R. Michael Paige
University of Minnesota
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Featured researches published by R. Michael Paige.
International Journal of Intercultural Relations | 2003
R. Michael Paige; Melody Jacobs-Cassuto; Yelena Yershova; Joan G. DeJaeghere
Abstract This article reports the results of the authors’ psychometric analysis of the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) (The intercultural development inventory manual. Intercultural Communication Institute, Portland, OR, 1998). The study had two major research objectives: to examine the empirical properties of the IDI and to generate a single, composite IDI score that could be used for research and training (participant profiling/diagnostic) purposes. In May, 1998 and January, 1999, the IDI was administered to 378 high school students, college students, and instructors in foreign language, language and culture, and intercultural education courses. IDI data from the final sample of 353 were analyzed using a standard set of psychometric procedures including factor analysis, reliability and validity testing, and social desirability analysis. The results demonstrate that the IDI is a reliable measure that has little or no social desirability bias and reasonably, although not exactly, approximates the developmental model of intercultural sensitivity (Towards ethnorelativism: A developmental model of intercultural sensitivity. In: R. M. Paige (Ed.), Cross-cultural orientation: New conceptualizations and applications, University Press of America, New York, 1986, pp. 27–69; Towards ethnorelativism: a developmental model of intercultural sensitivity. In: R. M. Paige (Ed.), Education for the intercultural experience, Intercultural Press, Yarmouth, ME, 1993, pp. 21–71) upon which it is based. The study also produced a weighted mean composite measure, the IDI developmental score, which should be of particular value for profiling and diagnosis.
Intercultural Education | 2009
R. Michael Paige; Gerald W. Fry; Elizabeth M. Stallman; Jasmina Josić; Jae‐Eun Jon
This paper reports on the preliminary results of a research project ‘Beyond immediate impact: Study abroad for global engagement (SAGE)’, which examines the long‐term impact of study abroad on various forms of global engagement. The study employs a retrospective tracer study and mixed methods research design. Survey results from 6391 study‐abroad participants reveal that study abroad has had an impact on five dimensions of global engagement (civic engagement, knowledge production, philanthropy, social entrepreneurship and voluntary simplicity) as well as on subsequent educational and career choices. Sixty‐three interviews were also conducted to provide more detailed life stories about the role of study abroad on global engagement, education and career paths. Three of these case studies are presented. Data were also gathered concerning study‐abroad program characteristics and participant characteristics. In future analyses, the relationships among these variables will be examined. Ovaj članak izvještava o rezultatima istraživačkog projekta Poslije Neposrednog Uticaja: Studiranje u Inozemstvu za Globalno Angažovanje (Beyond immediate impact: Study abroad for global engagement – SAGE) koji proučava dugotrajan uticaj studiranja u inozemstvu na različite oblike globalnog angažovanja. Projekat je koristio retrospektivno istraživanje, kao i dizajn mješovitih metoda. Rezultati ankete sa 6391 sudionika studija u inozemstvu su otkrili uticaj tog studija na pet dimenzija globalnog angažovanja (građansko angažovanje, stvaranje znanja, filantropija, socijalno poduzetništvo, i dobrovoljna jednostavnost života), kao i na izbor obrazovanja i karijere nakon studija. Dodatno je obavljeno 63 intervjua koji su pružili detaljnije životne priče o ulozi studija u inozemstvu na globalno angažovanje, obrazovanje, i tok karijere. Članak uključuje analize tri takva slučaja. Podaci su takođe prikupljeni o sudionicima i karakteristikama programa u inozemstvu. Odnosi između ovih varijabli će biti istraženi u buduim analizama.
Slavic and East European Journal | 2003
R. Michael Paige
Maximizing Study Abroad A Students Guide To Strategies For Language And Culture Learning And Use *FREE* maximizing study abroad a students guide to strategies for language and culture learning and use Around the same time, Oxford, 1990, Oxford, 1992 was developing her Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL), which uses factor analyses to group strategies into six categories. Oxford (1990) identified six major groups of L2 learning strategies: 1. Cognitive strategies enable the learner to manipulate the language material in direct ways, e.g., through reasoning, analysis, note-taking ...A brief overview of individual differences in second Around the same time Oxford 1990 Oxford 1992 was developing her Strategy Inventory for Language Learning SILL which uses factor analyses to group strategies into six categories Oxford 1990 identified six major groups of L2 learning strategies 1 Cognitive strategies enable the learner to manipulate the language material in direct ways e g through reasoning analysis note taking Innovative Education Services Our Vision for Education Our Vision for Education At IES schools a tuition free charter school for grades Pre school through 12 we focus on whole child development through an innovative educational approach BibMe Free Bibliography amp Citation Maker MLA APA BibMe Free Bibliography amp Citation Maker MLA APA Chicago Harvard The ACT Test for Students ACT The ACT test is a curriculum based education and career planning tool for high school students that assesses the mastery of college readiness standards Teaching English as a second or foreign language Wikipedia Teaching English as a foreign language TEFL refers to teaching the English language to students with different first languages TEFL can occur either within the state school system or more privately at a language school or with a tutor TEFL can also take place in an English speaking country for people who have immigrated there either temporarily for school or work or permanently 2019 NASPA Conferences on Student Success in Higher Education The 2019 NASPA Conferences on Student Success in Higher Education will provide those committed to student success from across the institution with dynamic keynotes thought provoking workshops and engaging networking opportunities using a cross functional approach to student success Explore our featured insights McKinsey amp Company Featured McKinsey Global Institute Our mission is to help leaders in multiple sectors develop a deeper understanding of the global economy UWG Courses amp Syllabi University of West Georgia Description This hands on religion course will focus on the practice of religion in historical and contemporary Utopian societies in the U S By examining the development and legacy of one of America’s most quintessential religious communities the United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Appearing known as the Shakers students will gain a wide range of skills and opportunities Post Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy Online A T Still University’s ATSU Post Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy DPT P often referred to in the United States as a transitional tDPT program is a custom degree program configured around the unique needs of each practicing professional offering maximum flexibility and a full team of support InformationWeek serving the information needs of the This IT Trend Report highlights how several years of developments in technology and business strategies have led to a subsequent wave of changes in the role of an IT organization how CIOs and other IT leaders approach management in addition to the jobs of many IT professionals up and down the org chart How to
International Journal of Intercultural Relations | 1986
R. Michael Paige
Abstract This article presents a conceptualization of trainer competencies hypothesized by the author to be associated with effective cross-cultural orientation, training, and education. Whereas the literature on cross-cultural training has become increasingly well-informed and sophisticated (especially with respect to pedagogy, design, and administration), much less attention has been given to the competencies that characterize the effective cross-cultural trainer. By providing a conceptual framework that articulates specific cognitive (knowledge) foundations, behavioral (performance) competencies, and personal attributes, this article attempts to fill a gap in the literature. The central ethical issues facing trainers are also identified so that cross-cultural orientation can be viewed in its moral as well as pragmatic contexts. The article focuses on trainer competencies in three categories: the cognitive domain (knowledge), the behavioral domain (performance), and the personal domain (individual attributes). The article concludes with some reflections on the training of trainers, an issue of contemporary significance for this field.
International Journal of Intercultural Relations | 1979
R. Michael Paige
Abstract In October, 1976, a survey was conducted among 1,621 sixth grade pupils located in 30 rural and 30 urban randomly selected East Javanese elementary schools. The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of pupil background characteristics, the home learning environment, school and classroom organizational characteristics, the physical environment of the classroom and the school, teacher characteristics, the classroom learning environment and rural-urban factors upon the acquisition of modern orientations among Indonesian elementary schoolchildren. The study was also designed to develop reliable and valid measures of the key variables used in the conceptual model. The results indicated that reliable and valid instruments could be generated from survey data; specifically, satisfactory scales were developed for the measurement of the following concepts: the home learning environment, the school physical environment, the classroom physical environment, teacher pedagogy, teacher quality, individual modernity, and fifteen characteristics of the classroom learning environment. Correlational and multiple regression analyses showed that individual modernity, the learning outcome, was influenced by both social and educational learning determinants. The most powerful predictors of modernity in the positive direction were class size, the home learning environment, the personal development and relationship dimensions of the classroom learning environment, and the school physical environment. Pupil age and teacher pedagogy (innovativeness) were negatively associated with the criterion. The results also show that modernizing forces are disproportionately concentrated in the urban area. In the multiple regression, the learning determinants accounted for a large enough portion of the variance in the learning outcome (R 2 = .262) to be statistically significant from zero at the .001 level. The study shows that the learning of modern culture is a complex phenomenon which is influenced by a wide variety of factors.
Archive | 1994
R. Michael Paige
Frontiers: The interdisciplinary journal of study abroad | 2009
Michael Vande Berg; Jeffrey Connor-Linton; R. Michael Paige
Archive | 2000
R. Michael Paige; Helen Jorstad; Laura Siaya; Francine Klein; Jeanette Colby
Frontiers: The interdisciplinary journal of study abroad | 2004
R. Michael Paige; Andrew D. Cohen; Rachel L. Shively
Published in <b>2012</b> - <b>2012</b> in Sterling, VA by Stylus | 2012
Michael Vande Berg; R. Michael Paige; Kris Hemming Lou