Paola Alfonsa Vieira Lo Monaco
Universidade Federal de Viçosa
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Featured researches published by Paola Alfonsa Vieira Lo Monaco.
Engenharia Agricola | 2013
Antonio Teixeira de Matos; Denise de Freitas Silva; Paola Alfonsa Vieira Lo Monaco; Odilon Gomes Pereira
The issue of this study was to evaluate the effect of different rates of landfill leachate (LL) in productivity and chemical composition of Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp). The leachate was applied at rates of 0 (control), 250, 500, 750, 1,000 kg ha-1 d-1 of BOD5, for eight months. In the control treatment, not receiving the leachate, it was applied water from the public supply network being the water depth of application defined based on the Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo). The experiment was analyzed in a split plot, with five plots concentrations of BOD5 and the cuts the subplots in a randomized block design with four replications. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and regression. The dry matter yield, crude protein levels and concentrations of N, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Mn, Cd, Pb and Fe, in the aerial parts of the Tifton 85, increased with the application rates of the percolate. The concentration of N, P and Mn tended to decrease with the number of grass cuts; for Cd, Pb and Fe tended to stabilize after the 2nd or the 3rd cuts; and the Na increase after the 3rd cut. The K, Ca and Mg concentrations were unstable.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental | 2003
Antonio Teixeira de Matos; Andressa Bacchetti Pinto; Odilon Gomes Pereira; Antônio Alves Soares; Paola Alfonsa Vieira Lo Monaco
Forage grasses were grown in order to select a number of species to be used as vegetative cover on ramps for wastewater treatment. The common rye grass (Lolium multiflorum), common black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb) and pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum) were used and subjected to application of wastewater from the washing and pulping of coffee cherries (ARC) at a rate of 250 kg ha-1 d-1 BOD5 . The same vegetative species were grown as control, and provided with conventional fertilization as well as water from the local supplying system at the same volume as the others. The accumulated productivities of the dry matter were 11.71, 10.04, and 5.04 t ha-1, while those of the raw protein were 1934, 1583 and 875 kg ha-1 for common rye grass, pearl millet and common black oat, respectively. The results allow to conclude that the common rye grass was more appropriate to be used on the ramps of the ARC disposed on soil, since it showed a higher accumulated productivity of dry matter and raw protein as well as a higher number of the grass cuttings apart from a longer use period and a fast recovery after cutting, a satisfactory soil covering and the low weed occurrences.
Engenharia Agricola | 2013
Paola Alfonsa Vieira Lo Monaco; Antonio Teixeira de Matos; Magno dos Santos Pereira; Valdeir Eustáquio Júnior; Ana Paula da Silva Batista; Sandy Athaíde Archer Baker
This study was conducted in two phases. The first objective was to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of moringa seed when used in extract form, on turbidity removal of the sewage. The second phase was to assess the effect of addition of different salts (NaCl e KCl) and a base (Ca(OH)2 in the preparation of moringa seed extract, with the best range of removal obtained in phase 1, used as a coagulating agent in removing turbidity from wastewater. According to the results, was concluded that the maximum efficiency in removing turbidity using the moringa seed extract, prepared with both NaCl and with KCl, was obtained at a concentration of 2 g L-1; the three substances used in the experiment, the Ca(OH)2 was demonstrated that the ability to leverage best coagulant action of Moringa oleifera seeds; the addition of the isolated extract of seeds of Moringa oleifera can also be found effective in removing the turbidity of the sewage, however, it is not feasible due to the wide availability of area needed for the treatment of sewage from a small community.
Revista Caatinga | 2018
Louise Guisolfi; Paola Alfonsa Vieira Lo Monaco; Ismail Ramalho Haddade; Marcelo Rodrigo Krause; Lorena Aparecida Merlo Meneghelli; Karoline Almeida
Studies on the use of agricultural residues as an alternative to commercial substrates have become fundamental tominimising the risk of environmental contamination resulting from inadequate disposal, as well as reducing seedling production costs. This research involved an evaluation of growth variables and quality of cucumber seedlings produced in substrates with different compositions of agricultural waste with a view to providing substitutes for commercial substrate. The experiment was based on a completely randomised design, with six treatments and ten replicates. There were five treatments with increasing proportions of moinha/decreasing proportions of carbonized rice husk (0/40, 10/30, 20/20, 30/10 and 40/0%) and fixed proportions of coconut fibre (15%), eggshell (5%), pine bark (40%), and one commercial substrate treatment as the control (Bioplant®). The variables evaluated were: electrical conductivity of the substrate, plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, Dickson quality index (DQI) and dry matter of roots and above ground parts. Results show that alternative substrates can replace commercial substrate without impairing the quality of cucumber seedlings. However, the substrate containing 40% of moinha, 0% of rice husk, 15% of coconut fibre, 5% of eggshell and 40% of pine bark resulted in the highest values for all evaluated variables and appears to be the most promising alternative substrate for the production of cucumber seedlings.
Journal of Experimental Agriculture International | 2018
Gustavo Haddad Souza Vieira; Guilherme Peterle; Jéssica Loss; Gabriel Peterle; Carlos Magno Mulinario Poloni; João Colombo; Paola Alfonsa Vieira Lo Monaco
This study aimed to evaluate the taro (Colocasia esculenta), var. São Bento, in response to different irrigation strategies. The experiment was carried out at Ifes campus Santa Teresa, Brazil, at an altitude of 130 meters above sea level, using a randomized block design (RBD) with five treatments for the water availability factor of culture (f factor) equivalent to 0.1; 0.2; 0.3; 0.4 and 0.5, and four replications. Meteorological data were used to estimate the crop water demand, performing daily water balance using spreadsheets. We evaluated the applied water depth, the yield of commercial cormels and the water use efficiency by taro, due to the f factor. The results were submitted to analysis of variance and regressions. Increasing the f factor provided a reduction of applied irrigation depths. Lighter and frequent irrigations improved the development and yield of taro and can be recommended for its management.
Journal of Experimental Agriculture International | 2018
Lorena Aparecida Merlo Meneghelli; Paola Alfonsa Vieira Lo Monaco; Marcelo Rodrigo Krause; Louise Guisolfi; Karoline Almeida; Juliana Valle; Gustavo Haddad Souza Vieira
Research related to the use of agricultural residues as alternatives to commercial substrates has become fundamental for reducing the production costs of coffee seedlings. This study aimed to evaluate Conilon coffee seedlings development, produced in tubes, using as substrates different proportions of agricultural residues. The experimental design was a completely randomized design with six treatments and six replications, comprising five treatments with increasing proportions of moinha, decreasing amounts of coconut fiber and pine bark (0/20/50, 10/15/45; 20/10/40, 30/05/35, and 40/0/30%), and fixed proportions of coffee straw (30%) and one treatment with Bioplant commercial substrate (control). Evaluations of the variables were performed at 118 days after sowing (DAS) and consisted of determining the leaf number, plant height, stem diameter, and values of shoot, root, and total plant dry matter. The use of 40% moinha + 30% coffee straw + 30% pine bark is recommended as an alternative to the commercial substrate for the production of Conilon coffee seedlings in tubes. Original Research Article Meneghelli et al.; JEAI, 21(4): 1-6, 2018; Article no.JEAI.39797 2
Paola Alfonsa Vieira Lo Monaco; Antonio Teixeira de Matos; Gustavo Haddad Souza Vieira; Valdeir Eustáquio Júnior; Magno Pereira dos Santos
Among the forms of primary wastewater treatment, organic flters have stood out due to the high effciency in the removal of pollutants, the low cost of acquisition and the possibility of being submitted to composting after its use.It is aimed was to evaluate the effciency of the fltration process of domestic sewage in gross sawdust, with and without exclusion of the frst two pore volumes, followed by coagulation, using the moringa seed extract prepared with Ca(OH)2. Samples of the raw sewage, subjected to fltration with or without the exclusion of the frst two pore volumes followed by coagulation and only subjected to fltration with or without the exclusion of the frst two pore volumes were assayed for concentration of the TS,TFS, TVS, TSS, FSS, VSS and the values of electrical conductivity and turbidity. In all measured physical variables , except the variables TSS , VSS and turbidity, the processing excluding the frst two pore volumes followed by coagulation (F(E)+C) gave lower values effluent compared to treatment in which this was not done (F(SE)+C). Substances solubilized in the organic flter material of the coagulation process hampered by the pitcher seed extract prepared in Ca(OH)2, providing little or no removal effciency of sewage solids.
ENGENHARIA NA AGRICULTURA / Engineering in Agriculture | 2015
Paola Alfonsa Vieira Lo Monaco; Gevson Roldi Júnior; Gustavo Haddad Souza Vieira; Caroline Merlo Meneghelli; Carla da Penha Simon
Research has been conducted with the alternative waste limestone, due to the high availability that are discarded and the opportunity to correct soil acidity. The objective of this work to evaluate the potential of egg shells and ground oyster shells as corrective of soil acidity and get the B horizon pH neutralization curve of a Yellow Red Latosol (LVA) using these the wastes. They evaluated the ability of the wastes as corrective of acidity according to the law. To obtain neutralization curve, the residues were mixed in samples of 500 g of soil, at the doses of 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128 t ha-1 and 0, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 t ha-1, for oyster shells and egg shells, respectively. The mixture of soil and residues remained incubated for a period of two weeks, measuring at the end of this period, the pH in water. The data were submitted to regression analysis, adjusting the equation for estimating the pH value depending on the applied wastes doses. The assessed waste have high potential as soil acidity corrective and the necessary doses for the B horizon pH of LVA reach the value of 6.0 are 5.25 and 5.20 t ha-1, for shells oyster and egg shells, respectively.
Engenharia Agricola | 2013
Antonio Teixeira de Matos; Mozart da Silva Brasil; Paola Alfonsa Vieira Lo Monaco
This research aimed to study the effect of loading rate on the efficiency of constructed wetlands with horizontal subsurface flow (CW-HSSF) to remove pollutants from wastewater. The CW-HSSF were fed with effluent from septic tank under volumetric organic loading rate (OLRV) of 53 to 231 g m-3d-1 of chemical oxygen demand (total-COD) and associated loading rates (LRV) of soluble chemical oxygen demand (soluble COD), total suspended solids (TSS), total nitrogen (total-N) and total phosphorus (total-P). To evaluate the performance of CW-HSSF the same variables were quantified in its effluent. Linear and positive relationship was found between the removal rates of total COD, soluble COD and TSS and the LRV, within the application range, and no negative effects on this variable in removal efficiencies of these pollutants. The removal rate of total-N and total-P did not show, however, tendency to increase with the LRV applied in the CW-HSSF planted with cattail and used in treating sanitary sewage. The loads applied of these nutrients must be considered referential in sizing these systems, if desired to maximize the overall removal of wastewater pollutants.
Revista Ambiente & Água | 2010
Antonio Teixeira de Matos; Wallison da Silva Freitas; Paola Alfonsa Vieira Lo Monaco