Luiz Cláudio de Paula Souza
Federal University of Paraná
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Featured researches published by Luiz Cláudio de Paula Souza.
Revista Brasileira De Ciencia Do Solo | 2009
Maurício Gomes de Andrade; Vander de Freitas Melo; Juarez Gabardo; Luiz Cláudio de Paula Souza; Carlos Bruno Reissmann
A fitoextracao tem sido sugerida como alternativa viavel as praticas tradicionais de recuperacao de solos contaminados por metais pesados (remocao do solo e destinacao em aterros ou coprocessamento em cimento, etc.), em razao dos menores custos e por ser menos impactante ao ambiente. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a fitoextracao induzida (uso de acido citrico como agente quelante) de metais pesados, com o cultivo de aveia-preta (Avena strigosa Schreber), girassol (Helianthus annuus L.) e grama-batatais (Paspalum notatum Flugge), em solos poluidos (solos 2, 3 e 4) de uma area de mineracao de Pb em Adrianopolis (PR). O solo 1 foi amostrado em area de mata nativa (referencia). O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetacao, com tres repeticoes. Foram determinados os teores de Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, Cr e Zn no solo com HNO3/HCl (3:1) concentrados. Apos a colheita das plantas, determinaram-se a massa de materia seca e os teores de metais pesados nas raizes e parte aerea (digestao nitrico-perclorica). Os solos contaminados (2, 3 e 4) apresentaram as seguintes faixas de teores de metais pesados (mg kg-1): Pb - 2.598,5 a 9.678,2; Cd - 1,9 a 22,2; Cu - 165,5 a 969,2; Ni - 22,6 a 38,4; Cr - 15,2 a 27,8; e Zn - 87,4 a 894,8. A adicao de quelante nao induziu a uma absorcao mais efetiva de metais pesados pelas plantas. O solo 2 possibilitou melhor crescimento das plantas, e o girassol deve ser preferido na fitorremediacao das areas sob as mesmas condicoes. Na area proxima a planta fabril (solo 3) e nas areas com grande ocorrencia de rejeitos (solo 4), a fitoextracao nao foi eficiente. Nesses ambientes, recomenda-se o estudo de outras plantas nativas e, ou, exoticas resistentes a altos teores de Pb (solo 3) ou a remobilizacao de solo mais rejeito para aterros industriais (solo 4).
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental | 2006
Annelissa Gobel Donha; Luiz Cláudio de Paula Souza; Maria L. Sugamosto
The work had the objective to determine the environmental fragility of an area in the municipal district of Pinhais, metropolitan area of Curitiba, using the multiple criteria evaluation technique present in the GIS Idrisi 32. After having generated the maps of slope, distance from the rivers, springs and reservoir, soils and current land use, weights of importance were assigned to each one of the factors, and through Weighted Linear Combination images of potential and emerging fragility were generated. The generated maps with values varying between 0 and 255, were classified into five classes each one representing very high, high, medium, low and very low fragility class. The evaluation of the results was made by a crossed tabulation between the fragility maps and each one of the used factors, concluding that the methodology provided good results, because it was observed the occurrence of the soils of larger fragility, the slope with larger degree of influence in the erosive processes and the proximity to the water resources in the higher fragility classes and the soils of smaller fragility, the smaller slope and lesser proximity of the water resources in the lower fragility classes.
Revista Brasileira De Ciencia Do Solo | 2010
Yara Jurema Barros; Vander de Freitas Melo; Klaus Dieter Sautter; Brenda Buschle; Edilson Batista de Oliveira; Júlio César Rodrigues de Azevedo; Luiz Cláudio de Paula Souza; Larissa Kummer
SUMMARY : SOIL QUALITY INDICATORS IN LEAD MINING ANDMETALURGY AREA. II – MESOFAUNA AND PLANTS The influence of soil management or the contaminant application to the soil, usuallyinduce to a quicker response in the soil mesofauna than in other pedogenic properties; theseorganisms are therefore good environmental quality indicators. The aim of this study was toidentify and quantify the organisms groups of the soil mesofauna and determine Pb and Zncontents in plants in the mining and metallurgy plant in Adrianopolis (PR),to originatebiological indicators of the quality of these solis. At the selected locations the followingcontamination forms were analized: site 1 – reference (native wood); site 2 – residue incorporatedin the profile; sites 3 and 6 – close to the chimneys of the plant, with potential import ofparticulate matter; site 5 – great waste volume covering the soil. Berlese funnels were utilizedto collect samples from the 0 to 5 cm layer (20 funnels x 5 sites x 1 layer x 4 times = 400samples). After the separation of the mesofauna, the organisms were selected and identified.Ants samples were microwave digested with concentrated HNO
Revista Brasileira De Ciencia Do Solo | 2009
Maurício Gomes de Andrade; Vander de Freitas Melo; Luiz Cláudio de Paula Souza; Juarez Gabardo; Carlos Bruno Reissmann
The forms and availability of heavy metals in contaminated soils determine the uptake potential of plants and water contamination by leaching. In this study different methods of chemical extraction were used, in order to identify the forms of Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, Cu, and Zn and evaluate the availability of these pollutants for sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), black oat (Avena strigosa Schreber) (exotic species) and Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flugge) (native species), as indicators, in soils of Pb mining and metallurgy in Adrianopolis, state of Parana, Brazil. Soil samples were collected in the 0-40 cm layer in four environments of the area: soil 1 - control (native forest); soil 2 - waste in soil profile; soil 3 - near the factory chimney (deposition of particulate material); soil 4 - heavy deposition of waste. The following extraction methods were used: DTPA-TEA pH 7.3; Ca(NO3)2 0.5 mol L-1; HNO3 0.5, 1.0 and 4.0 mol L-1, and concentrated HNO3/HCl (3:1). The plants were grown in a greenhouse, with three replications. The increase of pseudo-total, exchangeable and non-exchangeable heavy metal contents was verified; the highest contents of Pb and Zn were extracted by HNO3/HCl; 9,678.2 and 894.8 mg kg-1, respectively. Soil heavy metals based on acid extractors HNO3 0.5, 1.0 and 4.0 mol L-1 and HNO3/HCl were strongly correlated with each other. The extractor based on chelation (DTPA-TEA pH 7.3) was not efficient to predict the availability of heavy metals for plants under the study conditions. The nitric extractions should be preferred to determine Pb and Zn plant availability in the area.
Revista Brasileira De Ciencia Do Solo | 2011
Jairo Calderari de Oliveira Junior; Luiz Cláudio de Paula Souza; Vander de Freitas Melo; Hélio Olympio da Rocha
As caracteristicas fisicas e quimicas do solo sao fortemente influenciadas pela sua constituicao mineralogica, as quais, mesmo a curtas distâncias horizontais, podem apresentar alta variabilidade espacial, fato que pode ser descrito mais adequadamente pela associacao entre a estatistica descritiva classica e a geoestatistica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a variabilidade espacial de atributos mineralogicos da fracao argila de solos da Formacao Guabirotuba, regiao metropolitana de Curitiba (PR), por meio da estatistica classica descritiva (em especial o CV) e da geoestatistica como forma de indicar melhores padroes de amostragem para esses atributos. As amostras do horizonte B foram coletadas na intersecao de uma malha georreferenciada com espacamento regular a 30 m, adicionando-se mais 10 % de pontos com posicionamento aleatorio para reduzir o efeito-pepita (total de 135 amostras). Para a descricao da dispersao e variabilidade dos dados foi utilizada a analise por estatistica descritiva classica (media, mediana, maximo, minimo, desvio-padrao, coeficiente de variacao (CV), assimetria, curtose e teste de Shapiro-Wilk), enquanto para a caracterizacao da variabilidade espacial utilizou-se a geoestatistica na producao dos semivariogramas. Os teores de caulinita (Ct) apresentaram baixo CV (10,8 %), porem alta variabilidade espacial, com alcance de apenas 22,4 m. Ja o atributo que apresentou maior CV foi a relacao Fe amorfo/Fe cristalino (94,6 %), indicando grande dispersao dos valores em relacao a media, no entanto seu alcance foi de 64,6 m, evidenciando media a baixa variabilidade espacial. Foi observado efeito-pepita puro apenas na substituicao isomorfica de Fe por Al na hematita (Hm). O Fe cristalino foi o atributo que apresentou maior alcance, com valor de 625 m. Contudo, quando se analisaram os teores de Hm e goethita separadamente, a variabilidade espacial foi ampliada.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental | 2012
Venina Prates; Luiz Cláudio de Paula Souza; Jairo C. de Oliveira Junior
Mapping of soil has been highlighted in the scientific community, because as alertness about the environment increases, it is necessary to understand more and more about the distribution of the soil in the landscape, as well as its potential and its limitations for the use. In that way the main aim of this study was to apply indices representing landscape with the use of geoprocessing to give support in the delimitation of different compartments of landscape. Primary indices used were altitude above channel network (AACN) and secondary channel network base level (CNBL), multiresolution index of valley bottom flatness (MRVBF) and Wetness index (ITW), having as object of study the Canguiri Experimental Farm, located in Pinhais, Curitibas Metropolitan region. To correlate the chemical attributes and granulometric ones in sampling groups, totalizing 17 points (Sugamosto, 2002), a matrix of a simple linear correlation (Pearson) with the indices of the landscape were generated in the Software Statistica. The conclusion is that the indices representing the landscape used in the analysis of groupings were efficient as support to map soil at the level of suborder of Brazilian Soil Classification System.
International Journal of Plant and Soil Science | 2015
Lúcio Fábio Lourençato; Nerilde Favaretto; Fabrício Hansel; Agnes Scheer; Luiz Junior; Luiz Cláudio de Paula Souza; Jeferson Dieckow; Andressa Cristhy Buch
Poor soil management and intensive use of pesticides causes serious damage to soil and water quality in Brazil. To confirm this, two studies were conducted in an area with intensive farming in Southern Brazil with objectives to evaluate the level of pesticides in the river adjacent to the Original Research Article Lourencato et al.; IJPSS, 5(3): 155-166, 2015; Article no.IJPSS.2015.069 156 farmland during different seasons (river study) and to know the potential contamination resulting from surface runoff (runoff study). The river study was performed with samples from river water and riverbed sediment obtained over one year period with three months sampling period intervals (different seasons) on dry days (base flow effect). The runoff study was performed in the laboratory with simulated rainfall after recent pesticide application. The pesticides analyzed were Tebuconazole, Metalaxyl, Deltamethrin, Chlorothalonil, Glyphosate and its Metaboliteaminomethylphosphonic acid. They represented the most commonly used pesticides in the studied region. None of the pesticides tested were found in the river water or riverbed sediment samples at any sampling period. The detection limit in river water samples for Glyphosate and its metabolite was 5μg L -1 while it was 1 μg L -1 for the other pesticides. The runoff study (one hour rainfall) demonstrated that all the pesticides were present at high levels. It was 36μg L -1 for Tebuconazole, 3.24 μg L -1 for Metalaxyl, and 5.74 μg L -1 for Chlorothalonil in runoff samples, suggesting a high probability of contamination in downstream environments during intense rainfall events after recent pesticides application. The results highlight the importance of good management practices to prevent pesticides contamination of downstream environments due to runoff from agricultural lands.
Revista Brasileira De Ciencia Do Solo | 2014
Tales de Campos Piedade; Vander de Freitas Melo; Luiz Cláudio de Paula Souza; Jeferson Dieckow
The graphical representation of spatial soil properties in a digital environment is complex because it requires a conversion of data collected in a discrete form onto a continuous surface. The objective of this study was to apply three-dimension techniques of interpolation and visualization on soil texture and fertility properties and establish relationships with pedogenetic factors and processes in a slope area. The GRASS Geographic Information System was used to generate three-dimensional models and ParaView software to visualize soil volumes. Samples of the A, AB, BA, and B horizons were collected in a regular 122-point grid in an area of 13 ha, in Pinhais, PR, in southern Brazil. Geoprocessing and graphic computing techniques were effective in identifying and delimiting soil volumes of distinct ranges of fertility properties confined within the soil matrix. Both three-dimensional interpolation and the visualization tool facilitated interpretation in a continuous space (volumes) of the cause-effect relationships between soil texture and fertility properties and pedological factors and processes, such as higher clay contents following the drainage lines of the area. The flattest part with more weathered soils (Oxisols) had the highest pH values and lower Al3+ concentrations. These techniques of data interpolation and visualization have great potential for use in diverse areas of soil science, such as identification of soil volumes occurring side-by-side but that exhibit different physical, chemical, and mineralogical conditions for plant root growth, and monitoring of plumes of organic and inorganic pollutants in soils and sediments, among other applications. The methodological details for interpolation and a three-dimensional view of soil data are presented here.
Revista Brasileira De Ciencia Do Solo | 2014
Karina Hacke Ribeiro; Nerilde Favaretto; Jeferson Dieckow; Luiz Cláudio de Paula Souza; Jean Paolo Gomes Minella; Luciano de Almeida; Michele Ribeiro Ramos
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | 2014
Tales de Campos Piedade; Vander de Freitas Melo; Luiz Cláudio de Paula Souza; Jeferson Dieckow