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Featured researches published by Sylwia Nowak.

Acta Botanica Gallica | 2014

Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries: new national and regional vascular plant records, 4.

Marcin Nobis; Arkadiusz Nowak; Agnieszka Nobis; Beata Paszko; Renata Piwowarczyk; Sylwia Nowak; Vítězslav Plášek

Abstract The paper presents new records for 20 vascular plant species from eight Asian and two European countries. Five taxa (Artemisia campestris, Artemisia tanacetifolia, Delphinium sajanense, Diarthron vasiculosum var. undulatum, Epilobium adenocaulon) are reported from Kazakhstan, four (Deyeuxia yanyuanensis, Poa arnoldii, Stipa gracilis, Stipa macroglossa subsp. kazachstanica) from China, three (Nepeta pamirensis, Silene bucharica, Scrophularia pamiro-alaica) from Uzbekistan, two (Epilobium nervosum, Stellaria zolotukhinii) from Mongolia, two (Oenothera deflexa, Scirpus georgianus) from Poland, one (Coronopus didymus) from Tajikistan, one (Orobanche rumseiana) from Italy, one (Stipa macroglossa subsp. kazachstanica) from Kyrgyzstan, one (Poa polozhiae) from Russia, and one (Agrostis rupestris) from Azerbaijan. All of these taxa are new to the floras of listed Asian and European countries or its regions (as it is in the case of China or Russia). Four of the presented taxa (Coronopus didymus, Epilobium adenocaulon, Oenothera deflexa and Scirpus georgianus) are regarded as alien to the studied areas, whereas the other 16 are new native elements to the flora of the countries. For each species synonyms, general distribution, habitat preferences, taxonomy with remarks on recognition and differentiation of the species from the most similar occurring in a given country, as well as a list of localities recorded (often far from the previously known areas) are presented. In the case of Orobanche rumseiana, a new variety O. rumseiana var. sarda R. Piwowarczyk and A. Pujadas is described and illustrated.

Central European Journal of Biology | 2014

Vegetation of rock clefts and ledges in the Pamir Alai Mts, Tajikistan (Middle Asia)

Arkadiusz Nowak; Sylwia Nowak; Marcin Nobis; Agnieszka Nobis

The paper presents the results of phytosociological research conducted on the vegetation of rock clefts and ledges in the Pamir-Alai Mountains (Tajikistan, Middle Asia). During the field studies, done in 2010–2012, 101 phytosociological relevés were taken. Plant species were recorded according to the Braun-Blanquet cover-abundance scale. Communities of calcareous rock clefts and ledges with small soil amounts from several ranges (Zeravshan Mts, Hissar Mts, Hazratishokh Mts, Darvaz Mts, Rushan Mts and Vanch Mts), inhabiting mainly the alpine and subnival zone, have been described. A synopsis of the rock communities of the Pamir-Alai is proposed. In the examined vegetation plots 77 vascular plant and 6 moss species were noted. The most frequent were: Achoriphragma pinnatifidum, Artemisia rutifolia, Asperula albiflora, Campanula incanescens, C. lehmanniana, Parietaria judaica, Pentanema albertoregelia, Poa relaxa and Stipa zeravshanica among vascular plants and Brachythecium albicans and Bryum caespiticum among mosses. Most of them are narrow endemics of Tajikistan or Middle Asia. The collected material presents most of the variability among the phytocoenoses of large crevices and rock ledges in limestone massifs in the alpine and subnival zones. As a result of field research and numerical analyses, 7 associations have been distinguished: Achoriphragmetum pinnatifidi, Asperulo albiflorae-Stipetum zeravshanicae, Inuletum glaucae, Paraquilegietum anemonoidis, Pentanemetum albertoregeliae, Rhinactinidietum popovii and Saussureaetumovatae. The distinctiveness of habitat and species composition of Middle Asiatic rock communities makes it necessary to distinguish a new suballiance, Pentanemenion albertoregeliae, within the Asperulo albiflorae-Poion relaxae alliance. The main factors determining the species composition of classified associations seem to be the elevation above sea level and exposition. Alpine rock communities are one of the most unique and interesting plant formations in the moutainous areas of Pamir-Alai. Despite not being species-rich they often harbour many specialists adapted to harsh and extreme environments, especially in areas of Mediterranean-like climate.

Archive | 2006

Anthropogenic Habitats Can Shelter Threatened Plants

Arkadiusz Nowak; Sylwia Nowak

This paper describes possible different applications of phytosociology in the conservation of floristic biodiversity. It analyses in detail the occurrence of Red-listed species, so-called sozophytes, in plant communities at different stages of naturalness and degeneration. Based on these analyses, the authors conclude that as a result of distinct transformations of plant cover, endangered species evolve adaptive mechanisms and colonise ecosystem types new for them. Plants can remain in habitats that are not natural for them and can form new syntaxonomic noda. This phenomenon, which could be regarded as a kind of exodus of sozophytes, is very important from both scientific and conservation points of view.

Central European Journal of Biology | 2014

Caucalido platycarpi-Vicietum michauxii — a new weed association from crop fields of Kyrgyzstan (Middle Asia)

Sylwia Nowak; Arkadiusz Nowak; Marcin Nobis; Agnieszka Nobis

The study presents the results of geobotanical investigations conducted in crop fields in the western Tian Shan Mts in Kyrgyzstan (Middle Asia). The main research focused on classification of weed communities developing within this poorly investigated area, were conducted in the vicinity of Bishkek and Kara-Balta in 2010. Altogether, 299 phytosociological relevés were sampled using the Braun-Blanquet method. Based on all segetal vegetation patches, the analyses distinguished a new association: Caucalido platycarpi-Vicietum michauxii. The results of these phytosociological studies fill a gap in the knowledge about the syntaxonomical diversity of the Middle Asia region, which is one of the most crucial for segetal weed species. The study shows that anthropogenic agrocoenoses could harbour relatively rich flora. Extensively cultivated fields could especially serve as a suitable habitat for many xerothermophilous and heliophilous plants. More than 75 species in vegetation plots, mainly permament weeds, have been found. There is also a considerable share of species coming over from swards, screes and meadows.

Plant Biosystems | 2014

Vegetation of rock crevices of the montane and colline zones in the Pamir-Alai and Tian Shan Mts in Tajikistan (Middle Asia)

Arkadiusz Nowak; Sylwia Nowak; Marcin Nobis; Agnieszka Nobis

The paper presents the results of phytosociological research conducted on the vegetation of rock habitats in the montane and colline zones of the Pamir-Alai Mountains (Tajikistan). During field surveys done in 2010–2013, 122 phytosociological relevés were sampled. Plant species were recorded according to the Braun-Blanquet cover-abundance scale. The vegetation studies were carried out generally in the western Pamir-Alai and south-western Tian Shan Mts, especially in the Zeravshan, Hissar, Hazratishoh, Darvaz, Rushan, Turkestan, Kuramin and Vanch ranges. A synopsis of the rock communities of the montane and colline zones in Tajikistan is proposed. The collected material presents most of the variability among the plant communities of rock crevices and fissures on calcareous as well as acidic substrates in the montane and colline zones in Tajikistan. As a result of field research and numerical analyses, eight associations have been distinguished: Scutellarietum hissaricae, Scutellarietumschugnanicae, Scutellarietum zaprjagaevii, Scutellarietum baldshuanicae, Tylospermetumlignosae, Dionysietum involucratae A. Nowak, M. Nobis, S. Nowak & A. Nobis, 2014, Nanorrhinetum ramosissimi, Campanuletum albertii and the community of Scutellaria adenostegia within new alliance – Caricion koshevnikovii. The main factors determining the species composition of classified associations seem to be the geography of the distribution range, elevation above sea level, rock type and exposition.

Plant Biosystems | 2014

A new variety of Diarthron (Thymelaeaceae) from Tajikistan

Marcin Nobis; Agnieszka Nobis; Arkadiusz Nowak; Sylwia Nowak

The central Asian mountains have been recognized by Conservation International to be among 34 socalled hotspots of biodiversity – the most important areas of species diversity in the world (Mittermeier et al. 2005). The Pamir Alai and south-western part of the Tian-Shan Mts located in Tajikistan borders are also one of the regions richest in plant species in the former Soviet Union. According to the 10volume study of the flora of Tajikistan, ca. 4550 vascular plant species are known from the country (Rasulova 1991). This number is not final as recently some new species have been described from Tajikistan (e.g. Khassanov et al. 2007; Fritsch & Friesen 2009; Ranjbar et al. 2010; Nobis 2011a, 2013a; Nobis et al. 2013) and new records to its flora have been published (e.g. Lazkov 2008; Nobis et al. 2010, 2011; Nobis 2011b, 2013b; Nobis & Nowak 2011; Nowak et al. 2013). According to literature data, ca. 30% of the entire flora of vascular plants known from Tajikistan are generally accepted endemics of the country (endemics þ subendemics) (Rasulova 1991; Nowak & Nobis 2010; Nowak et al. 2011). During field investigations of steppe ecosystems in the MogolTau Mts (south-western Tian-Shan, Tajikistan) in 2010, an interesting specimen of Diarthron Turczaninow was collected. Careful examination of this individuals shows that the specimens represent a new taxon, having characters absent in Diarthron vesiculosum (Fisch. & Mey. ex Kar. & Kir.) C.A. Mey. the most similar species of the genus, commonly occurring in Tajikistan (Chukavina 1981). In addition, a revision of materials representing the genus Diarthron and deposited in TAD, LE, KRA herbaria, gave few additional localities of the new taxon in Tajikistan. The aim of this paper was to provide a binominal for the new taxon and to provide morphological comparative analysis with the most similar taxon of the genus Diarthron.

Acta Botanica Croatica | 2016

Spring weed communities of rice agrocoenoses in central Nepal

Arkadiusz Nowak; Sylwia Nowak; Marcin Nobis

Abstract Rice field weed communities occurring in central Nepal are presented in this study. The research was focussed on the classification of segetal plant communities occurring in paddy fields, which had been poorly investigated from a geobotanical standpoint. In all, 108 phytosociological relevés were sampled, using the Braun-Blanquet method. The analyses classified the vegetation into 9 communities, including 7 associations and one subassociation. Four new plant associations and one new subassociation were proposed: Elatinetum triandro-ambiguae, Mazo pumili-Lindernietum ciliatae, Mazo pumili-Lindernietum ciliatae caesulietosum axillaris, Rotaletum rotundifoliae and Ammanietum pygmeae. Due to species composition and habitat preferences all phytocoenoses were included into the Oryzetea sativae class and the Ludwigion hyssopifolio- octovalvis alliance. As in other rice field phytocoenoses, the main discrimination factors for the plots are depth of water, soil trophy and species richness. The altitudinal distribution also has a significant influence and separates the Rotaletum rotundifoliae and Elatinetum triandro-ambiguae associations. The study shows that anthropogenic rice fields can harbour relatively rich rush and water vegetation. More than 80 species were noted in the vegetation plots. Several of them are considered to be extremely rare and have been recorded on the world Red List.

Phytocoenologia | 2017

Phytosociology and ecology of deciduous forests in Tajikistan (Middle Asia)

Arkadiusz Nowak; Marcin Nobis; Sylwia Nowak; Małgorzata Gębala; Agnieszka Nobis

Aims: To present the first syntaxonomical classification for the mesophilous deciduous forests of the PamirAlai Mountains in Tajikistan with some remarks on its environmental gradients. Location: Tajikistan. Methods: Altogether 201 relevés were sampled between 2008‒2013 using the seven-degree cover-abundance scale of Braun-Blanquet. They were classified by the modified TWINSPAN method using the four-step interval scale with cutoff levels of 0%, 2%, 5% and 10% and total inertia as a measure of cluster heterogeneity. Diagnostic species were identified using the phi coefficient as a fidelity measure. Detrendended Correspondence Analysis was used to determine the relation between samples, vegetation units and the major gradients in species composition. Results: Plant communities of typical broad-leaved, riparian and gallery woods inhabiting mainly the lowland, colline, montane and subalpine zone in several mountains and river valleys in the Pamir Alai Mts. are herein described. Numerical analyses of vegetation data resulted in the distinction of ten associations: Juglandetum regiae, Aceretum turkestanici, Violo suavis-Populetum albae, Swido darvasicae-Platanetum orientalis, Populetum pamiricae, Populetum talassicae, Salicetum turanico-pycnostachyae, Populetum pruinosae, Betuletum turkestanico-tianschanicae and Fraxinetum sogdianae, which have been assigned to four alliances: Acero turkestanici-Juglandion regiae for mesophilous broad-leaved forests, Populion afghanicae for montane riparian forests, Populion talassicae for subalpine riparian forests and Elaeagno-Populion pruinosae for gallery forests of the Middle Asian lowlands. The main factors determining the species composition of the studied associations are salinity, soil humidity, elevation, slope and aspect. Conclusions: Our first attempt initiates research on the diversity of forest vegetation in Tajikistan and Middle Asia. It provides the first classification scheme that could be used in further studies on forest vegetation in the surrounding regions, particularily in Middle and Central Asia.

Cryptogamie Bryologie | 2016

Epiphytic Communities of Open Habitats in the Western Tian-Shan Mts (Middle Asia: Kyrgyzstan)

Arkadiusz Nowak; Vítězslav Plášek; Marcin Nobis; Sylwia Nowak

Abstract The paper presents the results of bryosociological research conducted on the epiphytic vegetation in the western Tian-Shan Mountains in 2013. The surveys on epiphytic bryophyte and lichen communities were done on 115 sites with different quantity of trees (solitary, in alleys or wood plots along river valleys) distributed in several mountain ranges within study area. In total 21 epiphytic moss species were found during research which composes characteristic species combinations making apparent difference between associations. As a result of field research and numerical analyses, three separate groups of samples corresponding to seven associations and one community within three alliances: Ulotion crispae and Syntrichion laevipilae (Frullanio dilatatae-Leucodontetea sciuroidis class) as well as Neckerion complanatae (Neckeretea complanatae class) have been distinguished. A synopsis of the epiphytic moss communities is proposed. The most interesting is the association of Orthotrichetum crenulati which is described here for the first time. Two species of epiphytic mosses (Orthotrichum crenulatum and O. pallens) are new to Kyrgyzstan.

Central European Journal of Biology | 2013

The role of rock mining for maintaining Dauco carotae-Crepidetum rhoeadifoliae Hejný et Grüll in Hejný et al. 1979 — a new to Poland plant association

Sylwia Nowak; Arkadiusz Nowak

This work presents the Dauco carotae-Crepidetum rhoeadifoliae plant association, which is new to Poland. The association has been observed in industrial reclamation areas in the vicinity of carbonate mineral excavation sites in the central part of the Opole region. In the vast majority of cases, plots of this association developed in reclaimed areas. The majority of diagnostic species for the association was found within surveyed plots, including Verbascum thapsus, V. densiflorum and Bryum argenteum. Taxa characteristic of the alliance were also constantly present, i.e. Daucus carota, Melilotus alba, M. officinalis, Echium vulgare and Erysimum hieracifolium. This association belongs to the rarest syntaxa in Poland included in the Dauco-Melilotion alliance of ruderal communities with a predominance of hemicryptophytes, therophytes and perennials. The main diagnostic species — Crepis rhoeadifolia, belongs to very rare elements of Polish flora. It has been observed only in the southern part of the country in approx. 20 sites. Crepis rhoeadifolia had not been observed in Silesia for approx. 40 years, which is why it was considered to be an extinct taxon in this region. Rediscovering of the species allowed for diagnosing the Dauco-Crepidetum rhoeadifoliae association. This association is an example of a pioneer phytocenosis of, most likely, anthropogenic origin in Silesia.


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Marcin Nobis

Jagiellonian University

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Marcin Nobis

Jagiellonian University

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Aleksandra Adamiec

Maria Curie-Skłodowska University

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Beata Paszko

Polish Academy of Sciences

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