Featured Researches

Image And Video Processing

Deep Learning Models May Spuriously Classify Covid-19 from X-ray Images Based on Confounders

Identifying who is infected with the Covid-19 virus is critical for controlling its spread. X-ray machines are widely available worldwide and can quickly provide images that can be used for diagnosis. A number of recent studies claim it may be possible to build highly accurate models, using deep learning, to detect Covid-19 from chest X-ray images. This paper explores the robustness and generalization ability of convolutional neural network models in diagnosing Covid-19 disease from frontal-view (AP/PA), raw chest X-ray images that were lung field cropped. Some concerning observations are made about high performing models that have learned to rely on confounding features related to the data source, rather than the patient's lung pathology, when differentiating between Covid-19 positive and negative labels. Specifically, these models likely made diagnoses based on confounding factors such as patient age or image processing artifacts, rather than medically relevant information.

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Image And Video Processing

Deep Learning Models for Calculation of Cardiothoracic Ratio from Chest Radiographs for Assisted Diagnosis of Cardiomegaly

We propose an automated method based on deep learning to compute the cardiothoracic ratio and detect the presence of cardiomegaly from chest radiographs. We develop two separate models to demarcate the heart and chest regions in an X-ray image using bounding boxes and use their outputs to calculate the cardiothoracic ratio. We obtain a sensitivity of 0.96 at a specificity of 0.81 with a mean absolute error of 0.0209 on a held-out test dataset and a sensitivity of 0.84 at a specificity of 0.97 with a mean absolute error of 0.018 on an independent dataset from a different hospital. We also compare three different segmentation model architectures for the proposed method and observe that Attention U-Net yields better results than SE-Resnext U-Net and EfficientNet U-Net. By providing a numeric measurement of the cardiothoracic ratio, we hope to mitigate human subjectivity arising out of visual assessment in the detection of cardiomegaly.

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Image And Video Processing

Deep Learning based NAS Score and Fibrosis Stage Prediction from CT and Pathology Data

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is becoming increasingly prevalent in the world population. Without diagnosis at the right time, NAFLD can lead to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and subsequent liver damage. The diagnosis and treatment of NAFLD depend on the NAFLD activity score (NAS) and the liver fibrosis stage, which are usually evaluated from liver biopsies by pathologists. In this work, we propose a novel method to automatically predict NAS score and fibrosis stage from CT data that is non-invasive and inexpensive to obtain compared with liver biopsy. We also present a method to combine the information from CT and H\&E stained pathology data to improve the performance of NAS score and fibrosis stage prediction, when both types of data are available. This is of great value to assist the pathologists in computer-aided diagnosis process. Experiments on a 30-patient dataset illustrate the effectiveness of our method.

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Image And Video Processing

Deep Learning compatible Differentiable X-ray Projections for Inverse Rendering

Many minimally invasive interventional procedures still rely on 2D fluoroscopic imaging. Generating a patient-specific 3D model from these X-ray projection data would allow to improve the procedural workflow, e.g. by providing assistance functions such as automatic positioning. To accomplish this, two things are required. First, a statistical human shape model of the human anatomy and second, a differentiable X-ray renderer. In this work, we propose a differentiable renderer by deriving the distance travelled by a ray inside mesh structures to generate a distance map. To demonstrate its functioning, we use it for simulating X-ray images from human shape models. Then we show its application by solving the inverse problem, namely reconstructing 3D models from real 2D fluoroscopy images of the pelvis, which is an ideal anatomical structure for patient registration. This is accomplished by an iterative optimization strategy using gradient descent. With the majority of the pelvis being in the fluoroscopic field of view, we achieve a mean Hausdorff distance of 30 mm between the reconstructed model and the ground truth segmentation.

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Image And Video Processing

Deep Learning for Automatic Spleen Length Measurement in Sickle Cell Disease Patients

Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is one of the most common genetic diseases in the world. Splenomegaly (abnormal enlargement of the spleen) is frequent among children with SCD. If left untreated, splenomegaly can be life-threatening. The current workflow to measure spleen size includes palpation, possibly followed by manual length measurement in 2D ultrasound imaging. However, this manual measurement is dependent on operator expertise and is subject to intra- and inter-observer variability. We investigate the use of deep learning to perform automatic estimation of spleen length from ultrasound images. We investigate two types of approach, one segmentation-based and one based on direct length estimation, and compare the results against measurements made by human experts. Our best model (segmentation-based) achieved a percentage length error of 7.42%, which is approaching the level of inter-observer variability (5.47%-6.34%). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to measure spleen size in a fully automated way from ultrasound images.

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Image And Video Processing

Deep Learning-Based Automatic Detection of Poorly Positioned Mammograms to Minimize Patient Return Visits for Repeat Imaging: A Real-World Application

Screening mammograms are a routine imaging exam performed to detect breast cancer in its early stages to reduce morbidity and mortality attributed to this disease. In order to maximize the efficacy of breast cancer screening programs, proper mammographic positioning is paramount. Proper positioning ensures adequate visualization of breast tissue and is necessary for effective breast cancer detection. Therefore, breast-imaging radiologists must assess each mammogram for the adequacy of positioning before providing a final interpretation of the examination; this often necessitates return patient visits for additional imaging. In this paper, we propose a deep learning-algorithm method that mimics and automates this decision-making process to identify poorly positioned mammograms. Our objective for this algorithm is to assist mammography technologists in recognizing inadequately positioned mammograms real-time, improve the quality of mammographic positioning and performance, and ultimately reducing repeat visits for patients with initially inadequate imaging. The proposed model showed a true positive rate for detecting correct positioning of 91.35% in the mediolateral oblique view and 95.11% in the craniocaudal view. In addition to these results, we also present an automatically generated report which can aid the mammography technologist in taking corrective measures during the patient visit.

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Image And Video Processing

Deep Learning-Based Detail Map Estimation for MultiSpectral Image Fusion in Remote Sensing

This paper presents a deep learning-based estimation of the intensity component of MultiSpectral bands by considering joint multiplication of the neighbouring spectral bands. This estimation is conducted as part of the component substitution approach for fusion of PANchromatic and MultiSpectral images in remote sensing. After computing the band dependent intensity components, a deep neural network is trained to learn the nonlinear relationship between a PAN image and its nonlinear intensity components. Low Resolution MultiSpectral bands are then fed into the trained network to obtain an estimate of High Resolution MultiSpectral bands. Experiments conducted on three datasets show that the developed deep learning-based estimation approach provides improved performance compared to the existing methods based on three objective metrics.

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Image And Video Processing

Deep Learning-based Four-region Lung Segmentation in Chest Radiography for COVID-19 Diagnosis

Purpose. Imaging plays an important role in assessing severity of COVID 19 pneumonia. However, semantic interpretation of chest radiography (CXR) findings does not include quantitative description of radiographic opacities. Most current AI assisted CXR image analysis framework do not quantify for regional variations of disease. To address these, we proposed a four region lung segmentation method to assist accurate quantification of COVID 19 pneumonia. Methods. A segmentation model to separate left and right lung is firstly applied, and then a carina and left hilum detection network is used, which are the clinical landmarks to separate the upper and lower lungs. To improve the segmentation performance of COVID 19 images, ensemble strategy incorporating five models is exploited. Using each region, we evaluated the clinical relevance of the proposed method with the Radiographic Assessment of the Quality of Lung Edema (RALE). Results. The proposed ensemble strategy showed dice score of 0.900, which is significantly higher than conventional methods (0.854 0.889). Mean intensities of segmented four regions indicate positive correlation to the extent and density scores of pulmonary opacities under the RALE framework. Conclusion. A deep learning based model in CXR can accurately segment and quantify regional distribution of pulmonary opacities in patients with COVID 19 pneumonia.

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Image And Video Processing

Deep Learning-based Low-dose Tomography Reconstruction with Hybrid-dose Measurements

Synchrotron-based X-ray computed tomography is widely used for investigating inner structures of specimens at high spatial resolutions. However, potential beam damage to samples often limits the X-ray exposure during tomography experiments. Proposed strategies for eliminating beam damage also decrease reconstruction quality. Here we present a deep learning-based method to enhance low-dose tomography reconstruction via a hybrid-dose acquisition strategy composed of extremely sparse-view normal-dose projections and full-view low-dose projections. Corresponding image pairs are extracted from low-/normal-dose projections to train a deep convolutional neural network, which is then applied to enhance full-view noisy low-dose projections. Evaluation on two experimental datasets under different hybrid-dose acquisition conditions show significantly improved structural details and reduced noise levels compared to uniformly distributed acquisitions with the same number of total dosage. The resulting reconstructions also preserve more structural information than reconstructions processed with traditional analytical and regularization-based iterative reconstruction methods from uniform acquisitions. Our performance comparisons show that our implementation, HDrec, can perform denoising of a real-world experimental data 410x faster than the state-of-the-art Xlearn method while providing better quality. This framework can be applied to other tomographic or scanning based X-ray imaging techniques for enhanced analysis of dose-sensitive samples and has great potential for studying fast dynamic processes.

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Image And Video Processing

Deep Local and Global Spatiotemporal Feature Aggregation for Blind Video Quality Assessment

In recent years, deep learning has achieved promising success for multimedia quality assessment, especially for image quality assessment (IQA). However, since there exist more complex temporal characteristics in videos, very little work has been done on video quality assessment (VQA) by exploiting powerful deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs). In this paper, we propose an efficient VQA method named Deep SpatioTemporal video Quality assessor (DeepSTQ) to predict the perceptual quality of various distorted videos in a no-reference manner. In the proposed DeepSTQ, we first extract local and global spatiotemporal features by pre-trained deep learning models without fine-tuning or training from scratch. The composited features consider distorted video frames as well as frame difference maps from both global and local views. Then, the feature aggregation is conducted by the regression model to predict the perceptual video quality. Finally, experimental results demonstrate that our proposed DeepSTQ outperforms state-of-the-art quality assessment algorithms.

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