Thais de Oliveira Gozzo
University of São Paulo
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Featured researches published by Thais de Oliveira Gozzo.
Acta Paulista De Enfermagem | 2013
Leticia Meda Vendrusculo Fangel; Marislei Sanches Panobianco; Leonardo Martins Kebbe; Ana Maria de Almeida; Thais de Oliveira Gozzo
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a capacidade funcional, a qualidade de vida e a correlacao entre essas variaveis, de mulheres com câncer mamario, que terminaram o tratamento oncologico ha, no maximo, um ano. METODO: Estudo descritivo, exploratorio, transversal e quantitativo por meio da aplicacao de questionarios: formulario com dados pessoais; Indice de Katz e Indice de Lawton para Capacidade Funcional; EORTC QLQ-C30 e EORCT QLQ-BR23 para Qualidade de Vida. RESULTADOS: Quanto a funcionalidade, este tratamento prejudicou a realizacao das Atividades Instrumentais de Vida Diaria, o que compromete as atividades cotidianas destas mulheres. Houve, tambem, comprometimento nas funcoes fisicas e psicossociais, nas atividades de lazer e de participacao social, sendo que estas se correlacionaram com a piora da Qualidade de Vida. CONCLUSAO: Evidenciou-se que as mulheres com câncer de mama vivenciam alteracao na capacidade funcional, o que prejudica a realizacao de suas atividades cotidianas e sua participacao social, levando a um comprometimento na qualidade de vida.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2000
Thais de Oliveira Gozzo; Suzete Maria Fustinoni; Márcia Barbieri; Wilma de Moura Roher; Ivoneide Aparecida de Freitas
Para compreender o significado da sexualidade entre mulheres participantes do grupo de orientacao sobre este tema em um servico de planejamento familiar, foi realizado este estudo de natureza qualitativa com enfoque fenomenologico. Atraves das falas das participantes e de reducao fenomenologica encontramos o tema central: vivendo a sexualidade. Os resultados permitiram-nos conhecer um pouco mais sobre o assunto uma vez que as mulheres que procuram o grupo o fazem com o objetivo de curar o seu problema, acreditando terem disfuncoes sexuais, fato que e desmistificado ao perceberem que apresentam dificuldades em vivenciar sua sexualidade.The present qualitative study with a phenomenological focus aimed at understanding the meaning of female sexuality to women who participate in the activities of an orientation group about this subject, organized by a family planning service. Through the analysis of the participants speeches and phenomenological reduction, authors found the central subject: Living sexuality. Results allowed authors to learn a little more on this subject, especially considering that women who took part in this group aimed at solving their problem as they believed they had sexual disorders. However, this fact was demystified, enabling them to understand that they have problems in living their sexuality.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2013
Marislei Sanches Panobianco; Aline Daiane Faim de Lima; Iácara Santos Barbosa Oliveira; Thais de Oliveira Gozzo
The objectives of this descriptive and quantitative study were to identify and assess the level of knowledge of undergraduate nursing students concerning factors related to the sexually transmitted disease, Human Papillomavirus (HPV). A questionnaire was administered to 58 undergraduate nursing students at the University of Sao Paulo at Ribeirao Preto, College of Nursing. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics through the Epi Info software. Results revealed that 46.6% of the participants are sexually active; 96.3% reported safe sex with the use of condoms, though 29.6% of them do not use one regularly. Regarding the forms of transmission, 69% reported knowing them, while only 20.7% reported knowledge of HPVs signs and symptoms. Additionally, 54.3% of the adolescents reported not knowing what HPV can cause. Greater investment in health education directed to young individuals is required to promote health and prevent diseases, particularly those caused by the Human Papillomavirus. DESCRIPTORS: Knowledge. HPV. Adolescents. Nursing.The objectives of this descriptive and quantitative study were to identify and assess the level of knowledge of undergraduate nursing students concerning factors related to the sexually transmitted disease, Human Papillomavirus (HPV). A questionnaire was administered to 58 undergraduate nursing students at the University of Sao Paulo at Ribeirao Preto, College of Nursing. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics through the Epi Info software. Results revealed that 46.6% of the participants are sexually active; 96.3% reported safe sex with the use of condoms, though 29.6% of them do not use one regularly. Regarding the forms of transmission, 69% reported knowing them, while only 20.7% reported knowledge of HPVs signs and symptoms. Additionally, 54.3% of the adolescents reported not knowing what HPV can cause. Greater investment in health education directed to young individuals is required to promote health and prevent diseases, particularly those caused by the Human Papillomavirus. DESCRIPTORS: Knowledge. HPV. Adolescents. Nursing.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2010
Thais de Oliveira Gozzo; Marislei Sanches Panobianco; Maria José Clapis; Ana Maria de Almeida
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a ocorrencia de toxicidade dermatologica, provocada por drogas utilizadas no protocolo de quimioterapia neoadjuvante e adjuvante, entre mulheres com câncer de mama. Foram avaliados 72 prontuarios de mulheres submetidas a essa terapia, entre 2003 e 2006. De 558 ciclos de quimioterapia, foram registrados 152 eventos adversos, 37 de toxicidade dermatologica, e, desses, 20 eram ocorrencias de extravasamento em um total de 17 mulheres. Observou-se nove ocorrencias na neoadjuvância com registros nos prontuarios de lesao endurecida no local, fibrose local, dor e hiperemia. Na adjuvância, dos 11 extravasamentos registrados, destacam-se lesao endurecida no local, fibrose e dor local. Houve falta de registro de seguimento e avaliacao dos eventos adversos para os dois periodos. O registro das intercorrencias pela equipe de enfermagem e essencial para o acompanhamento dos sitios de puncoes venosas, utilizados durante o tratamento quimioterapico, alem da mensuracao e registro fotografico do local.This study aimed to analyze the occurrence of skin toxicity caused by drugs used in the protocol of neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy among women with breast cancer. Patient records of 72 women who were subject to this therapy between 2003 and 2006 were assessed. Of the 558 cycles of chemotherapy, 152 adverse events were registered. There were 37 registrations of dermatological toxicity, of those, 20 were extravasations that affected 17 women. Nine reports of hardened local injury, local fibrosis, pain, and hyperemia were registered during neoadjuvancy. In adjuvancy, among the 11 extravasations registered there were reports of hardened local injury, fibrosis and local pain. Lack of follow-up records for both periods was observed. Registration of the events and reports by the nursing team are essential to monitor the sites of venous puncture during the chemotherapy treatment, besides measuring and making a photographic record of the site.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2009
Marislei Sanches Panobianco; Valéria Pedro de Souza; Maria Antonieta Spinoso Prado; Thais de Oliveira Gozzo; Paola Alexandria Pinto de Magalhães; Ana Maria de Almeida
Thisstudyaimedtoconstructthescientificandempiricalknowledgenecessaryforthedevelopmentofadidactic- instructivemanualaddressedtowomenwithmastectomiesinordertoempowerthemtowardsarmlymphedemaprevention.�The� studywasbasedonPauloFreirespedagogicaltheoryofproblematizingeducation.�Thesubjectsofthestudywere�33�womenwith� mastectomieswhoattendarehabilitationcenterand�16�membersofthecentersmultiprofesionalteam.�Discussioncircleswereused� fordatacollection,�separatelyforwomenandtheteammembers.�ContentanalysisproposedbyBardinwasusedindataanalysis.� Accordingtotheteam,�educationalmaterialmustcoverthecharacterizationofthelymphaticsystemandthelymphedema;�detection� andcontrolactions;�riskfactors;�andtherapiesandtheirrepercussions.�Itshouldalsoexplainthereasonsforeachorientationand� useunderstandablelanguage.�Forwomenitisimportanttoregardthephysiopathologyoflymphedema;�dataaboutthesurgeryand� treatment; predisposing factors for the development of lymphedema; and the importance of self care. DESCRIPTORS: Lymphedema. Breast neoplasms. Health education. Mastectomy.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2012
Marceila de Andrade; Maria José Clapis; Talita Garcia do Nascimento; Thais de Oliveira Gozzo; Ana Maria de Almeida
Teleterapia esta entre las modalidades de tratamiento para el cancer y uno de sus principales efectos adversos son reacciones de la piel, comunmente llamado radiodermatitis. Este estudio objetivo analizar el conocimiento acerca de los productos topicos utilizados para la prevencion de la radiodermatitis que justifiquen la atencion en teleterapia en mujeres con cancer de mama. Se adopto como metodo de investigacion la revision integradora de la literatura. Para la seleccion de los articulos se utilizaron cuatro bases de datos. La muestra fue constituida por 15 articulos. Los datos muestran que entre los productos topicos analizados la calendula, esteroides y Clair X tuvo un efecto protector significativo, destacando asi por sus acciones. La ausencia de articulos publicados en Brasil se centra en la necesidad de seguir investigando para mejorar la calidad de la atencion mediante el uso de productos con una eficacia cientificamente probada.One of the possible courses of cancer treatment is teletherapy, and one of the most important adverse side effects are skin reactions, an ailment more commonly called radiodermatitis. The main purpose of this study is to analyze knowledge of the evidence about topical products used in the prevention of radiodermatitis, to support care delivery to women with breast cancer during teletherapy. The research method used here is the comprehensive literature review. Four databases were used to select the bibliography. The sample consists of 15 articles. The data shows that, among the topical products analyzed here, Calendula, corticosteroids and Xclair have shown significant protective effects, underlining their actions. The lack of articles published in Brazil highlights the need for further research in this area, seeking better care quality through the use of products with scientifically proven efficiency.
Escola Anna Nery | 2012
Thais de Oliveira Gozzo; Renata Rosa Lopes; Maria Antonieta Spinoso Prado; Lóris Aparecida Prado da Cruz; Ana Maria de Almeida
Resumen This study aimed to identify the necessary information to develop an educational material to assist women in preoperative surgery to treat breast cancer. For the construction, women with the diagnosis of breast cancer and who underwent surgery for the first time in up to six months were interviewed. 51 women aged between 25 and 84 years were included, 32 had a partner, 26 had incomplete elementary school, 24 considered their occupation as “housewife”, 43.1% underwent mastectomy, and 82.4% performed axillary dissection. They responded to an instrument with socio demographic data and questions concerning the information/guidance which they received from health team about types of surgery, hospitalization, anesthesia, use of drain and complications. For the preparation of the educational material, knowing this reality and the expectations of subjects are indispensable to prioritize the needs of clients and not only therapeutic requirements.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2015
Simone Mara de Araújo Ferreira; Thais de Oliveira Gozzo; Marislei Sanches Panobianco; Manoel Antônio dos Santos; Ana Maria de Almeida
OBJETIVO: estudo qualitativo cujo objetivo e identificar as barreiras que influenciam as praticas de enfermagem relacionadas a sexualidade no cuidado de mulheres com câncer de mama e ginecologico. METODO: o estudo foi conduzido com 16 profissionais da equipe de enfermagem (enfermeiras, tecnicas de enfermagem e auxiliares de enfermagem) de dois setores de um hospital universitario situado no estado de Sao Paulo. Os dados foram coletados em entrevista individual semiestruturada em profundidade. Todas as entrevistas foram gravadas e as respostas dos participantes agrupadas em categorias por meio da Analise de Conteudo. RESULTADOS: tres temas principais foram identificados: 1) barreiras relacionadas ao modelo biomedico; 2) barreiras relacionadas a dinâmica institucional e 3) barreiras relacionadas a interpretacao social da sexualidade. CONCLUSAO: os resultados deste estudo revelam que a inclusao da tematica de forma sistematizada nas rotinas do cuidado de enfermagem exige mudancas no paradigma de saude e na dinâmica do trabalho, alem de reflexoes sobre valores pessoais e interpretacoes sociais relativas ao tema. Um grande desafio consiste em destituir a sexualidade dos tabus e preconceitos que a acompanham, bem como contribuir para que a equipe de enfermagem seja mais consciente das dificuldades enfrentadas pelas mulheres com câncer ginecologico e mamario.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2013
Simone Mara de Araújo Ferreira; Marislei Sanches Panobianco; Thais de Oliveira Gozzo; Ana Maria de Almeida
Integrative review aimed at analyzing the knowledge produced by Brazilian nursing concerning the sexuality of women with breast cancer, with a view to improving the quality of care delivery. A simultaneous search by word was performed in all the databases listed in the Online Health Library. Ten articles were included, published as from the year 2000, whose authors were nursing professionals. The results revealed that womens sexuality is often limited to the sexual practice and that only some reports show sexuality as something broader. Women affected by breast cancer have their sexuality compromised and the support provided by their partners helps them with coping and is considered very significant in all stages of the disease. The analysis of the studies reveals that nursing care does not cover this aspect of care and needs to be restructured. This care should be extended to the partners and go beyond the biological dimension. DESCRIPTORS: Breast neoplasms. Sexuality. Nursing.Integrative review aimed at analyzing the knowledge produced by Brazilian nursing concerning the sexuality of women with breast cancer, with a view to improving the quality of care delivery. A simultaneous search by word was performed in all the databases listed in the Online Health Library. Ten articles were included, published as from the year 2000, whose authors were nursing professionals. The results revealed that womens sexuality is often limited to the sexual practice and that only some reports show sexuality as something broader. Women affected by breast cancer have their sexuality compromised and the support provided by their partners helps them with coping and is considered very significant in all stages of the disease. The analysis of the studies reveals that nursing care does not cover this aspect of care and needs to be restructured. This care should be extended to the partners and go beyond the biological dimension. DESCRIPTORS: Breast neoplasms. Sexuality. Nursing.
Revista gaúcha de enfermagem | 2013
Thais de Oliveira Gozzo; Aline Maria Bonini Moysés; Pamina Roberta da Silva; Ana Maria de Almeida
The aim of this study was to assess the quality of life (QoL) of women with breast cancer during chemotherapy and to identify the incidence of nausea and vomiting during the treatment Data were assessed with the application of the instrument of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer, EORTC-QLQ-C30 Portuguese version and breast cancer module BR-23, which was applied before, in the middle and in the end of the treatment. The participants were 79 women, of which 93% had nausea and 87% had vomited at least once during the treatment. QoL showed a slight decrease during treatment. Cronbachs alpha for each application of the questionnaires was 0.890492, 0.936392 and 0.937639. The availability of treatment information and guidelines on the management of nausea and vomiting is crucial for the proper management of the toxicities of chemotherapy.