Robert Leskovar
University of Maribor
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Featured researches published by Robert Leskovar.
Slovenian Medical Journal | 2011
Robert Leskovar; Rok Accetto; Alenka Baggia; Zlatko Lazarevič; Goran Vukovič; Peter Požun
Background: Medical processes are often obstructed by administrative ones. The main issue in administrative processes is uneven workload resulting in an increased possibility of human errors. The system approach assures that medical and administrative processes are integrated. According to research reports and best practices, discrete event simulation is a proper method to implement the system approach. Methods: A detailed analysis of the administrative processes was performed using interviews, UML diagrams and flowcharts. Based on the data gathered from the information system and measurements on the site, the distribution of patient arrivals and service times were modelled. The aim of discrete event simulation models was to replicate the behaviour of the existing system (separate administration) and to simulate the changes proposed (joint administration). Results: Average utilizations of administrative personnel in 100 simulation runs for specific clinical departments are: 83.8 % at the Department of Rheumatology, 61.9 % at the Department of Hypertension, and 47.2 % at the Veteran’s Medical Unit. Should joint administration be applied, the average utilization of administrative personnel would be 74.3 %. Conclusions: Discrete event simulation provedthat joint administration would contribute to a more even workload distribution among administrative personnel, higher quality of service and easier human resource management. The presented approach can be efficiently applied to large-scale systems e.g. organizational changes of processes in Specialist Outpatient Clinics.
Library Hi Tech | 2015
Robert Marijan; Robert Leskovar
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of the information retrieval component of a daily newspaper publisher’s integrated library system (ILS) in comparison with the open source alternatives and observe the impact of the scale of metadata, generated daily by library administrators, on retrieved result sets. Design/methodology/approach – In Experiment 1, the authors compared the result sets of the information retrieval system (IRS) component of the publisher’s current ILS and the result sets of proposed ones with human-assessed relevance judgment set. In Experiment 2, the authors compared the performance of proposed IRS components with the publisher’s current production IRS, using result sets of current IRS classified as relevant. Both experiments were conducted using standard information retrieval (IR) evaluation methods: precision, recall, precision at k, F-measure, mean average precision and 11-point interpolated average precision. Findings – Results showed that: first, in ...
Organizacija | 2008
Alenka Baggia; Robert Leskovar; Miroljub Kljajić
Implementation of the Scheduling Domain Description Model This paper presents the problem of auniform scheduling domain description. It was established that the algorithm used for scheduling is general, disregarding the type of scheduling domain. On the basis of five different scheduling domains, a general description model was developed. The research is focused on the programming application of the resource scheduling model, presented as a UML class diagram. Diverse meta-languages for the model description were considered. Of these XML, an EAV model and object oriented languages have shown to be the most effective. Even though Java is not widely used as a description language, it has proved effective as a meta-language for the description of the extensible scheduling model. Implementacija modela za opis domene razporejanja V članku je predstavljen problem splošnega opisa domene razporejanja. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je algoritem razporejanja splošen ne glede na tip problema razporejanja. Na osnovi petih različnih domen razporejanja je bil razvit splošni model opisa. Raziskava se osredotoča na programsko aplikacijo modela razporejanja virov, ki je predstavljen kot UML diagram razreda. Za opis modela so bili preučeni različni meta jeziki. Med njimi so se XML, EAV model in objektno orientirani jeziki pokazali kot najbolj uporabni. Čeprav se Java ne uporablja pogosto kot opisni jezik, se je izkazala kot najbolj učinkovit meta jezik za opis razširljivega modela razporejanja.
Archive | 1999
Robert Leskovar; Marko Šinkovc; Jože Zupančič
Results of a survey of the Year 2000 compliance among organizations in Slovenia are presented, and levels of Year 2000 readiness according to COMPARE scale (COMpliance Progress And Readiness, by Gartner Group) are estimated. The results are compared with the outcome of a similar investigation which was conducted 18 months earlier, and progress regarding the awareness and resolving the Year 2000 issue is assessed.
IFAC Proceedings Volumes | 1997
Miroljub Kljajić; Robert Leskovar; Andrej Škraba; L. Bernik
Abstract The paper describes a simulation system for decision making support in enterprises. Variants of the business scenarios are evaluated with the multicriteria linearly weighted decision function. The weight of the each criterion is determined by the experts with the brain storming method exploring group decision support methodology. Interactive methods of the evaluation of possible solutions are supported with the expert system providing for various analyses and comparisons, such as target and criterion preferences. The result of the simulation has been also analysed according to the principle of the analytical hierarchy processes AHP.
Organizacija | 2018
Gašper Jordan; Robert Leskovar; Miha Marič
Abstract Background and Purpose: Online activities are present in almost every aspect of people’s daily lives. Online purchases are also increasing each year and therefore it is important to investigate what influences online purchase intentions. Online purchase intentions are among everything else, influenced by the fear of identity theft and perceived risk. Design/Methodology/Approach: The online survey was conducted among 190 participants from Slovenia. The relations between the constructs of fear of financial losses, fear of reputational damage, perceived risk and online purchase intention were investigated. Results: The research showed that the relations between the constructs of fear of financial losses, fear of reputational damage, perceived risk are positive and the relation between the constructs of perceived risk and online purchase intention were negative. All of the relations were statistically significant. Conclusion: Understanding the impact of fear of identity theft and perceived risk on online purchase intention can be helpful for online sellers, because with these findings they can manage this fear and perceived risk to increase online purchase intention and address the risks accordingly. Online sellers should therefore regard new findings from the field of online sales. If an online store wants to have success in sales, they should consider all sides of customers’ desires as well as their restraints.
36th International Conference on Organizational Science Development | 2017
Olja Arsenijević; Marko Ferjan; Iztok Podbregar; Polona Šprajc; Alenka Baggia; Mojca Bernik; Alenka Brezavšček; Eva Jereb; Tomaž Kern; Davorin Kofjač; Jure Kovač; Gregor Lenart; Robert Leskovar; Damjan Maletič; Matjaž Maletič; Miha Marič; Gozdana Miglič; Vesna Novak; Uros Rajkovic; Vladislav Rajkovič; Matjaž Roblek; Marjan Senegačnik; Branislav Smitek; Marko Urh; Goran Vukovič; Borut Werber; Anja Žnidaršič
Konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti je konferenca z najdaljso tradicijo na Univerzi v Mariboru in vsako leto poveže studente, raziskovalce, gospodarstvenike in predstavnike javne uprave, ki delujejo na podrocju organizacije in managementa. Tema letosnje, že 36. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti, je Odgovorna organizacija in se nanasa na sirino organizacije v njenem notranjem in zunanjem okolju. Odgovornost do zaposlenih, poslanstva, strategije, procesov, tehnologije, razvoja so samo nekatera izmed podrocij, ki jim mora organizacija slediti. Identiteta organizacije se izkazuje z njenim vsestransko odgovornim ravnanjem in kaže vrednost navzven pri kupcih ali uporabnikih storitev. V casu, ki ga živimo, smo vpeti v preplet tehnoloskega in socialnega napredka, ki nenazadnje rezultira v posamezniku in družbi nasploh. Ravnanje organizacije se ravno tako ne veže samo na delovanje v lokalnem okolju temvec zaradi globalnih razsežnosti ucinkuje tudi v mednarodnih dimenzijah. S temo konference želimo odpreti polje vprasanj in poiskati odgovore, ki bodo doprinesli k napredku organizacijskih ved. Materialni vplivi, komuniciranje, znanje in postenje ter nenazadnje ideal odgovornega ravnanja lahko kot pomembni dejavniki obvladujejo pogosto nemirne situacije v in izven okolja nasih organizacij. Ker smo casovno in prostorsko vpeti v vzorce, ki mnogokrat ne sledijo vec nasim preteklim izkusnjam, je nasa želja, da s srecanjem na konferenci stopimo v korak s casom in prepoznamo dobre prakse, izoblikujemo nove metode in se seznanimo z aktualnimi trendi, ki jih organizacije vsakodnevno živijo.Konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti je konferenca z najdaljso tradicijo na Univerzi v Mariboru in vsako leto poveže studente, raziskovalce, gospodarstvenike in predstavnike javne uprave, ki delujejo na podrocju organizacije in managementa. Tema letosnje, že 36. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti, je Odgovorna organizacija in se nanasa na sirino organizacije v njenem notranjem in zunanjem okolju. Odgovornost do zaposlenih, poslanstva, strategije, procesov, tehnologije, razvoja so samo nekatera izmed podrocij, ki jim mora organizacija slediti. Identiteta organizacije se izkazuje z njenim vsestransko odgovornim ravnanjem in kaže vrednost navzven pri kupcih ali uporabnikih storitev. V casu, ki ga živimo, smo vpeti v preplet tehnoloskega in socialnega napredka, ki nenazadnje rezultira v posamezniku in družbi nasploh. Ravnanje organizacije se ravno tako ne veže samo na delovanje v lokalnem okolju temvec zaradi globalnih razsežnosti ucinkuje tudi v mednarodnih dimenzijah. S temo konference želimo odpreti polje vprasanj in poiskati odgovore, ki bodo doprinesli k napredku organizacijskih ved. Materialni vplivi, komuniciranje, znanje in postenje ter nenazadnje ideal odgovornega ravnanja lahko kot pomembni dejavniki obvladujejo pogosto nemirne situacije v in izven okolja nasih organizacij. Ker smo casovno in prostorsko vpeti v vzorce, ki mnogokrat ne sledijo vec nasim preteklim izkusnjam, je nasa želja, da s srecanjem na konferenci stopimo v korak s casom in prepoznamo dobre prakse, izoblikujemo nove metode in se seznanimo z aktualnimi trendi, ki jih organizacije vsakodnevno živijo.
Acta Technologica Dubnicae | 2016
Ljiljana Leskovic; Goran Vukovič; Robert Leskovar; Jana Goriup
Abstract Nursing personnel in nursing homes for elderly citizens are exposed to a number of factors that contribute to possible burnout syndrome. For this reason, the set objective of the research was to measure the degree of burnout, check the correlation between the burnout syndrome and satisfaction at work, and psychosomatic symptoms, as well as to figure out the main characteristics of burnout syndrome among the nursing personnel in nursing homes for the elderly in Slovenia.
Organizacija | 2009
Blaž Rodič; Gozdana Miglič; Goran Vukovič; Bruno Završnik; Robert Leskovar
Enhancing the Effectiveness of Training through Information Feedback - The Case of Slovenias Public Administration After the fall of the Berlin wall, the public administrations in Central and Eastern European countries have had to adapt to an enormous number of changes in a relatively short time. Their civil servants are still facing a constantly changing regulatory framework which needs implementation and enforcement, as well as new demands from the growing private sector and the citizens. These challenges can only be met if the civil servants are highly qualified and constantly updating their qualifications. A sound system of in-service training is therefore crucial to keep the public servants on equal footing with the rapidly changing environment. The research presented in this paper analyzed the practices of training evaluation as an information feedback in a branch of Slovene state administration. We analyzed the attitudes of employees towards evaluation with the assumption that there probably are notable differences between the attitudes of public servants depending on their demographic qualities. The results of the research, that 414 public servants have participated in, show that the position in the hierarchy has the strongest influence on their attitude towards evaluation. Empirical data also show that most of the employees are willing to participate in a continuous and objective training evaluation, but the leading public servants are less involved in the evaluation than expected.
IFAC Proceedings Volumes | 2000
Robert Leskovar; Alenka Papier
Abstract The companies often use mathematical models for business process dynamics forecasting. The main problem is the proper usage of these models. Sometimes users have too much confidence in the models. They neglect their own analytical skills, intellectual capacity and intuition. The opposite situation is extreme mistrust in the models. In the presented case study sophisticated mathematical modules for forecasting will be build in software solution. Monthly decisions by the experts will be founded on hard data, as well as on expert’s intuition. Improved business results and more efficient, creative job for the users are expected.