Mirjana Ule
University of Ljubljana
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Featured researches published by Mirjana Ule.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2015
Mirjana Ule; Andreja Živoder; Manuela du Bois-Reymond
This article explores parental involvement in the educational trajectories of children in Europe. The analysis is embedded in the framework of the three dominant contemporary social processes that have been acknowledged as crucial factors for the educational and life trajectories of young people today, i.e. familialization, institutionalization, and individualization. The article draws on qualitative data gathered during interviews with parents of lower secondary school students in disadvantaged city areas within the research project, GOETE, in eight European countries. The analysis focuses on specific behavioral aspects that were identified as the most relevant in our empirical evidence: parental educational aspirations and future plans for their children, the role of parents in decision-making in educational transitions and trajectories, parental participation in the school, and parental support with schoolwork. The most striking finding is the persistent emphasis on individual responsibility for both students and parents in terms of education. Parents realize that the future of their child not only depends on the work of the teacher but also to a great and growing degree on parents as coeducators. This parental awareness results in a high level of confidence in the power of education, which is met by parental skepticism when they experience a lack of school support and distant parent–teacher relationships and communication.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education | 2015
Andreas Walther; Annegret Warth; Mirjana Ule; Manuela du Bois-Reymond
How do the educational trajectories of young people develop differently at the transition between lower and upper secondary education and training – even amongst students labelled as disadvantaged with regard to social background, gender or ethnicity? The aim of the article is to understand the role of decision-making in the emergence of educational trajectories. Based on the analysis of qualitative interviews with students from schools in disadvantaged areas, patterns of educational trajectories are discerned with regard to the ruptures they involve, the destinations they take and the degree of choice young people have. The in-depth analysis of exemplary cases, however, reveals that even within similar patterns of trajectories decision-making processes occur in different ways. Therefore, constellations of decision-making are elaborated which cross-cut the patterns of educational trajectories. The fact that both institutional structures of different education systems and individual biographical orientations do make a difference reveals the complexity of educational trajectories in the interplay of structure and agency.
Slovenian Journal of Public Health | 2012
Tanja Kamin; Nejc Berzelak; Mirjana Ule
The influence of education on differences in depressive symptoms between men and women in Slovenia Background: This paper discusses depressive symptoms among men and women in Slovenia and their relationship to various socioeconomic factors, and education in particular. Methods: The analysis is based on the European Social Survey Round 3 (ESS-3) from 2006, for the Slovene population (n = 1,282). Depressive symptoms, as a dependent variable, are measured using an 8-item version of the Centre for Epidemiological Studies - Depression (CES-D 8) scale. Independent variables included in the research model are: gender, age, education, income, marital and employment status and the presence of a child under the age of 12 in the household. Using mean comparisons of depression symptoms and regression analyses, the paper presents gender differences in depression levels and factors that influence it. Results: Education contributes to lower depression levels in both genders; however, its influence is substantially higher among women. Depression symptoms are closely related to education. Lower educated women show a significantly higher score in depression symptoms than lower educated men. However, higher educated women show better mental health than higher educated men. Different sociodemographic factors influence the levels of depression symptoms differently between genders. The impact of housework as an employment status thus significantly influences higher levels of depression only among men. Similar indications for age, widowhood and the absence of partnership. In contrast, the influence of work disability on depression is only significant for women. Conclusion: The influence of socioeconomic and cultural factors on depression symptoms is greater for women than men. Vpliv Izobrazbe na Razlike Med Spoloma v Prisotnosti Simptomov Depresije v Sloveniji Uvod: Prispevek razpravlja o spolnih razlikah v prisotnosti simptomov depresivnosti v Sloveniji in njihovi povezanosti s temeljnimi socialnodemografskimi dejavniki, predvsem z izobrazbo. Metode: Analiza temelji na anketnih podatkih Evropske družboslovne raziskave iz leta 2006. Vzorec sestavlja 1.282 anketirancev, starih od 18 do 75 let. Ocena stopnje depresivnosti temelji na skrajšani lestvici CES-D 8. Neodvisne spremenljivke so: spol, starost, dosežena izobrazba, dohodek, zaposlitveni in zakonski status ter prisotnost otroka do 12 let v gospodinjstvu. S primerjavo povprečij stopnje simptomov depresivnosti in regresijskimi analizami prispevek prikaže razlike v stopnji depresivnosti in dejavnikih vpliva nanjo glede na spol. Rezultati: Izobrazba prispeva k nižji stopnji depresivnosti pri obeh spolih, vendar je njen vpliv izrazito močnejši med ženskami. Čim nižja je izobrazba, tem večje so razlike v stopnji depresivnosti med spoloma v škodo žensk. Ta trend se obrne pri najvišji izobrazbi, kjer je stopnja depresivnosti pri moških višja kot pri ženskah. Preostali socialnodemografski dejavniki različno vplivajo na stopnjo depresivnosti glede na spol. Vplivi starosti, dela v gospodinjstvu, ovdovelosti in nevključenosti v partnersko zvezo na stopnjo depresivnosti so značilni le za moške. Nasprotno je le pri ženskah mogoče zaznati statistično značilen vpliv nezmožnosti za delo na stopnjo depresivnosti. Zaključek: Socialno-ekonomski in kulturni dejavniki izraziteje vplivajo na oceno depresivnosti pri ženskah kot pri moških.
International Journal of Psychology | 2005
Marko Polič; Grega Repovs; Karel Natek; Marijan M. Klemenčič; Drago Kos; Mirjana Ule; Ivan Marušič; Ana Kučan
Cognitive maps present an important theoretical concept and methodological tool for the acquirement of insight into the mental image of the environment. Part of the study, conducted in 1999–2000 on a representative sample of the inhabitants of Slovenia (N = 1291), is presented in this paper, namely the part devoted to the perception of regions. Participants were questioned about different aspects of their image of Slovenia, including their preferences for residence in different parts of Slovenia, partition of the country into regions, travelling patterns, environmental problems and solutions, possibilities of development, etc. Cognitive maps appeared as highly selective, with certain general similarities, but also with individual idiosyncrasies, depending on the place of living and other demographic characteristics. Though respondents were not highly devoted to the formation of regions, a rather clear mental image of them appeared. Main findings are discussed and applicability of the cognitive map for p...
Slovenian Journal of Public Health | 2013
Mirjana Ule; Slavko Kurdija
Abstract Background: This article researches gender inequality in health based on subjective assessments of health, the accessibility of health care services and trust in the health care system between different social categories of women in Slovenia. Methods: The study is based on the Slovenian Public Opinion survey (ISSP Health Module) carried out in 2011 on representative samples of the adult Slovenian population. In the data, we investigated the gender differences and difference between different socio-economic categories within the female sub-sample in self-assessed health, and some other related topics such as: trust in doctors, trust in health care system, access to health care services and attitude to the health care policy in Slovenia. Results: The data shows significant inequalities in self-assessed health between different social strata. Self-assessed health is significantly lower among women at the bottom of the educational and income scale. The data also reveals strong support for the preservation of the available public health. Conclusion: Neoliberal economic reforms (of health care) affect vulnerable social categories the most, and women are particularly exposed. The use of women’s unpaid work in the family belongs among the basic (neo)liberal saving strategies. These want to take more care and health work within families from the shoulders of the state and place it onto the shoulders of family members, which mainly means women. In these circumstances, it is understandable that women subjectively assess their health as being worse than men’s. Moreover, conditions are being established that de facto could lead to worse health in the female population in Slovenia. Izvleček Izhodišče: Članek raziskuje spolne neenakosti v zdravju na osnovi subjektivnih ocen zdravja, dostopnosti do zdravstvenih storitev ter zaupanja v zdravstveni sistem med različnimi socialnimi kategorijami žensk v Sloveniji. Metode: Analiza temelji na raziskavi Slovensko javno mnenje (ISSP-modul zdravje), ki je bila izvedena v letu 2011 na reprezentativnem vzorcu polnoletnih prebivalcev Slovenije. V analizi smo proučevali razlike med spoloma in razlike med različnimi socialno-ekonomskimi kategorijami žensk v samooceni zdravja ter pri nekaterih drugih sorodnih temah, kot so: zaupanje v zdravnike, zaupanje v zdravstveni sistem, dostop do zdravstvenih storitev in splošen odnos do zdravstvenega sistema v Sloveniji. Rezultati: Podatki kažejo močno povezavo med subjektivno oceno zdravja in socialno-ekonomskim položajem žensk. Slabo telesno in duševno zdravje se povezuje z nizkimi dohodki, nizko stopnjo izobrazbe, nižjimi družbenimi razredi. Podatki kažejo tudi močno podporo ohranjanju dostopnega javnega zdravja, kot ga poznamo v Sloveniji. Zaključki: Neoliberalne ekonomske reforme (zdravstva) najbolj udarijo po ranljivih družbenih kategorijah; ženske so pri tem še posebej izpostavljene. Uporaba neplačanega dela žensk v družini sodi med osnovne neoliberalne varčevalne strategije. Te želijo čim več skrbstvenega in zdravstvenega dela v družinah prevaliti z države na ramena družinskih članov, kar pomeni predvsem žensk. V takšnih okoliščinah je razumljivo slabše subjektivno ocenjevanje zdravja pri ženskah. Še več, gre za vzpostavljanje pogojev, ki tudi realno lahko vodijo v slabše zdravje ženskega prebivalstva v Sloveniji.
Disability & Society | 2017
Mirjana Ule
Abstract This article focuses on the experiences and experiencing of disability, policies of self-understanding, and the life plans and aspirations of students with disabilities. The article draws on the results of a qualitative survey of students with disabilities taking courses in various faculties of the University of Ljubljana. The results show that students with disabilities are able to reshape their identities in a way that does not consist of the disability experienced, but is independent of it, and they are able to accept their disability as the reality of life without losing their own purpose of living and life plans. This experience is a significant part of the identity formation of people with disabilities, and the social experience of people with disabilities strengthens their selfhood while also producing new responses and challenges to contemporary issues of identity formation and identity policies.
Slovenian Journal of Public Health | 2013
Mirjana Ule
1Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Kardeljeva ploščad 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Kontaktni naslov: e-pošta: [email protected] V tematski številki analiziramo različne vidike neenakosti v zdravju žensk v Sloveniji. To temo obravnavamo na pobudo Evropskega urada WHO za vlaganje za zdravje in razvoj, ki je spodbudila razpravo in kritično analizo dejstva, da je v mednarodnih primerjavah enakost v zdravju žensk v Sloveniji zelo visoka. Grobi statistični in epidemiološki podatki res kažejo, da so neenakosti v zdravju žensk v Sloveniji majhne (1). Samoocene zdravja v javnomnenjskih podatkih v Sloveniji pa kažejo večje razlike v zdravju med moškimi in ženskami v škodo žensk. Še večje razlike pa se kažejo med različnimi kategorijami žensk, če jih primerjamo po različnih socialno-demografskih merilih. Te razlike so družbeno ustvarjene in nepravične (2, 3). Hipoteza, iz katere izhajamo in jo na različne načine preverjamo v tematski številki Zdravstvenega varstva, je, da prehod v neoliberalno tržno družbo prizadene in ogroža zdravje žensk v Sloveniji. Na klasičnih epidemioloških kazalnikih, kot so:umrljivost, rak, srčnožilne bolezni in druge, se ta slabši položaj še ne kaže. Ne kaže se tudi na medicinskih kazalnikih kakovosti življenja. Zato smo preverjali neenakosti s pomočjo posrednih kazalnikov, kot so: samoocene zdravja, ocene dostopnosti do zdravstvene oskrbe, povezave med delovnimi obremenitvami in oceno zdravja žensk, vloga kulturnega kapitala v oceni zdravja in kakovost življenja žensk, posledice nasilja nad ženskami v samooceni zdravja žensk. Razlike v objektivnih in subjektivnih perspektivah zdravja žensk kažejo, da moramo uporabiti različne tipe podatkov, da bi razumeli težave glede na enakosti v zdravju žensk (4). Predvsem neokonservativne politike pogosto reducirajo zdravstvene težave žensk na tiste, ki so povezane z njihovo reproduktivno vlogo, in ignorirajo njihove zdravstvene težave zunaj reprodukcije. To prispeva k brisanju identitete žensk in pravic zunaj materinstva. Predvsem feministična akademska literatura o zdravju žensk je razvila kritiko medikalizacije ženskih teles in osrediščenje zdravja žensk na reproduktivne teme, kot so: nosečnost, rojevanje, menstruacija ali menopavza (5, 6, 7). V nasprotju s temi temami so težave, ki jih v samooceni zdravja in bolezni največkrat navajajo sodobne ženske vseh starosti, stres, fizična in psihična izčrpanost, izgorelost, Zdrav Var 2013; 52: 69-71 doi 10.2478/sjph-2013-0008
Slovenian Journal of Public Health | 2012
Mirjana Ule; Tanja Kamin
Družbeni Dejavniki Neenakosti v Zdravju Social determinants of health inequalities
Archive | 2003
Marko Polič; Drago Kos; Marijan M. Klemenčič; Ana Kučan; Mirjana Ule
Sociologija | 2012
Mirjana Ule; Andreja Zivoder