Featured Researches

Computation And Language

DOBF: A Deobfuscation Pre-Training Objective for Programming Languages

Recent advances in self-supervised learning have dramatically improved the state of the art on a wide variety of tasks. However, research in language model pre-training has mostly focused on natural languages, and it is unclear whether models like BERT and its variants provide the best pre-training when applied to other modalities, such as source code. In this paper, we introduce a new pre-training objective, DOBF, that leverages the structural aspect of programming languages and pre-trains a model to recover the original version of obfuscated source code. We show that models pre-trained with DOBF significantly outperform existing approaches on multiple downstream tasks, providing relative improvements of up to 13% in unsupervised code translation, and 24% in natural language code search. Incidentally, we found that our pre-trained model is able to de-obfuscate fully obfuscated source files, and to suggest descriptive variable names.

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Computation And Language

DOCENT: Learning Self-Supervised Entity Representations from Large Document Collections

This paper explores learning rich self-supervised entity representations from large amounts of the associated text. Once pre-trained, these models become applicable to multiple entity-centric tasks such as ranked retrieval, knowledge base completion, question answering, and more. Unlike other methods that harvest self-supervision signals based merely on a local context within a sentence, we radically expand the notion of context to include any available text related to an entity. This enables a new class of powerful, high-capacity representations that can ultimately distill much of the useful information about an entity from multiple text sources, without any human supervision. We present several training strategies that, unlike prior approaches, learn to jointly predict words and entities -- strategies we compare experimentally on downstream tasks in the TV-Movies domain, such as MovieLens tag prediction from user reviews and natural language movie search. As evidenced by results, our models match or outperform competitive baselines, sometimes with little or no fine-tuning, and can scale to very large corpora. Finally, we make our datasets and pre-trained models publicly available. This includes Reviews2Movielens (see https://goo.gle/research-docent ), mapping the up to 1B word corpus of Amazon movie reviews (He and McAuley, 2016) to MovieLens tags (Harper and Konstan, 2016), as well as Reddit Movie Suggestions (see this https URL ) with natural language queries and corresponding community recommendations.

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Computation And Language

DRAG: Director-Generator Language Modelling Framework for Non-Parallel Author Stylized Rewriting

Author stylized rewriting is the task of rewriting an input text in a particular author's style. Recent works in this area have leveraged Transformer-based language models in a denoising autoencoder setup to generate author stylized text without relying on a parallel corpus of data. However, these approaches are limited by the lack of explicit control of target attributes and being entirely data-driven. In this paper, we propose a Director-Generator framework to rewrite content in the target author's style, specifically focusing on certain target attributes. We show that our proposed framework works well even with a limited-sized target author corpus. Our experiments on corpora consisting of relatively small-sized text authored by three distinct authors show significant improvements upon existing works to rewrite input texts in target author's style. Our quantitative and qualitative analyses further show that our model has better meaning retention and results in more fluent generations.

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Computation And Language

Data-to-text Generation with Macro Planning

Recent approaches to data-to-text generation have adopted the very successful encoder-decoder architecture or variants thereof. These models generate text which is fluent (but often imprecise) and perform quite poorly at selecting appropriate content and ordering it coherently. To overcome some of these issues, we propose a neural model with a macro planning stage followed by a generation stage reminiscent of traditional methods which embrace separate modules for planning and surface realization. Macro plans represent high level organization of important content such as entities, events and their interactions; they are learnt from data and given as input to the generator. Extensive experiments on two data-to-text benchmarks (RotoWire and MLB) show that our approach outperforms competitive baselines in terms of automatic and human evaluation.

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Computation And Language

Debiasing Pre-trained Contextualised Embeddings

In comparison to the numerous debiasing methods proposed for the static non-contextualised word embeddings, the discriminative biases in contextualised embeddings have received relatively little attention. We propose a fine-tuning method that can be applied at token- or sentence-levels to debias pre-trained contextualised embeddings. Our proposed method can be applied to any pre-trained contextualised embedding model, without requiring to retrain those models. Using gender bias as an illustrative example, we then conduct a systematic study using several state-of-the-art (SoTA) contextualised representations on multiple benchmark datasets to evaluate the level of biases encoded in different contextualised embeddings before and after debiasing using the proposed method. We find that applying token-level debiasing for all tokens and across all layers of a contextualised embedding model produces the best performance. Interestingly, we observe that there is a trade-off between creating an accurate vs. unbiased contextualised embedding model, and different contextualised embedding models respond differently to this trade-off.

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Computation And Language

Decoding EEG Brain Activity for Multi-Modal Natural Language Processing

Until recently, human behavioral data from reading has mainly been of interest to researchers to understand human cognition. However, these human language processing signals can also be beneficial in machine learning-based natural language processing tasks. Using EEG brain activity to this purpose is largely unexplored as of yet. In this paper, we present the first large-scale study of systematically analyzing the potential of EEG brain activity data for improving natural language processing tasks, with a special focus on which features of the signal are most beneficial. We present a multi-modal machine learning architecture that learns jointly from textual input as well as from EEG features. We find that filtering the EEG signals into frequency bands is more beneficial than using the broadband signal. Moreover, for a range of word embedding types, EEG data improves binary and ternary sentiment classification and outperforms multiple baselines. For more complex tasks such as relation detection, further research is needed. Finally, EEG data shows to be particularly promising when limited training data is available.

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Computation And Language

Decontextualization: Making Sentences Stand-Alone

Models for question answering, dialogue agents, and summarization often interpret the meaning of a sentence in a rich context and use that meaning in a new context. Taking excerpts of text can be problematic, as key pieces may not be explicit in a local window. We isolate and define the problem of sentence decontextualization: taking a sentence together with its context and rewriting it to be interpretable out of context, while preserving its meaning. We describe an annotation procedure, collect data on the Wikipedia corpus, and use the data to train models to automatically decontextualize sentences. We present preliminary studies that show the value of sentence decontextualization in a user facing task, and as preprocessing for systems that perform document understanding. We argue that decontextualization is an important subtask in many downstream applications, and that the definitions and resources provided can benefit tasks that operate on sentences that occur in a richer context.

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Computation And Language

Decoupling the Role of Data, Attention, and Losses in Multimodal Transformers

Recently multimodal transformer models have gained popularity because their performance on language and vision tasks suggest they learn rich visual-linguistic representations. Focusing on zero-shot image retrieval tasks, we study three important factors which can impact the quality of learned representations: pretraining data, the attention mechanism, and loss functions. By pretraining models on six datasets, we observe that dataset noise and language similarity to our downstream task are important indicators of model performance. Through architectural analysis, we learn that models with a multimodal attention mechanism can outperform deeper models with modality specific attention mechanisms. Finally, we show that successful contrastive losses used in the self-supervised learning literature do not yield similar performance gains when used in multimodal transformers

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Computation And Language

Deep Neural Network Based Relation Extraction: An Overview

Knowledge is a formal way of understanding the world, providing a human-level cognition and intelligence for the next-generation artificial intelligence (AI). One of the representations of knowledge is semantic relations between entities. An effective way to automatically acquire this important knowledge, called Relation Extraction (RE), a sub-task of information extraction, plays a vital role in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Its purpose is to identify semantic relations between entities from natural language text. To date, there are several studies for RE in previous works, which have documented these techniques based on Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) become a prevailing technique in this research. Especially, the supervised and distant supervision methods based on DNNs are the most popular and reliable solutions for RE. This article 1) introduces some general concepts, and further 2) gives a comprehensive overview of DNNs in RE from two points of view: supervised RE, which attempts to improve the standard RE systems, and distant supervision RE, which adopts DNNs to design sentence encoder and de-noise method. We further 3) cover some novel methods and recent trends as well as discuss possible future research directions for this task.

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Computation And Language

Deep Structured Feature Networks for Table Detection and Tabular Data Extraction from Scanned Financial Document Images

Automatic table detection in PDF documents has achieved a great success but tabular data extraction are still challenging due to the integrity and noise issues in detected table areas. The accurate data extraction is extremely crucial in finance area. Inspired by this, the aim of this research is proposing an automated table detection and tabular data extraction from financial PDF documents. We proposed a method that consists of three main processes, which are detecting table areas with a Faster R-CNN (Region-based Convolutional Neural Network) model with Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) on each page image, extracting contents and structures by a compounded layout segmentation technique based on optical character recognition (OCR) and formulating regular expression rules for table header separation. The tabular data extraction feature is embedded with rule-based filtering and restructuring functions that are highly scalable. We annotate a new Financial Documents dataset with table regions for the experiment. The excellent table detection performance of the detection model is obtained from our customized dataset. The main contributions of this paper are proposing the Financial Documents dataset with table-area annotations, the superior detection model and the rule-based layout segmentation technique for the tabular data extraction from PDF files.

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