Sevgi Yilmaz
Atatürk University
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Featured researches published by Sevgi Yilmaz.
Environment International | 2004
Sevgi Yilmaz; Murat Zengin
Pollution distribution maps of copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and lead (Pb) for Erzurum province were developed on the basis of chemical analysis of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) needles collected from randomly selected sampling points during 2 years. The maps show deposition zones for the studied elements and could help in identification of sources and directions of air pollution dispersion. This study indicated that vegetation in Erzurum was greatly endangered by sulphur dioxide (SO(2)), whereas Zn does not pose an immediate threat to vegetation in most of the countrys territory. However, in the city center, main and secondary road agglomeration, very high pollution with Pb and Cu could limit growth. Higher levels of SO(2) measured in some areas of Erzurum might be harmful for human and animal health. Results of this study indicated that Scots pine needles were not contaminated by Zn.
Journal of Urban Planning and Development-asce | 2010
Süleyman Toy; Sevgi Yilmaz
The aim of this study was to show that the effect of a city with favorable characteristics for landscape and urban planning on urban versus rural temperature differences is lower by determining the distribution of daily mean, the maximum and minimum temperatures, and the extent of their differences in urban and rural areas of a small-size and unindustrialized Turkish city, Erzincan, which has favorable landscape and urban planning characteristics due to its reestablishment after a violent earthquake in 1992. With this aim, temperature data were obtained from urban and rural stations of the city and evaluated over a 10-year period (3,653 days from 1999 to 2008) and urban-rural differences of 0.8, 0.9, and 2.0°C were found in daily mean, maximum, and minimum temperatures, respectively, while the most prevalent range of these differences was determined to be 0.0–1.9°C over the study period. It was concluded in the study that in order to design more comfortable and livable urban environments, professionals should consider the population, industrial areas and traffic loads, green area amount and density, and form of buildings in a city and also lay emphasizes on the cautions through which they can create urban environments with less population and larger green areas, e.g., using green belts or constructing smaller suburban sites by separating commercial and industrial areas from housing sites in newly developing areas.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | 2009
Sevgi Yilmaz; Süleyman Toy; Nalan Demircioglu Yildiz; Hasan Yilmaz
In the study, main purpose was to determine the effect of population growth along with the increase in urbanisation, motor vehicle use and green area amount on the temperature values using a 55-year data set in Erzurum, which is hardly industrialised, and one of the coldest cities with highest elevation in Turkey. Although the semi-decadal increases, means of which are 0.1°C for mean, minimum and maximum temperatures, are not clear enough to make a strong comment even in the lights of figures or tables, it was found as the result of the statistical analysis that population growth and increases in the number of vehicles, the number of buildings and the green area amount in the city have no significant effect on mean temperatures. However, the relationships between population growth and maximum temperature; and the number of vehicles and minimum temperature were found to be statistically significant.
Atmosfera | 2017
M. Akif Irmak; Sevgi Yilmaz; Doğan Dursun
The urban heat island (UHI) phenomenon and outdoor human thermal comfort may be affected by several factors such as the size of the built environment, the rate of open and green spaces and different types of ground surface covers (e.g., grass and artificial covers) in urban areas. Depending on the types and structures of the pavement/covering materials, which can have effects on the albedo and surface heating, ground surfaces reflect solar radiation or heat the air above them. Pavements that can absorb more solar radiation may turn it into heat, thus warming the air, which in turn heats urban areas and make them uncomfortable for human beings. The present study investigates the effect of different materials on the UHI intensity by considering nine different types of materials (andesite, granite, basalt, travertine, impregnated wood, soil, asphalt, clinker powder and grass) in the Ata botanical garden located in the city center of Erzurum, in the Eastern Anatolia region of Turkey. Temperature data were measured on clear summer days during the month of July and compared in terms of thermal comfort. All measurements were taken 150 cm above the ground at 12:00 p.m. by using an infrared thermometer (CEM-DT-8812). In order to estimate the physiologically equivalent temperature (PET) for each soil type, data were analyzed using the RayMan 2.1 software, and the scores were statistically analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA). The differences in mean temperatures were evaluated with Fisher’s least significant difference (LSD) test. The results showed that mean PET scores ranged between 28.9 oC for impregnated wood and 25.9 oC for grass (a difference of 3.0 oC), while the other scores were 26.1, 26.7, 27.1, 27.5, 27.8, 28.5 and 28.5 oC for travertine, granite, andesite, soil, clinker powder, basalt, and asphalt, respectively. The analytical results indicated that all the studied materials create a slight heat stress (23.1-29.0 oC) according to their PET indices and their predetermined comfort intervals. However, the levels of heat stress for impregnated wood, asphalt, and basalt were higher than the others. It was determined that grass, travertine and cube granite are optimal surface materials, since they exhibited a level of heat stress that is close to the comfort range (18.1-23.0 oC).
Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology | 2018
Hüccet Vural; Sevgi Yilmaz
Arastirmada orneklenen okul icin katilimci yaklasimla peyzaj tasarimi yaparak okul bahcesinde yapilan fiziki iyilestirmenin ogrencilere katkilarinin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Uygulama alani olarak Erzurum kent merkezi Yakutiye Ilcesinde bulunan Mecidiye Ilkokulu ve Ortaokulu secilmistir. Arastirma peyzaj tasarim sureci, kismi peyzaj uygulamalari ve uygulama oncesi ve sonrasi anket calismalari sonuclarina dayanmaktadir. Arastirma kapsaminda yapilan ankete uygulama oncesi 212 ogrenci, uygulama sonrasi 174 ogrenci katilmistir. Veriler SPSS 18 programinda betimsel istatistik ve Wilcoxon isaretli siralar testi kullanilarak analiz edilmistir. Peyzaj tasarim ve uygulama calismalarinin yapildigi okulda uygulama oncesi ve sonrasi anket sonuclarinin karsilastirmali analizinde iyilestirilmis fiziki cevrenin bircok bakimdan ogrencilere katki sagladigi ve bu katkinin istatistiksel olarak anlamli oldugu belirlenmistir (22 soru icin Wilcoxon isaretli siralar testi sonucu; z= -3.52, p<.05). Anket sonuclarina gore okul bahcesinde yapilan peyzaj uygulamalarinin; ogrencilerin memnuniyet oranina %33.1, cevre bilinci kazanma oranina %20.1, psikolojik olarak rahatlama oranina %39.6, yeni seyler ogrenme oranina %31.1, okul basarisinda artis oranina %39.2, egitim amacli kullanim oranina %8.7 ve teneffuslerde carpisma ve kazalarda azalma oranina %28.7 katki sagladigi belirlenmistir.
Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology | 2017
Ahmet Caf; Sevgi Yilmaz; Ahmet Koç
Rapids immigration of rural population to urban population causes nonpreparition of city’s population growth. Due to growing population demand, in these cities environmental problems increase and city comfort is influenced. Increasing air pollution causes a downfall in life quality. Especially, in winter season these problems are seen clearly.Air pollution causes negative effects on people’s comfort.This study aiming to find effects of air pollution on Bingol city which is caused by people’s effets.It was made between 2007-2015 years.This octennical study was proceeded with long term meterological values, also considering the number of changes in vehicle and housing the tie between air quality was investigated.As a work description ,with statistical methods ordination analysis were made in CANOCO database.According to the analysis result, numbers of vehicle and housing which are changeable factors on air quality and timewise alteration of meterological factors were investigated. Therefore, prospectively scenarios were made and solution offers were stated. At the same time, according to study result of Bingol city center;air quality does not exceed the limit values of International Air Quality. Key words; Air quality, bingol, canoco, ordination, Kentleşmenin Hava Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi; Bingöl İli Örneği Effects of Urbanization on Air Quality;Sample of Bingol City Ahmet KOÇ, Ahmet CAF, Sevgi YILMAZ Iğ dı r Ü ni ve rs ite si Fe n Bi lim le ri E ns tit üs ü D er gi si Iğ dı r U ni ve rs ity J ou rn al o f th e In st itu te o f Sc ie nc e an d Te ch no lo gy Araştırma Makalesi / Research Article Iğdır Üni. Fen Bilimleri Enst. Der. / Iğdır Univ. J. Inst. Sci. & Tech. 7(3): 231-238, 2017 1 Atatürk Üniversitesi, Mimarlik ve Tasarim Fakültesi, Peyzaj Mimarliği, Erzurum, Türkiye 2 Bingöl Üniversitesi, Teknik Bilimler Meslek Yüksek Okulu, Peyzaj ve Süs Bitkileri, Bingöl, Türkiye 3 Atatürk Üniversitesi, Mimarlik ve Tasarim Fakültesi, Peyzaj Mimarliği, Erzurum, Türkiye Sorumlu yazar/Corresponding Author: Ahmet CAF, [email protected] Geliş tarihi / Received: 20.01.2017 Kabul tarihi / Accepted: 28.05.2017 C ilt /V ol um e: 7 , S ay ı/I ss ue : 3, S ay fa /p p: 2 31 -2 38 , 2 01 7 IS SN : 2 14 605 74 , e -I SS N : 2 53 646 18 D O I:
Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology | 2017
Sevgi Yilmaz; Esra Bulgan
Climate has always become an important research object due to its effects on people and environment. In this study, five different areas in Erzurum city centre were determined for the assessment of thermal comfort areas. For the measurement of bioclimatic comfort values in these areas, meteorological parameters (such as ambient temperature (°C), relative humidity (%), wind speed (m/s) and cloudiness (oktas) for the daily time zones such as 00:00, 03:00, 06:00, 09:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00 and 21:00 were taken in 2012 between 20th of June and 10th of September. PET index and RayMan 2.1 model are used for the assessment of bioclimatic comfort conditions. When the reference station is identified as rural and the other five stations are defined as urban, it is observed that there are PET differences between urban and rural stations in the range of 1.1oC to 4.3oC. While the comfortable range for summer time are felt as %10.3 in Erzurum Meteorology Airport Station which is rural area covered with steppe vegetation, this ratio is identified as %20,4 at Ataturk University Campus covered with vegetation. Therefore, urban green areas should be protected and increased as much as possible.
Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology | 2016
Sevgi Yilmaz; Emral Mutlu; Ahmet Koç
Nufusun buyuk bir cogunlugunun kentlerde yasamaya baslamasi ile artan cevre sorunlari da hiz kesmeden devam etmektedir. Dogal alanlar tahrip edilmekte ve yasam konforu azalmaktadir. Ozellikle kis aylarinda yasanan hava kirliligi tum canlilarin saglikli yasam kalitesini azaltmaktadir. Kentsel mekân icinde yer alan kitle yesil alanlarin ise bu durumu iyilestirme yonunde oneli katkilari oldugu bilinmektedir. Canlilarin daha konforlu ve saglikli ortamlarda yasam surebilmesi icin bozulan hava kalitesinin teknik ve idari yontemlerle iyilestirilmesi gerekmektedir. Kent uzerinde yogunlasan hava kirliliginin desarzi veya azaltilmasi ile ilgili calismalar bu soruna olumlu katki saglayacaktir. Bu amacla; calismada Erzurum Kenti’ne ait olan hava kirletici etmenlerden kukurt di oksit (SO2) koordinatlari belli olan 20 adet gezici istasyondan alanmistir. Cevre ve Şehircilik Bakanligindan temin edilen bu degerler kullanilarak, Arc-GIS paket programinda geoistatiksel yontemle hava kalitesi haritasi elde edilmistir. Sonuclara gore elde edilen kitle yesil alanlar ile hava kirliligi haritasi ortusturulmustur. Hava kalitesi haritasi bazinda cozum onerilerini sunmak icin, iklim ve kirletici parametreleriyle birlikte hipotezler gerceklestirilmistir. Kitle yesil alanlarin hava kalitesine etkisi belirlenmeye calisilmistir
Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology | 2016
Sevgi Yilmaz; Hüccet Vural
Dogal kaynaklarin hizla tuketilmesine de yol acan cevre sorunlarinin onlenmesi ve doganin korunmasi konusunda en acil olarak yapilmasi gereken halkin bilgilendirilmesi ve egitimidir. Bu bilgilendirme ve egitimin ise kucuk yastan baslanilarak yapilmasi guvenli bir gelecege ulasma bakimindan oldukca onemlidir. Ancak ozellikle kucuk yas grubu ogrencilerine yonelik verilecek egitimlerde istenilen basari elde edebilmek icin bilginin yaninda olumlu tutum ve davranislar kazandirmak gereklidir. Bu arastirmada ogrencilerin cevre ve doga konusunda genel gorusleri, ogrenme bicimleri, bilgi ve davranis duzeyleri ile edindigi bilgileri davranisa donusturme duzeylerinin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Arastirmada Erzurum ili Yakutiye ve Palandoken ilcelerinde bulunan on ortaokulda 6.,7. ve 8.siniflarda egitim goren 388 ogrenci ile anket yapilmistir. Anketlerden elde edilen veriler SPSS 18 paket programi kullanilarak analiz edilmistir. Analiz sonuclarina gore ogrencilerin cevre ve doga konusunda sergiledigi olumlu davranislarin yalnizca % 19’u edindigi bilgilere dayanmaktadir. Bu nedenle okullarda verilen cevre egitimlerinde bilgi aktarmanin yaninda doga kamplari, bitki yetistirme, geri donusum, cevrede gozlem, ziyaretler ve yarismalar gibi etkinliklerle desteklenmelidir. Ayrica ogrencilere cevre ve doga bilinci kazandirmak icin okul fziki mekânlarinda uygulama bahcesi, kucuk sera, kus evleri, kumes, kasada bitki yetistirme, gibi duzenlemelere de yer verilmelidir
Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering | 2014
Metin Demir; Turgay Dindaroğlu; Sevgi Yilmaz
BackgroundIn the study, the Aras Basin and its environment, one of the most important hydrological basins of Turkey, was evaluated. In survey area, to determine the change of air quality, it was benefited from 23,770 pieces of hourly measured SO2 (Sulfur dioxide) and PM10 (particulate matter) concentration values for the December, January and February of 2009–2010 in which the pollution is at peak, by forming database in geographical information system (GIS), spatial analyze maps were attained. By comparing; maps showing attained numeral air quality and maps showing the spread of forest lands in the region, it was tried to determine the relation and interaction between air quality and forest lands.ResultsThe results indicated that the Air Quality Index (AQI) values were the lowest for the forest land in the months which mean that the forest land was the most convenient place for health. The increase the AQI, air pollution also increases. The results indicated that the air quality index changed from 1 to 4 within the region. In the forest areas, the AQI values for the months were the lowest. This indicated that the most suitable places for health are the places with a high forest coverage rates (76,50; 66,46 and 96,78%). There was no forest area within the region where the AQI values were the highest, so the risk was maximum, for the months.ConclusionsAuthorities should create new afforestation areas and rehabilitate degraded forest lands to limit air pollution by increasing the quality of urban life.