Luiz Antonio de Souza
Universidade Estadual de Maringá
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Featured researches published by Luiz Antonio de Souza.
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology | 2002
Viviane M. Davanso; Luiz Antonio de Souza; Moacyr Eurípedes Medri; José Antonio Pimenta; Edmilson Bianchini
Foram estudadas as modificacoes morfo-anatomicas e ecofisiologicas que o alagamento provoca em Tabebuia avellanedae Lor. ex Griseb. (Bignoniaceae), correlacionando-as com sua capacidade de tolerar o excesso de agua no solo. Plantas com tres meses de idade, crescendo em casa de vegetacao, foram submetidas a 56 dias de alagamento e a um periodo de pos-alagamento. A taxa fotossintetica e o crescimento de T. avellanedae decresceram conforme aumentou o tempo de alagamento, mas mesmo nao sendo altamente tolerante, a especie foi capaz de se adaptar a curtos periodos de alagamento. Esta relativa tolerância provavelmente se deve a capacidade apresentada por T. avellanedae de desenvolver estruturas que amenizam os efeitos do alagamento, promovendo a difusao interna de oxigenio da parte aerea para as raizes, tais como rachaduras caulinares, raizes superficiais e lenticelas hipertrofiadas nas raizes. Como nao houve acentuada variacao na anatomia interna de folhas e raizes de T. avellanedae, alteracoes metabolicas provavelmente auxiliaram na sobrevivencia da especie durante o alagamento.
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology | 2011
Cleusa Bona; Igor Mendonça de Rezende; Gedir de Oliveira Santos; Luiz Antonio de Souza
ABSTRACT The effect of soil polluted by diesel oil on the germination of seeds and the growth of Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi seedlings was analyzed at different times after contamination of the soil. The experiments were conducted under greenhouse conditions, with four treatments and five repetitions. The four treatments included: soil contaminated 30 (T30), 90 (T90) or 180 (T180) days before planting as well as a non-polluted soil (T0) (control). Soil saturated to 50% of its maximum retention capacity (MRC) was contaminated with diesel oil at a rate of 92.4 mL per kg. The germination rate and germination speed index (GSI) were significantly affected only in T30. The development of the plants was affected significantly in all the treatments, with reductions of biomass and eophyll area. It could be concluded that diesel oil significantly affected the germination, GSI and seedling growth of S. terebinthifolius, but the toxic effect decreased over the time. Key words : Aroeira, biomass production, eophyll, residual contamination
Brazilian Journal of Botany | 2003
Luiz Antonio de Souza; Káthia Socorro Mathias Mourão; Ismar Sebastião Moscheta; Sônia Maciel da Rosa
Pilocarpus pennatifolius Lem. (Rutaceae) presents actinomorphics, dichlamydeous, nectariferous and monoclinous flowers, disposed in pendulous racemes. The anthesis is basipetal in the inflorescence and it is preferentially nocturne. The flower presents five stamens with tetrasporangiate anthers. The anther wall presents epidermis, endothecium, two middle layers and binucleate tapetum; the connective shows epidermis with stomata. The unipistilate gynoecium and compound by five carpels, which are joined at the base of the ovary and at the style and stigma. The style is short and solid and the stigma presents a papilose epidermis. The hemitropous, bitegmic and crassinucelate ovule presents a hypostasis and an obturator, which arises from funicle. The nectary surrounds completely the ovary base. Each sepal receives three vascular traces and the petals and stamens one trace. Each carpel receives a dorsal vascular bundle and two vascular ventral bundles that maintain their individuality throughout their course.
Gayana Botanica | 2004
Luiz Antonio de Souza; Ismar Sebastião Moscheta; Jonathas Henrique Georg de Oliveira
Los generos y las especies de Piperaceae muestran una notoria diversidad estructural en sus hojas, y en particular en tallos. Este trabajo presente presenta un estudio comparativo morfologico y anatomico del tallo y hoja de tres especies de esta familia (Peperomia dahlstedtii C.DC., Ottonia martiana Miq. y Piper diospyrifolium Kunth) que son frecuentes en los bosques brasilenos, sin que sus organos vegetativos hubiesen sido previamente examinados anatomicamente. El material fue fijado en FAA, cortado a mano y coloreado con safranina y azul de astra. P. dahlstedtii es un epifito que posee un tallo herbaceo con filotaxia verticilada y estructura polistelica, hoja con epidermis adaxial multiseriada y monocristal de oxalato de calcio en celulas parenquimaticas y colenquimaticas del peciolo. O. martiana y P. diospyrifolium presentan muchas semejanzas, siendo ambas plantas terrestres con filotaxia alterna, estela con haces medulares y hoja dorsiventral con epidermis y subepidermis. En O. martiana el aparato estomatico es estaurocitico y presenta cristal de silice en celulas parenquimaticas del peciolo y vena media. En P. diospyrifolium el aparato estomatico es tetracitico con presencia de rafidios en la parenquima del peciolo y vena media. Por otro lado, las tres especies muestran cierta semblanza estructural, como hojas hipostomaticas y dorsiventrales, celulas con aceite en el peciolo y lamina, tricomas glandulares y endodermis provista de banda de Caspary.
Brazilian Journal of Botany | 2005
Andreza de Souza; Káthia Socorro Mathias Mourão; Luiz Antonio de Souza
O fruto e a semente em desenvolvimento de Pilocarpus pennatifolius foram investigados. O fruto e um esquizocarpo, com um a cinco mericarpos. O endocarpo e esclerenquimatico e se origina da acao meristematica da epiderme interna do ovario. O endocarpo participa ativamente do processo de deiscencia do fruto. A semente e campilotropa, bitegumentada e mesotestal.
Rodriguésia - Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro | 2011
Lucas Nogueira; Renata Charvet Inckot; Gedir de Oliveira Santos; Luiz Antonio de Souza; Cleusa Bona
This study aimed to assess the effect of petroleum-contaminated and bioremediated soils on germination, growth and anatomical structure of Allophylus edulis. We tested oil-contaminated soil, bioremediated soil and non-contaminated soil. We evaluated germination percentage, germination speed index (GSI), biomass and length of roots and shoots, total biomass, root and hypocotyl diameter, thickness of eophylls and cotyledons, leaf area, eophyll stomatal index and seedling anatomy. Germination percentage, GSI, biomass and leaf area did not differ between treatments after 30 days. Root biomass and plant height were lower in the noncontaminated treatment. Root biomass and leaf area differed between treatments after 60 days. Thickness of cotyledons was higher in bioremediated soil than in other treatments. Root and eophyll structure showed little variation in contaminated soil. We conclude that A. edulis was not affected by petroleum in contaminated and bioremediated soils and that this species has potential for phytoremediation.This study aimed to assess the effect of petroleum-contaminated and bioremediated soils on germination, growth and anatomical structure of Allophylus edulis. We tested oil-contaminated soil, bioremediated soil and non-contaminated soil. We evaluated germination percentage, germination speed index (GSI), biomass and length of roots and shoots, total biomass, root and hypocotyl diameter, thickness of eophylls and cotyledons, leaf area, eophyll stomatal index and seedling anatomy. Germination percentage, GSI, biomass and leaf area did not differ between treatments after 30 days. Root biomass and plant height were lower in the noncontaminated treatment. Root biomass and leaf area differed between treatments after 60 days. Thickness of cotyledons was higher in bioremediated soil than in other treatments. Root and eophyll structure showed little variation in contaminated soil. We conclude that A. edulis was not affected by petroleum in contaminated and bioremediated soils and that this species has potential for phytoremediation.
Acta Botanica Brasilica | 2005
Adriana Lenita Meyer Albiero; Adelita Aparecida Sartori Paoli; Luiz Antonio de Souza; Káthia Socorro Mathias Mourão
Objetivando auxiliar trabalhos taxonomicos e farmacobotânicos, foram realizados estudos morfoanatomicos dos orgaos vegetativos de Piper crassinervium H.B. & K. (jaborandi). O material foi analisado seguindo-se tecnicas usuais de corte e coloracao. P. crassinervium e um arbusto de caule ereto, de folhas estipuladas e alternas. Dentre as caracteristicas anatomicas importantes para a sua identificacao destacam-se: parenquima cortical radical com esclereides; cortex caulinar com faixas descontinuas de colenquima e tecido vascular organizado em dois circulos descontinuos de feixes colaterais, delimitados por endoderme com estrias de Caspary; folha dorsiventral, hipoestomatica, com estomatos ciclociticos e tetraciticos e hipoderme unisseriada, porem, com 1-3 camadas de celulas na regiao da nervura principal; parenquima clorofiliano com idioblastos oleiferos; tricomas glandulares na epiderme unisseriada e idioblastos com pequenos cristais aciculares no parenquima em todos os orgaos.
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology | 2008
Luiz Antonio de Souza; Sônia Maciel da Rosa; Ismar Sebastião Moscheta
The pericarp and seed in development of Metrodorea nigra were investigated structurally.The flowers and fruits in different stages of maturation were fixed in FAA 50 and cross-and longitudinally sectioned, according to usual techniques. The differentiated epicarp was represented by the periderm of subepidermal origin. The mesocarp was parenchymatous. The endocarp was sclerenchymatous and originated from the meristematic action of the inner epidermis of the ovary. The seed was endotestal and originated from an anatropous, bitegmic and crassinucellate ovule. The nucellus and the endosperm occurred in small quantity in the mature seed. The embryo was straight with thick cotyledons. The seed and the endocarp were ejected in the autochory process. The fruit was capsular and coccarium.
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology | 2001
Luiz Antonio de Souza; Ismar Sebastião Moscheta; Káthia Socorro Mathias Mourão; Adriano Silvério
As caracteristicas morfologicas e anatomicas das flores de Trichilia catigua A. Juss., T. elegans A. Juss. e T. pallida Sw. (Meliaceae) sao descritas no presente trabalho, visando subsidiar futuros estudos sobre reproducao e preservacao destas especies nativas. A antese ocorreu de abril a agosto em T. catigua, de janeiro a maio em T. pallida e setembro a janeiro em T. elegans. As sepalas e petalas apresentavam epiderme papilosa e pilosa e mesofilo parenquimatico. As flores masculinas possuiam pistilodio com ovulos abortivos e tubo estaminal com numero variavel de anteras tetrasporangiadas, cuja parede apresentava epiderme papilosa, endotecio, duas camadas medias e tapete secretor. As flores femininas apresentavam anterodios e pistilo bi ou tricarpelar, com ovario de estrutura simples, estilete oco ou solido com tecido transmissor central e estigma com pelos uni ou bicelulares. Os ovulos eram anatropos e bitegumentados. Nao foram encontrados no ambiente de estudo exemplares das especies estritamente dioicos, sendo todos em maior ou menor grau monoicos.
Acta Botanica Brasilica | 2012
Karina Bertechine Gagliardi; Aline Rosado; Luiz Antonio de Souza; Ismar Sebastião Moscheta; Adriana Lenita Meyer Albiero
Euphorbiaceae s.l. presents several morphological types of fruits, of which the schizocarp is the most common. The fruits of weed species of Euphorbia graminea Jacq., Euphorbia heterophylla L., Euphorbia hirta L. (= Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp.) and Euphorbia prostrata Aiton (= Chamaesyce prostrata (Aiton) Small) are objects of this study. Inflorescences and fruits in development were collected on the campus of the State University of Maringa (UEM), Brazil, fixed in FAA 50 and glutaraldehyde, dehydrated and sectioned with a rotary microtome according to standard morphology and anatomy techniques. The species present several anatomical similarities, though there are some differences related to the outer epidermis of the ovaries, which is glabrous in E. graminea and hairy in the other species. The ripe fruits present a papilose exocarp and lack trichomes, except for E. hirta. The ovules are anatropous, bitegmic and crassinucellate; the seeds are exotegmic and the embryos are straight.