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Featured researches published by Ana Cláudia Nascimento Campos.

Italian Journal of Animal Science | 2014

Body Composition and Net Energy Requirements of Brazilian Somali Lambs

Elzânia Sales Pereira; Rildson Melo Fontenele; Aderbal Marcos de Azevedo Silva; Ronaldo Lopes Oliveira; Marcus R.G. Ferreira; Ivone Yurika Mizubuti; Maria Socorro de Souza Carneiro; Ana Cláudia Nascimento Campos

The aim of this study was to determine the energy requirements for maintenance (NEm) and growth of 48 Brazilian Somali ram lambs with an average initial body weight of 13.47±1.76 kg. Eight animals were slaughtered at the trials beginning as a reference group to estimate the initial empty body weight (EBW) and body composition. The remaining animals were assigned to a randomised block design with eight replications per block and five diets with increasing metabolisable energy content (4.93, 8.65, 9.41, 10.12 and 11.24 MJ/kg dry matter). The logarithm of heat production was regressed against metabolisable energy intake (MEI), and the NEm (kJ/kg0.75 EBW/day) were estimated by extrapolation, when MEI was set at zero. The NEm was 239.77 kJ/kg0.75 EBW/day. The animal’s energy and EBW fat contents increased from 11.20 MJ/kg and 208.54 g/kg to 13.54 MJ/kg and 274.95 g/kg of EBW, respectively, as the BW increased from 13 to 28.70 kg. The net energy requirements for EBW gain increased from 13.79 to 16.72 MJ/kg EBW gain for body weights of 13 and 28.70 kg. Our study indicated the net energy requirements for maintenance in Brazilian Somali lambs were similar to the values commonly recommended by the United States’ nutritional system, but lower than the values recommended by Agricultural Research Council and Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. Net requirements for weight gain were less compared to the values commonly recommended by nutritional system of the United States.

Semina-ciencias Agrarias | 2012

Weight and yield of non-carcass components of Morada Nova lambs fed with different levels of metabolizable energy

Danilo de Araújo Camilo; Elzânia Sales Pereira; Patrícia Guimarães Pimentel; Marcus Roberto Góes Ferreira Costa; Ivone Yurika Mizubuti; Edson Luis de Azambuja Ribeiro; Ana Cláudia Nascimento Campos; Andréa Pereira Pinto; Greicy Mitzi Bezerra Moreno

Objetivou-se com o presente estudo avaliar o efeito de diferentes niveis de energia metabolizavel (EM) sobre: peso do conteudo do trato gastrintestinal, peso e rendimento dos orgaos internos e compartimentos gastrintestinais em ovinos Morada Nova em crescimento. Foram utilizados 32 animais, nao castrados, com peso corporal medio de 12,12 ± 1,69 kg e, aproximadamente, dois meses de idade. Os animais foram distribuidos em quatro diferentes niveis de EM (1,28; 1,72; 2,18 e 2,62 Mcal/kg de MS), em delineamento em blocos casualizados, com oito repeticoes por nivel de EM. O feno de Tifton 85 foi utilizado como volumoso. Nao foi observado efeito (P > 0,05) dos niveis de energia sobre o peso do conteudo gastrintestinal. Verificou-se efeito linear crescente (P < 0,05) dos niveis de EM sobre os pesos do coracao, PTEL (pulmoes, traqueia, esofago e lingua), figado e baco, expressos em kg. Em relacao aos compartimentos do trato gastrintestinal foi observado efeito linear crescente (P < 0,05) dos niveis de EM somente sobre o rumen-reticulo, em %, e intestino delgado, em kg. As gorduras perirrenal, omental e mesenterica foram influenciadas pelos niveis de EM (P < 0,05), com incremento linear para os pesos em kg e %. O aumento dos niveis de EM das racoes influencia o peso e rendimento dos orgaos internos, visceras e gorduras de ovinos Morada Nova em crescimento.

Semina-ciencias Agrarias | 2014

Estimates of nutritional requirements and use of Small Ruminant Nutrition System model for hair sheep in semiarid conditions

Alessandra Pinto de Oliveira; Elzânia Sales Pereira; Andréa Pereira Pinto; Aderbal Marcos de Azevedo Silva; Maria Socorro de Souza Carneiro; Ivone Yurika Mizubuti; Edson Luis de Azambuja Ribeiro; Ana Cláudia Nascimento Campos; Carla Renata Figueiredo Gadelha

The objective was to determine the efficiency of utilization of metabolizable energy for maintenance (km) and weight gain (kf), the dietary requirements of total digestible nutrients (TDN) and metabolizable protein (MP), as well as, evaluate the Small Ruminant Nutrition System (SRNS) model to predict the dry matter intake (DMI) and the average daily gain (ADG) of Santa Ines lambs, fed diets containing different levels of metabolizable energy (ME). Thirty five lambs, non-castrated, with initial body weight (BW) of 14.77 ± 1.26 kg at approximate two months old, were used. At the beginning of the experiment, five animals were slaughtered to serve as reference for the estimative of empty body weight (EBW) and initial body composition of the 30 remaining animals, which were distributed in randomized block design with five treatments (1.13; 1.40; 1.73; 2.22 and 2.60 Mcal/kg DM), and six repetitions. The requirement of metabolizable energy for maintenance was 78.53 kcal/kg EBW0,75/day, with a utilization efficiency of 66%. The average value of efficiency of metabolizable energy utilization for weight gain was 48%. The dietary requirements of TDN and MP increased with the increase in BW and ADG of the animals. The SRNS model underestimated the DMI and ADG of the animals in 6.2% and 24.6%, respectively. Concludes that the values of km and kf are consistent with those observed in several studies with lambs created in the tropics. The dietary requirements of TDN and MP of Santa Ines lambs for different BW and ADG are, approximately, 42% and 24%, respectively, lower than those suggested by the american system of evaluation of food and nutrient requirements of small ruminants. The SRNS model was sensitive to predict the DMI in Santa Ines lambs, however, for variable ADG, more studies are needed, since the model underestimated the response of the animals of this study.

Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science | 2003

Parâmetros biométricos do trato genital masculino de caprinos sem raça definida (SRD) criados no semi-árido nordestino durante o período seco e chuvoso

Ana Cláudia Nascimento Campos; José Ferreira Nunes; Artur Henrique Soares da Silva Filho; Alexandre Weick Uchoa Monteiro

Este trabalho teve por objetivo comparar a morfometria do trato genital masculino caprino entre a epoca seca e chuvosa. Foram coletados 46 e 52 genitais de machos caprinos na epoca seca e chuvosa, respectivamente. Testiculos foram identificados em direito ou esquerdo, mensurados quanto ao comprimento, espessura e diâmetro. Os epididimos foram pesados. Ductos deferentes e o penis foram mensurados quanto ao comprimento. As vesiculas seminais foram identificadas em direita ou esquerda, pesadas individualmente, e mensuradas quanto ao comprimento, largura e espessura. Os parâmetros de peso, largura, espessura e comprimento das diferentes estruturas foram submetidos ao teste t de Student a 5,00% de probabilidade. Os resultados demonstraram que houve diferenca significativa entre os parâmetros mensurados no periodo seco e chuvoso (P<0,05), com excecao da vesicula seminal. Tambem foi demonstrado que os maiores valores foram encontrados no periodo seco, com excecao do ducto deferente. Concluiu-se que os parâmetros biometricos de caprinos SRD da regiao semi-arida do Nordeste do Brasil sao inferiores aos citados na literatura internacional. Estes resultados demonstraram que o processo de adaptacao de racas exoticas trazidas pelos colonizadores portugueses ao longo destes 500 anos provocou uma diminuicao do porte dos mesmos, tornando-os mais rusticos, porem com caracteristicas reprodutivas normais, mesmo em epocas de escassez de alimentos.

Journal of Food Science | 2016

Supplementation with Cashew Nut and Cottonseed Meal to Modify Fatty Acid Content in Lamb Meat.

Elzania Sales Pereira; Ivone Yurika Mizubuti; Ronaldo Lopes Oliveira; Andréa Pereira Pinto; Edson Luis de Azambuja Ribeiro; Carla Renata Figueiredo Gadelha; Ana Cláudia Nascimento Campos; M.W.F. Pereira; Maria Socorro de Souza Carneiro; Paulo César Lopes de Arruda; Luciano Pinheiro da Silva

This study evaluates the effect of cashew nut meal (CNM), whole cottonseed (WCS), and calcium salts of long-chain fatty acids (Ca-LCFA) on the fatty acid profiles of meat from hair lambs. Thirty-five 60-d-old, male, noncastrated Santa Ines lambs with an initial average body weight of 13.00 ± 1.80 kg were used in a randomized complete-block design with 7 blocks and 5 treatments. The experimental treatments consisted of a control diet (CON) without supplemental lipids and 4 test diets with different lipid supplements that were selected according to the degree of protection from ruminal hydrogenation and their polyunsaturated fatty acid richness. The tests diets included the following modifications: supplementation with WCS, supplementation with CNM, supplementation with both cottonseed and CNM (CSCNM), and supplementation with Ca-LCFA. The C18:1n9c content was highest in the meat of the animals fed the CNM diet (42.00%). The meat from lambs fed the WCS and Ca-LCFA diets had higher C18:0 contents (25.23 and 22.80%, respectively). The C16:1 content was higher in the meat from the animals fed the CNM and CON diets (1.54 and 1.49%, respectively). C18:2c9t11 concentration was higher in the meat from the animals fed the Ca-LCFA and CNM diets. The estimated enzyme activity of Δ9-desaturase C18 was highest in the muscles of the lambs fed the CON, CNM, and CSCNM diets. The use of cashew nuts in the diet resulted in an increase in the C18:2c9t11 content of the lamb meat, which improved the nutritional characteristics of the fat.

Archivos De Zootecnia | 2013


I. C. S. Lima; I.R.A. Andrade; G.V. Aguiar; M.M. Silva; Ana Gláudia Vasconcelos Catunda; G.A. Martins; C.R.F. Gadelha; Ana Cláudia Nascimento Campos

portuguesA colheita de espermatozoides da cauda do epididimo (CES) e uma opcao viavel de preservacao de material genetico de especies ameacadas de extincao, bem como para uso em reproducao assistida. Este trabalho teve como objetivo verifi- car a eficiencia de quatro diferentes diluidores sobre os espermatozoides da cauda do epididimo de caprinos, resfriado a 4 oC. Os espermatozoides epididimarios foram recuperados da cauda de seis pares de epididimo. As amostras de cada par foram misturadas e subdivididas em quatro aliquotas que foram diluidas na agua de coco- gema (CW-EY), solucao fisiologica glicosada 0,5 %-gema (PSG), leite desnatado UHT (ME) e leite desnatado UHT-gema (ME-EY). As amostras foram resfriadas a 4 °C por 2, 12, 24 e 48 horas. Apos o armazenamento, em cada periodo, o CES foi avaliado atraves do teste de termoresistencia quanto a motilidade, vigor espermatico e alteracoes morfologicas total. A taxa de degradacao da motilidade foi calculada no final de cada periodo. A viabilidade espermatica diminuiu com o tempo de refrigeracao nos quatro diluidores. Os CES diluidos na CW-EY apresentaram maiores valores para vigor e motilidade, embora estes parâmetros nao deferissem daqueles mantidos no PSG por ate 48 horas, exceto para vigor espermatico. Entretanto, os diluidores PSG e ME ocasionaram maiores danos morfologicos aos CES a partir de 12 e 48 horas, respectivamente. Os diluidores ME e ME- EY proporcionaram a celula espermatica menor estabilidade durante 48 h de conservacao. EnglishCollection of spermatozoa obtained from the epididymis cauda (CES) is a viable option to pre- serve of genetic material from threatened species and for use in assisted reproduction. The aim of the present study was to assess the in vitro effect of four different extenders on spermatozoa from goat epididymis cauda, cooled at 4 oC. Epididymal sperm were recovered from the cauda by flushing six pairs of epididymis. The samples of each pair were mixed, subdivided into four aliquots and diluted in coconut water-egg yolk (CW-EY), physiologic solution with 0.5 % glucose and egg yolk (PSG-EY), UHT skim milk (SM), and UHT skim milk with egg yolk (SM-EY). The samples were cooled at 4 oC for 2, 12, 24 and 48 hours. After storage, in each period, the semen was evaluated by the heat resistance test for sperm motility, vigor and total morphological alterations. The motility degradation rate was calculated at the end of each time period. Sperm viability decreased with time in the four extenders. Epididymal sperm diluted in CW-EY showed higher values for vigor and motility, although these parameters did not differ from the sperm kept in the PSG-EY up to 48 hours at 4 °C, except for spermatic vigor. However, the PSG-EY and SM extenders caused greater morphologic damage to epididymal sperm after 12 and 24 hours, respectively. Extenders based on skim milk provided less spermatic cell stability during 48 hours. In conclusion, CW-EY extender was the most efficient extender to maintain CES viability at 4 oC.

Revista Caatinga | 2018


Jordana Sampaio Leite; Mayara Setúbal Oliveira-Araújo; Priscila Silva de Almeida Monteiro; Cláudio Cabral Campello; Ana Cláudia Nascimento Campos; Carminda Sandra Brito Salmito-Vanderley

The Brazilian bocachico, Prochilodus brevis, is a rheophilic fish. Although there is evidence that this species shows reproductive seasonality in the wild, in captivity hormonal induction techniques allow semen sampling in different seasons. This study aimed to compare the kinetics, morphology and biochemical composition of the semen of Brazilian bocachico in captivity when hormonally induced to breed in the reproductive and non-reproductive seasons. During sampling spermiation was hormonally induced in breeders. The concentrations of total protein, glucose, fructose, triglyceride, calcium and chloride were evaluated with biochemical kits. The pH data (6.5 to 8.5) suggest semen requires alkaline conditions, as expected for freshwater fish. Seminal plasma contained more protein (1.51 ± 0.06 dL g), glucose (79.44 ± 1.88 mg dL) and triglycerides (61.59 ± 8.10 mg dL) in the non-reproductive than the reproductive season, but calcium ions (15.98 ± 1.02 mg dL) showed the opposite pattern. There was a significant seasonal difference in sperm morphology, with a higher percentage of normal sperm in the reproductive season. From these data it can be concluded that the physical, kinetic, morphological and biochemical characteristics of semen of captive Prochilodus brevis are influenced by reproductive season.

Revista Brasileira de Higiene e Sanidade Animal | 2015

Diagnosis of canine prostatic disease - histopathological characteristics of canine prostate according to the age

Carla Renata Figueiredo Gadelha; Wilter Ricardo Russiano Vicente; Daniel de Araújo Viana; Ana Cláudia Nascimento Campos; Ingrid Barbosa de Mendonça; Adriana da Rocha Tomé

Sixty seven male and intact dogs were grouped according to the age in three groups: 1 3 years (group), 4 6 years (group B) and above of seven years (group C). Ten animals with alterations in parenchyma prostate evaluated by ultrasonography had been grouped separately (group D) independently of the age. Part of the animals was submitted to the transabdominal ultrasonography and biopsy (25 animals) and another part to transrectal ultrasonography and extirpation of the gland after necropsy (42 animals). The ultrasonographic exam was easy execution, as well as the biopsy. The alterations in the size and parenchyma prostate seen by sonograms had been confirmed in the hystopathological examination. The hystopathologic exam showed that all the dogs from 4 years present alteration of the prostate, most frequently the prostate hyperplasia. The majority of the animals presented more than one form of disease simultaneously. Abacterial prostatitis is frequent in adult dogs.

Revista Brasileira de Higiene e Sanidade Animal | 2014

Effect of temperature and humidity index on rabbits' spermatozoa morphology

Fellype Rodrigo Barroso Costa; Hiara Marques Meneses; Monalisa Eva Santos Evangelista; Dayanne Lima de Sousa; Karoliny Farias Castelo Branco; Raisa Rodrigues Rios; Fabiano Malveira Barboza; Carla Renata Figueiredo Gadelha; Ana Cláudia Nascimento Campos

Efeitos do índice de temperatura e umidade sobre a morfologia espermática de coelhos Effect of temperature and humidity index on rabbits’ spermatozoa morphology Fellype Rodrigo Barroso Costa 1 ; Hiara Marques Meneses 2 ; Monalisa Eva Santos Evangelista 3 ; Dayanne Lima de Sousa 4 ; Karoliny Farias Castelo Branco 5 ; Raisa Rodrigues Rios 6 ; Fabiano Malveira Barboza 7 ; Carla Renata Figueiredo Gadelha 8 ; Ana Cláudia Nascimento Campos 9

Revista Brasileira de Higiene e Sanidade Animal | 2014

Biometry testicle- epididymidis and crioula ovine reserve of epididymal sperm

Alexandre Weick Uchoa Monteiro; I. C. S. Lima; Igo Renan Albuquerque de Andrade; Gabrimar Araújo Martins; Airton Alencar de Araújo; Ana Claudia Silva Dias; Francisca Nivanda de Lima Estevam; Gyselle Viana Aguiar; Ana Cláudia Nascimento Campos

Biometria Testículo-Epididimária e a Reserva Espermática Epididimária de Ovinos Sem Padrão Racial Definido Biometry testicleepididymidis and crioula ovine reserve of epididymal sperm Alexandre Weick Uchoa Monteiro 1 ; Ítalo Cordeiro Silva Lima 2 ; Igo Renan Albuquerque de Andrade 3 ; Gabrimar Araújo Martins 3 ; Airton Alencar Araújo 5 ; Ana Claudia Silva Dias 6 ; Francisca Nivanda de Lima Estevam 7 , Gyselle Viana Aguiar 8 ; Ana Cláudia Nascimento Campos 9 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Ivone Yurika Mizubuti

Universidade Estadual de Londrina

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I. C. S. Lima

Federal University of Ceará

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