Rafael Dantas dos Santos
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária
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Featured researches published by Rafael Dantas dos Santos.
Revista Ciencia Agronomica | 2011
Tadeu Vinhas Voltolini; Salete Alves de Moraes; Gherman Garcia Leal de Araújo; Luiz Gustavo Ribeiro Pereira; Rafael Dantas dos Santos; André Luiz Alves Neves
The use of concentrate for sheep grazing Buffel grass may improve the productive performance and carcass traits of animals. The objective of present trial was to evaluate the productive performance and carcass traits of sheep grazing Buffel grass receiving different concentrate levels. The concentrate levels used were: 0; 0.33; 0.66 and 1.0% of dry matter in relation to body weight. Forty lambs were used, ten animals by treatments, with 16.5 ± 2.0 kg of initial body weight and 20.97 kg final body weight, distributed in four groups. The experimental design was a completely randomized with ten replicates by treatments. The concentrate levels did not influence the cold and hot carcass weight. However, the increasing levels of concentrate promoted higher cold and hot carcass yield. Blood, head, hide, heart, lung, kidney and liver (non carcass components) weights and proportion of slaughtered body weight (SBW) and leg, shoulder, brisket, rib, neck and loin weights (commercial meat cuts) were not affected by increasing levels of concentrate. Full intestine in proportion of SBW was lower with the increase of concentrate levels, while the briskets weight was higher with increase of concentrate.
Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia | 2013
Luiz Gustavo Ribeiro Pereira; A.L.S. Aragão; Rafael Dantas dos Santos; José Augusto Gomes Azevêdo; André Luis Alves Neves; A.L. Ferreira; M. L. Chizzotti
The effect of inclusion of mango meal to replace corn in sheep diets was evaluated. The variables evaluated were the consumption of nutrients and fibre fractions, weight gain and feed conversion. In addition, a study of the net benefit and rate of return on the total cost of the diets was conducted. Twenty-four lambs Santa Ines, distributed in a completely randomized design with four treatments, consisting of the inclusion levels of mango meal replacing corn (0, 33, 66 and 100%) and six repetitions. There was no effect of the inclusion levels of mango meal on nutrients intake and weight gain of animals. There was a quadratic effect (P<0.05) of inclusion levels of mango meal on feed conversion. The mango meal can replace corn in diets without compromising intake and weight gain, while reducing the cost of feed, indicating the possibility of alternative use as feed for confined sheep.
Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia | 2012
A.S.L. Aragão; Luiz Gustavo Ribeiro Pereira; M. L. Chizzotti; Tadeu Vinhas Voltolini; José Augusto Gomes Azevêdo; L.D. Barbosa; Rafael Dantas dos Santos; Gherman Garcia Leal de Araújo; L.G.N. Brandão
The effect of replacing corn meal with mango meal in diets of feedlot lambs was evaluated. Apparent digestibility and intakes of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), organic matter (OM) (EE), gross energy (GE), digestible energy (DE), non-fiber carbohydrates (NFC) and total carbohydrates (TC) were evaluated. Twenty-four Santa Ines lambs were distributed in a randomized design with four treatments, consisting of the replacement levels of corn meal by mango (0, 33, 66 and 100%) with six replicates. The fecal dry matter was estimated using LIPE ® external marker. There is no effect of mango meal inclusion levels on the intake and apparent digestibility. The intakes of GE and DE in kcal/gDM increase linearly with mango meal inclusion. The mango meal can replace corn in diets for lambs without compromising the intake and digestibility of nutrients, indicating potential as an alternative feed.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2011
Rafael Dantas dos Santos; Luiz Gustavo Ribeiro Pereira; André Luis Alves Neves; Gherman Garcia Leal de Araújo; Alex Santos Lustosa de Aragão; M. L. Chizzotti
The objective of this study was to evaluate the daily intake and total apparent digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, gross energy, ether extract, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, total and non-fibrous carbohydrates, total digestible nutrients, energy intake and nitrogen balance of silages of six maize varieties with early or super early cycles recommended to Northeast Brazil. Twenty-four male castrated lambs were lodged in metabolic cages. A completely randomized design with six treatments and four replications was used, with means compared by Tukey test at 5%. There were no differences among varieties for any of the evaluated variables regarding intake and apparent digestibility. Concerning the intake of digestible energy, metabolizable energy and the ratio content of digestible and metabolizable energy, significant differences were observed between varieties and BRS Assum Preto showed highest values of metabolizable energy (2.650,8 kcal/day). All of the treatments presented positive nitrogen balance and did not differ among themselves. The varieties asessed can be an additional option to the semiarid regions in Brazil.
Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia | 2011
L.G.N. Brandão; Luiz Gustavo Ribeiro Pereira; José Augusto Gomes Azevêdo; Rafael Dantas dos Santos; A.S.L. Aragão; Tadeu Vinhas Voltolini; André Luis Alves Neves; Gherman Garcia Leal de Araújo; W.N. Brandão
The terms of chemical composition, total digestible nutrient, in vitro dry matter digestibility and in vitro gas production technique of plant components: steam base and braird and sisal co-products: SC (in natura, ammonization, and hay) and beater powder were evaluated. The experimental design was completely randomized with three replications. The dry matter values were 11.4% for silage and 89.7% for hay. Sisal co product ammonized with 5% urea present high values of CP, 22.7% and braird, 10.5%. The steam base and beater powder do not present values for ether extract. The steam base and braird present high values for nonfiber carbohydrates, 72.7 and 69.5%, respectively. There were no significant differences for IVDMD. The acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and PCG values of braird, beater powder and steam base characterize as roughages with high fiber digestibility.
Frontiers in Plant Science | 2017
Rafael Dantas dos Santos; Kenneth J. Boote; Lynn E. Sollenberger; André Luis Alves Neves; Luiz Gustavo Ribeiro Pereira; C. B. Scherer; L.C. Gonçalves
Forage production is primarily limited by weather conditions under dryland production systems in Brazilian semi-arid regions, therefore sowing at the appropriate time is critical. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the CSM-CERES-Pearl Millet model from the DSSAT software suite for its ability to simulate growth, development, and forage accumulation of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.] at three Brazilian semi-arid locations, and to use the model to study the impact of different sowing dates on pearl millet performance for forage. Four pearl millet cultivars were grown during the 2011 rainy season in field experiments conducted at three Brazilian semi-arid locations, under rainfed conditions. The genetic coefficients of the four pearl millet cultivars were calibrated for the model, and the model performance was evaluated with experimental data. The model was run for 14 sowing dates using long-term historical weather data from three locations, to determine the optimum sowing window. Results showed that performance of the model was satisfactory as indicated by accurate simulation of crop phenology and forage accumulation against measured data. The optimum sowing window varied among locations depending on rainfall patterns, although showing the same trend for cultivars within the site. The best sowing windows were from 15 April to 15 May for the Bom Conselho location; 12 April to 02 May for Nossa Senhora da Gloria; and 17 April to 25 May for Sao Bento do Una. The model can be used as a tool to evaluate the effect of sowing date on forage pearl millet performance in Brazilian semi-arid conditions.
Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia | 2011
Rafael Dantas dos Santos; Luiz Gustavo Ribeiro Pereira; André Luis Alves Neves; L.G.N. Brandão; Gherman Garcia Leal de Araújo; A.S.L. Aragão; W.N. Brandão; R.A. Souza; G.F. Oliveira
Avaliaram-se o desempenho produtivo e o consumo de nutrientes e fracoes fibrosas em ovinos alimentados com dietas contendo coprodutos do desfibramento do sisal, Agave sisalana. Foram utilizados 24 ovinos, machos, alojados em baias individuais. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos e seis repeticoes. Os tratamentos consistiram em quatro dietas isoproteicas, em que: i) dieta padrao, contendo 38% de volumoso (silagem de milheto) e 62% de concentrado (milho, farelo de soja e ureia); ii) inclusao de 20% da silagem de mucilagem do sisal em substituicao a silagem de milheto; iii) inclusao de 20% da silagem de mucilagem associada ao po da batedeira como aditivo em substituicao a silagem de milheto; iv) inclusao de 20% do feno da mucilagem em substituicao a silagem de milheto. O peso corporal final, os ganhos medio diario e total e a conversao alimentar dos ovinos nao foram influenciados pelas dietas avaliadas (P>0,05). Os consumos dos nutrientes, em g/dia e em %PC e g/kg0,75, nao sofreram influencia das dietas. Os resultados indicam que as dietas a base de coprodutos do sisal podem ser utilizadas como alternativa volumosa, alem de possibilitar o aumento da rentabilidade da atividade na regiao semiarida brasileira.
The Journal of Agricultural Science | 2017
J. N. Alves; Gherman Garcia Leal de Araújo; S. G. Neto; T. V. Voltolini; Rafael Dantas dos Santos; P. R. Rosa; L. Guan; T. McALLISTER; André Luis Alves Neves
In the near future, ruminants may be forced to consume low-quality water since potable drinking water will become increasingly scarce in some regions of the world. A completely randomized design trial was completed to evaluate the effect of increasing concentrations of total dissolved salts (TDS) (640, 3187, 5740 and 8326 mg TDS/l) in drinking water on the performance, diet digestibility, microbial protein synthesis, nitrogen (N) and water balance using 24 Red Sindhi heifers (200 ± 5 kg) that were fed Buffel (Cenchrus ciliaris) grass hay and concentrate in a ratio of 50 : 50. After a 15-day diet adaptation period, the digestion study was completed over a 5-day period and the performance trial was completed over a 56-day period. Dry matter intake, average daily gain, feed:gain, intake and digestibility of most feed components were unaffected by the concentration of salt in the water. However, intake and digestibility of neutral detergent fibre declined linearly as TDS inclusion rate increased. Further, the inclusion of TDS resulted in a linear increase in the intake of drinking water and total (food plus drinking) water intake. Similarly, TDS inclusion levels resulted in a linear increase in total water excretion, with urine being the major route of water excretion. In contrast, increasing concentrations of TDS caused a linear decrease in creatinine and allantoin excretions. Finally, increasing the inclusion rate of TDS resulted in a linear decrease in N retention and a linear increase in urinary N excretion, which may pose a considerable challenge for farmers with respect to the reduction and management of nutrient losses.
Revista Científica de Produção Animal | 2010
Rafael Dantas dos Santos; Luiz Gustavo Ribeiro Pereira; Gherman Garcia Leal de Araújo; Tadeu Vinhas Voltolini; Salete Alves de Moraes; André Luis Alves Neves; Cleber Tiago Ferreira Costa
Avaliaram-se o consumo medio diario e a digestibilidade aparente da materia seca (MS), materia orgânica (MO) e proteina bruta (PB) das silagens de seis genotipos de milho de ciclo precoce e superprecoce (BRS Caatingueiro, BRS Assum Preto, BR 5033 - Asa Branca, BR 5028 - Sao Francisco, Gurutuba e BRS 4103) recomendados para a regiao nordeste. Foram utilizados 24 carneiros, machos, castrados, alojados em gaiolas metabolicas. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com seis tratamentos e quatro repeticoes, as medias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. Nao foram observadas diferencas entre os genotipos quanto ao consumo e digestibilidade aparente da MS, MO e da PB (P>0,05). Os consumos medios de MS, MO e PB foram de 676, 646 e 41,5 g/dia, respectivamente. Os valores medios de digestibilidade da MS, MO e PB foram, respectivamente, de 64,0, 64,8, e 53,1%, resultados compativeis com o das silagens de genotipos comumente indicados e utilizados para a producao de silagens. Genotipos de ciclo precoce e super-precoce, constituem-se como opcao volumosa suplementar na forma de silagem em condicoes Semi-Aridas. DOI:10.15528/2176-4158/rcpa.v12n2p188-191
Revista Brasileira de Saúde e Produção Animal | 2008
José Nilton Moreira; Tadeu Vinhas Voltolini; João Bandeira de Moura Neto; Rafael Dantas dos Santos; Chirles Araújo de França; Gherman Garcia Leal de Araújo