Rolf Neeb
University of Mainz
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Featured researches published by Rolf Neeb.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 1983
Axel Meyer; Rolf Neeb
SummaryWeakly alkaline solutions of triethanolamine and NH4Cl after addition of dimethylglyoxime are suited for the determination of low concentrations of cobalt by adsorption voltammetry. The limit of detection is 0.05 ppb Co (reproducibility 3–5 %). A 250-fold excess of Ni and a 25 000-fold excess of Zn do not interfere in the determination of Co. The procedure is suited for the determination of Co in biological material (plant ashes).ZusammenfassungSchwach alkalische Lösungen von Triethanolamin und NH4C1 sind zur Bestimmung niedriger Co-Gehalte durch Adsorptionsvoltammetrie nach Dimethylglyoximzusatz geeignet. Die Bestimmungsgrenze liegt bei 0,05 ppb Co (Reproduzierbarkeit 3–5%). Ein 250facher Ni-Überschuß und ein 25 000facher Zn-Überschuß stören nicht. Das Verfahren kann zur Bestimmung des Co in biologischem Material (Pflanzenasche) verwendet werden.
Mikrochimica Acta | 1989
Heinz Eschnauer; Ludwig Jakob; Hans Meierer; Rolf Neeb
At present, some 50 inorganic components in wine can be detected, of which 8 are mineral matter at concentrations down to 1 mg/l, about 25 are trace elements with concentrations of 0.001–0.1 mg/l, and about 20 are ultratrace elements at concentrations below 1 μg/1. It has been shown that ICP-OES, a typical multielement detection method, permits the fast and reliable simultaneous determination of whole range of these inorganic species in wine, and thus can help in solving practical problems in wine manufacture. For instance, the metal content of wine can be checked, and corrosion and contamination monitored. Ten trace elements (Al, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, V, Zn) which may be toxic or to which wine is sensitive, can be determined, and their decrease through fermentation and fining established. Above all, ICP-OES seems suitable for defining the grape type and origin of wines in wine taxonomy (pattern analysis). Data obtained by ICP-OES can also help in assigning a vintage year.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 1976
Athanasios Tavlaridis; Rolf Neeb
For inorganic multielement analysis gas chromatography of the diethyldithiocarbamates is properly suited. Cations in the concentration range of 0.6–0.06 ppm can be determined even with the aid of a FID after extraction from aqueous solutions. Di(trifluor-ethyl)dithiocarbamates show higher volatilities. Properties and gas chromatographic behaviour of some of these chelates are described.ZusammenfassungZur anorganischen Multielementanalyse ist die Gas-Chromatographie von Diäthyldithiocarbamaten geeignet. Mit einem FID können bereits Kationen im 0,6–0,06 ppm-Bereich nach Ausschütteln der wäßrigen Lösungen bestimmt werden. Di(trifluoräthyl)dithiocarbamate zeigen noch höhere Flüchtigkeiten. Eigenschaften und gas-chromatographisches Verhalten einiger dieser Chelate werden angegeben.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 1978
Athanassios Tavlaridis; Rolf Neeb
SummaryGas chromatographic behaviour of some di(trifluoroethyl)dithiocarbamatochelates is investigated under isothermal and temperature programmed working conditions of various columns. Multielemental analysis of up to at least nine elements seems to be possible even after extraction out of aqueous solutions.ZusammenfassungDas gas-chromatographische Verhalten einiger Di(trifluoäthyl)dithiocarbamatochelate unter isothermen und temperaturprogrammierten Arbeitsbedingungen verschiedener Säulen wird beschrieben. Multielementanalyse von bis zu wenigstens neun Elementen dürfte auch nach Ausschütteln aus wäßrigen Lösungen möglich sein.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 1968
Rolf Neeb; Ingrid Kiehnast
A survey is given of the invers-voltammetric determination of some elements in hydrochloric acid solutions. The influence of the composition of the supporting electrolyte, of the electrolysis potential and of accompanying elements is examined. Further separation of peaks is achieved by a change of the composition of the supporting electrolyte before recording the inverse current-voltage curve.ZusammenfassungEs wird ein Überblick über die invers-voltammetrische Bestimmung einiger Elemente in salzsauren Grundlösungen gegeben. Der Einfluß der Zusammensetzung der Grundlösung, der Elektrolysespannung und zugesetzter Störelemente wird berücksichtigt. Eine Änderung der Zusammensetzung der Grundlösung führt zu zusätzlichen Trennungen der Spitzenpotentiale.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 1984
Hong Yuan Chen; Rolf Neeb
SummaryAt first, a survey is given of the various methods for the determination of the temperature coefficients of polarographic currents. A simple equation is proposed that allows in a general manner the determination of polarographic temperature coefficients.Furtheron, the temperature coefficients of various polarographic currents are experimentally determined in 29 systems. The results are discussed in view of possible electrode reactions. The influence of adsorption on the temperature behaviour of polarographic currents is emphasized.ZusammenfassungZunächst wird ein Überblick über die verschiedenen Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Temperaturkoeffizienten polarographischer Ströme gegeben. Eine einfache Beziehung wird vorgeschlagen, die in allgemeiner Weise die Bestimmung polarographischer Temperaturkoeffizienten erlaubt.Weiterhin werden die Temperaturkoeffizienten verschiedener polarographischer Ströme in 29 Systemen experimentell bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse werden hinsichtlich möglicher Elektrodenreaktionen diskutiert. Der Einfluß von Adsorptionsvorgängen auf die Temperaturabhängigkeit polarographischer Ströme wird besonders betont.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 1995
Yingjian Li; Faramarz Wahdat; Rolf Neeb
Experiments have been carried out to assess the potential of differential pulse voltammetry and potential stripping analysis for determining Pb, Cu and Cd directly in dissolved honey samples using a flow-through cell. With the hanging mercury drop electrode Pb alone can be determined only if the electrode is first modified in-situ with Triton X 100 to increase the separation between the Pb peak and a broad, interfering adsorption peak which overlaps the Cu peak. If the (more sensitive) thin film mercury electrode is used the interference encountered is less so also Cu and Cd can be determined. With potentiometric stripping analysis Cu and Pb can be determined using normal procedures. The determination of Cd, however, can only be carried out if the concentration of the oxidizing agent [Hg(II)] in solution is decreased. A good agreement has been obtained between the values found and those obtained after high pressure digestion of the samples.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 1980
G. Henze; A. P. Joshi; Rolf Neeb
SummaryA method for the determination of traces of As(III) by differential pulse cathodic stripping voltammetry (DPCSV) is described. The hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE) is used as working electrode. Preelectrolysis is carried out in 1 N HCl in the presence of CuCl2 at a potential of −0.55 V (reference electrode: Ag/AgCl/KCl sat.). The product formed in the electrolysis is probably an intermetallic compound of the composition Cu3As. It is deposited on the mercury surface. Its redissolution by cathodic stripping on the basis of a further reduction of arsenic to As3− leads to a current signal at a potential between −0.77 V and −0.79 V. The dependence of peak height on concentration of arsenic shows linearity in the range of 0.2 to 20 ppb As. Interfering influences are also reported.ZusammenfassungEs wird ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung von As(III)-Spuren durch Differential-Pulse-Cathodic-Stripping-Voltammetrie (DPCSV) beschrieben. Als Arbeitselektrode dient ein hängender Quecksilbertropfen. Die Anreicherung erfolgt bei −0,55 V (Bezugselektrode: Ag/AgCl/KCl ges.) aus 1 N HCl in Gegenwart von CuCl2. Das Elektrolyseprodukt ist vermutlich eine intermetallische Verbindung der Zusammensetzung Cu3As, die auf der Oberfläche des Quecksilbertropfens abgeschieden wird. Die Auflösung durch »cathodic-stripping« auf Grundlage der Weiterreduktion des Arsens zu negativ 3 wertigem Arsen führt zu einem bei −0,77 V bis −0,79 V liegenden Peak, dessen Höhe von 0,2 bis 20 ppb As linear zunimmt. Auf Störeinflüsse wird hingewiesen.
Naturwissenschaften | 1970
Rolf Neeb; Ingrid Kiehnast
duk t e n a h m ihre K o n z e n t r a t i o n in der L u f t m i t der H6he deut l ich zu, anschliel3end stel l te sich t in u m g e k e h r t e r K o n zen t r a t i onsg rad i en t ein. Die Tr~ghe i t des Ve r t i ka l aus t ausches bewirk t also z u n g c h s t eine Verz6gerung des Durchgr i f fes yon oben nach un t en , ansch l i egend abe t eine Zur t~ckhal tung des fa l lout in den u n t e r e n L u f t s c h i c h t e n (vgl. auch [7]){3ber be-
Naturwissenschaften | 1976
A. Tavlaridis; Rolf Neeb
in the stearic acid lattice before actual melting [12]. Assuming a constant isobaric heat capacity at 0.399 cal/g ~ [15] below the melting point, then 24.2 cal or 1.01 • 109 erg are required to raise one gram of stearic acid from 20 ~ to 70 ~ and to cause pre-melting. Supposing a 5 gm diameter illuminated area on a 200 A thick stearic acid crystal of density 1.023 g/ cm 3 [9] and using the observed dose [10] required to effect the transition, we calculate that 6.90 x 106 erg/coul are involved in the heating process. The Bethe value for absorbed energy from one coulomb of an 100 kV electron beam through a carbonaceous film of assumed density 1.0 g/cm 3 is 4 x 109 erg/gm [2, 14] or approximately 8 • 107 erg/coul for the 200 i t crystal. Thus, allowing for inaccuracies in the assumptions, a minimum of 9% of the observed beam energy is involved in the heating. Thermal effects are, of course, intimately tied to chemical reactive mechanisms in radiation damage (due to free-radical formation and ionization) which account for the majority of the absorbed energy. It is also often hard to separate the two processes. However, we believe the possible deleterious consequences of beam heating Of organic and biological samples merits a further systematic study of mechanism for organic compounds for which the crystal physics and thermodynamics are well-documented. (a)