Mt Harrison
University of Tasmania
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Featured researches published by Mt Harrison.
Global Change Biology | 2014
Mt Harrison; François Tardieu; Zhanshan Dong; Carlos D. Messina; Graeme L. Hammer
Global climate change is predicted to increase temperatures, alter geographical patterns of rainfall and increase the frequency of extreme climatic events. Such changes are likely to alter the timing and magnitude of drought stresses experienced by crops. This study used new developments in the classification of crop water stress to first characterize the typology and frequency of drought-stress patterns experienced by European maize crops and their associated distributions of grain yield, and second determine the influence of the breeding traits anthesis-silking synchrony, maturity and kernel number on yield in different drought-stress scenarios, under current and future climates. Under historical conditions, a low-stress scenario occurred most frequently (ca. 40%), and three other stress types exposing crops to late-season stresses each occurred in ca. 20% of cases. A key revelation shown was that the four patterns will also be the most dominant stress patterns under 2050 conditions. Future frequencies of low drought stress were reduced by ca. 15%, and those of severe water deficit during grain filling increased from 18% to 25%. Despite this, effects of elevated CO2 on crop growth moderated detrimental effects of climate change on yield. Increasing anthesis-silking synchrony had the greatest effect on yield in low drought-stress seasonal patterns, whereas earlier maturity had the greatest effect in crops exposed to severe early-terminal drought stress. Segregating drought-stress patterns into key groups allowed greater insight into the effects of trait perturbation on crop yield under different weather conditions. We demonstrate that for crops exposed to the same drought-stress pattern, trait perturbation under current climates will have a similar impact on yield as that expected in future, even though the frequencies of severe drought stress will increase in future. These results have important ramifications for breeding of maize and have implications for studies examining genetic and physiological crop responses to environmental stresses.
Plant Cell and Environment | 2009
Mt Harrison; Everard Edwards; Graham D. Farquhar; Adrienne B. Nicotra; John R. Evans
Photosynthetic rate per unit nitrogen generally declines as leaf mass per unit area (LMA) increases. To determine how much of this decline was associated with allocating a greater proportion of leaf nitrogen into cell wall material, we compared two groups of plants. The first group consisted of two species from each of eight genera, all of which were perennial evergreens growing in the Australian National Botanic Gardens (ANBG). The second group consisted of seven Eucalyptus species growing in a greenhouse. The percentage of leaf biomass in cell walls was independent of variation in LMA within any genus, but varied from 25 to 65% between genera. The nitrogen concentration of cell wall material was 0.4 times leaf nitrogen concentration for all species apart from Eucalyptus, which was 0.6 times leaf nitrogen concentration. Between 10 and 30% of leaf nitrogen was recovered in the cell wall fraction, but this was independent of LMA. No trade-off was observed between nitrogen associated with cell walls and the nitrogen allocated to ribulose 1.5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco). Variation in photosynthetic rate per unit nitrogen could not be explained by variation in cell wall nitrogen.
Crop & Pasture Science | 2011
Mt Harrison; John R. Evans; H. Dove; Andrew D. Moore
Growing cereal crops for the dual-purposes (DP) of livestock forage during the early vegetative stages and harvesting grain at maturity has been practised for decades. It follows that scientific experiments using DP crops are nearly as old. A survey of more than 270 DP crop experiments revealed that the average effect of crop defoliation on grain yield (GY) was -7±25% (range -35 to 75%). In light of these results, the first purpose of this review was to assess how alternative crop and grazing management regimes affected forage production and GY. Management techniques in order of decreasing importance likely to maximise grain production include (i) terminating grazing at or before GS 30, (ii) matching crop phenology to environment type, (iii) sowing DP crops 2-4 weeks earlier than corresponding sowing dates of grain-only crops, and (iv) ensuring good crop establishment before commencement of grazing. The second aim was to identify the environmental and biotic mechanisms underpinning crop responses to grazing, and to identify crop traits that would be most conducive to minimising yield penalty. A variety of mechanisms increased GY after grazing. Under favourable conditions, increased GY of grazed crops occurred via reduced lodging, mitigation of foliar disease and rapid leaf area recovery after grazing. Under stressful conditions, increased yields of grazed crops were caused by reduced transpiration and conservation of soil water, delayed phenology (frost avoidance at anthesis), and high ability to retranslocate stem reserves to grain. Yield reductions caused by grazing were associated with (i) frost damage soon after grazing, (ii) poor leaf area development or (iii) delayed maturation, which led to water or temperature stress around anthesis, culminating in increased rates of green area senescence and decreased duration of grain-filling. The third aim was to examine the role of simulation models in dissecting the effects of environment from management on crop physiology. Simulation studies of DP crops have extended the results from experimental studies, confirming that forage production increases with earlier sowing, but have also revealed that chances of liveweight gain increase with earlier sowing. Recent modelling demonstrates that potential for inclusion of DP crops into traditional grain-only systems is high, except where growing-season rainfall is <300mm. Prospective research involving crop defoliation should focus on crop recovery, specifically (i) the effects of defoliation on phenology, (ii) the time-course of leaf area recovery and dry matter partitioning, and/or (iii) development of crop-grazing models, for these three areas will be most conducive to increasing the understanding of crop responses to grazing, thereby leading to better management guidelines.
Functional Plant Biology | 2010
Mt Harrison; W. M. Kelman; Andrew D. Moore; John R. Evans
To model the impact of grazing on the growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), we measured photosynthesis in the field. Grazing may affect photosynthesis as a consequence of changes to leaf water status, nitrogen content per unit leaf area (Na) or photosynthetic enzyme activity. While light-saturated CO2 assimilation rates (Asat) of field-grown wheat were unchanged during grazing, Asat transiently increased by 33–68% compared with ungrazed leaves over a 2- to 4-week period after grazing ended. Grazing reduced leaf mass per unit area, increased stomatal conductance and increased intercellular CO2 concentrations (Ci) by 36–38%, 88–169% and 17–20%, respectively. Grazing did not alter Na. Using a photosynthesis model, we demonstrated that the increase in Asat after grazing required an increase in Rubisco activity of up to 53%, whereas the increase in Ci could only increase Asat by up to 13%. Increased Rubisco activity was associated with a partial alleviation of leaf water stress. We observed a 68% increase in leaf water potential of grazed plants that could be attributed to reduced leaf area index and canopy evaporative demand, as well as to increased rainfall infiltration into soil. The grazing of rain-fed grain cereals may be tailored to relieve plant water stress and enhance leaf photosynthesis.
Crop & Pasture Science | 2014
Graeme L. Hammer; Greg McLean; Scott C. Chapman; Bangyou Zheng; Al Doherty; Mt Harrison; Erik van Oosterom; David Jordan
Abstract. Climatic variability in dryland production environments (E) generates variable yield and crop production risks. Optimal combinations of genotype (G) and management (M) depend strongly on E and thus vary among sites and seasons. Traditional crop improvement seeks broadly adapted genotypes to give best average performance under a standard management regime across the entire production region, with some subsequent manipulation of management regionally in response to average local environmental conditions. This process does not search the full spectrum of potential G × M × E combinations forming the adaptation landscape. Here we examine the potential value (relative to the conventional, broad adaptation approach) of exploiting specific adaptation arising from G × M × E. We present an in-silico analysis for sorghum production in Australia using the APSIM sorghum model. Crop design (G × M) is optimised for subsets of locations within the production region (specific adaptation) and is compared with the optimum G across all environments with locally modified M (broad adaptation). We find that geographic subregions that have frequencies of major environment types substantially different from that for the entire production region show greatest advantage for specific adaptation. Although the specific adaptation approach confers yield and production risk advantages at industry scale, even greater benefits should be achievable with better predictors of environment-type likelihood than that conferred by location alone.
Crop & Pasture Science | 2011
Mt Harrison; John R. Evans; H. Dove; Andrew D. Moore
Detailed information on the growth dynamics, yield responses and soil water use of dual-purpose cereal crops after grazing is often required to devise guidelines for profitable grazing management. To increase the availability of such data, grazing experiments with winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) were conducted near Canberra, Australia. In 2007, cultivar Mackellar was grazed at low-short (LS, 33sheep/ha for 31 days), heavy-short (HS, 67sheep/ha for 31 days) or low-long (LL, 33sheep/ha for 62 days) intensity-durations. In 2008, cultivars Mackellar and Naparoo were grazed at the HS intensity-duration. Aboveground net primary production (ANPP) of ungrazed Mackellar crops averaged 1181g/m2. LS and HS grazing did not affect ANPP in 2007, but LL grazing in 2007 and HS grazing in 2008 treatments reduced ANPP by 20% (which included biomass removed by livestock). Average grain yield (381g/m2) was not significantly affected by grazing. Grazing increased the proportion of water lost through soil evaporation but decreased transpiration, reducing shoot dry matter production per unit evapotranspiration by up to 22%. However, grazing did not affect grain yield per unit evapotranspiration. For rainfed wheat crops grown in temperate environments, greater biomass production occurred with shorter rather than longer grazing durations, irrespective of grazing intensities.
PLOS ONE | 2013
Kasturee Jagirdar; Kelvin Yin; Mt Harrison; Wen Lim; George E. O. Muscat; Richard A. Sturm; Aaron G. Smith
Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is one of the most common mutagens encountered by humans and induces the formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and pyrimidine-(6-4)-pyrimidone photoproduct (6-4PP) lesions in the genomic DNA. To prevent the accumulation of deleterious mutations these lesions must be efficiently repaired, primarily by nucleotide excision repair. We have previously demonstrated that the NR4A family of nuclear receptors are crucial mediators of the DNA repair function of the MC1R signalling pathway in melanocytes. Here we explore the role of the NR4A2 protein in the DNA repair process further. Using EYFP tagged-NR4A2 we have demonstrated a UVR induced recruitment to distinct nuclear foci where they co-localise with known DNA repair proteins. We reveal that the N-terminal domain of the receptor is required for this translocation and identify a role for p38 and PARP signalling in this process. Moreover disruption of the functional integrity of the Ligand Binding Domain of the receptor by deleting the terminal helix 12 effectively blocks co-localisation of the receptor with DNA repair factors. Restored co-localisation of the mutant receptor with DNA repair proteins in the presence of a Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor suggests that impaired chromatin accessibility underpins the mis-localisation observed. Finally NR4A2 over-expression facilitated a more efficient clearance of UVR induced CPD and 6-4PP lesions. Taken together these data uncover a novel role for the NR4A nuclear receptors as direct facilitators of nucleotide excision repair.
Crop & Pasture Science | 2013
M.J. Bell; R. J. Eckard; Mt Harrison; James S. Neal; B. R. Cullen
Abstract. Grazed pastures in south-eastern Australia are typically based on temperate (C3) species, such as perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne). With predictions of warming to occur in this region, there has been growing interest in the performance of more heat-tolerant and deep-rooted subtropical (C4) pasture grasses, such as kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum). This study used an existing pasture model to estimate the production of kikuyu compared with the commonly used perennial ryegrass at seven sites in south-eastern Australia, using an historical baseline climate scenario between 1971 and 2010, and the daily temperature of the baseline scenario adjusted by +1, +2, and +3°C to represent potential warming in the future. The seven sites were chosen to represent the range of climatic zones and soil types in the region. First, the model predictions of monthly kikuyu dry matter (DM) production were validated with measured data at Taree, Camden, and Bega, with results showing good agreement. Second, pasture production (t DM/ha), metabolisable energy (ME, MJ/kg DM) content, and ME yield (GJ/ha) were predicted using the baseline and warmer climate scenarios. The study was based on 56 simulations of the factorial arrangement of seven sites × four temperature scenarios × two pastures. The month and annual ME yield of a kikuyu–subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) pasture and a perennial ryegrass–subterranean clover pasture were compared. This study showed that in summer-dominant rainfall locations, where the average maximum temperature is >23°C, kikuyu was a more productive pasture species than perennial ryegrass. In winter-dominant rainfall locations during the warmer months of December–March, kikuyu can provide a useful source of ME when perennial ryegrass is less productive. With warming of up to 3°C at the winter-dominant rainfall sites, the average ME yield per year of kikuyu was predicted to surpass that of perennial ryegrass, but inter-annual variation in kikuyu production was higher. The nutritive value, seasonal distribution of growth, total annual production, and its variability are all important considerations for producers when selecting pasture species.
Crop & Pasture Science | 2011
Mt Harrison; John R. Evans; H. Dove; Andrew D. Moore
Grazing of cereal crops reduces canopy light interception and could potentially reduce biomass production and grain yields. Alternatively, defoliation after canopy closure may increase light penetration and enhance radiation-use efficiency(RUE,shootdrymatterproducedperunitlightintercepted).Changesindrymatterpartitioningfollowinggrazing mayalsoameliorategrainyieldpenalties.ExperimentswithrainfedwinterwheatwereconductednearCanberra,Australia,to investigatetheeffectofdifferentintensityordurationofgrazingontwocultivars.Grazingreducedleafareaindex(LAI),light interceptionandgrowthratesbyupto90%butdidnotaffectoverallRUE.Althoughgrazingcausedsignificantreductionsin cumulativelightinterceptionandtotaldrymatteraccumulation,itdidnotaffectgrainyieldsbecausegrazedcropshaddelayed phenological development, allowing increased partitioning of shoot dry matter to spikes. Grazing reduced stem dry matter accumulationandconsequentlydecreasedtheamountofstemassimilateavailableforretranslocationtokernelsbyupto75%. However,bydelayingcropontogeny,grazingprolongedgreenareadurationafteranthesisandtherebyincreasedthesupply of assimilates from current photosynthesis to developing kernels, mitigating potential yield penalties caused by defoliation. Additional keywords: allometry, assimilate, defoliation, herbivory, kernels, phenology, physiology, retranslocation, Triticum aestivum.
Animal Production Science | 2014
C Ho; T Jackson; Mt Harrison; R. J. Eckard
Ewes with the fecundity Booroola (FecB) gene produce more lambs per ewe on average than ewes without the gene and offers a potential way to decrease greenhouse gas emissions (net and per unit animal product) without reducing lamb production if the lambs can be reared to market weights. Using a case study farm in south-west Victoria, a biophysical modelling study has previously showed that increased ewe fecundity from 1 to 1.5 lambs per ewe increased production by 27% and reduced net farm emissions by 21% for the same long-term stocking rate. In this study, a whole-farm economic analysis was used to investigate the relative merit of the same case study farm, with high-fecundity ewes, compared with a baseline system that represented a typical prime lamb enterprise in the region. An additional system comprising ewes with high fecundity at a lower stocking rate than the case study farm was also examined. The analysis was undertaken to establish which farm systems represented the most economically efficient use of all the resources that are employed over a run of years, and involved estimating the net present value of annual profits earned by the farm in each scenario, taking into account the total value of capital used. The potential revenue from the sale of carbon credits through the Carbon Farming Initiative was also investigated. After accounting for the additional costs involved, increasing ewe fecundity resulted in an increase in annual whole-farm profit compared with the baseline system, but risk, considered as the variability in farm profit, also increased. Decreasing stocking rate for the high-fecundity system reduced annual operating profit and net present value at a 5% discount rate, but had less risk compared with the higher stocking rate system. While both systems that incorporated high-fecundity ewes reduced greenhouse gas emissions, revenue from the sale of carbon credits was small compared with revenue from the sale of lambs, wool and culled ewes. Despite this, and assuming the required increases in fertility and weaning rates could be achieved consistently on-farm, ewes with high fecundity may offer producers the opportunity to increase production and profit as well as decrease greenhouse gas emissions.
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