Thomas Stroh
Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital
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Featured researches published by Thomas Stroh.
The Journal of Neuroscience | 2006
Louis Gendron; Anna Lisa Lucido; Françoise Mennicken; Dajan O'Donnell; Jean-Pierre Vincent; Thomas Stroh; Alain Beaudet
The present study demonstrates that perikaryalδ-opioid receptors (δORs) in rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons bind and internalize opioid ligands circulating in the CSF. Using confocal and electron microscopy, we found that prolonged morphine treatment increased the cell surface density of these perikaryal δORs and, by way of consequence, receptor-mediated internalization of the fluorescent deltorphin (DLT) analog ω-Bodipy 576/589 deltorphin-I 5-aminopentylamide (Fluo-DLT) in all three types of DRG neurons (small, medium, and large). In contrast, chronic inflammatory pain induced by the injection of complete Freunds adjuvant (CFA) into one hindpaw selectively increased Fluo-DLT internalization in small and medium-sized DRG neurons ipsilateral to the inflammation. Based on our previous studies in the spinal cord of μ-opioid receptor (μOR) knock-out mice, it may be assumed that the enhanced membrane recruitment of δORs observed after sustained morphine is attributable to stimulation of μORs. However, the selectivity of the effect induced by inflammatory pain suggests that it involves a different mechanism, namely a modality-specific and pain-related activation of C and Aδ fibers. Indeed, stimulation by capsaicin of transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 receptors, which are selectively expressed by small diameter (< 600 μm2) DRG neurons, increased Fluo-DLT internalization exclusively in this cell population. The present results, therefore, demonstrate that DRG neurons express perikaryal δORs accessible to CSF-circulating ligands and that the density and, hence, presumably also the responsiveness, of these receptors may be modulated by both pain-related stimuli and sustained exposure to μOR agonists.
The Journal of Comparative Neurology | 2003
Philippe Sarret; Pascale Krzywkowski; Laura Segal; Morten Nielsen; Claus M. Petersen; Jean Mazella; Thomas Stroh; Alain Beaudet
The neurotensin (NT) receptor, NTS3, originally identified as the intracellular sorting protein sortilin, is a member of a recently discovered family of receptors characterized by a single transmembrane domain. The present study provides the first comprehensive description of the distribution of NTS3/sortilin mRNA and protein in adult rat brain using in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry. Both NTS3/sortilin mRNA and immunoreactivity displayed a widespread distribution throughout the brain. High levels of NTS3/sortilin expression and immunoreactivity were found in neuronal cell bodies and dendrites of allocortical areas such as the piriform cortex and hippocampus. Regions expressing both high levels of NTS3/sortilin mRNA and protein also included several neocortical areas, the islands of Calleja, medial and lateral septal nuclei, amygdaloid nuclei, thalamic nuclei, the supraoptic nucleus, the substantia nigra, and the Purkinje cell layer of the cerebellar cortex. In the brainstem, all cranial nerve motor nuclei were strongly labeled. NTS3/sortilin mRNA and immunoreactivity were also detected over oligodendrocytes in major fiber tracts. Subcellularly, NTS3/sortilin was predominantly concentrated over intracytoplasmic membrane‐bound organelles. Many of the areas exhibiting high levels of NTS3/sortilin (e.g., olfactory cortex, medial septum, and periaqueductal gray) have been documented to contain high concentrations of NT nerve cell bodies and axons, supporting the concept that NTS3/sortilin may play a role in NT sorting and/or signaling. Other areas (e.g., hippocampal CA fields, cerebellar cortex, and cranial nerve motor nuclei), however, are NT‐negative, suggesting that NTS3/sortilin also exerts functions unrelated to NT signaling. J. Comp. Neurol. 461:483–505, 2003.
The Journal of Comparative Neurology | 2003
Philippe Sarret; Amélie Perron; Thomas Stroh; Alain Beaudet
In the present study, we localized the levocabastine‐sensitive neurotensin receptor (NTS2) protein in adult rat brain by using an N‐terminally‐directed antibody. NTS2‐like immunoreactivity was broadly distributed throughout the rat brain. At the cellular level, the reaction product was exclusively associated with neurons and predominantly, although not exclusively, with their dendritic arbors. No NTS2 signal was observed over astrocytes, as confirmed by dual confocal microscopic immunofluorescence studies using the astrocytic marker S100β. High densities of NTS2‐like immunoreactive nerve cell bodies and/or processes were detected in many regions documented to receive a dense neurotensinergic innervation, such as the olfactory bulb, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, magnocellular preoptic nucleus, amygdaloid complex, anterodorsal thalamic nucleus, substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area, and several brainstem nuclei. Most conspicuous among the latter were structures implicated in the descending control of nociceptive inputs (e.g., the periaqueductal gray, dorsal raphe, gigantocellular reticular nucleus, pars alpha, lateral paragigantocellular, and raphe magnus), in keeping with the postulated role of NTS2 receptors in the mediation of neurotensins supraspinal antinociceptive actions. However, the distribution of NTS2‐like immunoreactivity largely exceeded that of neurotensin terminal fields, and some of the highest concentrations of the receptor were found in areas devoid of neurotensinergic inputs such as the cerebral cortex, the hippocampus, and the cerebellum, suggesting that neurotensin may not be the exclusive endogenous ligand for this receptor subtype. J. Comp. Neurol. 461:520–538, 2003.
NeuroImage | 2015
Nikola Stikov; Jennifer S. W. Campbell; Thomas Stroh; Mariette Lavelée; Stephen Frey; Jennifer Novek; Stephen Nuara; Ming-Kai Ho; Barry J. Bedell; Robert F. Dougherty; Ilana R. Leppert; Mathieu Boudreau; Sridar Narayanan; Tanguy Duval; Julien Cohen-Adad; Paul-Alexandre Picard; Alicja Gasecka; Daniel Côté; G. Bruce Pike
The myelin g-ratio, defined as the ratio between the inner and the outer diameter of the myelin sheath, is a fundamental property of white matter that can be computed from a simple formula relating the myelin volume fraction to the fiber volume fraction or the axon volume fraction. In this paper, a unique combination of magnetization transfer, diffusion imaging and histology is presented, providing a novel method for in vivo magnetic resonance imaging of the axon volume fraction and the myelin g-ratio. Our method was demonstrated in the corpus callosum of one cynomolgus macaque, and applied to obtain full-brain g-ratio maps in one healthy human subject and one multiple sclerosis patient. In the macaque, the g-ratio was relatively constant across the corpus callosum, as measured by both MRI and electron microscopy. In the human subjects, the g-ratio in multiple sclerosis lesions was higher than in normal appearing white matter, which was in turn higher than in healthy white matter. Measuring the g-ratio brings us one step closer to fully characterizing white matter non-invasively, making it possible to perform in vivo histology of the human brain during development, aging, disease and treatment.
The Journal of Comparative Neurology | 1999
Thomas Stroh; Hans-Jürgen Kreienkamp; Alain Beaudet
Somatostatin exerts its actions by means of a family of G protein–coupled receptors, five of which have so far been cloned. Whereas mRNAs for receptor subtypes sst1–sst4 have been unequivocally localized in the brain, the data concerning the fifth subtype, sst5, are contradictory. Moreover, whereas sst1 and sst2A receptor proteins have been localized by immunohistochemistry, the distribution of sst3–sst5 receptor proteins and/or subtype‐specific binding remains to be determined in the central nervous system. In the present study, we investigated the distribution of immunoreactive sst5 in adult rat brain and pituitary and demonstrated the presence of this receptor protein in the central nervous system by using an affinity‐purified antibody generated against the C‐terminus of the receptor. The specificity of the antibody for sst5 was established by immunoblotting experiments on membranes prepared from cells transfected with cDNA encoding different somatotropin release inhibiting (SRIF) receptor subtypes as well as from anterior pituitary. In both systems, the antibody specifically recognized a band at approximately 50 kDa molecular mass, corresponding well to the reported size of the cloned receptor (48 kDa). Immunofluorescence in COS‐7 cells transfected with individual SRIF receptor subtypes as well as in sections of rat pituitary demonstrated the antibodys applicability to the immunohistochemical detection of sst5 receptors. In rat brain sections, sst5 immunoreactivity was predominantly associated with neuronal perikarya and primary dendrites. Immunolabeling was most prominent in the olfactory tubercle, islands of Calleja, diagonal band of Broca, substantia innominata, and magnocellular preoptic nucleus of the basal forebrain as well as in the reticular nucleus of the thalamus. Other, less intensely labeled areas included the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, preoptic area as well as the lateroanterior nucleus of the hypothalamus. The present findings provide the first characterization of the anatomic distribution of sst5 receptors in the rat brain. They demonstrate a prominent expression of these receptors in the basal forebrain, suggesting that they may be involved in the mediation of somatostatin effects on the sleep‐wake cycle through their association with cortically projecting subcortical systems. J. Comp. Neurol. 412:69–82, 1999.
The Journal of Neuroscience | 2004
Anne Morinville; Catherine M. Cahill; Haneen Aibak; Vladimir V. Rymar; Amynah A. Pradhan; Cyrla Hoffert; Françoise Mennicken; Thomas Stroh; Abbas F. Sadikot; Dajan O'Donnell; Paul B. S. Clarke; B. Collier; James L. Henry; Jean Pierre Vincent; Alain Beaudet
An in vivo fluorescent deltorphin (Fluo-DLT) internalization assay was used to assess the distribution and regulation of pharmacologically available δ opioid receptors (δORs) in the rat lumbar (L4-5) spinal cord. Under basal conditions, intrathecal injection of Fluo-DLT resulted in the labeling of numerous δOR-internalizing neurons throughout dorsal and ventral horns. The distribution and number of Fluo-DLT-labeled perikaryal profiles were consistent with that of δOR-expressing neurons, as revealed by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry, suggesting that a large proportion of these cells was responsive to intrathecally administered δOR agonists. Pretreatment of rats with morphine for 48 hr resulted in a selective increase in Fluo-DLT-labeled perikaryal profiles within the dorsal horn. These changes were not accompanied by corresponding augmentations in either δOR mRNA or 125I-deltorphin-II binding levels, suggesting that they were attributable to higher densities of cell surface δOR available for internalization rather than to enhanced production of the receptor. Unilateral dorsal rhizotomy also resulted in increased Fluo-DLT internalization in the ipsilateral dorsal horn when compared with the side contralateral to the deafferentation or to non-deafferented controls, suggesting that δOR trafficking in dorsal horn neurons may be regulated by afferent inputs. Furthermore, morphine treatment no longer increased Fluo-DLT internalization on either side of the spinal cord after unilateral dorsal rhizotomy, indicating that μOR-induced changes in the cell surface availability of δOR depend on the integrity of primary afferent inputs. Together, these results suggest that regulation of δOR responsiveness through μOR activation in this region is linked to somatosensory information processing.
The Journal of Neuroscience | 2011
Colleen Manitt; Andrea Mimee; Conrad Eng; Matthew Pokinko; Thomas Stroh; Helen M. Cooper; Bryan Kolb; Cecilia Flores
Netrins are guidance cues involved in neural connectivity. We have shown that the netrin-1 receptor DCC (deleted in colorectal cancer) is involved in the functional organization of the mesocorticolimbic dopamine (DA) system. Adult mice with a heterozygous loss-of-function mutation in dcc exhibit changes in indexes of DA function, including DA-related behaviors. These phenotypes are only observed after puberty, a critical period in the maturation of the mesocortical DA projection. Here, we examined whether dcc heterozygous mice exhibit structural changes in medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) DA synaptic connectivity, before and after puberty. Stereological counts of tyrosine-hydroxylase (TH)-positive varicosities were increased in the cingulate 1 and prelimbic regions of the pregenual mPFC. dcc heterozygous mice also exhibited alterations in the size, complexity, and dendritic spine density of mPFC layer V pyramidal neuron basilar dendritic arbors. Remarkably, these presynaptic and postsynaptic partner phenotypes were not observed in juvenile mice, suggesting that DCC selectively influences the extensive branching and synaptic differentiation that occurs in the maturing mPFC DA circuit at puberty. Immunolabeling experiments in wild-type mice demonstrated that DCC is segregated to TH-positive fibers innervating the nucleus accumbens, with only scarce DCC labeling in mPFC TH-positive fibers. Netrin had an inverted target expression pattern. Thus, DCC-mediated netrin-1 signaling may influence the formation/maintenance of mesocorticolimbic DA topography. In support of this, we report that dcc heterozygous mice exhibit a twofold increase in the density of mPFC DCC/TH-positive varicosities. Our results implicate DCC-mediated netrin-1 signaling in the establishment of mPFC DA circuitry during puberty.
The Journal of Neuroscience | 2005
Philippe Sarret; Michael J. Esdaile; Amélie Perron; Jean Martinez; Thomas Stroh; Alain Beaudet
Intrathecal administration of the neuropeptide neurotensin (NT) was shown previously to exert antinociceptive effects in a variety of acute spinal pain paradigms including hotplate, tail-flick, and writhing tests. In the present study, we sought to determine whether some of these antinociceptive effects might be elicited via stimulation of low-affinity NTS2 receptors. We first established, using immunoblotting and immunohistochemical techniques, that NTS2 receptors were extensively associated with putative spinal nociceptive pathways, both at the level of the dorsal root ganglia and of the superficial layers of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. We then examined the effects of intrathecal administration of NT or selective NTS2 agonists on acute thermal pain. Both NT and NTS2 agonists, levocabastine and Boc-Arg-Arg-Pro-Tyrψ(CH2NH)Ile-Leu-OH (JMV-431), induced dose-dependent antinociceptive responses in the tail-flick test. The effects of levocabastine and of JMV-431 were unaffected by coadministration of the NTS1-specific antagonist 2-[(1-(7-chloro-4-quinolinyl)-5-(2,6-dimethoxy-phenyl)pyrazol-3-yl)carboxylamino]tricyclo) acid (SR48692), confirming that they were NTS2 mediated. In contrast, the antinociceptive effects of NT were partly abolished by coadministration of SR48692, indicating that NTS1 and NTS2 receptors were both involved. These results suggest that NTS2 receptors play a role in the regulation of spinal nociceptive inputs and that selective NTS2 agonists may offer new avenues for the treatment of acute pain.
Endocrinology | 2000
Thomas Stroh; Alexander C. Jackson; Philippe Sarret; Claude Dal Farra; Jean-Pierre Vincent; Hans-Jürgen Kreienkamp; Jean Mazella; Alain Beaudet
Internalization of G protein-coupled receptors is crucial for resensitization of phosphorylation-desensitized receptors, but also for their long term desensitization through sequestration. To elucidate the mechanisms regulating cell surface availability of the somatostatin (SRIF) receptor subtype sst5, we characterized its internalization properties in transfected COS-7 cells using biochemical, confocal microscopic, and electron microscopic techniques. Our results demonstrated rapid and efficient sequestration of specifically bound[ 125I]Tyr0-d-Trp8-SRIF (up to 45% of bound radioactivity). Combined immunocytochemical detection of sst5 and visualization of a fluorescent SRIF analog by confocal microscopy revealed that whereas the internalized ligand progressively clustered toward the cell center with time, immunoreactive receptors remained predominantly associated with the plasma membrane. The preservation of cell surface receptors was confirmed by binding experiments on whole cells revealing a lack of sat...
Neuroscience | 2010
Pablo Henny; Frédéric Brischoux; Lynda Mainville; Thomas Stroh; Barbara E. Jones
Orexin (Orx or hypocretin) is critically important for maintaining wakefulness, since in its absence, narcolepsy with cataplexy occurs. In this role, Orx-containing neurons can exert their influence upon multiple targets through the brain by release of Orx but possibly also by release of other neurotransmitters. Indeed, evidence was previously presented to suggest that Orx terminals could utilize glutamate (Glu) in addition to Orx as a neurotransmitter. Using fluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy, we investigated whether Orx varicosities contain the presynaptic markers for synaptic release of Glu or GABA and come into contact with postsynaptic markers for excitatory synapses within the locus coeruleus of the rat brain. We found that a proportion of the Orx+ varicosities were immunostained for the vesicular transporter for Glu, VGluT2. None were immunostained for vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGluT1) or VGluT3 or for the vesicular transporter for GABA, vesicular GABA transporter (VGAT). Among the Orx+ varicosities, 4% of all and 28% of large varicosities contained VGluT2. A similar proportion of the large Orx+ varicosities contained synaptophysin (Syp), a presynaptic marker for synaptic vesicles. Orx+ varicosities also contacted elements immunostained for postsynaptic density protein-95 (PSD)-95, a postsynaptic marker for glutamatergic synapses. We thus conclude that synaptic release of Glu occurs from Orx terminals within the locus coeruleus and can thus be important for the engagement of noradrenergic neurons in stimulating and maintaining arousal.