Featured Researches

Computation And Language

Effect of Word Embedding Variable Parameters on Arabic Sentiment Analysis Performance

Social media such as Twitter, Facebook, etc. has led to a generated growing number of comments that contains users opinions. Sentiment analysis research deals with these comments to extract opinions which are positive or negative. Arabic language is a rich morphological language; thus, classical techniques of English sentiment analysis cannot be used for Arabic. Word embedding technique can be considered as one of successful methods to gaping the morphological problem of Arabic. Many works have been done for Arabic sentiment analysis based on word embedding, but there is no study focused on variable parameters. This study will discuss three parameters (Window size, Dimension of vector and Negative Sample) for Arabic sentiment analysis using DBOW and DMPV architectures. A large corpus of previous works generated to learn word representations and extract features. Four binary classifiers (Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine and Naive Bayes) are used to detect sentiment. The performance of classifiers evaluated based on; Precision, Recall and F1-score.

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Computation And Language

Effects of Layer Freezing when Transferring DeepSpeech to New Languages

In this paper, we train Mozilla's DeepSpeech architecture on German and Swiss German speech datasets and compare the results of different training methods. We first train the models from scratch on both languages and then improve upon the results by using an English pretrained version of DeepSpeech for weight initialization and experiment with the effects of freezing different layers during training. We see that even freezing only one layer already improves the results dramatically.

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Computation And Language

EfficientQA : a RoBERTa Based Phrase-Indexed Question-Answering System

State-of-the-art extractive question answering models achieve superhuman performances on the SQuAD benchmark. Yet, they are unreasonably heavy and need expensive GPU computing to answer questions in a reasonable time. Thus, they cannot be used for real-world queries on hundreds of thousands of documents in the open-domain question answering paradigm. In this paper, we explore the possibility to transfer the natural language understanding of language models into dense vectors representing questions and answer candidates, in order to make the task of question-answering compatible with a simple nearest neighbor search task. This new model, that we call EfficientQA, takes advantage from the pair of sequences kind of input of BERT-based models to build meaningful dense representations of candidate answers. These latter are extracted from the context in a question-agnostic fashion. Our model achieves state-of-the-art results in Phrase-Indexed Question Answering (PIQA) beating the previous state-of-art by 1.3 points in exact-match and 1.4 points in f1-score. These results show that dense vectors are able to embed very rich semantic representations of sequences, although these ones were built from language models not originally trained for the use-case. Thus, in order to build more resource efficient NLP systems in the future, training language models that are better adapted to build dense representations of phrases is one of the possibilities.

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Computation And Language

El Volumen Louder Por Favor: Code-switching in Task-oriented Semantic Parsing

Being able to parse code-switched (CS) utterances, such as Spanish+English or Hindi+English, is essential to democratize task-oriented semantic parsing systems for certain locales. In this work, we focus on Spanglish (Spanish+English) and release a dataset, CSTOP, containing 5800 CS utterances alongside their semantic parses. We examine the CS generalizability of various Cross-lingual (XL) models and exhibit the advantage of pre-trained XL language models when data for only one language is present. As such, we focus on improving the pre-trained models for the case when only English corpus alongside either zero or a few CS training instances are available. We propose two data augmentation methods for the zero-shot and the few-shot settings: fine-tune using translate-and-align and augment using a generation model followed by match-and-filter. Combining the few-shot setting with the above improvements decreases the initial 30-point accuracy gap between the zero-shot and the full-data settings by two thirds.

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Computation And Language

Embracing Domain Differences in Fake News: Cross-domain Fake News Detection using Multi-modal Data

With the rapid evolution of social media, fake news has become a significant social problem, which cannot be addressed in a timely manner using manual investigation. This has motivated numerous studies on automating fake news detection. Most studies explore supervised training models with different modalities (e.g., text, images, and propagation networks) of news records to identify fake news. However, the performance of such techniques generally drops if news records are coming from different domains (e.g., politics, entertainment), especially for domains that are unseen or rarely-seen during training. As motivation, we empirically show that news records from different domains have significantly different word usage and propagation patterns. Furthermore, due to the sheer volume of unlabelled news records, it is challenging to select news records for manual labelling so that the domain-coverage of the labelled dataset is maximized. Hence, this work: (1) proposes a novel framework that jointly preserves domain-specific and cross-domain knowledge in news records to detect fake news from different domains; and (2) introduces an unsupervised technique to select a set of unlabelled informative news records for manual labelling, which can be ultimately used to train a fake news detection model that performs well for many domains while minimizing the labelling cost. Our experiments show that the integration of the proposed fake news model and the selective annotation approach achieves state-of-the-art performance for cross-domain news datasets, while yielding notable improvements for rarely-appearing domains in news datasets.

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Computation And Language

Emoji-Based Transfer Learning for Sentiment Tasks

Sentiment tasks such as hate speech detection and sentiment analysis, especially when performed on languages other than English, are often low-resource. In this study, we exploit the emotional information encoded in emojis to enhance the performance on a variety of sentiment tasks. This is done using a transfer learning approach, where the parameters learned by an emoji-based source task are transferred to a sentiment target task. We analyse the efficacy of the transfer under three conditions, i.e. i) the emoji content and ii) label distribution of the target task as well as iii) the difference between monolingually and multilingually learned source tasks. We find i.a. that the transfer is most beneficial if the target task is balanced with high emoji content. Monolingually learned source tasks have the benefit of taking into account the culturally specific use of emojis and gain up to F1 +0.280 over the baseline.

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Computation And Language

Emotion-Aware, Emotion-Agnostic, or Automatic: Corpus Creation Strategies to Obtain Cognitive Event Appraisal Annotations

Appraisal theories explain how the cognitive evaluation of an event leads to a particular emotion. In contrast to theories of basic emotions or affect (valence/arousal), this theory has not received a lot of attention in natural language processing. Yet, in psychology it has been proven powerful: Smith and Ellsworth (1985) showed that the appraisal dimensions attention, certainty, anticipated effort, pleasantness, responsibility/control and situational control discriminate between (at least) 15 emotion classes. We study different annotation strategies for these dimensions, based on the event-focused enISEAR corpus (Troiano et al., 2019). We analyze two manual annotation settings: (1) showing the text to annotate while masking the experienced emotion label; (2) revealing the emotion associated with the text. Setting 2 enables the annotators to develop a more realistic intuition of the described event, while Setting 1 is a more standard annotation procedure, purely relying on text. We evaluate these strategies in two ways: by measuring inter-annotator agreement and by fine-tuning RoBERTa to predict appraisal variables. Our results show that knowledge of the emotion increases annotators' reliability. Further, we evaluate a purely automatic rule-based labeling strategy (inferring appraisal from annotated emotion classes). Training on automatically assigned labels leads to a competitive performance of our classifier, even when tested on manual annotations. This is an indicator that it might be possible to automatically create appraisal corpora for every domain for which emotion corpora already exist.

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Computation And Language

End-to-End Automatic Speech Recognition with Deep Mutual Learning

This paper is the first study to apply deep mutual learning (DML) to end-to-end ASR models. In DML, multiple models are trained simultaneously and collaboratively by mimicking each other throughout the training process, which helps to attain the global optimum and prevent models from making over-confident predictions. While previous studies applied DML to simple multi-class classification problems, there are no studies that have used it on more complex sequence-to-sequence mapping problems. For this reason, this paper presents a method to apply DML to state-of-the-art Transformer-based end-to-end ASR models. In particular, we propose to combine DML with recent representative training techniques. i.e., label smoothing, scheduled sampling, and SpecAugment, each of which are essential for powerful end-to-end ASR models. We expect that these training techniques work well with DML because DML has complementary characteristics. We experimented with two setups for Japanese ASR tasks: large-scale modeling and compact modeling. We demonstrate that DML improves the ASR performance of both modeling setups compared with conventional learning methods including knowledge distillation. We also show that combining DML with the existing training techniques effectively improves ASR performance.

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Computation And Language

End2End Acoustic to Semantic Transduction

In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end sequence-to-sequence spoken language understanding model using an attention mechanism. It reliably selects contextual acoustic features in order to hypothesize semantic contents. An initial architecture capable of extracting all pronounced words and concepts from acoustic spans is designed and tested. With a shallow fusion language model, this system reaches a 13.6 concept error rate (CER) and an 18.5 concept value error rate (CVER) on the French MEDIA corpus, achieving an absolute 2.8 points reduction compared to the state-of-the-art. Then, an original model is proposed for hypothesizing concepts and their values. This transduction reaches a 15.4 CER and a 21.6 CVER without any new type of context.

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Computation And Language

English Machine Reading Comprehension Datasets: A Survey

This paper surveys 54 English Machine Reading Comprehension datasets, with a view to providing a convenient resource for other researchers interested in this problem. We categorize the datasets according to their question and answer form and compare them across various dimensions including size, vocabulary, data source, method of creation, human performance level, and first question word. Our analysis reveals that Wikipedia is by far the most common data source and that there is a relative lack of why, when, and where questions across datasets.

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