Liudmila Chelysheva
Institut national de la recherche agronomique
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Featured researches published by Liudmila Chelysheva.
Journal of Cell Science | 2005
Liudmila Chelysheva; Stéphanie Diallo; Daniel Vezon; Ghislaine Gendrot; Nathalie Vrielynck; Katia Belcram; Nathalie Rocques; Angustias Márquez-Lema; Anuj M. Bhatt; Christine Horlow; Raphael Mercier; Christine Mézard; Mathilde Grelon
The success of the first meiotic division relies (among other factors) on the formation of bivalents between homologous chromosomes, the monopolar orientation of the sister kinetochores at metaphase I and the maintenance of centromeric cohesion until the onset of anaphase II. The meiotic cohesin subunit, Rec8 has been reported to be one of the key players in these processes, but its precise role in kinetochore orientation is still under debate. By contrast, much less is known about the other non-SMC cohesin subunit, Scc3. We report the identification and the characterisation of AtSCC3, the sole Arabidopsis homologue of Scc3. The detection of AtSCC3 in mitotic cells, the embryo lethality of a null allele Atscc3-2, and the mitotic defects of the weak allele Atscc3-1 suggest that AtSCC3 is required for mitosis. AtSCC3 was also detected in meiotic nuclei as early as interphase, and bound to the chromosome axis from early leptotene through to anaphase I. We show here that both AtREC8 and AtSCC3 are necessary not only to maintain centromere cohesion at anaphase I, but also for the monopolar orientation of the kinetochores during the first meiotic division. We also found that AtREC8 is involved in chromosome axis formation in an AtSPO11-1-independent manner. Finally, we provide evidence for a role of AtSPO11-1 in the stability of the cohesin complex.
Current Biology | 2005
Raphael Mercier; Sylvie Jolivet; Daniel Vezon; Emelyne Huppe; Liudmila Chelysheva; Maité Giovanni; Fabien Nogué; Marie-Pascale Doutriaux; Christine Horlow; Mathilde Grelon; Christine Mézard
BACKGROUND Crossovers are essential for the completion of meiosis. Recently, two pathways of crossover formation have been identified on the basis of distinct genetic controls. In one pathway, crossover inhibits the occurrence of another such event in a distance-dependent manner. This phenomenon is known as interference. The second kind of crossover is insensitive to interference. The two pathways function independently in budding yeast. Only interference-insensitive crossovers occur in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. In contrast, only interference-sensitive crossovers occur in Caenorabditis elegans. The situation in mammals and plants remains unclear. Mer3 is one of the genes shown to be required for the formation of interference-sensitive crossovers in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. RESULTS To unravel the crossover status in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana, we investigated the role of the A. thaliana MER3 gene through the characterization of a series of allelic mutants. All mer3 mutants showed low levels of fertility and a significant decrease (about 75%) but not a total disappearance of meiotic crossovers, with the number of recombination events initiated in the mutants being similar to that in the wild-type. Genetic analyses showed that the residual crossovers in mer3 mutants did not display interference in one set of adjacent intervals. CONCLUSIONS Mutation in MER3 in Arabidopsis appeared to be specific to recombination events resulting in interference-sensitive crossovers. Thus, MER3 function is conserved from yeast to plants and may exist in other metazoans. Arabidopsis therefore has at least two pathways for crossover formation, one giving rise to interference-sensitive crossover and the other to independently distributed crossovers.
The Plant Cell | 2004
Bruno Favery; Liudmila Chelysheva; Manuel Lebris; Fabien Jammes; Anne Marmagne; Janice de Almeida-Engler; Philippe Lecomte; Chantal Vaury; Robert A. Arkowitz; Pierre Abad
Plant-parasitic nematodes Meloidogyne spp induce an elaborate permanent feeding site characterized by the redifferentiation of root cells into multinucleate and hypertrophied giant cells. We have isolated by a promoter trap strategy an Arabidopsis thaliana formin gene, AtFH6, which is upregulated during giant cell formation. Formins are actin-nucleating proteins that stimulate de novo polymerization of actin filaments. We show here that three type-I formins were upregulated in giant cells and that the AtFH6 protein was anchored to the plasma membrane and uniformly distributed. Suppression of the budding defect of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae bni1Δ bnr1Δ mutant showed that AtFH6 regulates polarized growth by controlling the assembly of actin cables. Our results suggest that AtFH6 might be involved in the isotropic growth of hypertrophied feeding cells via the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. The actin cables would serve as tracks for vesicle trafficking needed for extensive plasma membrane and cell wall biogenesis. Therefore, determining how plant parasitic nematodes modify root cells into giant cells represents an attractive system to identify genes that regulate cell growth and morphogenesis.
Science | 2012
Wayne Crismani; Chloe Girard; Nicole Froger; Mónica Pradillo; Juan L. Santos; Liudmila Chelysheva; Gregory P. Copenhaver; Christine Horlow; Raphael Mercier
No Crossing Over To ensure the correct division of chromosome during the reduction division of meiosis, homologous chromosomes undergo double-strand breaks that—through crossing over and recombination—link the homologs together (and importantly introduce diversity into the genomes of gametes). But only a minority of these crossovers results in recombination—most are directed into non-crossover pathways. Lorenz et al. (p. 1585), working in the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and Crismani et al. (p. 1588), working in the higher plant Arabidopsis thaliana, looked for the factors that limit crossovers and promote non-crossover pathways. The homolog of the human Fanconi anemia complementation group M (FANCM) helicase protein was found to be a major meiotic anti-recombinase, which could drive meiotic recombination intermediates into the non-crossover pathway. A homolog of a human Fanconi anemia complementation group protein is involved in controlling crossing over during meiosis. The number of meiotic crossovers (COs) is tightly regulated within a narrow range, despite a large excess of molecular precursors. The factors that limit COs remain largely unknown. Here, using a genetic screen in Arabidopsis thaliana, we identified the highly conserved FANCM helicase, which is required for genome stability in humans and yeasts, as a major factor limiting meiotic CO formation. The fancm mutant has a threefold-increased CO frequency as compared to the wild type. These extra COs arise not from the pathway that accounts for most of the COs in wild type, but from an alternate, normally minor pathway. Thus, FANCM is a key factor imposing an upper limit on the number of meiotic COs, and its manipulation holds much promise for plant breeding.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 2006
Martine Leflon; Frédérique Eber; J. C. Letanneur; Liudmila Chelysheva; Olivier Coriton; Virginie Huteau; Carol D. Ryder; Guy C. Barker; Eric Jenczewski; Anne-Marie Chèvre
Interspecific crosses contribute significantly to plant evolution enabling gene exchanges between species. The efficiency of interspecific crosses depends on the similarity between the implicated genomes as high levels of genome similarity are required to ensure appropriate chromosome pairing and genetic recombination. Brassica napus (AACC) is an allopolyploid, resulting from natural hybridization between Brassica rapa (AA) and Brassica oleracea (CC), both being diploid species derived from a common ancestor. To study the relationships between genomes of these Brassica species, we have determined simultaneously the pairing and recombination pattern of A and C chromosomes during meiosis of AAC triploid hybrids, which result from the interspecific cross between natural B. napus and B. rapa. Different AAC triploid hybrids and their progenies have been analysed using cytogenetic, BAC-FISH, and molecular techniques. In 71% of the pollen mother cells, homologous A chromosomes paired regularly, and usually one chromosome of each pair was transmitted to the progeny. C chromosomes remained mainly univalent, but were involved in homoeologous pairing in 21.5% of the cells, and 13% of the transmitted C chromosomes were either recombined or broken. The rate of transmission of C chromosomes depended on the identity of the particular chromosome and on the way the hybrid was crossed, as the male or as the female parent, to B. napus or to B. rapa. Gene transfers in triploid hybrids are favoured between A genomes of B. rapa and B. napus, but also occur between A and C genomes though at lower rates.
PLOS Genetics | 2007
Liudmila Chelysheva; Ghislaine Gendrot; Daniel Vezon; Marie-Pascale Doutriaux; Raphael Mercier; Mathilde Grelon
In budding yeast meiosis, the formation of class I interference-sensitive crossovers requires the ZMM proteins. These ZMM proteins are essential in forming a mature synaptonemal complex, and a subset of these (Zip2, Zip3, and Zip4) has been proposed to compose the core of synapsis initiation complexes (SICs). Zip4/Spo22 functions with Zip2 to promote polymerization of Zip1 along chromosomes, making it a crucial SIC component. In higher eukaryotes, synapsis and recombination have often been correlated, but it is totally unknown how these two processes are linked. In this study, we present the characterization of a higher eukaryote SIC component homologue: Arabidopsis AtZIP4. We show that mutations in AtZIP4 belong to the same epistasis group as Atmsh4 and eliminate approximately 85% of crossovers (COs). Furthermore, genetic analyses on two adjacent intervals of Chromosome I established that the remaining COs in Atzip4 do not show interference. Lastly, immunolocalization studies showed that polymerization of the central element of the synaptonemal complex is not affected in Atzip4 background, even if it may proceed from fewer sites compared to wild type. These results reveal that Zip4 function in class I CO formation is conserved from budding yeast to Arabidopsis. On the other hand, and contrary to the situation in yeast, mutation in AtZIP4 does not prevent synapsis, showing that both aspects of the Zip4 function (i.e., class I CO maturation and synapsis) can be uncoupled.
PLOS Genetics | 2012
Nataliya E. Yelina; Kyuha Choi; Liudmila Chelysheva; Malcolm Macaulay; Bastiaan de Snoo; Erik Wijnker; Nigel Miller; Jan Drouaud; Mathilde Grelon; Gregory P. Copenhaver; Christine Mézard; Krystyna A. Kelly; Ian R. Henderson
Meiosis is a specialized eukaryotic cell division that generates haploid gametes required for sexual reproduction. During meiosis, homologous chromosomes pair and undergo reciprocal genetic exchange, termed crossover (CO). Meiotic CO frequency varies along the physical length of chromosomes and is determined by hierarchical mechanisms, including epigenetic organization, for example methylation of the DNA and histones. Here we investigate the role of DNA methylation in determining patterns of CO frequency along Arabidopsis thaliana chromosomes. In A. thaliana the pericentromeric regions are repetitive, densely DNA methylated, and suppressed for both RNA polymerase-II transcription and CO frequency. DNA hypomethylated methyltransferase1 (met1) mutants show transcriptional reactivation of repetitive sequences in the pericentromeres, which we demonstrate is coupled to extensive remodeling of CO frequency. We observe elevated centromere-proximal COs in met1, coincident with pericentromeric decreases and distal increases. Importantly, total numbers of CO events are similar between wild type and met1, suggesting a role for interference and homeostasis in CO remodeling. To understand recombination distributions at a finer scale we generated CO frequency maps close to the telomere of chromosome 3 in wild type and demonstrate an elevated recombination topology in met1. Using a pollen-typing strategy we have identified an intergenic nucleosome-free CO hotspot 3a, and we demonstrate that it undergoes increased recombination activity in met1. We hypothesize that modulation of 3a activity is caused by CO remodeling driven by elevated centromeric COs. These data demonstrate how regional epigenetic organization can pattern recombination frequency along eukaryotic chromosomes.
PLOS Genetics | 2009
Arnaud De Muyt; Lucie Pereira; Daniel Vezon; Liudmila Chelysheva; Ghislaine Gendrot; Aurélie Chambon; Sandrine Lainé-Choinard; Georges Pelletier; Raphael Mercier; Fabien Nogué; Mathilde Grelon
Meiotic recombination is initiated by the formation of numerous DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) catalysed by the widely conserved Spo11 protein. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Spo11 requires nine other proteins for meiotic DSB formation; however, unlike Spo11, few of these are conserved across kingdoms. In order to investigate this recombination step in higher eukaryotes, we took advantage of a high-throughput meiotic mutant screen carried out in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. A collection of 55,000 mutant lines was screened, and spo11-like mutations, characterised by a drastic decrease in chiasma formation at metaphase I associated with an absence of synapsis at prophase, were selected. This screen led to the identification of two populations of mutants classified according to their recombination defects: mutants that repair meiotic DSBs using the sister chromatid such as Atdmc1 or mutants that are unable to make DSBs like Atspo11-1. We found that in Arabidopsis thaliana at least four proteins are necessary for driving meiotic DSB repair via the homologous chromosomes. These include the previously characterised DMC1 and the Hop1-related ASY1 proteins, but also the meiotic specific cyclin SDS as well as the Hop2 Arabidopsis homologue AHP2. Analysing the mutants defective in DSB formation, we identified the previously characterised AtSPO11-1, AtSPO11-2, and AtPRD1 as well as two new genes, AtPRD2 and AtPRD3. Our data thus increase the number of proteins necessary for DSB formation in Arabidopsis thaliana to five. Unlike SPO11 and (to a minor extent) PRD1, these two new proteins are poorly conserved among species, suggesting that the DSB formation mechanism, but not its regulation, is conserved among eukaryotes.
PLOS Genetics | 2005
Julien Vignard; Tanja Siwiec; Liudmila Chelysheva; Nathalie Vrielynck; Florine Gonord; Susan J. Armstrong; Peter Schlögelhofer; Raphael Mercier
During meiosis, homologous chromosomes recognize each other, align, and exchange genetic information. This process requires the action of RecA-related proteins Rad51 and Dmc1 to catalyze DNA strand exchanges. The Mnd1–Hop2 complex has been shown to assist in Dmc1-dependent processes. Furthermore, higher eukaryotes possess additional RecA-related proteins, like XRCC3, which are involved in meiotic recombination. However, little is known about the functional interplay between these proteins during meiosis. We investigated the functional relationship between AtMND1, AtDMC1, AtRAD51, and AtXRCC3 during meiosis in Arabidopsis thaliana. We demonstrate the localization of AtMND1 to meiotic chromosomes, even in the absence of recombination, and show that AtMND1 loading depends exclusively on AHP2, the Arabidopsis Hop2 homolog. We provide evidence of genetic interaction between AtMND1, AtDMC1, AtRAD51, and AtXRCC3. In vitro assays suggest that this functional link is due to direct interaction of the AtMND1–AHP2 complex with AtRAD51 and AtDMC1. We show that AtDMC1 foci accumulate in the Atmnd1 mutant, but are reduced in number in Atrad51 and Atxrcc3 mutants. This study provides the first insights into the functional differences of AtRAD51 and AtXRCC3 during meiosis, demonstrating that AtXRCC3 is dispensable for AtDMC1 focus formation in an Atmnd1 mutant background, whereas AtRAD51 is not. These results clarify the functional interactions between key players in the strand exchange processes during meiotic recombination. Furthermore, they highlight a direct interaction between MND1 and RAD51 and show a functional divergence between RAD51 and XRCC3.
PLOS Genetics | 2005
Jan Drouaud; Raphael Mercier; Liudmila Chelysheva; Aurélie Bérard; Matthieu Falque; Olivier C. Martin; Vanessa Zanni; Dominique Brunel; Christine Mézard
In many species, sex-related differences in crossover (CO) rates have been described at chromosomal and regional levels. In this study, we determined the CO distribution along the entire Arabidopsis thaliana Chromosome 4 (18 Mb) in male and female meiosis, using high density genetic maps built on large backcross populations (44 markers, >1,300 plants). We observed dramatic differences between male and female map lengths that were calculated as 88 cM and 52 cM, respectively. This difference is remarkably parallel to that between the total synaptonemal complex lengths measured in male and female meiocytes by immunolabeling of ZYP1 (a component of the synaptonemal complex). Moreover, CO landscapes were clearly different: in particular, at both ends of the map, male CO rates were higher (up to 4-fold the mean value), whereas female CO rates were equal or even below the chromosomal average. This unique material gave us the opportunity to perform a detailed analysis of CO interference on Chromosome 4 in male and female meiosis. The number of COs per chromosome and the distances between them clearly departs from randomness. Strikingly, the interference level (measured by coincidence) varied significantly along the chromosome in male meiosis and was correlated to the physical distance between COs. The significance of this finding on the relevance of current CO interference models is discussed.