Featured Researches

Computation And Language

Evaluation of BERT and ALBERT Sentence Embedding Performance on Downstream NLP Tasks

Contextualized representations from a pre-trained language model are central to achieve a high performance on downstream NLP task. The pre-trained BERT and A Lite BERT (ALBERT) models can be fine-tuned to give state-ofthe-art results in sentence-pair regressions such as semantic textual similarity (STS) and natural language inference (NLI). Although BERT-based models yield the [CLS] token vector as a reasonable sentence embedding, the search for an optimal sentence embedding scheme remains an active research area in computational linguistics. This paper explores on sentence embedding models for BERT and ALBERT. In particular, we take a modified BERT network with siamese and triplet network structures called Sentence-BERT (SBERT) and replace BERT with ALBERT to create Sentence-ALBERT (SALBERT). We also experiment with an outer CNN sentence-embedding network for SBERT and SALBERT. We evaluate performances of all sentence-embedding models considered using the STS and NLI datasets. The empirical results indicate that our CNN architecture improves ALBERT models substantially more than BERT models for STS benchmark. Despite significantly fewer model parameters, ALBERT sentence embedding is highly competitive to BERT in downstream NLP evaluations.

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Computation And Language

Event-Driven News Stream Clustering using Entity-Aware Contextual Embeddings

We propose a method for online news stream clustering that is a variant of the non-parametric streaming K-means algorithm. Our model uses a combination of sparse and dense document representations, aggregates document-cluster similarity along these multiple representations and makes the clustering decision using a neural classifier. The weighted document-cluster similarity model is learned using a novel adaptation of the triplet loss into a linear classification objective. We show that the use of a suitable fine-tuning objective and external knowledge in pre-trained transformer models yields significant improvements in the effectiveness of contextual embeddings for clustering. Our model achieves a new state-of-the-art on a standard stream clustering dataset of English documents.

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Computation And Language

Explaining Natural Language Processing Classifiers with Occlusion and Language Modeling

Deep neural networks are powerful statistical learners. However, their predictions do not come with an explanation of their process. To analyze these models, explanation methods are being developed. We present a novel explanation method, called OLM, for natural language processing classifiers. This method combines occlusion and language modeling, which are techniques central to explainability and NLP, respectively. OLM gives explanations that are theoretically sound and easy to understand. We make several contributions to the theory of explanation methods. Axioms for explanation methods are an interesting theoretical concept to explore their basics and deduce methods. We introduce a new axiom, give its intuition and show it contradicts another existing axiom. Additionally, we point out theoretical difficulties of existing gradient-based and some occlusion-based explanation methods in natural language processing. We provide an extensive argument why evaluation of explanation methods is difficult. We compare OLM to other explanation methods and underline its uniqueness experimentally. Finally, we investigate corner cases of OLM and discuss its validity and possible improvements.

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Computation And Language

Exploiting Multimodal Reinforcement Learning for Simultaneous Machine Translation

This paper addresses the problem of simultaneous machine translation (SiMT) by exploring two main concepts: (a) adaptive policies to learn a good trade-off between high translation quality and low latency; and (b) visual information to support this process by providing additional (visual) contextual information which may be available before the textual input is produced. For that, we propose a multimodal approach to simultaneous machine translation using reinforcement learning, with strategies to integrate visual and textual information in both the agent and the environment. We provide an exploration on how different types of visual information and integration strategies affect the quality and latency of simultaneous translation models, and demonstrate that visual cues lead to higher quality while keeping the latency low.

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Computation And Language

Exploring Classic and Neural Lexical Translation Models for Information Retrieval: Interpretability, Effectiveness, and Efficiency Benefits

We study the utility of the lexical translation model (IBM Model 1) for English text retrieval, in particular, its neural variants that are trained end-to-end. We use the neural Model1 as an aggregator layer applied to context-free or contextualized query/document embeddings. This new approach to design a neural ranking system has benefits for effectiveness, efficiency, and interpretability. Specifically, we show that adding an interpretable neural Model 1 layer on top of BERT-based contextualized embeddings (1) does not decrease accuracy and/or efficiency; and (2) may overcome the limitation on the maximum sequence length of existing BERT models. The context-free neural Model 1 is less effective than a BERT-based ranking model, but it can run efficiently on a CPU (without expensive index-time precomputation or query-time operations on large tensors). Using Model 1 we produced best neural and non-neural runs on the MS MARCO document ranking leaderboard in late 2020.

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Computation And Language

Exploring Supervised and Unsupervised Rewards in Machine Translation

Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a powerful framework to address the discrepancy between loss functions used during training and the final evaluation metrics to be used at test time. When applied to neural Machine Translation (MT), it minimises the mismatch between the cross-entropy loss and non-differentiable evaluation metrics like BLEU. However, the suitability of these metrics as reward function at training time is questionable: they tend to be sparse and biased towards the specific words used in the reference texts. We propose to address this problem by making models less reliant on such metrics in two ways: (a) with an entropy-regularised RL method that does not only maximise a reward function but also explore the action space to avoid peaky distributions; (b) with a novel RL method that explores a dynamic unsupervised reward function to balance between exploration and exploitation. We base our proposals on the Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) framework, adapting the off-policy maximum entropy model for language generation applications such as MT. We demonstrate that SAC with BLEU reward tends to overfit less to the training data and performs better on out-of-domain data. We also show that our dynamic unsupervised reward can lead to better translation of ambiguous words.

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Computation And Language

Exploring Text-transformers in AAAI 2021 Shared Task: COVID-19 Fake News Detection in English

In this paper, we describe our system for the AAAI 2021 shared task of COVID-19 Fake News Detection in English, where we achieved the 3rd position with the weighted F1 score of 0.9859 on the test set. Specifically, we proposed an ensemble method of different pre-trained language models such as BERT, Roberta, Ernie, etc. with various training strategies including warm-up,learning rate schedule and k-fold cross-validation. We also conduct an extensive analysis of the samples that are not correctly classified. The code is available at:this https URL.

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Computation And Language

Exploring Transformers in Natural Language Generation: GPT, BERT, and XLNet

Recent years have seen a proliferation of attention mechanisms and the rise of Transformers in Natural Language Generation (NLG). Previously, state-of-the-art NLG architectures such as RNN and LSTM ran into vanishing gradient problems; as sentences grew larger, distance between positions remained linear, and sequential computation hindered parallelization since sentences were processed word by word. Transformers usher in a new era. In this paper, we explore three major Transformer-based models, namely GPT, BERT, and XLNet, that carry significant implications for the field. NLG is a burgeoning area that is now bolstered with rapid developments in attention mechanisms. From poetry generation to summarization, text generation derives benefit as Transformer-based language models achieve groundbreaking results.

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Computation And Language

Exploring Transitivity in Neural NLI Models through Veridicality

Despite the recent success of deep neural networks in natural language processing, the extent to which they can demonstrate human-like generalization capacities for natural language understanding remains unclear. We explore this issue in the domain of natural language inference (NLI), focusing on the transitivity of inference relations, a fundamental property for systematically drawing inferences. A model capturing transitivity can compose basic inference patterns and draw new inferences. We introduce an analysis method using synthetic and naturalistic NLI datasets involving clause-embedding verbs to evaluate whether models can perform transitivity inferences composed of veridical inferences and arbitrary inference types. We find that current NLI models do not perform consistently well on transitivity inference tasks, suggesting that they lack the generalization capacity for drawing composite inferences from provided training examples. The data and code for our analysis are publicly available at this https URL.

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Computation And Language

Exploring multi-task multi-lingual learning of transformer models for hate speech and offensive speech identification in social media

Hate Speech has become a major content moderation issue for online social media platforms. Given the volume and velocity of online content production, it is impossible to manually moderate hate speech related content on any platform. In this paper we utilize a multi-task and multi-lingual approach based on recently proposed Transformer Neural Networks to solve three sub-tasks for hate speech. These sub-tasks were part of the 2019 shared task on hate speech and offensive content (HASOC) identification in Indo-European languages. We expand on our submission to that competition by utilizing multi-task models which are trained using three approaches, a) multi-task learning with separate task heads, b) back-translation, and c) multi-lingual training. Finally, we investigate the performance of various models and identify instances where the Transformer based models perform differently and better. We show that it is possible to to utilize different combined approaches to obtain models that can generalize easily on different languages and tasks, while trading off slight accuracy (in some cases) for a much reduced inference time compute cost. We open source an updated version of our HASOC 2019 code with the new improvements at this https URL.

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