Nuran Akdemir
Hacettepe University
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Featured researches published by Nuran Akdemir.
Cancer Nursing | 2008
Hicran Aydin Bektas; Nuran Akdemir
The objective of this study was to test the reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Functional Living Index-Cancer in Turkey. The English version of the Functional Living Index-Cancer was translated into Turkish following the standard translation methodology. The questionnaire was administered to 110 cancer patients who had been receiving chemotherapy. Internal consistency reliability was in the acceptable range for this instrument. Among cancer patients, the Cronbach &agr; reliability for the total scale was .88, and subscale &agr; coefficients ranged from .60 to .83, which is similar to the &agr; of .79 observed in the Functional Living Index-Cancer, English version. The results of the principle components analysis and varimax rotation resulted in 5-factor structure: physical functioning, psychological functioning, current well-being, social functioning, and gastrointestinal symptoms. The results of this study suggest that the Turkish version of the Functional Living Index-Cancer is a reliable and valid supplementary measure of the quality of life in cancer patients in Turkey, and it can be used in clinical trials and studies of outcome research in oncology.
Dicle Tıp Dergisi | 2011
Nuran Akdemir; Hatice Bostanoğlu; Sabire Yurtsever; Sevinç Kutlutürkan; Sevgisun Kapucu; Zeynep Özer
Hemangiomas are the most common tumors of infancy. Most of them require no treatment, but treatment is needed if dramatic aesthetic, and/or functional impairment as visual or airway obstruction or ulceration arises. We reported a 6-month-old infant presented with a 6-week history of a rapidly growing cutaneus hemangioma on the right eyelid and caused visual impairment. The patient was successfully treated with the use of oral propranolol therapy. We suggest that propranolol can be considered as a first line treatment in a patient with infantil hemangioma.Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine levator palpebralis superior muscle histologically in patients with congenital blepharoptosis and to investigate the relationship between these findings and age, sex and degree of blefaroptosis in this patient group. Materials and methods: Levator muscle of 13 patients with congenital ptosis, who had applied to Dicle University Medical Faculty Ophthalmology Clinic and had undergone levator palpebralis superior muscle resection between january 2009-january 2010, has been examined histopathologically in Histology and Embriology Deparment. During preoperative period, ptosis amount, levator function (LF), tear functions, Bell\s phenomenon and jaw-winking phenomenon were evaluated. All patients underwent resection of levator palpebralis superior muscle. Received postoperative levator muscle was examined by light microscopy. Results: The average age of 9 (69.2%) male and 4 (30.8%) female cases were 10.61 p 4.77 (4- 19) years. In histological examination, the quality and quantity of the levator muscle fibrils have been assessed. There was no relationship detected between histological features of levator palpebralis superior muscle and patient\s age and gender (p>0.05). Patients with weak levator palpebralis superior muscle were detected to have fatty degeneration histologically. The higher the levator palpebralis superior muscle function revealed decreased fatty degeneration and increased skeletal muscle fibrils. Conclusion: More ultrastructural studies in larger populations are needed to support the relationship between structure and function of levator palpebralis superior muscle in patients with congenital blepharoptosis.Amac: Lateral epikondilit (tenisci dirsegi) en fazla tani konulan dirsek yan agri nedenidir. Bu calismanin amaci tenisci dirsegi tedavisinde tek doz kortikosteroid enjeksiyonu ile otolog trombositten zengin plazma (TZP) enjeksiyonunun etkilerini karsilastirmaktir. Gerec ve yontem: Dirsek yan kisminda agri sikâyeti sonucu klinigimize muracaat edip, lateral epikondilit tanisi konan 15 hastanin (6 erkek ve 9 kadin) 15 dirsegi calisma kapsamina alindi. Olgularin 1. grubuna tek doz 0,5 ml Bethametasone ve 0.5 ml Prilokain karisimi, 2. grup olgulara 1ml otolog TZP lokal olarak uygulandi. Bulgular: Verhaar skorlama sistemine gore alinan sonuclara gore ilk takiplerde lokal steroid enjeksiyonu yapilan hasta grubunda sonuclarin daha iyi oldugu fakat sonraki takiplerde iyi sonuclarin goruldugu vaka sayisinda azalma oldugu goruldu. TZP grubunda ise ilk takiplerde sonuclarin kotu oldugu fakat sonraki takiplerde daha iyi sonuclarin alindigi goruldu. Sonuc: Otolog TZP enjeksiyonun lateral epikondilitte iyi yonde etkinliginin zamanla artigi soylenebilir, fakat bunun daha iyi anlasilmasi icin olgu sayisi ve takip suresi artirilmis yeni calismalarin yapilmasi gereklidir.
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences | 2017
Güler Duru Aşiret; Gülcan Bağcivan; Münevver Özcan; Beste Başak Eröksüz; Nalan Akbayrak; Nuran Akdemir
Background/aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Vulnerability to Abuse Screening Scale (VASS). Materials and methods: This was a methodological study. The sample included 140 elderly individuals. Data were collected by using a questionnaire form, the VASS, and the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). The Cronbach alpha value was calculated and test?retest reliability was tested for the reliability analyses. Results: The Cronbach alpha value calculated for the VASS (12 items) was 0.819. There was no difference between test and retest mean scores of the VASS. A statistically significantly positive and strong relationship was found between the test and retest scores of the individuals. A statistically significantly positive and moderate relationship was found between the VASS and GDS scores. Factor analysis revealed that a total of four factors accounted for 63.66% of the total variance with an eigenvalue of >1. These results show that the Turkish version of the VASS is a valid and reliable scale. Conclusion: This study showed that the adoption of the translated VASS in Turkey is reliable and valid to evaluate the risk of abuse in adults over the age of 65.
journal of anatolia nursing and health sciences | 2011
Nuran Akdemir; Leyla Özdemir; Imatullah Akyar
Calisma hemsirelik alaninda mezuniyet sonrasi egitimin genel durumunu belirlemek amaciyla 21 Haziran 2005- 12 Şubat 2006 tarihleri arasinda tanimlayici olarak yapilmistir. Evreni 2004-2005 ogretim yili itibariyle mezuniyet sonrasi egitim veren 22 universite olusturmustur. Calismada Yuksek lisans egitimi veren hemsirelik okullarinda genel olarak ogretim uye ve eleman sayisinin yetersiz oldugu, ogretim elemani-ogrenci dagiliminin okullar arasinda farklilik gosterdigi belirlenmistir. Yuksek Ogretim Kurulu’nun maddesi ile ilgili olarak ogrenci gonderen okullarin, ogrencilerin egitiminin uzun surmesi nedeniyle egitim ve ogretimde sikinti yasadiklari saptanmistir Yuksek Ogretim Kurulu’nun 35. maddesi ile ogrenci kabul eden okullar; egitim almak uzere gelen ogrencilerin kurumda uyum sorunu yasamasini, bilgi ve uygulama acisindan eksikliklerinin olmasini, okullarina donuslerinin kayiplara yol acmasini gucluk olarak ifade etmislerdir.
journal of anatolia nursing and health sciences | 2009
Hicran Aydin Bektas; Nuran Akdemir
Kanserli bireylerde hastaliga ve tedavi yontemlerine bagli olarak gorulen semptomlar fonksiyonel durumu olumsuz etkiler. Bu makalede fonksiyonel durum kavrami, fonksiyonel durumun degerlendirilmesi, kanserli bireylerde fonksiyonel durumun onemi, hemsirelerin fonksiyonel durumu degerlendirmedeki rolleri ele alinmaktadir.
Journal of the Neurological Sciences | 2009
Leyla Özdemir; Nuran Akdemir
Journal of Renal Care | 2009
Sevgi Sun Kapucu; Yeliz Akkuş; Nuran Akdemir; Yasemin Karacan
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing | 2013
Imatullah Akyar; Nuran Akdemir
Journal of Combinatorial Theory | 2012
Fusun Terzioglu; Zahide Tuna; Sergul Duygulu; Handan Boztepe; Sevgisun Kapucu; Leyla Özdemir; Nuran Akdemir; Deniz Koçoğlu; Guillaume Alinier; Filippo Festini
journal of anatolia nursing and health sciences | 2012
Fusun Terzioglu; Serap Ejder Apay; Yeliz Akkuş; Zöhre Irmak; Mediha Baybuğa; Nadiye Özer; Sergul Duygulu; Zahide Tuna; Handan Boztepe; Sevgisun Kapucu; Leyla Özdemir; Nuran Akdemir