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Journal of Sport and Health Science | 2016

Single dose of intra-muscular platelet rich plasma reverses the increase in plasma iron levels in exercise-induced muscle damage: A pilot study

Zekine Punduk; Onur Oral; Nadir Ozkayin; Khalid Rahman; Rana Varol

Background Platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy is widely used in enhancing the recovery of skeletal muscle from injury. However, the impact of intramuscular delivery of PRP on hematologic and biochemical responses has not been fully elucidated in exercise-induced muscle damage. The purpose of this investigation the effects of intramuscular delivery of PRP on hematologic and biochemical responses and recovery strategy muscle damage induced by high intensity muscle exercise (exercise-induced muscle damage, EIMD). Methods Moderately active male volunteers participated in this study and were assigned to a control group (control, n = 6) and PRP administration group (PRP, n = 6). The subjects performed exercise with a load of 80% one repetition maximum (1RM) maximal voluntary contraction of the elbow flexors until point of exhaustion of the non-dominant arm was reached. The arms were treated with saline or autologous PRP post-24 h EIMD. Venous blood samples were obtained in the morning to establish a baseline value and 1–4 days post-exercise and were analyzed for serum ferritin, iron, iron binding capacity (IBC), creatinine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and alanine aminotransferase (ALT). Results The baseline levels of plasma iron, ferritin, IBC, CK, LDH, AST, and ALT were similar in both the control and PRP groups. However, 24-h following exercise a significant increase in these parameters was observed in both groups between 1 and 4 days during the recovery period. Interestingly, PRP administration decreased plasma iron levels compared to the control on the second day post-exercise. Plasma IBC increased in PRP group from Days 2 to 4 post-exercise compared to the control group whilst PRP administration had no effect on plasma ferritin, CK, AST, ALT, or LDH. Conclusion Acute exhaustive exercise increased muscle damage markers, including plasma iron, IBC, and ferritin levels, indicating muscle damage induced by exercise. PRP administration improves inflammation by reversing the increase in the iron levels post-exercise without displaying any myotoxicity and may have a role to play in the recovery of exercise-induced muscle damage.

International journal of Science Culture and Sport | 2015

Vitamin D ve Metabolik Fonksiyonları

Onur Oral; Anna Zusa; Solmaz P. Hasdemir; George Nomikos; S. Rana Varol

Vitamin D,insanoglu icin en onemli vitaminlerden biridir ve ihtiyacinin %95’i gunes isinlarinin cilde sentezlenmesiyle karsilanir.Vitamin D eksikligi ozellikle kanser gibi bir cok hastaliga yol acabilecegi icin,yeterli bir seviyede vitamin D alanlar eger egzersiz yaparlarsa bu riski azaltabilirler.Ayni zamanda vitamin D seviyesi yuksek olursa,leptin hormonu sayesinde daha az yemek yenecegi icin obezite riski minimuma inecektir.Vitamin D reseptorleri yaklasik olarak 40 dokuda vardir.Yagda cozunen vitamin D’nin en onemli etkisi kemik minerilizasyonu fosfor metabolizmasi ve kalsiyum uzerinedir.Vitamin D seviyesi dusuk olan kisiler,yardimci ilaclar yerine vitamin D acisindan zengin olan kaynaklarin besinlerinden sendromlar,bulasici,otoimmun ve kardiyovaskuler gibi bir cok hastalikla iliskisi oldugu bildirilmistir.Gozlemsel calismalarda,endustrilesmis ulkeler de dahil olmak uzere dunyanin kuzey bolgelerinde vitamin D eksikliginin cok yaygin oldugu anlasilmistir

International journal of Science Culture and Sport | 2015

Kinesiogenomik: Kinesiolojinin Genomik Çağı

Onur Oral; Anna Zusa; Meral Sevuk; Meral Sevinc Tirpan

Genetik bilim dalinin kinesioloji alanindaki uygulamalari kinesiogenomik veya spor genetigi olarak adlandirilabilir. Bu nedenle, kinesiogenomik terimi, kinesiolojinin cesitli disiplinlerindeki genetik bilim uygulamalari olarak tanimlayabiliriz. Kinesiogenomik alaninda yurutulen arastirmalarin temel bilimsel amaci sportif performansin genetik yonlerini aciklayabilmek ve farkli genlerin farkli allelleriyle vucut sistemleri ve metabolizmasinin yanit ve uyumu uzerinde gosterdikleri etkileri aciklayabilmektir. Kinesiolojinin cesitli disiplinlerindeki genetik bilim uygulamalariyla, ayni zamanda performansinin saptanmasinda genetik testlerin kullanilmasini olasi kilacak ve sporcu performansini gelistirmeye yonelik bireysel egzersiz recetesi ve gen tedavisini beraberinde getirecektir. Maksimal oksijen kullanimi, kisa fibril tip yapisi, antrene edilebilirlik gibi bireysel ozelliklerde genetik yatkinlik agir basmaktadir. Genetik arastirmalar, sportif performansla iliskili genlerin fenotipik katkilarin aciklanmasiyla; aerobik, anaerobik kapasite, kalp ve iskelet kasi morfolojileri, kas gucu ve dayanikliligi ve sinirsel ileti ozellikleri gibi kinesiogenomik baglantili ozelliklerinin etkisiyle kinesioloji alaninda yeni gelismelere neden olmaktadir. Bugune kadar yapilan kinesiogenomik arastirmalarinda, kinesioloji alaninda alaninda genis kohortlu, fenotipi iyi belirlenmis genis katilimli gruplar uzerinde yapilan genom calisamalariyla bir yeni cag acilmistir. Bu derleme makale calismasinin amaci, kinesioloji alanindaki cesitli disiplinlerde son donemde yasanan onemli genetik uygulamalari ozetlemek ve kinesiogenomik acisindan spor bilimi ve kinesioloji alaninda gelecek icin bilimsel beklenti ve olanaklari ongormeye calismaktirGenetik bilim dalinin kinesioloji alanindaki uygulamalari kinesiogenomik veya spor genetigi olarak adlandirilabilir. Bu nedenle, kinesiogenomik terimi, kinesiolojinin cesitli disiplinlerindeki genetik bilim uygulamalari olarak tanimlayabiliriz. Kinesiogenomik alaninda yurutulen arastirmalarin temel bilimsel amaci sportif performansin genetik yonlerini aciklayabilmek ve farkli genlerin farkli allelleriyle vucut sistemleri ve metabolizmasinin yanit ve uyumu uzerinde gosterdikleri etkileri aciklayabilmektir. Kinesiolojinin cesitli disiplinlerindeki genetik bilim uygulamalariyla, ayni zamanda performansinin saptanmasinda genetik testlerin kullanilmasini olasi kilacak ve sporcu performansini gelistirmeye yonelik bireysel egzersiz recetesi ve gen tedavisini beraberinde getirecektir. Maksimal oksijen kullanimi, kisa fibril tip yapisi, antrene edilebilirlik gibi bireysel ozelliklerde genetik yatkinlik agir basmaktadir. Genetik arastirmalar, sportif performansla iliskili genlerin fenotipik katkilarin aciklanmasiyla; aerobik, anaerobik kapasite, kalp ve iskelet kasi morfolojileri, kas gucu ve dayanikliligi ve sinirsel ileti ozellikleri gibi kinesiogenomik baglantili ozelliklerinin etkisiyle kinesioloji alaninda yeni gelismelere neden olmaktadir. Bugune kadar yapilan kinesiogenomik arastirmalarinda, kinesioloji alaninda alaninda genis kohortlu, fenotipi iyi belirlenmis genis katilimli gruplar uzerinde yapilan genom calisamalariyla bir yeni cag acilmistir. Bu derleme makale calismasinin amaci, kinesioloji alanindaki cesitli disiplinlerde son donemde yasanan onemli genetik uygulamalari ozetlemek ve kinesiogenomik acisindan spor bilimi ve kinesioloji alaninda gelecek icin bilimsel beklenti ve olanaklari ongormeye calismaktir

International journal of Science Culture and Sport | 2015

Trombosit Yönünden Zenginleştirilmiş Plazmaya Genel Bir Bakış

Onur Oral; Athanasios Papavasiliou; Refik Cabuk; George Nomikos; Yeliz Ozveren; S. Rana Varol

Bu bilimsel makalenin amaci, trombosit yonunden zenginlestirilmis plazma (PRP, Platelet Rich Plasma) ile tedavi yontemini daha once hic duymamis insanlara tanitmaktir. Insanlar sakatlanabilir, boylece bedenlerinde doku zedelenmeleri yasanabilir; ornegin kemik kirigi, kucuk yaralanma ya da yarali bir bolge olusabilir. Ayrica hasarli doku iyilesmesi cok uzun zaman alan bir kikirdak doku olabilir. Damarda trombus olarak bulunan trombositler, hasarli dokularini onarmak icin ortaya cikarlar. Bununla birlikte, kisa bir surede trombositler hasarli alanin tedavisi icin yeterli olacaklardir. Bu noktada PRP tedavi yontemi iyilesme surecine bir el verir. Ozel kitlerle santrifuj edilen insanlarin kanlarinda trombosit, kan hucreleri ve plazmadan ayristirilabilir. Bu ayristirilmis plazmanin trombosit yogunlugu, kandaki trombosit yogunlugundan 3-5 kat daha fazladir. Daha sonra hasarli bolgeye ya da dokuya plazma enjeksiyonu ile PRP yontemi uygulanir. Haftada 2-4 seans uygulanmasi sonrasinda, hasarli doku yenilenebilir. Yogunlastirilmis trombosit plazmasi kullanildigi icin bu hizli bir iyilesme yontemidir; bu plazma insanin kendi kanindan elde edildigi icin de guvenli bir yontemdir. PRP bircok alanda uygulanabilir; dis hekimligi, spor hekimligi ile plastik, damar ya da ortopedik gibi farkli tur cerrahi alanlari ornek gosterilebilir. Futbolcularin bacaklari kirildiginda spor hayatlarinin sonuna gelirlerdi. Eger kirilan bacaklari daha iyi ve daha hizli iyilestirilmis olsaydi spor hayatlari yine de biter miydi? Ozetle PRP’ yi, gelecegin guvenli tedavi yontemi olarak tanimlayabiliriz

Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine | 2014

High Protein Diet Increases Thickness of Renal Parenchyma in Resistance-Trained-Individuals

Umut Hasan Kantarci; Zekine Punduk; Onur Oral; Gulec Mert; Omer Senarslan

Objectives: Commercial protein powder or supplements are particularly consumed by resistance-trained individuals. For these individuals, an estimated requirement and recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of good quality protein are 0.66 g and 0.83 g per kg body weight (BW) per day, respectively. The aim of the present study is to examine the effect of high protein intake on thickness of renal parenchyma in resistance-trained individuals in long term. Methods: Thirty six healthy resistance-trained male volunteers participated in this study (mean age 26 ± 3.6 years, body mass index 27.1±3.5). Participants were divided into three groups according to daily protein intake/BW: group 1 (n=8): 1.8 g/kg/day, group 2 (n=16): 2.5 g/kg/day and group 3 (n=12): 4 g/kg/day. They have been regularly resistance training on average of 6.5 ± 3.5 hours per week for the last 6 years. Daily protein intake of the subjects was calculated as the sum of dietary intake plus commercially protein powder. Plasma levels of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine were measured in venous blood samples. Renal length, width, thickness and cortical thickness were obtained in longitudinal and transverse ultrasonographic scans in prone position by same radiologist. Cortical echogenicity was graded as less than (0), equal to (1) or greater than (2) liver/spleen parenchyma and loss of cortex medulla differentiation (3). Results: Plasma levels of BUN and creatinine were similar in all groups (p > 0.05). Thickness of renal parenchyma in high protein intake (4 g/kg/day) group was significantly higher than in other groups (p < 0.05). There was a significant positive correlation between grade of cortical echogenicity and high protein intake (p < 0.05). There were also a significant positive correlation between renal cortical thickness and high protein intake (p < 0.05). There was no significant correlation between high protein intake and increased levels of creatinine (p > 0.05). Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that high protein intake increases the thickness of renal parenchyma in resistance-trained individuals in long term. Daily protein intake in excessive doses and unsupervised protein powder usage can be harmful and irreversible effects on kidney in resistance-trained individuals long term.

Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine | 2014

Single Dose of Intra-Muscular Platlet Rich Plasma Reverses the Increase in Plasma Iron Levels in Exercise Induced Muscle Damage A Pilot Study

Zekine Punduk; Onur Oral; Nadir Ozkayin; Khalid Rahman

Objectives: Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, is considered to be a promising solution in accelerating the healing process of injured skeletal muscle tissue. In addition to the release of growth factors, PRP also promotes concentrated anti-inflammatory signals, including interleukins. However, the impact of the intramuscular administration of the PRP on hematologic and biochemical responses has not been fully elucidated in exercise induced muscle damage. Methods: Twelve healthy moderately active male volunteers, without previous experience with eccentric/concentric elbow flexors exercise, participated in this study. They were divided into two groups: control group (CONTROL, n=6) and platelet rich plasma administration group (PRP, n=6) group. To induce muscle damage, subjects in both groups performed concentric/eccentric contractions with load of (80 % 1RM) maximal voluntary contraction of the elbow flexors until point of exhaustion of the non-dominant arm. The non-dominant arms of the PRP group were treated with autologous PRP (Regen ACR-C, Regen Lab, Switzerland) post-24h exercise induced damage (DOMS). Subsequently, 4 ml PRP samples was injected using a 20-gauge needle into the region of the biceps brachii of the non-dominant arm under sterile aseptic conditions. Venous blood samples were collected pre-, and 4 days post-exercise, and analyzed for complete blood counts, serum ferritin, iron, iron binding capacity (IBC), creatinine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) as markers of muscle damage and inflammation. Results: We found that the baseline levels of iron, ferritin, IBC, CK, LDH, AST and ALT were similar in control and PRP groups. However, 24 h following exercise induced muscle damage a significant increase in these parameters was observed in both groups. Interestingly, PRP administration decreased plasma iron levels compared to the control group but this was only achieved on the second day of post-exercise induced muscle damage. In addition, the plasma IBC levels increased in PRP group from day 2 to 4 post exercise compared to control group. PRP administration had no effect on plasma ferritin, CK, LDH, AST, and LDH levels. Conclusion: Acute exhaustive exercise increased muscle damage markers, including plasma iron, IBC and ferritin levels, indicating metabolic stress due to exercise induced muscle damage. PRP administration decreased the iron levels post-exercise and may have a role to play in the recovery of exercise induced muscle damage.

International journal of Science Culture and Sport | 2014

Examining the Effects of Long Term Exercise Training on Some Physical and Physiological Parameters of 12-15 Years Old Children

Yeliz Ozveren; Bahtiyar Özçaldiran; Onur Oral

Toplumlarin temel amaclarindan birisi de fiziksel ve ruhsal acidan saglikli bireyler yetistirmektir. Dogumdan itibaren ergenligin sonuna kadar hizli bir surec olan buyume ve gelismenin, beslenme ve fiziksel aktivite ile yakindan iliskili oldugu bilinmektedir. Degisen yasam tarziyla beraber fiziksel aktivitenin gunluk yasantimizdaki onemi gun gectikce artmaktadir. Bu nedenle sportif aliskanliklarin da diger bircok aliskanliklar gibi kucuk yasta edinilmesi ve cocuklara yasamlari boyunca kullanabilecekleri fiziksel becerilerin kazandirilmasi gerekmektedir. Bu calismanin amaci 12-15 yas grubu erkek ogrencilerin eurofit testleri ile bazi fiziksel ve fizyolojik parametrelerinin arastirilmasidir. Arastirmaya Izmir Ili, Karabaglar, Buca ve Konak Bolgesi Ilkogretim okullarinda egitim goren 12-15 yaslarindaki 1002 erkek ogrenci gonullu olarak katilmistir. Ogrencilere boy uzunlugu, vucut agirligi, vucut yag yuzdesi, dikey sicrama, 20 m. sprint, pence, bacak ve sirt kuvvetleri ile maxVO2, FVC ve FEV 1 testleri uygulanmistir. Arastirmada 15 ay sureyle haftada 3 kez, birer gun arayla, 120 dk duzenli olarak, ogrencilerin gelisim donemleri de goz onunde bulundurularak, temel ve yardimci biyomotor yetileri gelistirici antrenmanlar yaptirilmistir. Deney ve kontrol grubunun on test degerleri karsilastirildiginda, sadece maxVO2 degerlerinde anlamli fark oldugu gorulmus, son test degerleri karsilastirildiginda ise; 20 m. sprint, dikey sicrama, vucut yag yuzdesi, pence ve sirt kuvvetleri ile FVC, FEV1 degerlerinde anlamli fark varken, boy uzunlugu, vucut agirligi, bacak kuvveti ve maxVO2, degerlerinde anlamli bir fark bulunmamistir. 15 aylik duzenli egzersiz egitiminin 12-15 yas grubu erkek cocuklarinin bazi fiziksel ve fizyolojik parametreleri uzerinde olumlu etkileri oldugu soylenebilir

International journal of Science Culture and Sport | 2014

Examining Effects of Volleyball Trainings on Some Respiration and Circulation Parameters of 11-14 Years Old Female Test Subjects

Yeliz Ozveren; Bahtiyar Özçaldiran; Onur Oral

Bu calismanin amaci Izmir ili Karabaglar Bolgesi Ilkogretim okullarinda ogrenim goren 11-14 yaslarindaki voleybolcu ogrencilere uygulanan antrenmanlarin ogrencilerin solunum ve dolasim sistemlerine olan etkilerini arastirmaktir. Calismaya yas ortalamalari 12,93 ± 0,74 olan 42 kiz ogrenci ile ayni okullarda spor yapmayan, yas ortalamalari 12,46 ± 0,91 olan 36 kiz ogrenci gonullu olarak katilmistir. Voleybolcu ogrenciler, en az 2 yil suresince haftada 3 gun, gunde 90 dk., duzenli olarak antrenman yapmis, kontrol grubundaki ogrenciler ise bu sure icerisinde hic bir fiziksel aktivitede bulunmamislardir. Gruplarin yas, boy uzunlugu, vucut agirligi, istirahat nabiz degerleri, sistolik-diastolik kan basinci olcumleri ile solunum sistemlerinde yer alan vital kapasite (VC), zorlu vital kapasite (FVC), zorlu ekspirasyon volum (FEV1) ve maksimum istemli ventilasyon (MVV) degerleri olculmustur. Elde edilen veriler bilgisayar ortaminda SPSS 11.0 istatistik programinda t-test yontemi ile guven araligi p 0,05), istirahat nabzi, sistolik kan basinci degerleri (p < 0,01) ile vital kapasite, zorlu vital kapasite, zorlu ekspirasyon volum ve maksimum istemli ventilasyon degerlerinde (p < 0,05) anlamli farkliliklar bulunmustur. Sonuc olarak; 11-14 yaslarindaki voleybol sporuyla ugrasan kiz ogrencilerin istirahat kalp atim sayilari ve kan basinc degerlerinin spor yapmayan ogrencilerin degerlerinden daha dusuk doldugu tespit edilirken, solunum degerlerinden VC, FVC, FEV1 ve MVV degerlerinin ise daha yuksek oldugu gorulmustur

TURAN-SAM | 2016


Onur Oral; Hacer Karakaya; Kerim Bakan; Ash Vural; Anna Zusa; Rana Varol

TURAN-SAM | 2016


Necip Fazil Coban; Nuray Öztaşan; Onur Oral; Sahin Yildiz; Kerim Bakan; George Nomikos


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