L. Zeng
University of California, Los Angeles
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Featured researches published by L. Zeng.
Nuclear Fusion | 2005
T.E. Evans; R.A. Moyer; J.G. Watkins; T.H. Osborne; P.R. Thomas; M. Becoulet; J.A. Boedo; E. J. Doyle; M.E. Fenstermacher; K.H. Finken; R. J. Groebner; M. Groth; J. H. Harris; G.L. Jackson; R.J. La Haye; C.J. Lasnier; S. Masuzaki; N. Ohyabu; David Pretty; H. Reimerdes; T.L. Rhodes; D.L. Rudakov; M.J. Schaffer; M.R. Wade; G. Wang; W.P. West; L. Zeng
Large sub-millisecond heat pulses due to Type-I edge localized modes (ELMs) have been eliminated reproducibly in DIII-D for periods approaching nine energy confinement times (τE) with small dc currents driven in a simple magnetic perturbation coil. The current required to eliminate all but a few isolated Type-I ELM impulses during a coil pulse is less than 0.4% of plasma current. Based on magnetic field line modelling, the perturbation fields resonate with plasma flux surfaces across most of the pedestal region (0.9 ≤ ψN ≤ 1.0) when q95 = 3.7 ± 0.2, creating small remnant magnetic islands surrounded by weakly stochastic field lines. The stored energy, βN, H-mode quality factor and global energy confinement time are unaltered by the magnetic perturbation. Although some isolated ELMs occur during the coil pulse, long periods free of large Type-I ELMs (Δt > 4–6 τE) have been reproduced numerous times, on multiple experimental run days in high and intermediate triangularity plasmas, including cases matching the baseline ITER scenario 2 flux surface shape. In low triangularity, lower single null plasmas, with collisionalities near that expected in ITER, Type-I ELMs are replaced by small amplitude, high frequency Type-II-like ELMs and are often accompanied by one or more ELM-free periods approaching 1–2 τE. Large Type-I ELM impulses represent a severe constraint on the survivability of the divertor target plates in future burning plasma devices. Results presented in this paper demonstrate that non-axisymmetric edge magnetic perturbations provide a very attractive development path for active ELM control in future tokamaks such as ITER.
Physics of Plasmas | 2005
R.A. Moyer; T.E. Evans; T. H. Osborne; P.R. Thomas; M. Becoulet; J. H. Harris; K.H. Finken; J.A. Boedo; E. J. Doyle; M.E. Fenstermacher; P. Gohil; R. J. Groebner; M. Groth; G.L. Jackson; R.J. La Haye; C.J. Lasnier; A.W. Leonard; G.R. McKee; H. Reimerdes; T.L. Rhodes; D.L. Rudakov; M.J. Schaffer; P.B. Snyder; M.R. Wade; G. Wang; J.G. Watkins; W. P. West; L. Zeng
This work was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy under Grant Nos. DE-FC02-04ER54698, DE-FG02- 04ER54758, DE-FG03-01ER54615, W-7405-ENG-48, DEFG03-96ER54373, DE-FG02-89ER53297, DE-AC05- 00OR22725, and DE-AC04-94AL85000.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 2005
K.H. Burrell; T.E. Evans; E. J. Doyle; M.E. Fenstermacher; R. J. Groebner; A.W. Leonard; R.A. Moyer; T.H. Osborne; M.J. Schaffer; P.B. Snyder; P.R. Thomas; W.P. West; J.A. Boedo; A. M. Garofalo; P. Gohil; G.L. Jackson; R.J. La Haye; C.J. Lasnier; H. Reimerdes; T.L. Rhodes; J. T. Scoville; W.M. Solomon; D. M. Thomas; G. Wang; J.G. Watkins; L. Zeng
Using resonant magnetic perturbations with toroidal mode number n = 3, we have produced H-mode discharges without edge localized modes (ELMs) which run with constant density and radiated power for periods up to about 2550 ms (17 energy confinement times). These ELM suppression results are achieved at pedestal collisionalities close to those desired for next step burning plasma experiments such as ITER and provide a means of eliminating the rapid erosion of divertor components in such machines which could be caused by giant ELMs. The ELM suppression is due to an enhancement in the edge particle transport which reduces the edge pressure gradient and pedestal current density below the threshold for peeling-ballooning modes. These n = 3 magnetic perturbations provide a means of active control of edge plasma transport.
Nuclear Fusion | 2011
T.L. Rhodes; C. Holland; S.P. Smith; A.E. White; K.H. Burrell; J. Candy; J.C. DeBoo; E. J. Doyle; J. C. Hillesheim; J. E. Kinsey; G.R. McKee; D. R. Mikkelsen; W. A. Peebles; C. C. Petty; R. Prater; Scott E. Parker; Yang Chen; L. Schmitz; G. M. Staebler; R. E. Waltz; G. Wang; Z. Yan; L. Zeng
A series of carefully designed experiments on DIII-D have taken advantage of a broad set of turbulence and profile diagnostics to rigorously test gyrokinetic turbulence simulations. In this paper the goals, tools and experiments performed in these validation studies are reviewed and specific examples presented. It is found that predictions of transport and fluctuation levels in the mid-core region (0.4 < ρ < 0.75) are in better agreement with experiment than those in the outer region (ρ ≥ 0.75) where edge coupling effects may become increasingly important and multiscale simulations may also be necessary. Validation studies such as these are crucial in developing confidence in a first-principles based predictive capability for ITER.
Nuclear Fusion | 2005
D.L. Rudakov; J.A. Boedo; R.A. Moyer; P.C. Stangeby; J.G. Watkins; D.G. Whyte; L. Zeng; N. H. Brooks; R.P. Doerner; T.E. Evans; M.E. Fenstermacher; M. Groth; E.M. Hollmann; S. I. Krasheninnikov; C.J. Lasnier; A.W. Leonard; M.A. Mahdavi; G.R. McKee; A.G. McLean; A. Yu. Pigarov; William R. Wampler; Gengchen Wang; W.P. West; C.P.C. Wong
Far Scrape-Off Layer (SOL) and near-wall plasma parameters in DIII-D depend strongly on the discharge parameters and confinement regime. In L-mode discharges cross-field transport increases with the average discharge density and flattens far SOL profiles, thus increasing plasma contact with the low field side (LFS) main chamber wall. In H-mode between edge localized modes (ELMs) the plasma?wall contact is weaker than in L-mode. During ELM fluxes of particles and heat to the LFS wall increase transiently above the L-mode values. Depending on the discharge conditions, ELMs are responsible for 30?90% of the net ion flux to the outboard chamber wall. ELMs in high density discharges feature intermittent transport events similar to those observed in L-mode and attributed to blobs of dense hot plasma formed inside the separatrix and propagating radially outwards. Though the blobs decay with radius, some of them survive long enough to reach the outer wall and possibly cause sputtering. In lower density H-modes, ELMs can feature blobs of pedestal density propagating all the way to the outer wall.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 2002
K.H. Burrell; M. E. Austin; D.P. Brennan; J.C. DeBoo; E. J. Doyle; P. Gohil; C. M. Greenfield; Richard J. Groebner; L. L. Lao; T.C. Luce; Michael A. Makowski; G.R. McKee; R.A. Moyer; T.H. Osborne; M. Porkolab; T.L. Rhodes; J C Rost; Michael J. Schaffer; Barry W. Stallard; E. J. Strait; M.R. Wade; G Wang; J.G. Watkins; W.P. West; L. Zeng
H-mode operation is the choice for next-step tokamak devices based either on conventional or advanced tokamak physics. This choice, however, comes at a significant cost for both the conventional and advanced tokamaks because of the effects of edge-localized modes (ELMs). ELMs can produce significant erosion in the divertor and can affect the β limit and reduced core transport regions needed for advanced tokamak operation. Recent experimental results from DIII-D have demonstrated a new operating regime, the quiescent H-mode regime, which solves these problems. We have achieved quiescent H-mode operation which is ELM-free and yet has good density control. In addition, we have demonstrated that an internal transport barrier can be produced and maintained inside the H-mode edge barrier for long periods of time (>3.5 s or >25 energy confinement times τE). By forming the core barrier and then stepping up the input power, we have achieved βNH89 = 7 for up to 10 times the τE of 160 ms. The βNH89 values of 7 substantially exceed the value of 4 routinely achieved in standard ELMing \mbox{H-mode.} The key factors in creating the quiescent H-mode operation are neutral beam injection in the direction opposite to the plasma current (counter injection) plus cryopumping to reduce the density. Density control in the quiescent H-mode is possible because of the presence of an edge MHD oscillation, the edge harmonic oscillation, which enhances the edge particle transport while leaving the energy transport unaffected.
Physics of Plasmas | 1999
Barry W. Stallard; C. M. Greenfield; G. M. Staebler; C. L. Rettig; M. S. Chu; M. E. Austin; D.R. Baker; L. R. Baylor; K.H. Burrell; J.C. DeBoo; J.S. deGrassie; E. J. Doyle; J. Lohr; G.R. McKee; R. L. Miller; W. A. Peebles; C. C. Petty; R. I. Pinsker; B. W. Rice; T. L. Rhodes; R. E. Waltz; L. Zeng
In DIII-D tokamak plasmas with an internal transport barrier (ITB), the comparison of gyrokinetic linear stability (GKS) predictions with experiments in both low and strong negative magnetic shear plasmas provide improved understanding for ion and electron thermal transport within much of the plasma. As previously reported, the region for improved ion transport seems well characterized by the condition OE~B>Y-, where SERB is the ExB flow shear, calculated from measured quantities, and y,, is the maximum linear growth rate for ion temperature gradient (ITG) modes in the absence of flow shear. Within a limited region just inside the ITB, the electron temperature gradient (ETG) modes appear to control the electron temperature gradient and, consequently, the electron thermal transport. The increase in electron temperature gradient with more strongly negative magnetic shear is consistent with the increase in the ETG mode marginal gradient. Closer to the magnetic axis the Te profile flattens and the ETG modes are predicted to be stable. With additional core electron heating, FIR scattering measurements near the axis show the presence of high k fluctuations (12 cm-l), rotating in the electron diamagnetic drift direction. This turbulence could impact electron transport and possibly also ion transport. Thermal diffusivities for electrons, and to a lesser degree ions, increase. The ETG mode can exist at this wavenumber, but it is computed to be robustly stable near the axis.
Physics of Plasmas | 2006
T.E. Evans; K.H. Burrell; M.E. Fenstermacher; R.A. Moyer; T.H. Osborne; M.J. Schaffer; W.P. West; L. W. Yan; J. Boedo; E. J. Doyle; G.L. Jackson; I. Joseph; C.J. Lasnier; A.W. Leonard; T.L. Rhodes; P. R. Thomas; J. G. Watkins; L. Zeng
Small edge resonant magnetic perturbations are used to control the pedestal transport and stability in low electron collisionality (νe*), ITER [ITER Physics Basis Editors et al., Nucl. Fusion 39, 2137 (1999)] relevant, poloidally diverted plasmas. The applied perturbations reduce the height of the density pedestal and increase its width while increasing the height of the electron pedestal temperature and its gradient. The effect of the perturbations on the pedestal gradients is controlled by the current in the perturbation coil, the poloidal mode spectrum of the coil, the neutral beam heating power, and the divertor deuterium fueling rate. Large pedestal instabilities, referred to as edge localized modes (ELMs), are completely eliminated with radial magnetic perturbations (δbr(m∕n)) at the q=m∕n=11∕3 surface exceeding δbr(11∕3)Bϕ−1=2.6×10−4, where Bϕ is the toroidal magnetic field on axis. The resulting ELM-free H-mode plasmas have stationary densities and radiated power, are maintained in DIII-D for up t...
Physics of Plasmas | 2006
M. Murakami; M. R. Wade; C. M. Greenfield; T.C. Luce; J.R. Ferron; H.E. St. John; J.C. DeBoo; W.W. Heidbrink; Y. Luo; M. A. Makowski; T.H. Osborne; C. C. Petty; P.A. Politzer; S.L. Allen; M. E. Austin; K.H. Burrell; T. A. Casper; E. J. Doyle; A. M. Garofalo; P. Gohil; I.A. Gorelov; R. J. Groebner; A.W. Hyatt; R. J. Jayakumar; K. Kajiwara; C. Kessel; J.E. Kinsey; R.J. La Haye; L. L. Lao; A.W. Leonard
The DIII-D Advanced Tokamak (AT) program in the DIII-D tokamak [J. L. Luxon, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Research, 1986, Vol. I (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1987), p. 159] is aimed at developing a scientific basis for steady-state, high-performance operation in future devices. This requires simultaneously achieving 100% noninductive operation with high self-driven bootstrap current fraction and toroidal beta. Recent progress in this area includes demonstration of 100% noninductive conditions with toroidal beta, βT=3.6%, normalized beta, βN=3.5, and confinement factor, H89=2.4 with the plasma current driven completely by bootstrap, neutral beam current drive, and electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD). The equilibrium reconstructions indicate that the noninductive current profile is well aligned, with little inductively driven current remaining anywhere in the plasma. The current balance calculation improved with beam ion redistribution that was supported by recent fast ion diagno...
Physics of Plasmas | 2010
Anne E. White; W. A. Peebles; T.L. Rhodes; C. Holland; G. Wang; L. Schmitz; Troy Carter; J. C. Hillesheim; E. J. Doyle; L. Zeng; G.R. McKee; G. M. Staebler; R. E. Waltz; J.C. DeBoo; C. C. Petty; K.H. Burrell
This paper presents new measurements of the cross-phase angle, αneTe, between long-wavelength (kθρs<0.5) density, ne, and electron temperature, Te, fluctuations in the core of DIII-D [J. L. Luxon, Nucl. Fusion 42, 614 (2002)] tokamak plasmas. The coherency and cross-phase angle between ne and Te are measured using coupled reflectometer and correlation electron cyclotron emission diagnostics that view the same plasma volume. In addition to the experimental results, two sets of local, nonlinear gyrokinetic turbulence simulations that are performed with the GYRO code [J. Candy and R. E. Waltz, J. Comput. Phys. 186, 545 (2003)] are described. One set, called the pre-experiment simulations, was performed prior to the experiment in order to predict a change in αneTe given experimentally realizable increases in the electron temperature, Te. In the experiment the cross-phase angle was measured at three radial locations (ρ=0.55, 0.65, and 0.75) in both a “Base” case and a “High Te” case. The measured cross-pha...