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Psicologia Em Estudo | 2005

Percepção de tamanho e forma corporal de mulheres: estudo exploratório

Graziela Aparecida Nogueira de Almeida; José Ernesto dos Santos; Sonia Regina Pasian; Sonia Regina Loureiro

The objective of the present study was to investigate womens size and shape body perception using the Nine-figure Outline Scale. A total of 150 women were divided into five groups according to body mass index (BMI): non-obese, overweight and grade I, II and III obese women. The options were classified in representations of normal, real and ideal body size and shape. It was evident that the men and womens choice for normal sizes, in the five groups, were predominantly connected to the representation of low body weight. In the self-assessment of the real body size and shape, it was noticed a broad distribution of choices, although with the exception of the pre-obesity group, the majority of women from the other groups made compatible choices with their BMI. The ideal body size and shape was associated with representative figures of low body weight. The data indicate the relevance of the differences between the adequacy of real and ideal perception, pointing at the difficulties related to body self-perception.

Jornal Brasileiro De Pneumologia | 2009

Escala Razões para Fumar Modificada: tradução e adaptação cultural para o português para uso no Brasil e avaliação da confiabilidade teste-reteste

Elisa Sebba Tosta de Souza; José Alexandre S. Crippa; Sonia Regina Pasian; José Antônio Baddini Martinez

OBJECTIVE To translate the Modified Reasons for Smoking Scale (MRSS) to Portuguese, to submit it to cross-cultural adaptation for use in Brazil and to evaluate the test-retest reliability of the translated version. METHODS An English-language version of the MRSS was translated to Portuguese by Brazilian doctors who have thorough knowledge of the English language. A consensus version was produced by a multidisciplinary group including two pulmonologists, a psychiatrist and a psychologist. This version was back-translated to English by an American translator. Cross-cultural adaptation of the final version was evaluated in a sample of 20 healthy smokers. Test-retest reliability was evaluated by applying the translated version of the scale in 54 healthy smokers on two distinct occasions, 15 days apart. RESULTS This translated version of the MRSS was well understood by 95% of the smokers, indicating excellent cross-cultural equivalence. The degree of reliability of the answers in two different occasions was almost perfect for two questions, substantial for ten questions, moderate for eight questions, and low for one question. The intraclass correlation coefficients of the motivational factors obtained on the two different occasions, calculated according to previously published theoretical models, were higher than 0.7 for six of the seven subscales. CONCLUSIONS The Portuguese-language version of the MRSS shows satisfactory cross-cultural equivalence and test-retest reliability. It can be a useful tool in the evaluation and treatment of smokers in Brazil.

Psico-USF | 2011

Adaptação transcultural de instrumentos de avaliação psicológica: levantamento dos estudos realizados no Brasil de 2000 a 2010

Alana Batistuta Manzi-Oliveira; Fernanda Belinassi Balarini; Letícia Aparecida da Silva Marques; Sonia Regina Pasian

Diante da busca de aprimoramento tecnico-cientifico nos processos de avaliacao psicologica, este trabalho apresenta um panorama das investigacoes cientificas brasileiras acerca da adaptacao de instrumentos de avaliacao psicologica. Com base em levantamento bibliografico dos estudos publicados no periodo de 2000 a 2010, foram selecionados 24 estudos que constituiram o corpusanalisado. A maioria dos trabalhos seguiu diretrizes internacionais e nacionais de adaptacao de instrumentos, sendo que 24 estudos realizaram processo de traducao, 18 apresentaram analise de fidedignidade e 16, evidencias de validade. Pode-se depreender, dentre os estudos analisados, que ha uma variedade de procedimentos empregados para a adaptacao de instrumentos de avaliacao psicologica no contexto brasileiro. Ainda, puderam ser observadas algumas diferencas quanto a utilizacao de termos referentes a taxonomia psicometrica. Nesse sentido, pretende-se oferecer elementos para reflexao de pesquisadores e profissionais no que diz respeito a adaptacao de instrumentos de avaliacao psicologica no Brasil.

Jornal Brasileiro De Pneumologia | 2010

University of São Paulo Reasons for Smoking Scale: a new tool for the evaluation of smoking motivation* , **

Elisa Sebba Tosta de Souza; José Alexandre S. Crippa; Sonia Regina Pasian; José Antônio Baddini Martinez

OBJECTIVE To develop a new scale aimed at evaluating smoking motivation by incorporating questions and domains from the 68-item Wisconsin Inventory of Smoking Dependence Motives (WISDM-68) into the Modified Reasons for Smoking Scale (MRSS). METHODS Nine WISDM-68 questions regarding affiliative attachment, cue exposure/associative processes, and weight control were added to the 21 questions of the MRSS. The new scale, together with the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND), was administered to 311 smokers (214 males; mean age = 37.6 ± 10.8 years; mean number of cigarettes smoked per day = 15.0 ± 9.2), who also provided additional information. We used exploratory factor analysis in order to determine the factor structure of the scale. The influence that certain clinical features had on the scores of the final factor solution was also analyzed. RESULTS The factor analysis revealed a 21-question solution grouped into nine factors: addiction, pleasure from smoking, tension reduction, stimulation, automatism, handling, social smoking, weight control, and affiliative attachment. For the overall scale, the Cronbachs alpha coefficient was 0.83. Females scored significantly higher for addiction, tension reduction, handling, weight control, and affiliative attachment than did males. The FTND score correlated positively with addiction, tension reduction, stimulation, automatism, social smoking, and affiliative attachment. The number of cigarettes smoked per day was associated with addiction, tension reduction, stimulation, automatism, affiliative attachment, and handling. The level of exhaled CO correlated positively with addiction, automatism, and affiliative attachment. CONCLUSIONS The new scale provides an acceptable framework of motivational factors for smoking, with satisfactory psychometric properties and reliability.

Psico-USF | 2007

O Teste de Fotos de Profissões (BBT) de Achtnich: histórico e pesquisas desenvolvidas no Brasil

Sonia Regina Pasian; Erika Tiemi Kato Okino; Lucy Leal Melo-Silva

This paper described the history and the principal characteristics of the Berufsbilder Test (BBT), systematizing the scientific researches developed in Brazil with this projective technique of interests clarification. This test was created in Switzerland by Martin Achtnich in the 1970s and was introduced in Brazil in 1982 by Andre Jacquemin, who adapted it to the Brazilian social-cultural context. He developed the BBT-Br in both the masculine and the feminine version. This paper also presented the Brazilian researches that used it with their different objectives and age groups, demonstrating its validity and utility as a helpful instrument in the vocational guidance process, personal selection and career reorientation. The present critical review of national literature about the BBT aimed at offering theoretical support for its users and to stimulate considerations and new researches with this technique.

Estudos De Psicologia (natal) | 2002

Fidedignidade do sistema Goodenough de avaliação cognitiva:uma visão do contexto atual

Susi Lippi Marques; Sonia Regina Pasian; Maria Aparecida Paiva Franco; Ivana Regina Panosso; Araguacy Brazil Viana; Daniela Andrea de Oliveira

O presente estudo teve como objetivo buscar subsidios tecnicos para examinar a adequacao do uso do Teste de Goodenough (1926/1964) na atual realidade, abordando-se, para tanto, o indice de acordo entre avaliadores e a estabilidade temporal dos resultados apos um periodo de seis meses. A amostra foi composta por 60 criancas de uma escola estadual da cidade de Sao Carlos (SP), com idade entre sete e nove anos e de ambos os sexos. Foi encontrado um indice de correlacao de 0,63 (Pearson) entre os resultados brutos medios (a partir da avaliacao independente por tres juizes) obtidos em ambas as avaliacoes (teste-reteste). O indice de concordância entre avaliadores (Coeficiente de Concordância de Kendall) nao evidenciou diferenca significativa entre os resultados atribuidos pelos avaliadores (p = 0,07). O coeficiente de correlacao geral (Pearson) entre os avaliadores foi 0,98 no teste e 0,99 no reteste. Os resultados encontrados neste estudo apontaram elevada confiabilidade desta tecnica mesmo para os dias atuais e em nosso contexto socio-cultural especifico.

Psico-usf (impresso) | 2011

Teste Wisconsin de Classificação de Cartas: uma revisão sistemática de 1952 a 2009

José Humberto da Silva-Filho; Sonia Regina Pasian; Janaina Silva Martins Humberto

The WCST is a problem-solving, neuropsychological test, with solving criteria initially unknown and mutant. Such task requires the respondent to understand the logical principles of the proposed problem. Considering the relevance of such test for neuropsychological assessment, this present study describes a bibliographic review of articles mentioning the WSCT. Such articles were searched for in three international databases (Medline, Science Direct and PsycINFO), with WSCT used as the descriptor. From 1952 to 2009, 1076 scientific articles were indentified, with a significant increase of publications from 1993 on. The countries with most studies on the WSCT were the Netherlands, USA, and UK. The main descriptors of journals that published these studies were Psychiatry, Neuropsychology, Psychology and Brain. This present study also demonstrates that the journals that published 10 or more articles on WSCT show an elevated impact factor (JCR).

Dementia & Neuropsychologia | 2007

Typical performance of elderly patients with Alzheimer disease on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST)

José Humberto da Silva-Filho; Sonia Regina Pasian; Francisco de Assis; Carvalho do Vale

The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) is a neuropsychological assessment tool designed to assess executive functions, frequently used in cases of cognitive disorders. However, Brazilian neuroscientific settings lack standardization studies of psychological assessment instruments, especially in the neuropsychological area. Thus, the assessment of clinical groups including dementias and particularly Alzheimers disease (AD) patients, may be compromised by the lack of analytical references. Objective To characterize the performance of elderly patients with Alzheimers disease on the WCST, aiming at establishing preliminary evaluative norms. Method Thirty-six elderly patients (mean age of 75.8 years) with mild AD from a teaching hospital were assessed using the printed form of the WCST. Results The elderly patients with AD had impaired performance on the various WCST technical indicators, highlighting cognitive deficit with traces of stereotyped behavior and failures in working memory, conceptualization and learning. The results allowed preliminary norms to be defined for elderly AD patients on the various WCST indicators, grading their performance in eight diagnostic areas and yielding the identification of different levels of impairment of executive functions in these elderly patients. Conclusions The results demonstrated specific aspects of performance on the WCST by elderly people with AD, highlighting the effect of the disease on cognitive performance and executive functioning. Those normative references, although preliminary make a significant contribution to the neuropsychological assessment of AD patients in the Brazilian context, within the informative scope of the WCST.

Paidèia : Graduate Program in Psychology | 2002

Avaliação cognitiva de crianças com dificuldades de aprendizagem: precisão do teste de Goodenough (1926) e da EMMC (1993)

Susi Lippi Marques; Sonia Regina Pasian; Maria Aparecida Paiva Franco; Ivana Regina Panosso; Araguacy Brazil Viana; Daniela Andrea de Oliveira

A confiabilidade nos resultados dos testes intelectuais tem sido investigada atraves de teste-reteste com breves intervalos de tempo, questionando-se sua efetiva estabilidade diante das mudancas socio-culturais das ultimas decadas. Neste estudo investigou-se a estabilidade temporal, apos longo intervalo entre teste-reteste, do Teste de Goodenough (1926/1964) e da Escala de Maturidade Mental Columbia (EMMC, 1972/1993). Foram avaliados 60 alunos (ambos os sexos) de escola publica de ensino fundamental de sete a nove anos, com dificuldades de aprendizagem. Os testes foram aplicados, individualmente, na propria escola, com intervalo de seis meses entre teste-reteste. Foi encontrado indice de correlacao de 0.631 entre pontos brutos nas duas aplicacoes do Teste de Goodenough. Em relacao a EMMC (1972/1993) foi encontrado indice de correlacao de 0.608 entre resultados padrao por idade das duas testagens. Os resultados apontaram razoavel estabilidade dos dados, oferecendo confiabilidade tecnica na avaliacao cognitiva infantil.

Psico-USF | 2016

Factor structure of Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices

Monalisa Muniz; Cristiano Mauro Assis Gomes; Sonia Regina Pasian

This studys objective was to verify the factor structure of Ravens Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM). The database used included the responses of 1,279 children, 50.2% of which were males with an average age of 8.48 years old and a standard deviation of 1.49 yrs. Confirmatory factor analyses were run to test seven models based on CPM theory and on a Brazilian study addressing the tests structure. The results did not confirm the CPM theoretical proposition concerning the scales but indicated that the test can be interpreted by one general factor and one specific factor or one general factor and three specific factors; both are bi-dimensional models. The three-factor model is, however, more interpretable, suggesting that the factors can be used as a means of screening childrens cognitive developmental stage.O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a estrutura fatorial das Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven - MPC. Para isso, utilizou-se um banco de dados contendo as respostas a MPC de 1.279 criancas, 50,2% do sexo masculino, com idade media de 8,48 anos e desvio-padrao de 1,49 anos. Foram efetuadas analises fatoriais confirmatorias testando sete modelos arquitetados a partir da teoria das MPC e de um estudo brasileiro que explorou a estrutura desse teste. Os resultados nao confirmaram a proposta teorica da MPC referente as escalas propostas no teste, mas indicaram que o teste pode ser interpretado por um fator geral e um fator especifico, ou um fator geral e tres especificos, os dois modelos sendo bidimensionais. No entanto, o modelo com tres fatores especificos e mais interpretavel, sugerindo que os fatores podem ser utilizados como screening do estagio de desenvolvimento cognitivo que a crianca se encontra.


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Carmen Flores-Mendoza

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

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