Nilüfer Darendeliler
Gazi University
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Featured researches published by Nilüfer Darendeliler.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics | 1999
Lale Taner-Sarisoy; Nilüfer Darendeliler
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of different growth pattern and treatment type factors on craniofacial structures in cases treated with fixed mechanics and premolar extractions. A total of 41 cases with a mean chronologic age of 14 years 7 months and skeletal age of 14 years 6 months was included in the study. These cases were treated with fixed Edgewise mechanics and with extraction of four first premolars. The growth pattern factor was assessed in two levels as mesiodivergent and hyperdivergent, and the treatment type factor was assessed as with and without headgear. The results were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance. In the assessment of differences between the two types of growth patterns at the end of treatment; the changes in N-ANS and N-M were found to be statistically significant (P <.05). In comparison of cases treated with and without headgear, changes in SNA and ANB angles were found to be statistically significant (P <.01). Interaction was found to be nonsignificant for all measurements. It was observed that treatment with fixed appliances and premolar extractions does not change significantly the growth pattern.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics | 2008
Çağrı Ulusoy; Nilüfer Darendeliler
INTRODUCTION The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the Class II activator and the Class II activator high-pull headgear (HG) combination on the mandible with 3-dimensional (3D) finite element stress analysis. METHODS A 3D finite element model of the mandible was constructed from a dry human mandible. To investigate the effects of the Class II activator, a 3D model of the lower part of this appliance was constructed and fixed on the mandibular model. The Class II activator high-pull headgear model was established as described, and an extraoral traction force of 350 g was directed from the middle of the Class II activator to the top of the mandibular condyle. The stress regions were studied with the finite element method. RESULTS The regions near the muscle attachment areas were affected the most. The inner part of the coronoid process and the gonial area had the maximum stress values. CONCLUSIONS Both functional appliances can cause morphologic changes on the mandible by activating the masticatory muscles to change the growth direction.
European Journal of Dentistry | 2013
F. Deniz Uzuner; Nilüfer Darendeliler
Surgery on the dentoalveolar process combined with orthodontic treatment was emphasized as an alternative method for reducing the treatment time and improving the orthodontic treatment on post-adolescent and adult patients. This combined treatment facilitates and accelerates orthodontic tooth movement. This article reviews the clinical practice in surgery-assisted orthodontic treatment in relation to historical perspective, indications and biological principles, as well as limitations and risks of dento-osseous surgical techniques, including dento-osseous osteotomy and/or ostectomy, dento-osseous microfracture, dento-osseous corticotomy, and/or corticoectomy, and dental distraction.
Forensic Science International | 2016
Emine Kaygisiz; Altuğ Yeniay; Nilüfer Darendeliler
This study was performed to evaluate the influence of secular trends on dental maturation among Turkish children over the past 30 years. Orthopantomograms of 757 (385 boys, 372 girls) Turkish children born in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s were evaluated. Three groups were formed based on decade with five subgroups by age from 9 to 13 years old for each gender. The number of samples in each age group and gender were matched. The mandibular left seven permanent teeth were evaluated based on formation stage to determine the overall dental maturity score. The groups were compared based on decade and gender. The Bonferroni-corrected Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used for statistical evaluation. Among 11-, 12-, and 13-year-olds born in the 2000s, girls exhibited significantly more mature dentition than did boys (p<0.01, p<0.05, and p<0.05, respectively). Twelve-year-old girls born in the 1990s and 2000s exhibited significantly more mature dentition than did girls born in the 1980s (p<0.01). Girls generally exhibited more mature dentition than boys. No significant positive secular trends in dental maturity were observed from the 1980s through the 2000s. Dental maturation among Turkish children was not affected by a secular trend.
European Journal of Dentistry | 2016
Hande Odabasi; Secil Acar; Tuba Tortop; Nilüfer Darendeliler
Objective: To evaluate the effects of modified bonded rapid maxillary expansion (RME) on occlusal force distribution. Materials and Methods: The sample included 12 patients (7 girls and 5 boys; mean age: 13.1 years) at the permanent dentition stage with bilateral posterior cross-bite. The patients were treated with a modified bonded RME appliance, activated twice a day. The study was terminated when the palatal cusps of the maxillary posterior teeth were occluding with the buccal cusps of the mandibular posterior teeth. The postretention period was 3 months. The T-Scan III device was used to analyze the percentages of occlusal force distribution, and records were taken at the pretreatment (T1), the postreatment (T2), and the postretention (T3) periods. Wilcoxon signed rank test was used for statistical analyses. Results: Incisors were most frequently without contact, followed by canines. The highest forces were seen in the second and first molar regions. A significant decrease was seen in total occlusal force during treatment (T1–T2); however, during retention, the force returned to its initial value, and no significant differences were found (T1–T3). No differences were found between right and left sides and in occlusal forces of the teeth in all time periods. Conclusion: The use of modified bonded RME decreases the total occlusal forces during the treatment period, but it does returns to its initial value after the postretention period.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics | 2008
Çağrı Ulusoy; Nilüfer Darendeliler
OZET Temporomandibuler eklemi (TME) ve cigneme kaslarini etkileyen patolojik ve fonksiyonel sebeplerden dolayi temporomandibuler eklem rahatsizliklari ortaya cikar. TME rahatsizliklari ile okluzyon arasindaki iliski, giderek artan bir ilgiyle, dis hekimligi cevrelerinin dikkatini cekmektedir ancak bu konuda birbiriyle celisen bircok degisik fikir vardir. Bu calismanin amaci, TME rahatsizligi semptomlari tasiyan ve tasimayan hastalarda molar iliskinin, okluzal rehberligin (kanin koruyuculugu ve grup fonksiyonu) ve dengeleyen taraf dis temaslarinin karsi-lastirilmasidir. Bu calismada ortalama yasi 23,19±2,06 olan 108 dis hekimligi ogrencisinden alinan kayitlar kullanilmistir. Okluzal faktorler ve TME rahatsizligi semptomlari kaydedilmistir ve bu veriler arasindaki iliskiler arastirilmistir. Lateral yon hareketindeki okluzal rehberlik tipi ile dengeleyen taraf dis kon-taktlari arasindaki iliski istatistiksel olarak anlamli bulunmustur (P<0.001); molar iliski (Angle siniflamasi) ile protruzyonda olusan dis te...
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics | 2004
Nilüfer Darendeliler
OZET: Isirma kuvveti buyuklugunun uzun yuzlu ve kisa yuzlu bireylerde farkli olarak kaydedilmesi, bu kuvveti olusturan kas modelin farkli oldugu gorusunu ortaya atmistir. Yuzun buyume yonunun fonksiyonel modelin etkisiyle mi degistigi, yoksa fonksiyonel cevabin morfololojik yapidan mi etkilendigi gunumuzde hala tartisilmaktadir. Bu derlemede, farkli malokuzyon-larda olculen isirma kuvvetlerinde degisikligin nedenlerini irdeleyen calismalar ozetlenmistir. BITE FORCES RECORDED IN DIFFERENT MALOCCLUSIONS. The difference in magnitude of the bite forces recorded in long and short face subjects results in an opinion that these forces are formed by different the muscle patterns. It has been still discussed whether the bone shape is influenced by the masticatory muscles or masticatory muscles adapt to the maxillofacial morphology as bone grows. In this study, the reasons of the differences in bite forces recorded for different facial morphologies are reviewed.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics | 1998
Nilüfer Darendeliler
OZET: Bu calismada sinif II malokluzyonlu bireylerin okluzal duzlem, anterior okluzal duzlem ve posterior okluzal duzlem egimlerinin kraniyofasiyal yapilara ait iskeletsel parametreler ile iliskileri arastirilmistir. Iskeletsel parametreler birbirleri ile iliskisine gore iki gruba ayrilarak incelenmistir. Arastirma kapsamina 40 sinif II bolum I malokluzyonlu birey ve 23 sinif I okluzyonlu birey alinmistir. Arastirmada secilen iskeletsel parametrelerin okluzal duzlem, anterior okluzal duzlem ve posterior okluzal duzlem ile iliskileri path analizi ile incelenmistir. Elde edilen sonuclara gore, sinif II grupta, okluzal duzlem ve posterior okluzal duzlemin SNB ve BaNaGn degeri ile, anterior okluzal duzlemin ise SNB degeri ile; her uc okluzal duzlemin de SNA, ANB degeri ile dogrudan iliskisi istatistiksel olarak onemli bulunmustur. Sinif I grupta sadece posterior okluzal duzlem ile ANB degerinin ve anterior okluzal duzlem ile SNA degerinin dogrudan iliskisi istatiksel olarak onemli oldugu gorulmustur. Sinif II...
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics | 1998
Nilüfer Darendeliler; Oktay Üner
OZET Temporomandibular eklem (TME) uzerine binen ve normal olmayan yukler bircok dejeneratif hastaliklara neden olabilmektedir. Gerek ortodontik, gerekse ortognatik cerrahi yontemleri ile tedavi sonucunda, cigneme kaslari kuvvetleri ile isirma kuvvetinin TME uzerindeki etkileri degismektedir. Bu etkilerin saptanmasi amaciyla, iskeletsel sinif 2 kapanisa sahip bir bireyden elde edilen cigneme kaslari kuvvetleri, isirma kuvveti ve bunlarin uygulama noktalarinin degisimi ile TME uzerinde olusan reaksiyon kuvvetin yon ve buyuklugunun degisimi arasindaki iliski incelenmis ve sonuclar grafiklerle gosterilmistir. Iki boyutlu bir model uzerinde olcum hatalarini en aza indirecek kuvvet ve moment kolu vektorleri denge denklemlerinde kullanilarak bir uygulama programi yazilmistir. Boylece, kuvvet vektorlerinin buyukluk ve yonunun degisiminin TME reaksiyon kuvveti uzerine etkileri gosterilmistir.
Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry | 1999
Oktay Üner; Nilüfer Darendeliler; Erhan Bilir