Zoltán Szakály
University of Debrecen
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Featured researches published by Zoltán Szakály.
Appetite | 2012
Zoltán Szakály; Viktória Szente; György Kövér; Zsolt Polereczki; Orsolya Szigeti
The main objective of this survey is to reveal the relationship between lifestyle, health behavior, and the consumption of functional foods on the basis of Grunerts food-related lifestyle model. In order to achieve this objective, a nationwide representative questionnaire-based survey was launched with 1000 participants in Hungary. The results indicate that a Hungarian consumer makes rational decisions, he or she seeks bargains, and he wants to know whether or not he gets good value for his money. Further on, various lifestyle segments are defined by the authors: the rational, uninvolved, conservative, careless, and adventurous consumer segments. Among these, consumers with a rational approach provide the primary target group for the functional food market, where health consciousness and moderate price sensitivity can be observed together. Adventurous food consumers stand out because they search for novelty; this makes them an equally important target group. Conservative consumers are another, one characterized by positive health behavior. According to the findings of the research, there is a significant relationship between lifestyle, health behavior, and the preference for functional food products.
Orvosi Hetilap | 2018
Ágnes Papp-Bata; Zoltán Csiki; Zoltán Szakály
Nowadays, we are witnessing a spectacular improvement in health consciousness of advanced societies. Due to the transformation of consumer behaviour, the proportion of health-conscious consumers who make well-informed and independent decisions increases steadily. In parallel, health-promoting foods are gaining more ground in the markets. Regarding the health effects, primarily cardiovascular prevention, bacterial flora modification, weight reduction as well as energy and vitamin supplementation are in focus in Hungary. Practically, any food type can be enriched with functional attributes; however, in addition to technical difficulties, the main challenge for food manufacturers is to persuade consumers to try out their products and use them continuously. In addition to research, development and innovation, consumer awareness and continuous knowledge expansion are also key factors for the success of functional foods. Consequently, strengthening the collaboration between functional food manufacturers and health professionals and researchers would be particularly beneficial, since their interrelationships might have a significant impact on the development and acceptance of novel functional foods. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(30): 1221-1225.
Vezetéstudomány / Budapest Management Review | 2017
Tímea Gál; Mihály Soós; Zoltán Szakály
Az elmult kozel ket evtizedben az internet gyors terhoditasa egyre nagyobb hatassal van a fogyasztoi szokasokra. Ez a marketingkutatokat is arra osztonzi, hogy olyan modszereket alkalmazzanak, amelyekkel minel kozelebb tudnak kerulni a fogyasztokhoz, attitűdjeik megismeresehez anelkul, hogy kiszakitanak őket a termeszetes kozegukből. Ennek egyik eszkoze a netnografia. A netnografia olyan kvalitativ kutatasi modszer, amely adaptalja az etnografiai kutatasi technikakat az online kozossegek kulturajanak vizsgalatahoz (Kozinets, 2002). Habar maga a modszer mar masfel evtizedes multra tekint vissza, alkalmazasa meg mindig gyerekcipőben jar. A szerzők cikkukben bemutatjak, hogyan valtozott meg mara a netnografiai kutatasok iranya az internet dinamikus valtozasainak hatasara. Emellett gyakorlati peldan keresztul vizsgaljak az online szereplők egeszsegtudatos taplalkozassal kapcsolatos attitűdjeit. A kutatas eredmenyekent sikerult azonositani olyan specialis csoportokat, amelyek a klasszikus szegmentalasi technikakon tul, uj perspektivat nyujthatnak a teruleten dolgozo vallalatok szamara. E csoportok, mint latens piaci igenyt megfogalmazok is megjelenhetnek, segitve ezzel a vallalatok innovacios folyamatainak sikeres megvalositasat.
Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce | 2017
Eszter Szabó-Szentgróti; Gábor Szabó-Szentgróti; Zoltán Szakály
Corporate strategy has never been as important as it is nowadays. Markets are changing rapidly because of consumer demands, innovations, information flow and economic changes. Our paper concentrates on Hungarian dairy industry (hereinafter dairy) and four main objectives were defined to be analysed: (1) domestic dairy company features, (2) main strategic characteristics, (3) how companies’ strategy resonates on the consumer side and (4) companies’ financial background were analysed as well. A company database was made in order to prepare for the primary research and to understand better the nature of today’s market. B2B (26 companies) and B2C (503 people) surveys were used in order to gain primary data. In 2017 132 Hungarian companies were observed in milk processing, but 44% of the market participants are not present in dairy competition. It is a fairly fragmented market structure because 10-20% of the annual turnover is accumulated among the 80-90% of competitors. The factor analysis of the data proved that the dairy companies followed m strategies at the same time; and it is assumed that most of them are unconscious. Strategically, the majority of the dairy sector is not up-to-date and modern enough. SMEs sector management skills and strategic preparedness are considered to be out-of-date and insufficient. Strategic planning can possibly have an influence on financial results, which was only partly proved by the analysed criteria system. The production and use of own raw milk supplies might make companies experience financial benefits. Nearly 78% of the respondents would rather purchase goods made from own raw material. The willingness to pay a higher price for this was in average 5-15%.
Táplálkozásmarketing | 2015
Zoltán Szakály; Károly Pető; József Popp; Helga Jasák
1Debreceni Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Marketing és Kereskedelem Intézet (University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics, Institute of Marketing and Commerce) 2Debreceni Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Vidékfejlesztés, Turizmusés Sportmenedzsment Intézet (University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics, Institute of Rural Development, Tourism and Sport Management) 3Debreceni Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Ágazati Gazdaságtan és Módszertani Intézet (University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics, Institute of Sector Economics and Methodology) H-4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi út 138. e-mail: [email protected]
Táplálkozásmarketing | 2015
Zoltán Szakály; Károly Pető; József Popp; Helga Jasák
1Debreceni Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Marketing és Kereskedelem Intézet (University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics, Institute of Marketing and Commerce) 2Debreceni Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Vidékfejlesztés, Turizmusés Sportmenedzsment Intézet (University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics, Institute of Rural Development, Tourism and Sport Management) 3Debreceni Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Ágazati Gazdaságtan és Módszertani Intézet (University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics, Institute of Sector Economics and Methodology) H-4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi út 138. e-mail: [email protected]
Táplálkozásmarketing | 2014
Zoltán Szakály; Sára Szabó; Helga Jasák; Viktória Szente; Marietta Kiss
Hungarian Abstract: A vizsgalat fő celja, hogy osszefuggeseket tarjon fel a szemelyes ertekek, az egeszsegtudatos taplalkozasi modra tortenő atteres es az elelmiszervasarloi magatartas kozott Kahle erteklistaja (LOV) alapjan. A kitűzott cel elerese erdekeben orszagos reprezentativ megkerdezest vegeztunk Magyarorszag teruleten 1000 fő bevonasaval. Az eredmenyek alapjan a lakossag szamara a legfontosabb ertek a biztonsag, amelyet a boldog es elvezetes elet iranti vagy kovet. Az erteklista elemzese soran a sztenderdtől elterő faktorstrukturat tartunk fel, amely a szegmentacio alapjat kepezte. Negy fogyasztoi szegmens kerult azonositasra, az Ertekorientalt, a Mersekelten ertekvezerelt, a Biztonsagra torekvő, illetve a Kiabrandult szegmentum. Az egeszsegvedő elelmiszerek elsődleges celcsoportjanak az Ertekorientalt szegmens tekinthető, mivel ennek a csoportnak a tagjai mozdultak el legnagyobb mertekben (18,5%) az egeszsegtudatosabb elelmiszerfogyasztas es ezzel parhuzamosan az egeszsegtudatosabb elelmiszer beszerzes iranyaba. A masodik jelentős valtozast mutato csoport a Biztonsagra torekvők, ami arra utal, hogy az ertekorientacio merteke jelentősen befolyasolja a viselkedest, azaz az elelmiszervasarlast es elelmiszerfogyasztast fuggetlenul annak tartalmatol. Az ertektartalom a marketingstrategia es a marketing uzenet tartalmi elemeinek kidolgozasahoz nyujt informaciot az egeszsegvedő elelmiszereket gyartok szamara. English Abstract: Major aim of the examination is to reveal relationships between personal values, the switch to the health conscious nutrition method, and the food consumer behaviour based on the value list by Kahle (LOV). In order to attain this goal a nationwide representative survey was conducted in Hungary with the participation of 1000 persons. According to the results the most important value for the population is safety that is followed by the need for fun and enjoyment in life. During the analysis of the value list a factor structure – different from the standard – was revealed that formed the base of the segmentation. Four consumer segments were identified, the Value oriented, the Moderately value driven, the Safety seeker, and the Disappointed segments. The Value oriented segment can be considered as the primary target group of health protecting foods as members of this group moved to the direction of more health conscious consumption and in parallel of more health conscious food purchase to the greatest extent (18.5%). The second group showing significant changes is the Safety seekers that suggests that the extent of the value orientation significantly affects the behavior, i.e. food purchase and food consumption independently of its content. The value content provides information to the development of the content elements of the marketing strategy and the marketing message for the producers of health protecting foods.
Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus | 2003
Csaba Sarudi; Zoltán Szakály; Attila Máthé; Viktória Szente
Sustainability | 2017
Zoltán Szakály; József Popp; Enikő Kontor; Sándor Kovács; Károly Pető; Helga Jasák
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research | 2014
Zoltán Szakály; Péter Balogh; Helga Jasák; Sára Szabó; Viktória Szente