Luiz Otávio Campos da Silva
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária
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Featured researches published by Luiz Otávio Campos da Silva.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2004
Jânio Coelho da Silveira; Concepta McManus; Arthur dos Santos Mascioli; Luiz Otávio Campos da Silva; Arley Coelho da Silveira; José Américo Soares Garcia; Helder Louvandini
The objective of the present work was to investigate the effects of some genetic and environmental factors on production (weaning weight WW; eighteen month weight W18) and reproduction (scrotal perimeter at 18 months SP18; calving interval CI; age at first calving AFC; True fertility TF, calving date CD) traits in a Nellore cattle herd in the Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. The observations were analysed using the least squares methodology, and the statistical models included the fixed effects: year (YB) and month (MB) of calving, interaction YB*MB, sex (S) of animal (except for W18, SP18 and AFC) and calving number. Significant effects were found for all factors studied on WW, and animals born in August (179 kg) and December (156 kg) had highest and lowest WW respectively. The male calves (174 kg) were heavier at weaning than females (162 kg), a difference of 7.4% in favour of males. No tendency was observed in terms of mean values over the years for this trait. W18 was influenced only by birth year, with a mean value of 281.0 kg. Only calving number did not influence Scrotal perimeter (SP18), which had a mean value of 26.8 cm. The mean CI was 465 days, and all effects were significant, except for calf sex. TF was significantly influenced by all effects studied, and had a mean value of 144 kg. Age at first calving was high (1.279 days or 41.93 months) and influenced by month and year of calving. In terms of calving date, month and year were significant effects, as was the interaction between these effects but sex and calving number did not affect this trait. Based on estimates of heritability, permanent environment, as well as on genetic and phenotypic correlations, estimated using MTDFREML, it was concluded that these traits should respond to direct selection, except for RF and AFP. Genetic correlations between production traits were favourable, indicating the possibility of genetic progress through indirect selection.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2002
Paulo Bahiense Ferraz Filho; Alcides de Amorim Ramos; Luiz Otávio Campos da Silva; Júlio César de Souza; Maurício Mello de Alencar; Carlos Henrique Mendes Malhado
Data related to weights of animals of the Tabapua breed, born from 1959 to 1996, in several areas of Brazil, were analyzed with the objective of evaluating the direct and maternal genetic trends, for body weights adjusted for 205 (W205), 365 (W365) and 550 (W550) days of age. The (co)variance component estimates used in the calculation of the breeding values were obtained by the restricted maximum likelihood method (REML), with a model containing the random additive direct, maternal and permanent environmental effects, and the fixed effects of contemporary group (unit of the federation, farm, sex, season and year of birth of the animal) and the covariable age of the cow at calving (linear and quadratic effects). The genetic trends of the direct and maternal genetic effects were estimated by the regression of the breeding value annual means on year of birth of the animals. The genetic trends of the direct effects were 0.134, 0.199 and 0.276 kg/year, for W205, W365 and W550, respectively. The estimates of the maternal genetic trends were, in the same order, 0.019, -0.010 and -0.022 kg/year, respectively. Due to the existing genetic variability on the traits, the genetic changes attained are bellow the possible ones.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2002
Silvio de Paula Mello; Maurício Mello de Alencar; Luiz Otávio Campos da Silva; R. T. Barbosa; Pedro Franklin Barbosa
The objectives of this study were to estimate variances and covariances and to evaluate the genetic trends for body weight at birth (BW), weaning (WW) and twelve months of age (YW) in a Canchim (5/8 Charolais + 3/8 Zebu) herd. Data on 6.517 animals, born from 1953 through 1996, were used to estimate breeding values by the derivative free restricted maximum likelihood method, using a model that included the fixed effects of contemporary group (year-season of birth-sex of calf) and the covariable age of cow at calving (linear and quadratic effects), and the random additive direct, additive maternal and permanent environmental effects. Genetic trends for direct, maternal and total maternal effects were estimated by the weighed regression of the annual (generation) breeding value (direct, maternal and total maternal) means on year (generation) of birth of the animals. The direct heritability estimates were equal to 0.39, 0.48 and 0.63 for BW, WW and YW, respectively, while the maternal heritabilities were, in the same order, equal to 0.03, 0.04 and 0.05, respectively. The annual direct genetic trends were equal to 0.046, 1.336 and 1.619 kg for BW, WW and YW, respectively, corresponding to 0.13, 0.66 and 0.75% of the herd means. By generation, the genetic trends were, in the same order, 0.269, 7.715 and 9.599 kg, respectively. The maternal and total maternal genetic trends were linear and positive. The results showed that the selection criteria used resulted in genetic progress for BW, WW and YW; however, the progress obtained was much smaller than the possible one.
Journal of Animal Science | 2011
M. Mattar; Luiz Otávio Campos da Silva; Maurício Mello de Alencar; F. F. Cardoso
The objective of this study was to investigate the presence of genotype × environment interactions (G×E) for long-yearling weight in Canchim cattle (5/8 Charolais + 3/8 zebu) in Brazil using reaction norms (RN). The hierarchical RN model included the fixed effect of age of the animal (linear coefficient) and random effects of contemporary groups and additive animal genetic intercept and slope of the RN and contemporary group effects as random effects. Contemporary groups as the most elemental representation of management conditions in beef cattle were chosen to represent the environmental covariate of the RN. The deviance information criteria demonstrated that a homoskedastic residual RN model provided a better data fit compared with a heteroskedastic counterpart and with a traditional animal model, which had the worst fit. The environmental gradient for long-yearling weight based on contemporary group effects ranged from -105 to 150 kg. The additive direct variance and heritability estimates increased with increasing environmental gradient from 74.33 ± 22.32 to 1,922.59 ± 258.99 kg(2) and from 0.08 ± 0.02 to 0.68 ± 0.03, respectively. The high genetic correlation (0.90 ± 0.03) between the intercept and the slope of the RN shows that animals with the greatest breeding values best responded to environmental improvement, characterizing scale effect as the source of G×E for long-yearling weight. The phenotypic plasticity demonstrated by the slope of the RN of the animal indicates the possibility to change genotype expression along the environmental gradient through selection. The results demonstrate the importance of accounting for G×E in the genetic evaluation of this population.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2004
Fábio Luiz Buranelo Toral; Luiz Otávio Campos da Silva; Elias Nunes Martins; A. Gondo; Sandra Maria Simonelli
The effect of genotype x environment interaction on body weight at birth (BW), weaning (W205), 12 (W365) and 18 (W550) months of age of Nellore cattle raised in the regions of Alto Taquari, Campo Grande and Pantanal, MS, Brazil, was studied. The data were analyzed for each region separately and for all regions together. Variance and covariance components and genetic parameters were estimated by the restricted maximum likelihood method, using an animal model that included the random additive direct effect, and the fixed effects of sex and contemporary group (herd, year, season and region of birth), and sires were ranked based on their breeding values (BV). The results showed that the additive direct and residual variances were different among regions. The heritability estimates ranged from 0.16 to 0.66 (BW), 0.36 to 0.59 (W205), 0.35 to 0.49 (W365) and 0.30 to 0.45 (W550), depending on the region. Pearsons correlation coefficients between BVs of sires, obtained for each pair of regions, showed means equal to 0.11 (BW), 0.38 (W205), 0.38 (W365) and 0.39 (W550). When the correlations were for the BVs obtained for each region with the BVs obtained for all regions together, the estimates were higher showing means equal to 0.80 (BW), 0.88 (W205), 0.88 (W365) and 0.87 (W550). Despite the high values of these last ones, the results show evidence of genotype x environment interaction, and that regional genetic evaluations, when available, can be more useful than a state evaluation.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2003
Eduardo Shiguero Sakaguti; Martinho de Almeida e Silva; R.L. Quaas; Elias Nunes Martins; Paulo Sávio Lopes; Luiz Otávio Campos da Silva
Restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimates of additive and residual variances and covariances for birth weight and adjusted weights at 120, 205, 240, 365, 420 e 550 days of age were used to estimate growth covariance functions (CFs) of Tabapua beef calves. Data were observed on 41,415 animals born from 1975 to 1997 and raised under pasture conditions. Estimation of CFs is a very useful tool to analyze beef cattle growth. It was possible to estimate covariance between any pair of ages and the analyses of eigenfunctions associated with the eigenvalues of coefficients matrix of CFs showed that the growth curves of Tabapua calves could be easily changed by selection. Weaning stress, compensatory growth and selection of animals in the final period caused changes on (co)variance trajectories. Therefore only CFs of more complex order were able to estimate values near to REML estimates. However, high order Legendre polynomials drew sharp waves on variances trajectories at the period edges, witch does not have a coherently biological reason.
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira | 2000
Kepler Euclides Filho; Luiz Otávio Campos da Silva; Rafael Geraldo de Oliveira Alves; Geraldo Ramos de Figueiredo
The importance of weight and weight gain for beef cattle production is responsible for the great emphasis that is devoted to these traits by breeders of different breeds. However, it is very important to maintain the animal breeding programs under surveillance in order to evaluate the genetic progress obtained by a breed as a whole. Thus, this study had the objective of evaluating the genetic trends for gain up to weaning and for gain from weaning to yearling considering the direct genetic and maternal genetic effects for preweaning gain and genetic direct effect for postweaning gain. The genetic trends were estimated by the regression of the annual average expected progeny differences on birth year of the calf. Positive trends were observed for preweaning gain, genetic direct and maternal genetic effect as well. This tendency was also observed for genetic direct effect for postweaning gain. The regression coefficients were 0.19, 0.06 and 0.026 g day-1, for genetic direct and genetic maternal effects for preweaning gain, and for genetic direct effect for postweaning gain, respectively.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2002
Kepler Euclides Filho; Geraldo Ramos de Figueiredo; Valéria Pacheco Batista Euclides; Luiz Otávio Campos da Silva; Viviane Queiroz Cusinato
The data utilized in this study were obtained from 23 intacted animals from three different genetic groups: seven Nellore (N), eight ½ Caracu + ¼ Angus + ¼ Nellore (CCAN) and eight ½ Caracu + ¼ Simental + ¼ Nellore (CCSN). These animals were produced as part of an ample project which is being carried out at Embrapa Gado de Corte whose main objective is to identify a genetic group that besides being adapted, is capable to produce meat of high quality in an efficient and competitive way (Indo-Euro composite project). This particular experiment had the objective of evaluating the bio-nutritional efficiency (EBN) of such animals. In order to do that, the variables weight gain and dry matter consumption were jointly analyzed under a bivariate model. Using the higher eigenvalue, it was established the first discriminant canonical function, which, in turn, was utilized for obtaining the EBN values. The statistical analysis revealed to exist a significant effect of genetic group on EBN. The EBN averages were compared by two different contrasts: C1) CCAN versus CCSN; and C2) average for CCAN and CCSN versus N. Since both contrasts were significant it was concluded that there is difference between the performance of the two crossbred groups and, that the CCAN animals presented better EBN than the CCSN ones (60.72 versus 48.63, respectively). The F1s animals, on the other side, presented better bio-nutritional efficiency than Nellore (54.67 versus 16,70). The least square means for daily dry matter consumption during the evaluation period as well as for average daily gain were, respectively, 6.47 kg and 1.00 kg, 7.90 kg and 1.23 kg, and 7.57 kg and 1.15 kg for N, CCAN and CCSN animals, respectively.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2001
Kepler Euclides Filho; Gelson Luís Dias Feijó; Geraldo Ramos de Figueiredo; Valéria Pacheco Batista Euclides; Luiz Otávio Campos da Silva; Viviane Queiroz Cusinato
Seventy-one animals from two genetic groups, ½ Angus - ½ Nellore (AN) and ½ Simmental ¾ ½ Nellore (SN) with different growth potential, which belonged to the Projeto Cruzamento Embrapa 1 were used. These groups were submitted to seven castration treatments. It was observed that the SN animals delayed 14 more days in feedlot in order to be slaughtered in the same degree of finishing as the AN (131 days versus 117 days, respectively) animals. The other evaluated traits, slaughter weight, cold carcass weight, carcass dressing, longissimus muscle area, were not affected by genetic group. The averages for these traits in this same sequence were 471 kg and 476 kg, 266 kg and 274 kg, 58.13% and 57.46% and 72.71 cm2 and 75.79 cm2 for AN and SN animals, respectively. The comparisons among treatment means were carried out through six different contrasts. It was observed that young bulls delayed under feedlot confinement 25 more days than those castrated at birth (136 days versus 111 days, respectively). However, these animals showed heavier slaughter weight than those castrated at birth (515 kg versus 463 kg, respectively). Animals castrated at birth stayed longer in feedlot than those castrated at weaning or castrated as yearling (111 days versus 95 days, respectively). Animals feedlot confined just after weaning, as it should be expected, were those that delayed longer under feedlot confinement (181 days). Since these animals were one year younger than the other animals, the longer time required for them to attain the end point did not result in heavier slaughter weights (455 kg). The average carcass dressing independent on genetic group and treatment was 57.79%.
Archivos De Zootecnia | 2011
Júlio César de Souza; Luiz Otávio Campos da Silva; A. Gondo; J.A. Freitas; C. H. M. Malhado; P.B.F. Filho; J. R. B. Sereno; Robert L. Weaber; W.R. Lamberson
espanolParâmetros e tendencias geneticas para os pesos aos 120 (P120: n= 86 852), 205 (P205: n= 86 852), 365 (P365: n= 61 637) e 550 (P550: n= 36 187) dias de idade foram estimados para animais da raca Nelore criados a campo nas regioes Centro-Oeste e Sudeste no Brasil. Os dados sao provenientes da ABCZ/EMBRAPA e foram obtidos no periodo entre 1975 a 2001. Os parâmetros foram obtidos utilizando o programa MTDFREML, em analise unicaracteristica. Os efeitos fixos foram grupo de contemporâneos (combinacao de estacao (agua e seca), ano, sexo e fazenda) e a covariavel idade da vaca ao parto (linear e quadratico). Como efeito aleatorio utilizou- se o efeito aditivo direto, aditivo materno, e de ambiente permanente. As estimativas das variâncias geneticas, direta e materna, ambientais e fenotipicas e as covariâncias entre o efeito direto e materno foram 51,1; 17,9; 190,5; 280,4 e -12,0 para P120; 128,6; 47,2; 695,7; 932,4 e -25,9 para P205; 435,9; 32,2; 2934,0; 3604,9 e -27,4 para P365; 607,9; 177,7; 5637,7; 6602,5 e -117,6 para P550. Os valores de herdabilidades direta encontram-se na faixa de 0,09 a 0,18; herdabilidade materna variaram de 0,01 a 0,06, correlacao direta materna entre -0,23 a -0,36 e o efeito de ambiente permanente igual a 0,05 a 0,12. As estimativas das tendencias geneticas, direta materna, e ambientais no periodo de 1975 a 2001 foram 10,4; -1,6 e 18,4 kg para P120; 16,6; -2,8 e 23,0 kg P205; 21,7; -1,3 e 23,6 kg para P365; 25,5; -3,6 e -8,1 kg para P550, respectivamente. As tendencias geneticas diretas foram positivas e as maternas pequenas e nega- tivas. O desempenho materno tem influencia im- portante sobre os pesos aos 120 e 205 dias de idade e esse baixo valor obtido sugere que se deve considerar para este efeito nos programas de melhoramento, mesmo se tendo correlacao direta materna adversa. EnglishGenetic parameters and trends of weights were estimated for Nellore cattle from Central west and South East in Brazil. ABCZ/EMBRAPA provided weights (kg) at 120 (W120), 205 (W205), 365 (W365) and 540 (W540) for 86 852, 86 852, 61 637, 36 187 animals, respectively, from 1975 to 2001. Parameters were obtained using MTDFREML in single trait analyses. Fixed effects were contemporary group (dry or wet season), year, sex and farm and age of dam (linear and quadratic covariate). Random effects were direct and maternal genetic effects, their covariance, and the uncorrelated maternal permanent environmental effect. The analysis was restarted until twice the logarithms of the likelihoods changed no more than two decimal places. Estimates of direct and maternal genetic variances, direct-maternal covariance, and environmental and phenotypic variances were [51.1, 17.9, -12.0, 190.5 and 280.4] for W120; [128.6, 47.2, -25.9, 695.7 and 932.4] for W205; [435.9, 32.2, -27.4, 2934.0 and 3604.9] for W365; and [607.9, 177.7, -117.6, 5637.7 and 6602.5] for W540. Direct heritabilities ranged from 0.09 to 0.18, maternal heritabilities from 0.01 to 0.06, direct-maternal genetic correlations from -0.23 to -0.36, and permanent environmental effects from 0.05 to 0.12. Direct and maternal genetic and environmental trends from 1975 to 2001 were 10.4, -1.6 and 18.43 kg for W120; 16.6, -2.8; and 23.0 kg for W205; 21.7, -1.3 and 23.6 kg for W365, and, 25.5, -3.6, and -8.1 kg for W540, respectively. The direct genetic trends were positive and maternal trends were small. The importance of maternal performance for W120 and W205 suggests it should be considered in breeding programs although it has a low heritability and modestly adverse genetic correlation with direct genetic effects.
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Roberto Augusto de Almeida Torres Júnior
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária
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