrocharitaceae), a long-lived seagrass species that is found throughout the shallow waters of tropical and subtropical Indo-West Pacific. Three multiplex PCR panels were designed utilizing new and previously developed markers, resulting in a toolkit for generating a 16-locus genotype. Methods and Results: Through the use of microsatellite enrichment and next-generation sequencing, 16 new, validated, polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated. Diversity was between two and four alleles per locus totaling 36 alleles. These markers, plus previously developed microsatellite markers for T. hemprichii and T. testudinum, were tested for suitability in multiplex PCR panels. Conclusions: The generation of an easily replicated suite of multiplex panels of codominant molecular markers will allow for high-resolution and detailed genetic structure analysis and clonality assessment with minimal genotyping costs. We suggest the establishment of a T. hemprichii primer convention for the unification of future data sets.
Applications in Plant Sciences | 2014
Alexandra L. Bijak; Kor-jent van Dijk; Michelle Waycott
Premise of the study: A total of 17 polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed for the tropical Atlantic seagrass Syringodium filiforme (Cymodoceaceae), enabling analysis of population genetic structure in this species for the first time. Methods and Results: The 17 primers amplified di- and trinucleotide repeats revealing two to eight alleles per locus among the South Florida populations tested. In the analysis of two populations from the Florida Keys (Florida, USA), observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.063 to 0.905, although sampling was from relatively closely located populations so heterozygosity is expected to be higher across larger spatial scales. Multiplex PCRs consisting of two 6-plex and one 5-plex reactions were developed to maximize genotyping efficiency. Conclusions: We present here 17 polymorphic markers that will be useful for the study of clonality and population structure of S. filiforme, a marine plant that forms extensive habitat throughout the tropical Atlantic and Caribbean.
Australian Systematic Botany | 2016
Hugh B. Cross; Ed Biffin; Kor-jent van Dijk; Andrew J. Lowe; Michelle Waycott
Abstract. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) provides numerous tools for population and systematic studies. These tools are a boon to researchers working with non-model and poorly characterised organisms where little or no genomic resources exist. Several techniques have been developed to subsample the genomes of multiple individuals from related populations and species, so as to discover variable regions. We describe here the use of a modified AFLPseq method that provides a rapid and cost-effective approach to screening variable gene regions (SNPs) for multiple samples. Our method provides an adaptable toolkit for multiple downstream applications, which can be scaled up or down depending on the needs of the research question and budget. Using minor modifications to the protocol, we successfully recovered variable and useful markers that were applied to three case studies examining different scales of biological organisation, namely, from within populations to phylogenetic questions at the genus level and above. The case studies on Acacia and Eucalyptus generated genomic data across multiple taxonomic hierarchies, including demonstrating the detection of Acacia pinguifolia J.M.Black individuals used in restoration and their population origins, regional phylogeography of Acacia pycnantha Benth., and SNP-marker conservatism across some 70 million years of divergence among the Myrtaceae.
PLOS ONE | 2018
Alexandra L. Bijak; Kor-jent van Dijk; Michelle Waycott
Evaluating genetic diversity of seagrasses provides insight into reproductive mode and adaptation potential, and is therefore integral to broader conservation strategies for coastal ecosystems. In this study, we assessed genetic diversity, population structure and gene flow in an opportunistic seagrass, Syringodium filiforme, in the Florida Keys and subtropical Atlantic region. We used microsatellite markers to analyze 20 populations throughout the Florida Keys, South Florida, Bermuda and the Bahamas primarily to understand how genetic diversity of S. filiforme partitions across the Florida Keys archipelago. We found low allelic diversity within populations, detecting 35–106 alleles across all populations, and in some instances moderately high clonal diversity (R = 0.04–0.62). There was significant genetic differentiation between Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) populations (FST = 0.109 ± 0.027, p-value = 0.001) and evidence of population structure based on cluster assignment, dividing the region into two major genetic demes. We observed asymmetric patterns in gene flow, with a few instances in which there was higher than expected gene flow from Atlantic to Gulf populations. In South Florida, clustering into Gulf and Atlantic groups indicate dispersal in S. filiforme may be limited by historical or contemporary geographic and hydrologic barriers, though genetic admixture between populations suggests exchange may occur between narrow channels in the Florida Keys, or has occurred through other mechanisms in recent evolutionary history, maintaining regional connectivity. The variable genotypic diversity, low genetic diversity and evidence of population structure observed in populations of S. filiforme resemble the population genetics expected for a colonizer species.
McMahon, K., Sinclair, E.A. <http://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/view/author/Sinclair, Elizabeth.html>, Sherman, C.D.H., van Dijk, K-J, Hernawan, Udhi E., Verduin, Jennifer and Waycott, Michelle (2018) Genetic connectivity in tropical and temperate Australian seagrass species. In: Larkum, A.W.D., Kendrick, G.A. and Ralph, P.J., (eds.) Seagrasses of Australia. Springer, pp. 155-194. | 2018
Kathryn McMahon; Elizabeth A. Sinclair; Craig D. H. Sherman; Kor-jent van Dijk; Udhi Hernawan; Jennifer J. Verduin; Michelle Waycott
Connectivity among populations influences resilience, genetic diversity , adaptation and speciation, so understanding this process is fundamental for conservation and management. This chapter summarises the main mechanisms of gene flow within and among seagrass meadows, and what we know about the spatial patterns of gene flow around Australia’s coastline. Today a significant body of research on the demographic and genetic connectivity of Australian seagrass meadows has developed. Most studies have focused on the genera Posidonia, Zostera, Heterozostera and Thalassia, in tropical and temperate systems across a range of habitats. These studies have shown overwhelmingly, that sexual reproduction is important for meadow persistence, as in most cases Australian seagrass meadows are genotypically diverse, with moderate to high levels of genotypic diversity. This high diversity could be generated through demographic connectivity, recruitment of individuals sourced from within a meadow, or from dispersal between meadows. Attempts to understand the relative significance of these processes are limited, highlighting a major gap in our understanding. Genetic structure is apparent across a range of spatial scales, from m’s to 100’s to 1000’s km. At local and regional scales, particularly in confined systems such as estuaries and bays, it is not necessarily the dominant oceanographic currents influencing patterns of genetic connectivity, but local eddies, winds and tides. Over larger spatial scales, isolation by distance is consistently significant, with unique genetic clusters spreading over 100s of kilometres. This indicates that regional structure occurs at the limits of long distance dispersal for the species and this is particularly evident where meadows are highly fragmented. The number of genetic studies on Australian seagrasses has increased dramatically recently; however, there are still many opportunities to improve our understanding through focusing on species with different dispersal potentials, more detailed sampling across a range of spatial and temporal scales and combining ecological and modelling approaches.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 2018
Eleanor E. Dormontt; Kor-jent van Dijk; Karen L. Bell; Ed Biffin; Martin F. Breed; Margaret Byrne; Stefan Caddy-Retalic; Francisco Encinas-Viso; Paul G. Nevill; Alison Shapcott; Jennifer M. Young; Michelle Waycott; Andrew J. Lowe
Building DNA barcode databases for plants has historically been ad hoc, and often with a relatively narrow taxonomic focus. To realise the full potential of DNA barcoding for plants, and particularly its application to metabarcoding for mixed-species environmental samples, systematic sequencing of reference collections is required using an augmented set of DNA barcode loci, applied according to agreed data generation and analysis standards. The largest and most complete reference collections of plants are held in herbaria. Australia has a globally significant flora that is well sampled and expertly curated by its herbaria, coordinated through the Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria. There exists a tremendous opportunity to provide a comprehensive and taxonomically robust reference database for plant DNA barcoding applications by undertaking coordinated and systematic sequencing of the entire flora of Australia utilising existing herbarium material. In this paper, we review the development of DNA barcoding and metabarcoding and consider the requirements for a robust and comprehensive system. We analysed the current availability of DNA barcode reference data for Australian plants, recommend priority taxa for database inclusion and highlight future applications of a comprehensive metabarcoding system. We urge that large-scale and coordinated analysis of herbarium collections be undertaken to realise the promise of DNA barcoding and metabarcoding, and propose that the generation and curation of reference data should become a national investment priority.
Ecology and Evolution | 2018
Kor-jent van Dijk; Eric Bricker; Brigitta I. van Tussenbroek; Michelle Waycott
Abstract Many marine species have widespread geographic ranges derived from their evolutionary and ecological history particularly their modes of dispersal. Seagrass (marine angiosperm) species have ranges that are unusually widespread, which is not unexpected following recent reviews of reproductive strategies demonstrating the potential for long‐distance dispersal combined with longevity through clonality. An exemplar of these dual biological features is turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum) which is an ecologically important species throughout the tropical Atlantic region. Turtle grass has been documented to have long‐distance dispersal via floating fruits and also extreme clonality and longevity. We hypothesize that across its range, Thalassia testudinum will have very limited regional population structure due to these characteristics and under typical models of population structure would expect to detect high levels of genetic connectivity. There are very few studies of range‐wide genetic connectivity documented for seagrasses or other sessile marine species. This study presents a population genetic dataset that represents a geographic area exceeding 14,000 km2. Population genetic diversity was evaluated from 32 Thalassia testudinum populations sampled across the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. Genotypes were based on nine microsatellites, and haplotypes were based on chloroplast DNA sequences. Very limited phylogeographic signal from cpDNA reduced the potential comparative analyses possible. Multiple analytical clustering approaches on population genetic data revealed two significant genetic partitions: (a) the Caribbean and (b) the Gulf of Mexico. Genetic diversity was high (H E = 0.641), and isolation by distance was significant; gene flow and migration estimates across the entire range were however modest, we suggest that the frequency of successful recruitment across the range is uncommon. Thalassia testudinum maintains genetic diversity across its entire distribution range. The genetic split may be explained by genetic drift during recolonization from refugia following relatively recent reduction in available habitat such as the last glacial maxima.
Frontiers in Plant Science | 2017
Kathryn McMahon; Richard D. Evans; Kor-jent van Dijk; Udhi Hernawan; Gary A. Kendrick; Paul S. Lavery; Ryan J. Lowe; Marji Puotinen; Michelle Waycott
Clonality is common in many aquatic plant species, including seagrasses, where populations are maintained through a combination of asexual and sexual reproduction. One common measure used to describe the clonal structure of populations is clonal richness. Clonal richness is strongly dependent on the biological characteristics of the species, and how these interact with the environment but can also reflect evolutionary scale processes especially at the edge of species ranges. However, little is known about the spatial patterns and drivers of clonal richness in tropical seagrasses. This study assessed the spatial patterns of clonal richness in meadows of three tropical seagrass species, Thalassia hemprichii, Halodule uninervis, and Halophila ovalis, spanning a range of life-history strategies and spatial scales (2.5–4,711 km) in Indonesia and NW Australia. We further investigated the drivers of clonal richness using general additive mixed models for two of the species, H. uninervis and H. ovalis, over 8° latitude. No significant patterns were observed in clonal richness with latitude, yet disturbance combined with sea surface temperature strongly predicted spatial patterns of clonal richness. Sites with a high probability of cyclone disturbance had low clonal richness, whereas an intermediate probability of cyclone disturbance and the presence of dugong grazing combined with higher sea surface temperatures resulted in higher levels of clonal richness. We propose potential mechanisms for these patterns related to the recruitment and mortality rates of individuals as well as reproductive effort. Under a changing climate, increased severity of tropical cyclones and the decline in populations of mega-grazers have the potential to reduce clonal richness leading to less genetically diverse populations.