Romana Beranová
Charles University in Prague
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Featured researches published by Romana Beranová.
Advances in Meteorology | 2014
Ladislav Gaál; Romana Beranová; Kamila Hlavčová; Jan Kyselý
The study examines projected changes in precipitation extremes, aggregated on several time scales (1 hour, 1 day, and 5 days), in simulations of 12 regional climate models (RCMs) with high spatial resolution (~25 km). The study area is the Carpathian Basin (Central and Southeastern Europe) which has a complex topography and encompasses the whole territory of Slovakia and Hungary as well as major parts of Romania and western Ukraine. We focus on changes in mean seasonal maxima and high quantiles (50-year return values) projected for the late 21st century (time slice 2070–2099) in comparison to the control period (time slice 1961–1990), for summer and winter. The 50-year return values are estimated by means of a regional frequency analysis based on the region-of-influence method, which reduces random variability and leads to more reliable estimates of high quantiles. In winter, all examined characteristics of precipitation (seasonal totals, mean seasonal maxima, and 50-year return values for both short-term and multi-day aggregations) show similar patterns of projected increases for the late 21st century. In summer, by contrast, drying is projected for seasonal totals in all RCMs while increases clearly prevail for the 50-year return values. The projected increases are larger for short-term (hourly) extremes that are more directly related to convective activity than multiday extremes. This suggests that the probability of occurrence of flash floods may increase more than that of large-scale floods in a warmer climate. The within-ensemble variability (and associated uncertainty) is, nevertheless, much larger in summer than in winter.
Studia Geophysica Et Geodaetica | 2013
Romana Beranová; Jan Kyselý
The study evaluates relationships between the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index and winter temperatures (including indices of extremes) over Europe in an ensemble of transient simulations of current global climate models (GCMs). We focus on identification of areas in which the NAO index is linked to winter temperatures and temperature extremes in simulations of the recent climate (1961–2000), and evaluate how these relationships change in climate change scenarios for the late 21st century (2071–2100). Most GCMs are able to reproduce main features of the observed links. The NAO index is more important for cold than warm extremes, which is also reproduced by the GCMs. However, all GCMs underestimate the magnitude of the NAO influence on cold extremes when averaged over northern and western Europe. For future scenarios, the links between the NAO and temperatures are mostly analogous to those in the recent climate, except for one GCM (CM3) in which the influence of the NAO on temperature almost disappears over whole Europe. This suggests that future scenarios from this particular GCM should be evaluated with caution. The NAO index is found to represent a useful covariate that explains an important fraction of variability of cold extremes in winter, and its incorporation into extreme value models for daily temperatures (and their possible changes under climate change) may improve performance of these models and reliability of estimates of extremes and their uncertainty.
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics | 2011
Jan Kyselý; Ladislav Gaál; Romana Beranová
Projected Changes in Flood-Generating Precipitation Extremes Over the Czech Republic in High-Resolution Regional Climate Models Climate change scenarios of high quantiles of 5-day precipitation amounts (proxies for flood-generating events) over the Czech Republic are evaluated in an ensemble of high-resolution Regional Climate Model (RCM) simulations from the ENSEMBLES project. The region-of-influence method of the regional frequency analysis is applied as a pooling scheme. This means that for any single gridbox, a homogeneous region (set of gridboxes) is identified and data from that region are used when fitting the Generalized Extreme Value distribution. The climate change scenarios for the late 21st century (2070-2099) show widespread increases in high quantiles of 5-day precipitation amounts in winter, consistent with projected changes in mean winter precipitation. In summer, increases in precipitation extremes occur despite an overall drying (prevailing declines in mean summer precipitation), which may have important hydrological implications. The results for summer suggest a possible substantial change in characteristics of warm-season precipitation over Central Europe, with more severe dry as well as wet extremes. The spatial pattern of projected changes in summer precipitation extremes, with larger increases in the western part of the area and smaller changes towards east, may also point to a declining role of Mediterranean cyclones in producing precipitation extremes in Central Europe in a future climate. However, uncertainties of the climate change scenarios remain large, which is partly due to biases in reproducing precipitation characteristics in climate models, partly due to large differences among the RCMs, and partly due to factors that are poorly or not at all represented in the examined ensemble. The latter are related also to uncertainties in future emission scenarios and socio-economic development in general. Predpokladané Zmeny v Zrážkových Extrémoch Nebezpečných Pre Tvorbu Povodní na Území Českej Republiky v Regionálnych Klimatických Modeloch s Vysokým Priestorovým Rozlíšením Práca analyzuje scenáre klimatickej zmeny pre vysoké kvantily 5-denných úhrnov zrážok (ktoré predstavujú možné riziko z pohľadu tvorby povodňových udalostí) na území Českej republiky, a to na základe širšej množiny simulácií z regionálnych klimatických modelov (RCM) s vysokým priestorovým rozlíšením, dostupných z projektu ENSEMBLES. Kvantily zrážkových extrémov sa odhadujú na základe metódy vplyvného regiónu, ktorá je jedným z variantov regionálnej frekvenčnej analýzy. To znamená, že pre každý gridový bod sa identifikuje jedinečný homogénny región (t.j. množina ďalších gridových bodov) a zrážkové údaje dostupné zo všetkých gridových bodov v rámci daného regiónu sa zužitkujú v procese odhadovania kvantilov využitím zovšeobecneného extremálneho rozdelenia. Scenáre klimatickej zmeny pre obdobie posledných troch dekád 21. storočia (2070-2099) naznačujú rozsiahly nárast vysokých kvantilov 5-denných úhrnov zrážok počas zimy, čo je v súlade s predpokladanými zmenami v priemerných úhrnoch zrážok za zimu. V lete sa tiež očakáva zvýšenie extrémnych úhrnov zrážok, čo môže v súvislosti s predpokladaným všeobecným úbytkom zrážok v tomto období (t.j. napriek prevažujúcemu poklesu priemerných úhrnov zrážok v lete) viesť k vážnym hydrologickým následkom. Výsledky pre leto naznačujú zásadnú zmenu v režime úhrnov zrážok v strednej Európe v teplom období roka, spojenú s častejším výskytom nepriaznivých suchých aj vlhkých extrémov. Priestorové rozdelenie predpokladaných zmien v extrémnych úhrnoch zrážok za leto - s vyšším nárastom v západných častiach skúmanej oblasti a postupne menej výrazným nárastom smerom na východ - zrejme poukazuje na slabnúcu úlohu stredomorských cyklón pri tvorbe zrážkových extrémov v strednej Európe v nastávajúcich klimatických podmienkach. Treba však podotknúť, že neurčitosť scenárov klimatickej zmeny je stále veľká, a to jednak v dôsledku nepresností v reprodukcii charakteristík úhrnov zrážok v klimatických modeloch, ďalej kvôli významným rozdielom medzi jednotlivými RCM, a nakoniec aj v dôsledku klimatických faktorov, ktoré sú slabo reprezentované, prípadne nie sú vôbec zahrnuté v analyzovanej množine výstupov klimatických modelov. Spomínané klimatické faktory takisto závisia od emisných scenárov skleníkových plynov, resp. od socio-ekonomického vývoja ľudstva vo všeobecnosti.
Theoretical and Applied Climatology | 2009
Jan Kyselý; Romana Beranová
Global and Planetary Change | 2010
Jan Kyselý; Jan Picek; Romana Beranová
International Journal of Climatology | 2008
Romana Beranová; Radan Huth
Theoretical and Applied Climatology | 2011
Jan Kyselý; Ladislav Gaál; Romana Beranová; Eva Plavcová
Global and Planetary Change | 2012
Jan Kyselý; Santiago Beguería; Romana Beranová; Ladislav Gaál; Juan I. López-Moreno
Studia Geophysica Et Geodaetica | 2007
Romana Beranová; Radan Huth
Theoretical and Applied Climatology | 2005
Romana Beranová; Radan Huth