Veronica Iturriaga
University of La Frontera
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Featured researches published by Veronica Iturriaga.
International Journal of Morphology | 2012
Veronica Iturriaga; Pablo Navarro; Mario Cantín; Ramón Fuentes
La asimetria condilar vertical (ACV) es considerada un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de un Trastorno Temporomandibular (TTM). ACV se determina al comparar la altura condilar vertical entre el condilo derecho e izquierdo. Se han desarrollado diversas tecnicas para evaluar esta asimetria, las mas conocidas son las desarrolladas por Kjellberg et al. (1994) y Habets et al. (1988). El Objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la similitud de la tecnica de Habets con la tecnica de Kjellberg en cuanto a los resultados y analizar estos resultados de ACV de la articulacion temporomandibular en pacientes con signos y sintomas de un trastorno temporomandibular. Se analizaron 48 pacientes entre 12 y 65 anos. En cada paciente se establecio el porcentaje de simetria condilar segun el indice de Kjellberg y el indice de Habets y se relaciono con las variables sexo, edad, y signos y sintomas de TTM al momento del ingreso con respecto a los pacientes simetricos y asimetricos. Por ultimo se compararon los resultados de ambos indices. Segun el indice de Habets el 70,8% de los pacientes fue clasificado como asimetrico, en comparacion con kjellberg donde fue solo el 54,2%. No se encontro diferencia estadisticamente significativa entre la severidad de los signos y sintomas de un trastorno temporomandibular y las variables sexo, edad, indice de Habets e indice de Kjellberg. Tampoco se encontro diferencia estadisticamente significativa entre la edad de los pacientes y el indice de Kjellberg, pero si se encontro diferencia entre la edad y el indice de Habets donde los pacientes simetricos tenian menor edad. Se concluye que es posible pensar que la presencia de ACV no representa un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de un TTM.
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation | 2016
Gonzalo Oporto; Thomas Bornhardt; Veronica Iturriaga; Luis A. Salazar
Bruxism (BRX) is a condition of great interest for researchers and clinicians in dental and medical areas. BRX has two circadian manifestations; it can occur during sleep (sleep bruxism, SB) or during wakefulness (awake bruxism, WB). However, it can be suffered together. Recent investigations suggest that central nervous system neurotransmitters and their genes could be involved in the genesis of BRX. Serotonin is responsible for the circadian rhythm, maintaining arousal, regulating stress response, muscle tone and breathing. Thus, serotonin could be associated with BRX pathogenesis. The aim of this work was to evaluate the frequency of genetic polymorphisms in the genes HTR1A (rs6295), HTR2A (rs1923884, rs4941573, rs6313, rs2770304), HTR2C (rs17260565) and SLC6A4 (rs63749047) in subjects undergoing BRX treatment. Patients included were classified according to their diagnosis in awake bruxism (61 patients), sleep bruxism (26 patients) and both (43 patients). The control group included 59 healthy patients with no signs of BRX. Data showed significant differences in allelic frequencies for the HTR2A rs2770304 polymorphism, where the C allele was associated with increased risk of SB (odds ratio = 2·13, 95% confidence interval: 1·08-4·21, P = 0·03). Our results suggest that polymorphisms in serotonergic pathways are involved in sleep bruxism. Further research is needed to clarify and increase the current understanding of BRX physiopathology.
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | 2017
Veronica Iturriaga; Thomas Bornhardt; Carlos Manterola; P. Brebi
Osteoarthritis is one of the most frequent pathologies affecting the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). There is evidence that the use of intra-articular hyaluronic acid (HA) for the treatment of this disorder achieves positive effects through a reduction in inflammatory mediators. A systematic review of the available evidence regarding the regulation of inflammatory mediators when applying HA in osteoarthritis of the TMJ in humans was performed. The Web of Science, Embase, ScienceDirect, MEDLINE, Scopus, EBSCOhost, and LILACS databases, SciELO library, and search engine Trip Database were searched systematically. Two thousand eight hundred and sixty-three related articles were found, of which only two met the selection criteria (both were clinical trials and evidence level 2b for treatment studies). These two articles represented a population of 87 patients. Both articles reported that the application of HA had a positive effect on the regulation of inflammatory mediators; the mediators studied were those of the plasminogen activator system and levels of nitric oxide. The limited evidence available suggests that the application of HA regulates various inflammatory mediators in osteoarthritic processes in the TMJ. Nevertheless, further evidence in this regard is required, through the study of specific pathologies of the TMJ, complementing the assessment of clinical parameters with molecular studies, and generating good quality clinical studies with larger sample sizes.
International journal of odontostomatology | 2017
Veronica Iturriaga; Thomas Bornhardt; Alain Arias; Marvid Antiao; Yanela Aravena; Pablo Navarro; Carlos Manterola
Assessing the normal range of manibular movement becomes an indispensable tool for the clinical evaluation of the function of the masticatory system. The aim of this study was to measure the range of mandibular movement in mouth opening, protrusion, and lateral movements in pediatric subjects from the city of Temuco, Chile and to determine their association with age, sex, and height. A cross-sectional study was performed in children aged 6-13, treated in the Teaching-Unit-Dental-Clinic at the Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco-Chile. 54 subjects participated in the study (44.4 % females); girls exhibited an average mouth opening of 51.9 mm and males of 54.8 mm. Averages were 53.5 mm for mouth opening, 11.8 mm for protrusion, 9.9 mm for right laterality, and 10.3 mm for left laterality. A statistically significant difference was found between age groups, opening, and right lateral ranges, as well as a weak to moderate correlation between mouth opening and protrusion, protrusion and right laterality, protrusion and left laterality, right and left laterality, height and mouth opening, and height and right lateral ranges. The results of this study provide specific data and evidence on the importance of evaluating all ranges of mandibular movement, relating them to each other and with variables such as age and height.
International Journal of Morphology | 2017
Veronica Iturriaga; Bélgica Vásquez; Carlos Manterola; Mariano del Sol
The aim of this study was to perform a literature review regarding the role of hyaluronic acid (HA) in the homeostasis and therapeutics of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) osteoarthritis (OA). The TMJ has characteristics that give it special adaptat ion nd recovery abilities, where HA plays a fundamental role in helping to maintain joint homeostasis, which is affected in pathologic al pr cesses like OA. OA is a chronic degenerative multi-factor disease that can affect all the components of the synovial joints, causing d egradation of the articular cartilage, extracellular matrix and breakage in the HA molecules. HA is a non-branched linear polysaccharide w ith viscosupplementation, anti-inflammatory, lubrication and pain relief effects; it also activates the intrinsic repair processes of th cartilage and normalizes the endogenous production of HA by the synoviocytes. In recent years, the therapeutic use of HA has shown eviden ce that supports its application in TMJ OA, improving viscosupplementation capacity, acting at the cellular and molecular levels, reducing various inflammatory mediators and improving the reparative characteristics. Its use has been studied in animal models and in h umans. However, no consensus has been reached in terms of concentrations, dose, application frequency or molecular weight to be used.
Revista Clínica de Periodoncia, Implantología y Rehabilitación Oral | 2016
Daniela Torres; Ramón Fuentes; Thomas Bornhardt; Veronica Iturriaga
Dental erosion corresponds to the irreversible loss of tooth tissue surface due to the chemical action of acids, where bacteria are not involved. It has become a common condition worldwide, especially in children, affected by the high consumption of acidic and carbonated drinks. Within its etiology there are both intrinsic risk factors, produced by the body itself, and extrinsic, whose origin is not in the body, but are directly related to it. The aim of this article is to review the literature on the potential risk factors associated with the presence of dental erosion in children.
Revista Clínica de Periodoncia, Implantología y Rehabilitación Oral | 2016
Daniela Torres; Ramón Fuentes; Thomas Bornhardt; Veronica Iturriaga
Dental erosion corresponds to the irreversible loss of tooth tissue surface due to the chemical action of acids, where bacteria are not involved. It has become a common condition worldwide, especially in children, affected by the high consumption of acidic and carbonated drinks. Within its etiology there are both intrinsic risk factors, produced by the body itself, and extrinsic, whose origin is not in the body, but are directly related to it. The aim of this article is to review the literature on the potential risk factors associated with the presence of dental erosion in children.
Avances en Odontoestomatología | 2015
L. Coronado; Veronica Iturriaga; Thomas Bornhardt; Ramón Fuentes
espanolLos trastornos temporomandibulares son un grupo heterogeneo de alteraciones funcionales que afectan al aparato masticatorio y reducen la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Dentro de estos trastornos encontramos las alteraciones del complejo condilo disco, los cuales son factores de riesgo para la generacion de patologias degenerativas articulares de la articulacion temporomandibular (ATM). El tratamiento de los procesos degenerativos articulares es controversial ya que se han utilizado a traves del tiempo variadas estrategias terapeuticas; desde la utilizacion de dispositivos ortopedicos mandibulares, pasando por terapias invasivas como la artrocentesis o irrigacion y drenaje de los espacios articulares, hasta la infiltracion de farmacos dentro del espacio articular. Tradicionalmente la infiltracion intra articular de farmacos se ha efectuado con glucocorticoides debido a su efecto antiinflamatorio y analgesico; sin embargo, hace mas de dos decadas ha surgido la utilizacion del acido hialuronico, cuyo efecto antiinflamatorio y de viscosuplementacion ha demostrado poseer gran utilidad terapeutica en procesos degenerativos a nivel articular. Clinicamente, sin embargo, este farmaco carece de un protocolo que forme el esquema terapeutico en cuanto a concentracion, dosis, frecuencia y extension del tratamiento en su uso en patologias degenerativas oseas de la ATM. Por lo tanto, surge la necesidad de revisar la evidencia existente al respecto en estudios experimentales realizados en humanos o animales. Se realizo una revision de la evidencia disponible online, la que luego de un proceso de analisis y seleccion obtuvo 11 estudios en humanos y 4 en animales, los autores no encontraron pruebas cientificas suficientes para establecer un protocolo de infiltracion de acido hialuronico en patologias degenerativas de la articulacion temporomandibular. EnglishTemporomandibular disorders are a heterogeneous group of functional disorders affecting the masticatory system, reducing the quality of life of patients. Within these disorders find the disc condyle complex disorders, which are risk factors for the generation of degenerative joint diseases of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The treatment of joint degenerative processes is controversial, and have been used over time varied therapeutic strategies, since the use of mandibular orthopedic devices, through invasive therapies such as arthrocentesis or irrigation and drainage of the joint spaces; drugs to infiltration into the joint space. Traditionally the intra infiltration articular drug was performed with glucocorticoids due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, however more than two decades ago has emerged using the hyaluronic acid, the inflammatory and viscosupplementation effect has demonstrated great therapeutic usefulness in degenerative processes articular level. Clinically this drug however lacks a protocol that regulates the therapeutic regimen in strength, dosage, frequency and extent of treatment in use in bone degenerative diseases of the TMJ. Thus arises the need to review the existing evidence on this in experimental studies in humans or animals. A review of the evidence was made available online, which after a process of analysis and selection scored 11 studies in humans and 4 in animals, the authors found insufficient evidence to establish a protocol infiltration of hyaluronic acid in degenerative pathologies temporo mandibular joint.
Avances en Odontoestomatología | 2015
Veronica Iturriaga; Thomas Bornhardt; Gonzalo Oporto
espanolEl dolor miofascial es una patologia muscular regional no inflamatoria caracterizada por la presencia de una zona hiperirritable de tejido muscular que se encuentra en una banda tensa, denominado punto gatillo. En la region orofacial pertenece a un conglomerado de patologias denominadas trastornos temporomandibulares, correspondiendo al de mayor prevalencia. Las manifestaciones clinicas van desde dolor local, tension muscular y disfuncion estructural hasta dolor referido, fenomenos autonomicos e hiperexcitabilidad en el sistema nervioso central. Durante las ultimas decadas se han asociado variantes geneticas con diferentes expresiones en patologias dolorosas, algunas de las cuales se encuentran en el sistema GABAergico. En el presente articulo se realiza una revision del dolor miofascial como patologia y su relacion con estos polimorfismos geneticos. EnglishMyofascial pain is noninflammatory regional muscular disorder characterized by the presence of a muscle tissue area hyperirritable located on a taut band, called trigger point. In the orofacial region myofascial pain belongs to a cluster of diseases called temporomandibular disorder. Within these pathologies, it is to the most prevalent of its, clinical manifestations include local pain, muscle tension, structural dysfunction, referred pain, autonomic phenomena and hyperexcitability in the central nervous system. During the last decades have been associated genetic variants to painful pathologies, some of which are in the GABAergic system. This article performs a review of myofascial pain as pathology and its relation to genetic polymorphisms in GABAergic system.
Avances en Odontoestomatología | 2015
C. Cerda-Trujillo; Veronica Iturriaga; Ramón Fuentes; Thomas Bornhardt
espanolArtralgia de la articulacion temporomandibular (ATM) es un termino utilizado en los criterios diagnosticos para los trastornos temporomandibulares (CD/TTM) definido como dolor de origen articular que se ve aumentado por el movimiento mandibular, ya sea en funcion o parafuncion, y la replicacion de este dolor mediante la palpacion de la ATM. En relacion al manejo de la artralgia, la evidencia describe diferentes tipos de terapias, las cuales se pueden clasificar en invasivas y no invasivas. Las terapias farmacologicas, cognitivo conductuales y el uso dispositivos interoclusales se encuentran dentro de la categoria de terapias no invasivas. Los dispositivos interoclusales tipo pivot, han sido ampliamente utilizados en el alivio de artralgias de ATM. Se describe un 70% de alivio del dolor con el uso de estos dispositivos en pacientes con artralgias de ATM. El objetivo de esta revision es evaluar la evidencia encontrada respecto de los dispositivos tipo pivot bilaterales y sus resultados como tratamiento en artralgias de ATM. EnglishArthralgia of Temporomandibular Joint is a term used in the Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (DC/TMD), defined as pain of joint origin that is affected by jaw movement, function, or parafunction, and replication of this pain occurs with provocation testing of the TMJ. In the management of Arthralgia the evidence describes different types of therapies, which can be classified as invasive and non-invasive. The pharmacological and cognitive behavioural therapies, as well as the use of interocclusal appliances are considered among the non-invasive therapies. The interocclusal pivot appliances have been widely used to relieve the TMJ arthralgia. The action mechanism of these appliances would be produced by a distraction of the TMJ as a result of the downward movement of the mandibular condylar process; as an added effect it also lowers the intrarticular pressure. Current evidence describes a 70% of pain relief in patients with TMJ arthralgia. The aim of this review is evaluating the evidence found in bilateral pivot appliances and their results as a treatment for TMJ arthralgia.