Satriyas Ilyas
Bogor Agricultural University
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Featured researches published by Satriyas Ilyas.
Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian | 2014
Baharudin; Satriyas Ilyas; M.R. Suhartanto; Agus Purwantara
Growth and Production of Three New Rice Varieties in Prima Tani Mandailing Natal. The use of New Rice Superior Variety has a future prospect. It is not only high productivity but also reduces the risk of crop failure. This Assessment was aimed to study growth performances, yield component, and production of three types of New Rice Superior Varieties of Seed Stock (SS) at Prima Tani Location in Ipar Bondar Village, Mandailing Natal District, North Sumatera. The study was done by 5 farmers in their own rice field with total of farm area used was 4 ha. Cultivation for seed production of new seed variety (NSV) was done in dry season (March-July 2008), while seed processing was executed in August 2008. Rice varieties used were Mekongga, Conde dan Angke. The seeds used was originated from Indonesian Center for Rice Reseach at Sukamandi, with the method of paddy cultivation followed the Integrated Crop Management (ICM) approach. The research used a Random Block Design with 5 repetation. The result showed that Mekongga variety gave highest yield of 8.30 t/ha , Conde 7. 7 t/ha, and Angke 7.80 t/ha. Data were analysed using descriptive of rice productivity to compare rice productivity among varieties. Improvement productivities of Conde, Angke, and Mekongga was .67-2.80 t/ha (the average of 2.26 t/ha) or increase between 30.36 - 50.90% (with the average of 4 .09%), compare with Ciherang (5.5 t/ha) in location area. Total rice seed production of SS seed class was 38.5 t. The seed of NSV was sold Rp.5,200/kg per package and has been distribute to 37 villages of 0 sub-districts in Mandailing Natal District. It was concluded that the Mekongga variety gave the highest yield of 8.3 t/ha of dry grain harvested, compare with two other variety. Thus, these varieties can be developed for seed multiplication. While, Conde and Angke varieties are also an alternative varieties to be developed in this location because their production are also high. Key words: Paddy seed source, new rice superior variety Penggunaan Varietas Padi Unggul Baru ditingkat petani cukup prospektif, selain memiliki produktivitas yang tinggi juga mengurangi resiko gagal panen. Pengkajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaan pertumbuhan, komponen hasil dan produksi tiga jenis benih sumber padi Varietas Unggul Baru (VUB) di lokasi Prima Tani di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal. Pengkajian ini melibatkan 5 orang petani di lahan sawah milik petani di Desa Ipar Bondar, Kecamatan Panyabungan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal. Total luas lahan yang digunakan 4 ha. Penanaman padi VUB untuk produksi benih dilaksanakan pada MK Maret-Juli 2008 sedangkan prosesing benih dilaksanakan pada bulan agustus 2008. Benih padi yang diproduksi meliputi: Mekongga,Conde dan Angke. Benih yang digunakan berasal dari Balai Besar Penelitian Tanaman Padi Sukamandi. Dalam penanaman padi menggunakan pendekatan model PTT. Rancangan yang digunakan Acak kelompok dengan 5 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan varietas Mekongga memberikan hasil tertinggi yaitu 8.30 t/ha, disusul varietas Conde 7. 7 t/ ha dan Angke 7.80 t/ha. Data produktivitas antar varietas dikumpulkan juga dianalisis secara deskriptif untuk membandingkan produktivitas Keragaan Pertumbuhan Komponen Hasil dan Produksi Tiga Varietas Padi Unggul Baru di Lokasi Primatani Kabupaten Mandailing Natal (Khadijah El Ramija, Novia Chairuman, Didik Harnowo) 43 antar varietas. Peningkatan produktivitas Conde, Angke, dan Mekongga adalah .67-2.80 t ha- (rata-rata 2.26 t/ha) atau terjadi peningkatan antara 30.36-50.90% (rata-rata 4 .09%) dibandingkan dengan Ciherang (5.5 t/ha) yang ditanam petani di sekitar lokasi pengkajian. Total produksi benih padi 38.5 ton kelas SS. Benih padi VUB dijual dalam bentuk kemasan dengan harga Rp. 5200/kg dan telah tersebar ke 37 desa di 0 kecamatan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari 3 VUB yang diamati, varietas Mekongga memberikan hasil tertinggi yaitu sebesar 8.30 t/ha gabah kering panen dibanding 2 varietas lainnya, sehingga varietas ini dapat dikembangkan untuk perbanyakan benih. Sedangkan varietas Conde dan Angke juga merupakan varietas alternatif untuk dikembangkan di lokasi pengkajian karena produksinya juga tinggi. Kata kunci: Benih sumber, VUB, mekongga, conde, angkeIncreasing of Agribusiness Value Added through Aplication of Rice Farming System Technolgy Innovation: A Case Study of Prima Tani Activity In Musi Rawas District, South Sumatera. The application of technology innovation was conducted to overcome productivity disparity, to increase farmer income and to improve farmer prosperity. Technology innovation on rice farming has been applied at “Prima Tani” activities on intensive irrigation land since 2005 in South Sumatera Province. The aim of this study was to compare the application of technology innovation, cost production and rice farming income between participant and non participant farmers. Data of rice farming activity during wet season in 2006/2007 was collected in Mei until September 2007 by interviewing participant farmer of Prima Tani in Kertosari Village and compared the result to the non participant in Purwakarya Village, Purwodadi Sub-district, Musi Rawas Regency. Samples was taken by Disproportionate Stratified Random Sampling. Result showed that the scores of technology application from participant and non participant farmers were 6.38 and 4.37 respectively. However, there was no statistically difference between two farmers groups and included as medium category of technology application. The productivity of harvested dried rice of participant farmers was 7. 8 kg/ha and 7.2 5 kg/ha for non participant farmers. Total cost of rice farming for participant and non participant farmers were Rp.5,786,035/ha and Rp.6,663,875/ha respectively. Rice farming income of participant farmer (Rp.8,228,9 5/ha) was significantly different from those in non-participant farmer (Rp.7,235,435/ha). Key words: Paddy, farming system, innovation, income. Penerapan teknologi inovasi dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah senjang produktivitas, meningkatkan pendapatan usahatani dan kesejahteraan petani. Inovasi teknologi pada usahatani padi dilakukan melalui kegiatan Prima Tani lahan irigasi intensif Provinsi Sumatera Selatan sejak tahun 2005. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan penerapan teknologi usahatani padi, biaya yang dikeluarkan dan pendapatan usahatani padi yang diperoleh oleh petani peserta dan bukan peserta Prima Tani. Pengumpulan data untuk meliput aktivitas usahatani dari musim hujan 2006/2007 dilakukan melalui wawancara pada bulan Mei-September 2007 pada petani peserta Prima Tani di Desa Kertosari dibandingkan dengan petani bukan peserta di Desa Purwakarya pada kecamatan yang sama yaitu Kecamatan Purwodadi. Pengambilan sampel petani pemilik-penggarap secara Acak Berlapis Tak Berimbang. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa skor penerapan teknologi pada petani peserta dan bukan peserta masing-masing 6,38 dan 4,37, tetapi secara statistik tidak berbeda nyata dan termasuk dalam kategori penerapan teknologi pada tingkat sedang. Produksi gabah kering panen yang diperoleh petani peserta dan bukan peserta sebanyak 7. 8 kg/ha dan 7.2 5 kg/ha. Biaya total yang dikeluarkan oleh petani peserta Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Agribisnis melalui Penerapan Inovasi Teknologi Usahatani Padi :Studi Kasus Kegiatan Prima Tani Kabupaten Musi Rawas, Sumatera Selatan (Yanter Hutapea, Pandu AP Hutabarat dan Tumarlan Thamrin) 53 sebesar Rp.5.786.035/ha, sedangkan petani bukan peserta sebesar Rp.6.663.875/ha. Pendapatan usahatani padi yang diperoleh petani peserta (Rp.8.228.9 5/ha) secara nyata dibanding petani bukan peserta (Rp.7.235.435/ha). Kata kunci: Padi,usahatani, inovasi, pendapatan.Study of Coconut Oil Processing in Purworejo District. Coconut oil processing in the purworejo district has great prospectus which is supported by raw material potention of 8,927.74 t of inner coconut variety, 9,8 4.88 t of deres variety, and 2.36 t of hybrid variety. Value added of coconut oil still need to raise the local income. The objective of the assessment was to analize the coconut oil processing unit. The method used such as coconut oil trial processing, coconut oil refining, comercially implementation, interpreneurship development and marketing also farmer prime impact evaluation. The data collected was analysed descriptively. According to coconut oil production analysis, the oil has fulfill the coconut oil standard. The coconut oil production in 2007 was 85 lt and increase to 3930 lt in 2008, with economic value of Rp.45,509,400. In further development, coconut oil refining has greater value of Rp.679,500/608 lt raw coconut oil than coconut fruit processing. These refinary coconut oil is reliable for advanced development. Key word: Coconut oil, coconut, processing Pengolahan minyak kelapa di Kabupaten Purworejo memiliki prospektif karena didukung potensi produksi kelapa dalam 8.927,74 t, kelapa deres 9.8 4,88 t serta kelapa hibrida 2,36 t. Adanya peningkatan nilai tambah produk berupa minyak kelapa masih dibutuhkan terkait untuk meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat Kabupaten Purworejo. Pengkajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis usaha pengolahan minyak kelapa. Metode yang digunakan meliputi ujicoba pembuatan minyak kelapa, pemurnian minyak kelapa, implementasi usaha, pengembangan kelembagaan usaha dan pemasaran serta evaluasi dampak kegiatan Prima Tani. Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisa secara deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil analisa, kualitas minyak yang dihasilkan telah memenuhi standar yang dipersyaratkan. Proses produksi minyak kelapa pada tahun 2007 sebesar 85 lt meningkat menjadi menjadi 3930 lt pada tahun 2008 atau meningkat hampir lima kali lipat dengan nilai ekonomi sebesar Rp.45.509.400. Dalam perkembangan lebih lanjut, kegiatan pemurnian minyak kelapa memiliki nilai ekonomis yang lebih tinggi yaitu Rp.679.500/608 lt minyak setengah jadi daripada pengolahan minyak kelapa dari bahan buah segar. Kegiatan pemurnian minyak kelapa layak untuk terus dilanjutkan serta dikembangkan lebih lanjut. Kata kunci: Minyak kelapa, kelapa, pengolahan
Hayati Journal of Biosciences | 2006
Satriyas Ilyas
Matriconditioning using a solid carrier, Micro-Cel E, was applied on pepper seeds and its effects on the improvement of thermotolerance through the ethylene biosynthesis were studied. Untreated and matriconditioned seeds were soaked in 5 mM 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) for various time at 25 oC to studies the time course of ACC-derived ethylene production. To study the performance of the seeds at high temperature, they were planted at temperature regime of 35 oC, 12h light/27 oC, 12h dark. The ACC-oxidase activity of the seeds after incubated in ACC at 35 oC was also determined. The ACC contents in untreated and matriconditioned seeds during the 24h imbibition period at 35 oC were monitored. No ethylene was detected during soaking of pepper seeds in the absence of ACC. In 5 mM ACC detectable levels of ethylene were produced; the matriconditioned seeds producing 10-fold larger amounts than the untreated seeds at the time of germination. It is postulated that matriconditioning greatly increases the ACC-oxidase activity at the time of germination. Matriconditioned seeds imbibed at 35 oC produced larger amounts of ACC and greater ACC-oxidase activity than the untreated seeds. Thus, the basis for the thermotolerance by matriconditioned seeds may be increasing ability to synthesize ACC and to utilize it for ethylene production and stress alleviation. Key words: ACC-derived ethylene production, ACC-oxidase, germination, preplant conditioning
Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri (Industrial Crops Research Journal) | 2016
Devi Rusmin; M.R. Suhartanto; Satriyas Ilyas; Dyah Manohara; Eny Widajati
ABSTRAK Salah satu faktor yang menentukan daya simpan benih jahe putih besar (JPB) adalah mutu. Mutu benih sangat ditentukan oleh tingkat kemasakan rimpang. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh umur panen terhadap perubahan fisiologi dan viabilitas benih selama penyimpanan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Rumah Kaca dan Laboratorium Teknologi Benih, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat serta Laboratorium Pascapanen IPB Bogor, mulai bulan Juli 2012 sampai dengan Februari 2013. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah acak lengkap (RAL) dengan lima ulangan. Perlakuan yang diuji adalah tiga tingkat umur panen benih 7, 8, dan 9 bulan setelah tanam (BST). Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap perubahan fisiologis (penyusutan bobot, persentase rimpang bertunas, tunas, kadar air, dan laju respirasi), serta viabilitas rimpang benih (daya tumbuh, tinggi, dan bobot kering bibit). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rimpang benih umur 7 dan 8 BST mempunyai daya simpan terbaik karena menghasilkan masing-masing total angka penyusutan bobot lebih rendah (24,65 dan 25,25%) dan tunas lebih pendek (0,30 dan 1,08 cm) dibandingkan dengan umur panen 9 BST (27,13% dan 1,62 cm), selama 4 bulan disimpan. Masa dormansi rimpang benih JPB mulai pecah setelah mengalami periode simpan 2 bulan. Pertumbuhannya mulai seragam setelah 3 bulan simpan. Umur panen jahe 7 dan 8 BST mempunyai derajat dormansi yang lebih tinggi dibanding 9 BST. Rimpang benih umur panen 7, 8, dan 9 BST mempunyai daya tumbuh tinggi (>95%) dan pertumbuhan bibit seragam setelah 3 bulan disimpan. Kata kunci: Zingiber officinale Rosc., penyimpanan, benih, perubahan fisiologis, viabilitas ABSTRACT One of the factors that determine the storability of seed rhizome of white big ginger (WBG) is quality. The quality is determined by the maturity levels of seed rhizome. The aim of the experiment was to observe the effect of harvesting time on physiological changes and seed viability of WBG seed rhizomes during the storage. The experiment was conducted at Green House and Seed Technology Laboratory of Indonesian Spice and Medicinal Crops Research Institute, Bogor and Postharvest Laboratory, IPB, from July 2012 to February 2013. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with five replications. The treatments tested were three levels of WBG seed rhizome harvesting time: 7, 8, and 9 month after planting (MAP). Variables observed were physiological changes of seed rhizomes during the storage (weight loss, sprouting percentage, shoot height, respiration rate, and moisture content) and viability (growth ability, height, and dry weight of the seedling). The results showed that seed rhizomes at 7 and 8 had the best storability, since it was produced each low rate of weight loss (24.65 and 25.25%), and shoots shorter (0.3 and 1.08 cm) than 9 MAP (27.13% and 1.62 cm), for 4 months in storage. Dormancy of WBG seed rhizomes has been broken after 2 months in storage. Harvesting at 7 and 8 showed a degree of dormancy higher than the harvesting age 9 MAP. Harvesting time at 7, 8, and 9 MAP had high growth ability (> 95%) and uniform seedling growth after 3 months in storage. Keywords: Zingiber officinale Rosc., storage, seed, physiological changes, viability
Indonesian Journal of Agronomy | 2014
Didik Sucahyono; Maryati Sari; Memen Surahman; Satriyas Ilyas
The objective of this research was to improve seed vigor, plant growth, and productivity of black soybean through seed invigoration treatment. The experiment was arranged in split-plot design. As the main plot, there were two black soybean varieties (Detam-1 and Detam-2) and as the sub-plot there were seed invigoration treatments applied (untreated control, matriconditioning, biofertilizer, matriconditioning plus biofertilizer). Matriconditioning was conducted using ratio of seeds to carrier (rice hull charcoal) to water of 9:6:7 (w/w/v) for 12 h in ambient room. For biofertilizer treatment, biofertilizer (consists of nitrogen-fixing bacteria, phosphate-solubilizing bacteria, fungicide-producing bacteria, and growth-regulator-producing endophytic bacteria) was applied just before planted by mixing seeds with 6.25 g biofertilizer (kg seeds)-1 and small amount of water. Matriconditioning plus biofertilizer was conducted by integrating the biofertilizer in matriconditioning. Results of the experiment showed that matriconditioning or matriconditioning plus biofertilizer improved germination percentage and rate of germination. Biofertilizer or matriconditioning plus biofertilizer improved vegetative growth. Although there was no significant effect of invigoration treatment on productivity, biofertilizer treatment produced seeds 15% higher than control, and matriconditioning treatment produced seeds 13% higher than control. Viability and vigor of harvested seeds were not affected by invigoration treatments, however, Detam-2 had higher viability and vigor than Detam-1 based on germination percentage, index vigor, and rate of germination. Keywords: biofertilizer, matriconditioning, rice hull charcoal, seed quality ABSTRAK
Indonesian Journal of Agronomy | 2014
Agustiansyah Agustiansyah; Satriyas Ilyas; Sudarsono Sudarsono; Muhammad Machmud
The objective of the study was to determine the effect of seed treatment on growth, seed quality, P fertilizer utilization, and rice production in the glasshouse. The experiment was conducted in a split plot design with three replications from January to June 2010.The main plots were P fertilizer rates (0, 50, and 100 kg SP-36 ha-1), and sub plots were (1) negative control (seeds were not inoculated by Xanthomonas oryzaepv. oryzae(Xoo) and without seed treatment); (2) positive control (seeds were inoculated by Xoo); (3) seeds were inoculated by Xoo and immersed in Pseudomonas diminutaA6 suspension; (4) seeds were inoculated by Xoo and immersed in Bacillus subtilis5/B suspension; (5) seeds were inoculated by Xoo and immersed in P. diminutaA6 + B. subtilis5/B suspension; (6) matriconditioning + P. diminutaA6, (7) matriconditioning + B. subtilis5/B, and (8) matriconditioning + P. diminutaA6 + B. subtilis5/B. The results showed that seed treatment with biological agents P. diminutaA6, seed treatment with P. diminutaA6 + B. subtilis5/B were the best seed treatments to improve plant growth and yield of rice. Treatment with matriconditioning + P. diminutaA6 + B. subtilis5/B was the best treatment to enhance seed germination. Soaking the seeds in B. subtilis5/B suspension or P. diminutaA6 + B. subtilis5/B suspension reduced the use of P fertilizer, based on the number of grain, total number of grain, percentage of grain per panicle. The highest seed yield obtained from both treatments was with the application of P fertilizer 50 kg ha-1. Keywords: biopriming, matriconditioning, rhizobacteria, seed viability, seed vigor ABSTRAK
Indonesian Journal of Agronomy | 2007
Dina; Eny Widajati; Baran Wirawan; Satriyas Ilyas
Topographical tetrazolium (TZ) pattern to determine viability, vigor and field stand on soybean seeds cv. Burangrang was studied. Laboratory test for standard germination, vigor index, speed of germination, accelerated aging, seedling growth rate and field performances were performed on five lots (A,B,C,D,E) of soybean seeds. The viability and vigor categories of each pattern were determined by Root Mean Square (RMS), regression, and correlation analysis. Ten topographical patterns were recognized. The laboratory test results and field performances were compared with topographical pattern. Combination of patterns 1,2,3,4 (embryonic axis and cotyledon completely and/or gradually stained) selected as viable category as it gave the least RMS value, the highest determination (R 2 ) and correlation (r) coefficient with standard germination (RMS=6,46; R 2 =0,37; r=0,61). Combination of patterns 1,2,3 (embryonic axis and cotyledon completely stained) selected as vigor category as it gave the least RMS value, the highest R 2 and r with relative speed of germination (RMS=7,96; R 2 =0,44; r=0,66), vigor index (RMS=6,66; R 2 =0,36; r=0,6), field emergence (R 2 =0,79; r=0,89) and field stand (R 2 =0,65; r=0,80). The combination of patterns 1,2,3 is
Hayati Journal of Biosciences | 2006
Endang Pudjihartati; Siswanto Siswanto; Satriyas Ilyas; Sudarsono Sudarsono
The term of allelopathy refers to chemical interactions (inhibitory or stimulatory) between plants, between plants and microorganisms, and between microorganisms. The wealth of information on the processes, procedures, and practices of allelopathy has contributed to understanding this field of science. Recently, researches of allelopathy have been conducted in laboratory, greenhouse, and field with multifaceted standpoint in some concerning area: (i) allelochemicals identifications and screening test; (ii) ecological and physiological aspects of allelopathy; (iii) genetic studies and the possibilities of using plant breeding or genetic manipulation to enhance allelopathic varieties; (iv) the use of allelopathic potential in the biological control, including as natural pesticide, of weeds and plant diseases as eco-friendly approach for sustainable agriculture scheme. Key words: Allelochemicals, biological control, sustainable agriculture
Hayati Journal of Biosciences | 2006
Endang Pudjihartati; Siswanto; Satriyas Ilyas; Sudarsono
The objectives of this experiment were to analyze the endo- or exo-chitinase activities of healthy and Sclerotium rolfsii infected peanuts. The experiment analyzed 24 different peanut genotypes. Results of the experiment showed chromogenic dimer was the most suitable substrate for analysing chitinase activities. Both endo- and exo-chitinases activities were detected in leaf, stem, and crown tissues. Increased in chitinase activities were detected in S. rolfsii infected peanut tissues than in healthy plant. Regression analysis showed negative slope between disease intensity and chitinase activity in S. rolfsii infected peanut tissue (R2= 0.45).
Hayati Journal of Biosciences | 2006
Endang Pudjihartati; Satriyas Ilyas; Sudarsono
The objectives of this experiment were to analyse physiological responses, such as oxidative burst reaction, peroxidase activity, and lignin content of healthy and S. rolfsii- infected peanut tissues. Differences in physiological responses among 24 peanut genotypes were determined, the disease severity was calculated and used to group resistance of tested genotypes. The regressions among observed peroxidase activity, lignin content and disease severity were used to determine the possible mechanisms of S. rolfsii resistance in peanut. Peanut seeds were grown in polybag and the growing plants were inoculated at the crown, stem, and leaf tissues. Results of the experiment indicated that infection of S. rolfsii in peanut did not induce oxidative burst. However, infection of the pathogen resulted in increased peroxidase activity and lignin content in the infected tissues. Regression analysis between peroxidase activity and disease severity showed negative slopes, indicating the more resistance the genotype, the more peroxidase activity in the tissue. Regression analysis between lignin content and disease severity was not significant.
Hayati Journal of Biosciences | 2006
Endang Pudjihartati; Satriyas Ilyas; Sudarsono Sudarsono
A research has been conducted to optimize the rate of aeration and initial weight of cell aggregates in the production of ajmalicine in Catharanthus roseus cell culture in airlift bioreactor. Catharanthus roseus culture were grown in Zenk medium with the addition of 2.50 x 10 -6 M naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and 10 -5 M benzyl amino purine (BAP). Cell aggregates were sub-cultured two times before transferring 20 and 30 g/fw of cell aggregates into bioreactor, respectively, and aerated with the rate of 0.25 l min -1 and 0.34 l min -1 , respectively. The pattern of ajmalicine production in bioreactor were observed in every three days within 24 days. Qualitative and quantitative analysis were conducted using HPLC connected to Cromatopac CL-7A Plus. The results showed that the cell aggregates and medium contain ajmalicine. The highest concentration was obtained in combination of 30 g/fw and 0.34 l min -1 aeration compare to 20 g/fw - 0.25 l min -1 , 20 g/fw - 0.34 l min -1 , as well as 30 g/fw A¢â‚¬â€œ 0.25 l min -1/sup>. The highest ajmalicine content in cell aggregates was obtained on the 12 days (79.23 A‚µg g - ) whilst in medium was obtained in the 18 thsup> days (981.15 A‚µg l - ). Key words: ajmalicine, cell aggregates culture, C. roseus, airlift bioreactorThe objectives of this experiment were to analyse physiological responses, such as oxidative burst reaction, peroxidase activity, and lignin content of healthy and S. rolfsii-infected peanut tissues. Differences in physiological responses among 24 peanut genotypes were determined, the disease severity was calculated and used to group resistance of tested genotypes. The regressions among observed peroxidase activity, lignin content and disease severity were used to determine the possible mechanisms of S. rolfsii resistance in peanut. Peanut seeds were grown in polybag and the growing plants were inoculated at the crown, stem, and leaf tissues. Results of the experiment indicated that infection of S. rolfsii in peanut did not induce oxidative burst. However, infection of the pathogen resulted in increased peroxidase activity and lignin content in the infected tissues. Regression analysis between peroxidase activity and disease severity showed negative slopes, indicating the more resistance the genotype, the more peroxidase activity in the tissue. Regression analysis between lignin content and disease severity was not significant. Key words: hypersensitive response (HR), resistance mechanisms, Sclerotium stem rot, disease response, Arachis hypogaeaHymenoptera is one of the four largest insect order (the other three are Coleoptera, Diptera, and Lepidoptera). There are curerently over 115 000 described Hymenoptera species. It is clear that Hymenoptera is one of the major components of insect biodiversity. However, Hymenoptera biodiversity is affected by ecology, environment, and ecosystem management. In an agricultural areas, the spatial structure, habitat diversity, and habitat composition may vary from cleared landscapes to structurally rich landscape. Thus, it is very likely that such large-scale spatial patterns (landscape effects) may influence local biodiversity and ecological functions. Therefore, the objective of this research were to study diversity and configuration elements of agricultural landscapes at Cianjur Watershed with geographical information sytems (GIS) and its influence on Hymenoptera biodiversity. The structural differences between agricultural landscapes of Nyalindung, Gasol, and Selajambe were characterized by patch analyst with ArcView 3.2 of digital land use data. Results indicated that class of land uses of Cianjur Watershed landscape were housing, mixed gardens, talun and rice, vegetable, and corn fields. Landscape structure influenced the biodiversity of Hymenoptera. Species richness and the species diversity were higher in Nyalindung landscape compare to Gasol and Selajambe landscape. Key words: diversity, Hymenoptera, landscape, watershed, GIS