M. Catalán
University of Barcelona
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Archivos De Bronconeumologia | 2004
M.A. Callejas; M. Rubio; Manuela Iglesias; J. Belda; Emilio Canalís; M. Catalán; Josep Maria Gimferrer
Objetivo Valorar las ventajas de la utilizacion del bisturi ultrasonico frente a la electrocoagulacion, en los pacientes operados de rubor facial incontrolable mediante simpaticolisis o simpaticotomia toracica por videotoracoscopia. Metodo Se han realizado 200 interrupciones del simpatico toracico bilaterales por videotoracoscopia en 100 pacientes afectados de rubor facial invalidante. Dos de ellas se realizaron mediante cirugia videoasistida por presentar sinfisis pleural. La edad media de los pacientes fue de 34 anos (rango: 15–67). La cadena simpatica fue interrumpida desde la porcion inferior de T1 hasta T3 inclusives. Resultados Todos los pacientes fueron dados de alta en 24 h, a excepcion del paciente en el que se realizo toracotomia de asistencia. En el grupo en que se utilizo el bisturi armonico no hubo complicaciones. En el grupo de diatermia hubo un caso de sindrome de Horner transitorio (4 meses) y tres casos de dolor toracico persistente (superior a dos semanas). En total, hubo 9 neumotorax parcelarios y asintomati-cos que no requirieron tratamiento ni prolongaron la estan-cia hospitalaria. Conclusiones El bisturi ultrasonico permite una seccion del simpatico mas firme y con mejor visualizacion. Evita lesiones perifericas en el parenquima pulmonar y tejidos adyacentes (vasos y nervios intercostales), asi como el sindrome de Horner que se puede producir por efecto calorifico. Produciria tambien una menor incidencia de neuralgias posquirurgicas.
The Annals of Thoracic Surgery | 1988
J. Freixinet; Carlos-A. Mesters; Esteban Cugat; Miquel Mateu; JoséM. Gimferrer; M. Catalán; M.A. Callejas; Emilio Letang; J. Sánchez-Lloret
Between 1970 and 1985, seven patients were referred to us for surgical treatment of simultaneous hydatid cysts in the liver and the chest. Their mean age was 45.4 years (age range, 23-73 years), and they represented 46% of patients with hydatid cysts in the liver and thorax. Three patients had hepaticopleural involvement, and 3 patients had symptoms of pulmonary origin. In a single patient, only the diaphragm was involved along with the liver. Liver scintigraphy and ultrasonography were equally helpful in delineating the extent of the disease, but computed tomographic scanning is now the method of choice. The operations were through a thoracolaparotomy in 3 patients and a thoracotomy alone in 3 patients. A single patient had a thoracotomy with a transdiaphragmatic laparotomy. Complete drainage or excision of hydatid cavities was accomplished in all patients. Hydrogen peroxide instilled into the cysts was satisfactory for control of spread potentially secondary to possible intraoperative spillage. There have been no postoperative deaths. Follow-up has ranged from 6 months to 8 years, and 2 patients had relapsing hydatid disease 3 years postoperatively. These results suggest that, when hydatid disease of the liver is complicated by transdiaphragmatic extension and simultaneous pleural or pulmonary cysts, early surgical repair is indicated. Complete drainage and cyst excision are recommended.
Archivos De Bronconeumologia | 2004
Manuela Iglesias; J. Belda; Josep Maria Gimferrer; M. Catalán; M. Rubio; Mireia Serra
Objetivo Evaluar los resultados del tratamiento quirurgico del tumor carcinoide pulmonar Pacientes y Metodo Se han revisado las historias clinicas de 62 pacientes intervenidos quirurgicamente por un tumor carcinoide pulmonar entre mayo de 1985 y octubre de 2000 Resultados Cincuenta y dos pacientes tenian un carcinoide tipico y 10 un carcinoide atipico. Nueve pacientes presentaban metastasis ganglionares hiliares o mediastinicas y 5 presentaban metastasis a distancia. Estas ultimas fueron mas frecuentes en el subtipo histologico carcinoide atipico con diferencias estadisticamente significativas. Cinco pacientes tenian clinica de sindrome carcinoide. La supervivencia global a los 15 anos fue del 70% y la supervivencia media de 138 ± 11 meses. No encontramos asociacion estadistica entre el habito tabaquico y el desarrollo de tumor carcinoide Conclusiones Aunque el tumor carcinoide se comporta como un tumor de bajo grado de malignidad, su tratamiento debe realizarse de modo similar al del resto de los tumores malignos pulmonares; la reseccion quirurgica con intencion curativa es la tecnica de eleccion siempre que sea posible
Archivos De Bronconeumologia | 2004
M.A. Callejas; M. Rubio; Manuela Iglesias; J. Belda; Emilio Canalís; M. Catalán; Josep Maria Gimferrer
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the advantages of the ultrasonic scalpel compared to electrocoagulation in patients undergoing video-assisted thoracoscopic sympatholysis or sympathectomy for uncontrolled facial blushing. METHODS Two hundred bilateral video-assisted thoracoscopic procedures to interrupt transmission in the thoracic sympathetic nerve were performed in 100 patients with incapacitating facial blushing. In 2 cases, the video-assisted approach was chosen because of pleural symphysis. The mean age of patients was 34 years (range: 15 to 67). The sympathetic chain was interrupted from the lower portion of the first thoracic ganglion through the third. RESULTS All patients were discharged within 24 hours with the exception of one on whom an emergency thoracotomy had been performed. No complications were reported in the group in which a harmonic scalpel was used. One case of temporary Horner syndrome (4 months) and 3 cases of persistent chest pain (more than 2 weeks) were reported in the diathermy group. There were 9 cases of partial and asymptomatic pneumothorax that resolved without treatment or prolonged hospital stays. CONCLUSION Dissection of the sympathetic nerve is accomplished more reliably and with better visualization with the ultrasonic scalpel. Peripheral lesions in lung parenchyma and adjacent tissues (intercostal vessels and nerves) are avoided, as is Horner syndrome, which can be caused by dispersion of heat. Use of the ultrasonic scalpel would also lead to a lower incidence of postoperative neuralgia.
Archivos De Bronconeumologia | 2004
Manuela Iglesias; J. Belda; Josep Maria Gimferrer; M. Catalán; M. Rubio; Mireia Serra
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the results of surgical treatment for lung carcinoid tumor. PATIENTS AND METHOD The medical records of 62 patients who underwent surgical intervention for lung carcinoid tumor between May 1985 and October 2000 were reviewed. RESULTS Fifty-two patients had typical carcinoid tumors and 10 had atypical carcinoid tumors. Hilar or mediastinal lymph node metastases were present in 9 patients. Distant metastasis occurred in 5 patients and was significantly more frequent in those with the atypical carcinoid histological subtype. The overall survival rate at 15 years was 70%, with a mean survival rate of 138 (SD 11) months, calculated with the Kaplan-Meier method. We found no statistically significant correlation between smoking and the development of carcinoid tumors. CONCLUSIONS Although carcinoid tumors behave like low-grade malignant tumors, they should be treated in the same way as other malignant lung tumors. Curative surgical resection is the technique of choice whenever possible.
Archivos De Bronconeumologia | 2003
Josep Maria Gimferrer; J. Belda; M. Catalán; Mireia Serra; M. Rubio; Manuela Iglesias
Objetivo Describir la tecnica de la lobectomia videoasis-tida a traves del triangulo auscultatorio (LVAA) y valorar los resultados, inmediatos y a medio plazo, obtenidos me-diante este procedimiento quirurgico en pacientes afectados de carcinoma broncopulmonar no microcitico, estadio I Pacientes Y Metodo Desde abril de 1999 hasta mayo de 2002 hemos realizado 25 LVAA (24 lobectomias y una bilo-bectomia), en 25 pacientes con una edad media de 63,6 anos (rango, 39-80) Resultados La mortalidad operatoria y postoperatoria fue nula. En dos casos se requirio la conversion a toracotomia convencional. Un paciente fue reintervenido por hemotorax y otro presento una fistula broncopleural que fue tratado con drenaje pleural. La estancia media hospitalaria fue de 6,3 dias. Con un seguimiento medio de 11,5 meses (rango, 1-36), 23 pacientes estan libres de enfermedad. La supervivencia ac-tuarial (Kaplan-Meier) a los dos anos fue del 93 ± 7% Conclusiones La LVAA constituye una intervencion se-gura, que requiere sin embargo un aprendizaje especifico. En nuestra serie, la morbilidad ha sido escasa y la mortali-dad nula. En los pacientes con carcinoma broncogenico en estadio I, los resultados en los dos primeros anos de segui-miento son superponibles a los obtenidos a traves de toraco-tomia convencional
Archivos De Bronconeumologia | 1995
J. Belda; Josep Maria Gimferrer; M.A. Callejas; M. Catalán; Emilio Canalís; J. Sánchez-Lloret
Presentamos 2 casos de seudoquistes pulmonares traumaticos (SPT) en pacientes jovenes. En ambos casos un accidente de trafico fue la causa de un traumatismo toracico cerrado y aparecieron cavidades aereas en la radiografia de torax a las 12 y una horas. En ambos casos una hemoptisis autolimitada precedio a la aparicion de un nivel hidroaereo en el control radiografico efectuado. El diagnostico se efectuo por exclusion y la evolucion fue favorable unicamente con tratamiento sintomatico y de las lesiones asociadas. Se discuten los aspectos mas importantes de la patogenia, clinica y radiologia de este tipo de lesiones.
Archivos De Bronconeumologia | 1998
Josep Maria Gimferrer; Emilio Canalís; J. Belda; M. Catalán; M.A. Callejas; María José Jiménez
We performed 164 laser resections with a neodymiumyttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd-Yag) laser in 116 patients between January 1992 and December 1997. Seventy-eight patients had malignant neoplasms, 5 had neoplasms of intermediate malignancy and 33 had inflammatory tracheal lesions. Eighteen resections were emergency procedures. All resections were performed with the patient under general anesthesia and preferably breathing spontaneously. Immediate results varied according to the nature and location of the lesion. Treatment was palliative for tumors showing intraluminal proliferation, providing successful reopening of the airway as shown endoscopically in 70% of patients. Mean survival of the 44 patients with malignant lesions who could be followed was 29 weeks, with a median of 15.19 (range, 1-120). The tracheas of patients with inflammatory stenosis were reopened rapidly and emergency tracheostomy was avoided in all cases. One patient with malignant tracheal tumors died during the procedure due to asphyxia related to tracheal hemorrhage.
Clinical & Translational Oncology | 2007
Carlos Conilla; José M. Gimferrer; Jordi Marruecos; Josep Domingo-Domenech; Ramón Vilella; M. Catalán; Josep Malvehy; Susana Puig; Teresa Castel
European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery | 2005
Manuela Iglesias; M. Catalán; Albert Rodríguez; José M. Gimferrer