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Featured researches published by Walnice Maria Oliveira do Nascimento.

Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2003

Características físicas e físico-químicas de um tipo de bacuri (Platonia insignis Mart.) com rendimento industrial superior

José Edmar Urano de Carvalho; Raimunda Fátima Ribeiro de Nazaré; Walnice Maria Oliveira do Nascimento

Efetuou-se a caracterizacao fisica do fruto e fisico-quimica da polpa do bacuri CPATU 207-3, oriundo de uma planta-matriz do Banco de Germoplasma de Bacurizeiro da Embrapa Amazonia Oriental. Para a caracterizacao fisica foi utilizada uma amostra de 50 frutos, os quais foram individualmente analisados quanto aos seguintes aspectos: cor do epicarpo, formato, peso, comprimento, diâmetro, espessura da casca, volume da cavidade interna, numero de sementes e de segmentos partenocarpicos, rendimentos porcentuais (p/p) de casca, polpa, sementes e do conjunto representado pela coluna placentaria e ovulos abortados. A caracterizacao fisico-quimica foi efetuada em tres amostras de polpa congelada a 18oC negativos, provenientes de frutos em completo estadio de maturacao, coletados nos meses de janeiro, fevereiro e marco de 2001, tendo sido consideradas as seguintes variaveis: teores de umidade, de solidos totais e de solidos soluveis totais (oBrix), pH, acidez total e a relacao solidos soluveis totais/acidez total titulavel. O bacuri CPATU 207-3 apresentou formato ovalado e com apice ligeiramente pontiagudo, epicarpo de coloracao amarelada, fruto de tamanho considerado medio e peso medio de 265,8 g. As principais caracteristicas diferenciais desse tipo de bacuri sao: a espessura da casca (0,75cm), o rendimento porcentual de polpa (27,7%) e o numero de segmentos partenocarpicos (2,8 unidades/fruto). A polpa do bacuri CPATU 207-3 apresentou boas caracteristicas fisico-quimicas, com 84,35% de umidade, 15,65% de solidos totais, teor de solidos soluveis totais de 14,53oBrix, pH 3,34, acidez total titulavel de 1,24% e relacao oBrix/acidez total titulavel igual a 11,4. As caracteristicas fisicas e fisico-quimicas desse tipo de bacuri permitem sua utilizacao tanto para consumo na forma de fruta fresca como na forma industrializada. Nesse ultimo caso, e particularmente indicado para fabricacao de compota, em decorrencia do elevado numero de segmentos partenocarpicos que apresenta.

Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2003

Seleção de progênies de maracujazeiro-amarelo (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa) quanto à qualidade de frutos

Walnice Maria Oliveira do Nascimento; Andreza Tavares Tomé; Maria do Socorro Padilha de Oliveira; C. H. Müller; José Edmar Urano de Carvalho

Para garantir a sustentabilidade da cultura do maracujazeiro, na Amazonia, e imprescindivel realizar pesquisas que busquem o desenvolvimento de cultivares tolerantes as principais doencas e que apresentem frutos com boas caracteristicas agroindustriais. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar frutos de progenies de maracujazeiro-amarelo, CPATU-casca-fina (CCF), atraves de caracteristicas fisicas e fisico-quimicas, buscando obtencao de plantas com caracteristicas desejaveis para industria de suco concentrado e fruto in natura. O estudo foi conduzido em 20 progenies de polinizacao livre oriundas de uma populacao formada pela mistura de sementes de plantas selecionadas no segundo ciclo de selecao massal. Colheram-se dez frutos por planta para serem analisados, com base nas seguintes caracteristicas: peso medio dos frutos; comprimento do fruto; espessura de casca; rendimento de suco; numero de sementes por fruto; teor de solidos soluveis totais (SST); acidez total titulavel (ATT); pH e relacao STT/ATT. Os dados obtidos foram analisados atraves de estatistica simples, envolvendo media, desvio-padrao e coeficiente de variacao. As progenies CPATU-casca-fina apresentaram variacao para a maioria das caracteristicas. Os frutos das progenies CCF-001, CCF-074, CCF-212, CCF-395 e CCF-430 apresentam caracteristicas desejaveis para o mercado in natura, enquanto os das progenies CCF-192, CCF-281, CCF-391 e CCF-505 tem caracteristicas importantes para a industria de suco concentrado.

Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2005

Comportamento fisiológico de sementes de açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) submetidas à desidratação

Walnice Maria Oliveira do Nascimento; Walter Rodrigues da Silva

The objective of this article was to verify the physiological effects of desiccation of Euterpe oleracea Mart. seeds. Acai palm seeds from twenty five progenies from the germoplasm collection of Embrapa Amazonia Oriental (Belem, State of Para, Brazil) were used. Before the desiccation, it was determined the moisture content of the lot and it was removed the treatment with the highest moisture content (45%). The other seeds of the lot were submitted to drying in a chamber with air circulation at 30±2oC aiming to reach the treatments at 39%, 33%, 27%, 22% and 15% of water. The effects of dehydration were evaluated by means of the following determinations: moisture content, germination test, speed and emergency of seedlings. It was concluded that the desiccation to 39% moisture content does not affect the physiology of Euterpe oleracea seeds, but the drying around 33% of water reduce the vigour and germination rates. The seeds did not germinate when the moisture content was 15%.

Revista Brasileira De Sementes | 2007

Conseqüências fisiológicas da dessecação em sementes de açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.)

Walnice Maria Oliveira do Nascimento; Ana Dionisia da Luz Coelho Novembre; Silvio Moure Cicero

This study was carried out to investigate the immediate effects of dehydration on the physiology in Euterpe oleracea Mart. seeds. Before drying the BRS Para variety seeds, the seed moisture content was determined and the lot with the highest moisture content 43.4% was selected. The seeds were submitted to drying, in equipment with forced air circulation (30±2oC), until the moisture content reached 37.4%, 30.3%, 26.1%, 21.0%, 15.1% and 11.9% and comprised the other treatments. The effect of dehydration on seed quality was evaluated by determining the germination percentage, mean germination period, emergence speed, seedling length and seedling dry matter weight. The dehydration up to 37.4% of moisture dids not produce immediate effects on the physiologic behavior of the Euterpe oleracea seeds, but over 30.3% there was progressive reduction in seed germination and vigor and when 15.1% of moisture content was reached, the physiologic performance was annulled.

Revista Brasileira De Sementes | 2010

Conservação de sementes de açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.)

Walnice Maria Oliveira do Nascimento; Silvio Moure Cicero; Ana Dionisia da Luz Coelho Novembre

The acai palm (Euterpe oleracea Mart.), grown principally for its palm heart and highly nutritious berrys, has recalcitrant seeds which cannot be stored for long periods because they do not resist drying or low temperatures. The effects of seed moisture content and storage temperature on the maintenance of seed quality were investigated using acai palm cultivar BRS Para seeds conditioned in polyethylene bags at moisture contents of 43.4%, 37.4%, 30.3%, 26.1%, 21.0%, 15.1% and 11.9% and storage temperatures of 20 oC, 15 oC and 10 oC for 360 days, periodic samples being taken to determine moisture content, germination and vigor. At all the temperatures studied, partial drying to a water content of 37.4% did not produce any immediate effects on germination or vigor but as the water content dropped there was progressive deterioration until at 15.1% germination ceased. After 360 days, seeds with a water content of 21.0% or less did not germinate independent of storage temperature. Seeds with a water content of 43.4% stored at 20 oC remained viable for up to 270 days.

Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2007

Cultivo do mangostão no Brasil

Célio Kersul do Sacramento; Enio Coelho Júnior; José Edmar Urano de Carvalho; C. H. Müller; Walnice Maria Oliveira do Nascimento

O mangostao (Garcinia mangostana L.), familia Clusiaceae, e considerada a fruta mais saborosa do tropico asiatico. Foi introduzido no Brasil em 1935 e atualmente e cultivado principalmente nos estados do Para e Bahia, numa area estimada de 350 ha com uma producao de 300 t. O periodo de frutificacao do mangostanzeiro varia de acordo com as condicoes climaticas e, no estado do Para, o principal periodo de colheita estende-se de janeiro a maio e uma colheita menor ocorre em agosto e setembro. Na Bahia a safra principal e geralmente em marco e abril e outra colheita acontece em agosto. Poucas pragas tem sido encontradas em pomares de mangostao e os problemas mais comuns sao causados por acaros, tripes (Thrips sp. ) e abelha arapua (Trigona spinipes) as quais causam danos na casca do fruto dificultando a colheita. A murcha do mangostanzeiro, doenca ainda nao encontrada em pomares de mangostao de outros paises, tem sido observada somente em plantas adultas na regiao sul do estado da Bahia, mas o agente causal ainda nao foi identificado. Estouro de vasos, um disturbio fisiologico no pericarpo do fruto e polpa translucida sao comuns nos frutos em pomares brasileiros. Os frutos sao colhidos manualmente, limpos, classificados e colocados em caixas de papelao com dimensoes de 21x 21,5 x 6,5 cm as quais contem de 9 a 20 frutos e sao vendidos principalmente em grandes centros urbanos. O mangostao apresenta media de 32,5% de polpa, 18,17% oBrix e 1% de acidez. A casca apresenta um grupo de substancias conhecidas como xantonas as quais sao utilizadas para produtos farmaceuticos.

Revista Brasileira De Sementes | 2002

Influência da posição de semeadura na germinação, vigor e crescimento de plântulas de bacabinha (Oenocarpus mapora Karsten - Aecaceae)

Walnice Maria Oliveira do Nascimento; Maria do Socorro Padilha de Oliveira; José Edmar Urano de Carvalho; C. H. Müller

Oenocarpus mapora Karsten it is a type of palm tree that is native in Amazonia. The fruit is used for manufacture of juice, ice creams and creams. With the objective to verify the effect of the sowing position on the germination, vigor and seedlings length, the present experiment was accomplished, being tested four sowing positions with three replicates with 25 seeds per parcels and installed in a completely randomized design. The results showed that the germination of Oenocarpus mapora, seeds was not affected by the sowing position, showing by values above to 92%, however, the when seeds were placed to germinate with the germination pore gone back to the surface, they germinated in smaller time. The initial development of the seedling was influenced by the sowing position.

Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2011

Ensacamento de frutos de abiu visando à proteção contra o ataque da mosca-das-frutas.

Walnice Maria Oliveira do Nascimento; C. H. Müller; Carolina dos Santos Araújo; Bruno Calzavara Flores

The Pouteria caimito tree, is a known fruit in the tropics and consumed fresh. Among the main issues affecting the fruit quality, are the damage caused by the attack of the larvae of fruit fly. The objective of this study was to determine the diameter of the fruit P. caimito to effect the practice of bagging in order to protect against the attack of the fly. For this, six classes of diameter were set: a) fruit with a diameter less than 1 cm, b) fruit with a diameter of 1-2 cm, c) fruits with a diameter of 2-3 cm d) fruits with a diameter of 3 to 4 cm, e) fruit with a diameter of 4-5 cm, f) fruit with a diameter larger than 5 cm, and the control treatment, which consisted of fruit without protection. Bags to cover the fruits were made of white TNT. After harvest, fruits were measured and weighed and then broken in longitudinal and transversal directions and evaluated by visual observation of the presence or the absence of fruit fly larvae. The efficiency of treatments was evaluated by the percentage of fruit dropped on the ground, and the fruits harvested with absence and presence of larvae. It was observed 96.7%, 88.3% and 40.0% of dropping in bagged fruit with a diameter smaller than 1 cm, 1-2 cm and 2-3 cm respectively. The bagging of fruits P. caimito with diameters between 1 and 2 cm is not feasible due to the high percentage of fallen fruit (96.7%). The highest percentage of fruits without larvae of fruit fly (83.3%) is observed when the fruits were bagged with a diameter of between three and five centimeters.

Revista Brasileira De Sementes | 2006

Qualidade sanitária e germinação de sementes de Pterogyne nitens Tull. (Leguminosae - Caesalpinioideae)

Walnice Maria Oliveira do Nascimento; Eniel David Cruz; Maria Heloisa Duarte de Moraes; José Otávio Machado Menten

Pterogyne nitens Tull. (Leguminosae Caesalpinioideae), wood species native to the Atlantic Rain Forest, is constantly used to extract timber. With the need to amplify the cultivation surface for trade, the interest in information about the quality and conservation of its seeds has increased. In spite of the great economic importance of this species, studies about the health quality of seeds are inexistent, mainly for native species. This paper aims to identify the occurence of pathogens associated in Pterogyne nitens seeds. The fungi were studied in a blotter test with and without freezing and symptoms in seedlings. The following fungi were found in seeds: Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp., Fusarium moniliforme, Alternaria alternata, Rhizopus sp., Cladosporium sp. and Phoma sp. The largest occurence found was the fungi Aspergillus and Penicillium. The blotter test with freezing made it possible to identify two species of the potentially pathogenic Fusarium moniliforme and Alternaria alternata. Symptoms in seedlings were not detected.

Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2001


Walnice Maria Oliveira do Nascimento; Andreza Tavares Tomé; José Edmar Urano de Carvalho; C. H. Müller

The mangosteen seeds right after the retreat of the fruit present great amount of pulp stucked to the tegument. This rich material in sugar favors the diseases proliferation, which interfere in the germination when the seeds are not properly clean. With objective of studying the effect of the different times of fermentation on the germination of the seeds, a experiment was realized, with five treatments 0, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours of fermentation in water. The experiment was conducted following as a completely randomized design and treatments were replicated four times with 50 seeds each, sowed in trays containing as substratum a mixture of sand and sawdust in the proportion of 1:1, under environment temperature 26 ± 2oC and relative humidity of 86 ± 3%. The following tests were used for evaluating the seeds: germination test, emergence speed, average germination time. The number of normal seedling was assessed on a daily basis. The results evidenced that the fermentation of the mangosteen seeds for 48 hours provided better germination percentage (86%), differing significantly from the other treatments.


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José Edmar Urano de Carvalho

Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária

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C. H. Müller

Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária

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Andreza Tavares Tomé

Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária

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Fábio de Lima Gurgel

Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária

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Maria do Socorro Padilha de Oliveira

Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária

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