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Featured researches published by Libor Petr.

Biologia | 2008

Holocene dynamics of the alpine timberline in the High Sudetes

Václav Treml; Vlasta Jankovská; Libor Petr

The study focuses on the High Sudetes that represent the most distinctive islands of alpine forest-free area among hercynian mid-mountains of Central Europe. Based on data from newly taken cores and previously published pollen profiles, comparison of the development of the alpine timberline position is carried out. The first of the analysed pollen profiles — the Labský důl core in the Krkonoše Mts spans the whole period of the Holocene, the Keprník and Mezikotlí profiles in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts bring information from the Subboreal/older Subatlanticum turn to the present. An exceptional position of the Krkonoše Mts in terms of permanent presence of the alpine belt throughout the Holocene was confirmed. Three oscillations of the alpine timberline during the Lower Holocene were detected in the profile from the Labský důl site. In the Hrubý Jeseník Mts a temperature dependent forest-free area existed at least since Subboreal to the present.

The Holocene | 2016

Origin of a boreal birch bog woodland and landscape development on a warm low mountain summit at the Carpathian–Pannonian interface

Andrea Gálová; Petra Hájková; Malvína Čierniková; Libor Petr; Michal Hájek; Jan Novák; Jan Rohovec; Eva Jamrichová

Hilly regions along the Western Carpathian–Pannonian border are phytogeographically important, but their vegetation history remains largely unknown. We analysed two peat cores of Late Glacial origin from a bog woodland in the Malé Karpaty Mts (SW Slovakia) using plant macrofossil, pollen, peat chemistry and charcoal analyses to trace local successional patterns, regional vegetation development and occurrence of rare species. The small distance between the two profiles situated within homogeneous vegetation enabled us to explore small-scale differences in local vegetation history. The sediment started to accumulate at the end of the Allerød (ca. 12950 cal. yr BP), when a shallow oligotrophic/mesotrophic lake with macrophytes developed. Open pine-birch forests dominated in the landscape. During the early Holocene, the lake was infilled, mire vegetation appeared and broad-leaved forests spread in the surroundings. Two fire events indicated by increases in number of macroscopic charcoal particles were recorded. The first one, which occurred at the end of the Late Glacial, was found only in one of the profiles, while the second one affected entire mire and probably caused a hiatus spanning the middle and late Holocene. Fagus started to spread no later than 5800 cal. yr BP. Open mire vegetation reappeared after the fire (ca. 400 cal. yr BP). During the 19th century, the mire was overgrown by a birch bog woodland. The two profiles showed basically the same successional patterns, but some local events and occurrences of rare species (Potamogeton alpinus, Potamogeton praelongus, Scorpidium scorpioides and Pleurospermum austriacum) were traced only in one of them.

The Holocene | 2017

Middle- and upper-Holocene woodland history in central Moravia (Czech Republic) reveals biases of pollen and anthracological analysis

Jan Novák; Vojtěch Abraham; Petr Kočár; Libor Petr; Romana Kočárová; Kateřina Nováková; Petra Houfková; Vlasta Jankovská; Zděnek Vaněček

The aims of this article are, first, to investigate the middle- and upper-Holocene woodland history along the altitudinal gradient between the lowlands and uplands of Central Europe (190–550 m a.s.l.) and, second, to outline possible biases inherent in the charcoal record based on a comparison with the pollen record and its known biases. Our anthracological data set contains 42,547 determinations made in 120 charcoal samples taken at 69 sites. The lowest elevated part of the study region (below 200 m a.s.l.) is characterized by the long-term presence of a species-rich hardwood forest (mixed oak–elm–ash forest). Quercus charcoals dominated in the rest of the altitude zones during the Neolithic and Aeneolithic; however, shrub charcoals appearing in samples from areas with chernozem soils (generally up to 230 m a.s.l.) indicate open-canopy oak woodlands. The species composition differed along the altitudinal gradient during the Bronze Age period, when Carpinus, Fagus and Abies expanded to altitudes above 230 m a.s.l., while Fagus was more abundant above 290 m a.s.l. Broadleaved trees (Quercus, Fraxinus, Ulmus, Acer and Carpinus) and shrubs are generally more represented in charcoals than pollen. Since broadleaved trees are usually nutrient demanding and able to re-grow easily after being felled, we suppose that their charcoal record is influenced by two main factors: bias of the initial location of the archaeological site and bias caused by long-term human influence on forest vegetation in the vicinity of settlements. These results underline that combining charcoal and pollen analysis has great potential for studying phenomena in cultural landscapes, as each of the methods approaches nature from the opposite side of the human–nature gradient.

Geografiska Annaler Series A-physical Geography | 2011


Martin Margold; Václav Treml; Libor Petr; Petra Nyplova

Margold, M., Treml, V., Petr, L. and Nyplová, P., 2011. Snowpatch hollows and pronival ramparts in the Krkonoše Mountains, Czech Republic: distribution, morphology and chronology of formation. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 93, 137–150. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468‐0459.2011.00422.x Abstract Two types of landforms attributed to the geomorphological effects of long‐lasting snow accumulations, snowpatch hollows and pronival ramparts, were studied in the Krkonoše Mountains, Czech Republic. Factors influencing the distribution and morphology of snowpatch hollows were examined using statistical analysis of field‐measured and DEM‐modelled snowpatch hollow characteristics. Snowpatch hollows were classified into two groups. The first group comprises hollows developed mainly in erosional incisions from streams on low‐relief summit planation surfaces. The hollows of this group are relatively small and display signs of recent activity, with development during the Holocene. The second group consists of larger snowpatch hollows developed in debris‐covered slopes of the highest summits, closely related to the cryoplanation terraces occurring in the area. The hollows of this group are suggested to have developed in the periglacial environment of the glacial periods. The age and degree of activity of pronival ramparts, occurring only at two sites in the study area, were determined using several methods (Schmidt hammer, lichenometry, pollen analysis, and radiocarbon dating). The appearance of these pronival ramparts differs between the two sites as a result of the different geological setting. Both the ramparts in the Harrachova jáma cirque, consisting of coarse granite debris, and the rampart in the Úpská jáma cirque, developed of mica‐schist clasts, have been active during the late Holocene and are considered to be active even today.

PLOS ONE | 2014

Medieval Horse Stable; The Results of Multi Proxy Interdisciplinary Research

Miroslav Dejmal; Lenka Lisá; Miriam Fišáková Nývltová; Aleš Bajer; Libor Petr; Petr Kočár; Romana Kočárová; Ladislav Nejman; Michal Rybníček; Zdenka Sůvová; Randy Culp; Hanuš Vavrčík

A multi proxy approach was applied in the reconstruction of the architecture of Medieval horse stable architecture, the maintenance practices associated with that structure as well as horse alimentation at the beginning of 13th century in Central Europe. Finally, an interpretation of the local vegetation structure along Morava River, Czech Republic is presented. The investigated stable experienced two construction phases. The infill was well preserved and its composition reflects maintenance practices. The uppermost part of the infill was composed of fresh stabling, which accumulated within a few months at the end of summer. Horses from different backgrounds were kept in the stable and this is reflected in the results of isotope analyses. Horses were fed meadow grasses as well as woody vegetation, millet, oat, and less commonly hemp, wheat and rye. Three possible explanations of stable usage are suggested. The stable was probably used on a temporary basis for horses of workers employed at the castle, courier horses and horses used in battle.

Biologia | 2014

High vegetation and environmental diversity during the Late Glacial and Early Holocene on the example of lowlands in the Czech Republic

Libor Petr; Jan Novák

The diversity of vegetation and the environment in the Late Glacial period in the Elbe region is illustrated by a comparison of three palynological localities. The localities differ in their history, profile lithology and position relative to the Elbe river. The Hrabanovská černava profile holds a record of the development of a shallow lake, which was surrounded by a cold continental steppe in the Early Dryas. Evidence of a pine forest in the Late Glacial period is captured in the surroundings of the profile Chrást. The Mělnický úval — Přívory locality is an interdune infill, where marl sediments redeposited in shallow water. The surrounding vegetation was diffuse and influenced by erosion. In the Early Holocene, the landscape was covered by an open birch-pine forest. Broad-leaved woody species appeared later. Localities in the Elbe region share a high proportion of Pinus throughout the Holocene as a result of the spread of drift and terrace sands. The human impact in the mid Holocene manifests as evidence of intensive charring of localities.

Journal of Vegetation Science | 2018

Holocene vegetation history of the Jeseníky Mts: Deepening elevational contrast in pollen assemblages since late prehistory

Lydie Dudová; Michal Hájek; Libor Petr; Vlasta Jankovská

We tested how did the vegetation of a Central European mountain region with a fragmented alpine zone develop during the Holocene and when did human land use start to alter summit grasslands. For the last 6,000 years, the main gradient correlated with altitude, which is a complex factor corresponding to temperature and geomorphology (flat summits vs alluvia of mountain rivulets). This elevational differentiation became more pronounced after 2,250cal BP. i.e. since the Iron Age. Human impact might facilitate beech expansion at high elevations, with Picea-dominated forests being restricted to alluvia and around mid-elevation basin peatlands prior to establishment of modern Picea plantations.

Archaeologia historica | 2017

Nedestruktivní průzkum bojiště první světové války na kótě Kobyla (okres Medzilaborce)

Jiří Zubalík; Jakub Těsnohlídek; Jan Petřík; Richard Bíško; Martin Vojtas; Radim Kapavík; Libor Petr; Peter Tajkov; Martin Drobňák

V zimě 1914–1915 zasahly udalosti prvni světove valky uzemi soucasneho Slovenska. V kopcovitem terenu Východnich Karpat se na konci března pokusila ruska armada neuspěsně prolomit rakousko-uherskou obranu. Autorský tým se zaměřil na výzkum polniho opevněni na vrchu Kobyla, ktere bylo svědkem nejtvrdsich bojů. Opakovane utoky a protiutoky daly vzniknout bohate spleti zakopů a obranných pozic. Vybraný usek opevněni byl dokumentovan pomoci nedestruktivnich metod, kresebne i fotograficke dokumentace a detektoroveho průzkumu s cilem zaznamenat a interpretovat struktury, postihnout doklady valecných udalosti a zachytit doklady přitomnosti vojaků znepřatelených stran. Ziskana data byla porovnana s pisemnými prameny. Výrazna koncentrace objektů v týlu byla podrobena detailni dokumentaci a detektorovemu průzkumu. Bylo ziskano několik set předmětů denni potřeby, casti uniforem, výstroje, výzbroje i munice.

Archaeologia historica | 2017

Rybník jako součást hospodářství vrchnostenského panství a indikátor podoby krajiny jižního Valašska v 15. až 17. století

Jan Petřík; Michal Hlavica; Libor Petr; Tomáš Chmela; Zdeněk Schenk; Hana Lukšíková; Peter Milo; Radim Vrla; Petr Odehnal; Zdeněk Petrůj; Martin Petrůj; Petr Kočár

Soucasti hospodařskeho rozvoje v kontinentalni Evropě 14. až 16. stoleti bylo rozsiřeni rybniků. V některých regionech se chov ryb stal jednou z hlavnich podnikatelských aktivit slechty. V ceských zemich zname dodnes existujici dila středověkých rybnikařů předevsim z jižnich a východnich Cech. Zajimave doklady těchto aktivit vsak byly zaznamenany i v oblasti jihovýchodni Moravy, kde dnes již neexistujici rybniky podstatně změnily podobu hospodařstvi i raz krajiny někdejsiho brumovskeho panstvi. To naznacuji dochovane pisemne prameny i terenni relikty, jež jsou v dnesni krajině stale jestě vice ci meně patrne. Archeologický výzkum pozůstatků konkretniho rybnicniho dila nedaleko obce Mirosova vedl k lokalizaci dobře dochovaných dřevěných prvků sypane hraze, jež datuji jeho založeni do obdobi po roce 1488. V prostoru rybnika, který pravděpodobně zanikl narusenim hraze svahovým sesuvem po roce 1536, byly take zaznamenany zbytky vodni a segetalni vegetace. Jejich paleoekologicka analýza doložila krajinu tvořenou mozaikou lesů, poli a pastvin. Průzkum sirsiho okoli pak prokazal napojeni hraze na siť pozdně středověkých až novověkých uvozových cest a hraz dalsiho rybnicniho dila. Ta doklada přitomnost vicestupňove rybnicni soustavy.

Studia archaeologica brunensia | 2016

Paleoekologický záznam středověkého a novověkého osídlení v nivních sedimentech na pomezí Jevišovické pahorkatiny a Dyjsko-svrateckého úvalu

Jan Petřík; Hana Lukšíková; Libor Petr; Jarmila Bíšková; Richard Bíško; Klára Šabatová; Nela Doláková; Šárka Hladilová; Tomáš Ondrušík

Ze sedimentarnich výplni v nivach Unanovky a Jevisovky byly za ucelem výzkumu vývoje krajiny ve středověku a novověku odebrany vzorky pro makrozbytkovou, palynologickou a malakozoologickou analýzu. Profil Jevisovka podle ziskaných dat odraži vývoj od vrcholneho středověku do novověku. Profil Unanovka 3 se vztahuje pouze k novověku, a to od 17. stoleti. Z pisemných a archeologických pramenů bylo zjistěno, že na přelomu raneho a vrcholneho středověku dochazi v regionu ke stabilizaci sidelni struktury, ktera přetrvava do soucasnosti. Sedimenty vrcholneho středověku ve vrtu Jevisovka obsahuji velke množstvi makrozbytků z různých ekologických skupin, dřeviny a lesni druhy se vyskytuji minimalně. Ve vrstvě datovane do 14. stoleti se vyskytla pohanka obecna. Ve vyssich vrstvach převažuji ruderalni a segetalni druhy rostlin s mokřadnimi a vodnimi taxony, dřeviny mizi. Posledni faze z 18.–19. stoleti obsahuje makrozbytky vsech ekologických skupin a take dřeviny, mezi nimi jehlice smrku ztepileho, jako důsledek lesniho hospodařstvi, a pěstovane druhy tabak virginský a mak. Pylový zaznam ve svrchni casti profilu Jevisovka, ktera je zřejmě z 18. stoleti až soucasnosti, indikuje silně ruderalizovanou vegetaci v intravilanu vesnice. V připadě vrtu Unanovka 3 se nejnižsi vrstvy datovane do 17. stoleti vyznacuji přitomnosti druhů křovin a lesnich lemů rostoucich v okoli vodnich toků a ruderalnich stanovisť.


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Petr Kočár

University of West Bohemia

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Lenka Lisá

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

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Vlasta Jankovská

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

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Petr Pokorný

Charles University in Prague

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