Andréa Mathes Faustino
University of Brasília
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Featured researches published by Andréa Mathes Faustino.
Acta Paulista De Enfermagem | 2014
Andréa Mathes Faustino; Lenora Gandolfi; Leides Barroso Azevedo Moura
Objective To verify whether there is a connection between the functional capacity of the elderly and the presence of violent situations in their daily lives. Methods A population-based cross-sectional study developed with 237 elderly individuals. Standard and validated research instruments were used. Results Mean age of 70.25 years (standard deviation of 6.94), 69% were female, 76% were independent in basic activities of daily living and 54% had a partial dependence on at least one instrumental activity. The most prevalent violence was psychological and the relation between being dependent on basic activities of daily living and suffering physical violence was statistically significant. Conclusion When the elderly needs assistance to perform self-care activities, there is a greater chance of exposure to a situation of abuse, such as physical violence.
Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing | 2011
Leides Barroso Azevedo Moura; Paula Elaine Diniz dos Reis; Andréa Mathes Faustino; Dirce Guilhem; Luciana Neves da Silva Bampi; Gisele Martins
Objetivo: Analisar a ocorrencia do fenomeno da violencia fisica no âmbito das relacoes intimo-afetivas envolvendo mulheres de 15 a 49 anos moradoras em uma area economicamente vulneravel do Distrito Federal. Metodo: Estudo transversal com amostra aleatoria simples e modelo ecologico. Utilizados teste qui-quadrado, nivel de significância (5%), odd ratios (OR) ajustadas e intervalo de confianca (95%). Resultado: Mulheres que sofreram algum tipo de violencia fisica ao longo de suas vidas rfoi 58,6% e apenas 5,8% buscaram assistencia nos hospitais e servicos de saude. O uso de drogas (OR 14.27, CI 1.73 – 117.37) e o aumento de comportamentos de controle pelo parceiro (OR 13,39; IC 4.60-38.99) apresentou a maior razao de chance para a violencia fisica contra a mulher. Conclusao: A alta prevalencia do uso da forca nas relacoes intimas sugere a necessidade de uma investigacao de praticas abusivas de poder nas relacoes intimo-afetivas das mulheres atendidas pela enfermeira e profissionais da equipe de saude.
Journal of Nursing Ufpe Online | 2011
Alessandra Nogueira Cabral; Lilian Márcia Vieira; Andréa Mathes Faustino; Paula Elaine Diniz dos Reis
Objective: to identify the knowledge on hypertension in pregnancy among pregnant women followed up at a primary care unit for prenatal care. Methodology: this is a sectional study, with a survey design, whose population consisted of pregnant women assisted in a Health Centre in the Distrito Federal–DF, Brazil. The selection criteria were: being over 18 years, being in the first trimester of pregnancy, and voluntarily agreeing to participate in the research. After consent, a questionnaire developed by the authors was applied. The study was approved by the Committee of Ethics in Research of the Fundação de Ensino e Pesquisa em Ciências da Saúde, under the Protocol 191/09. The data were analyzed through descriptive statistics. Results: the sample consisted of 30 women, mean age 26 years, most of them housewives. With regard to the knowledge on hypertension in pregnancy, 77.33% had heard about the issue, however, they were not able to identify aspects of prevention, risk factors, and complications of this disease. Conclusion: deficits in knowledge on hypertension in pregnancy is a risk factor of mortality for pregnant women. One expects the data from this study alert health professionals for the approach of the theme during the pre-natal consultations. Descriptors: hypertension in pregnancy; eclampsia; knowledge; pregnant women.
Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing | 2010
Andréa Mathes Faustino; Maria Helena Larcher Caliri
Fractures of hip and femur are an emerging public health problem, associated with a high rate of mortality and morbidity worldwide, with a high impact on the quality of life of patients. The Pressure Ulcer by (PU) is a complication that can interfere to increase these rates. Descriptive analytical study of prospective design developed in a university hospital from Sao Paulo State. The objective was to identify the incidence and prevalence of pressure ulcer (PU) in hospitalized patients with femur and hip fractures and to verify the association between some factors. Data were collected from 30 patients at 3 moments of hospitalization. The prevalence of PU was 33.3% and 26.6% incidence. The total scores of the Braden Scale were lower and differences were statistically significant for the group of patients with PU in the discharge assessments (OR=0,774). Low scores on the Braden Scale were predictive for the development of PU. It was observed that the Braden scale constitutes an important tool for clinical practice of nurses, as it allows the identification of the degree of risk for the development of PU, allowing thus the implementation of an individualized care plan.
Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem | 2018
Bruno Leonardo Soares Nery; Andréa Mathes Faustino; Carla Targino Bruno dos Santos; Keila Cristianne Trindade da Cruz
Objetivos: Identificar vulnerabilidades e a associacao entre religiosidade e a presenca de sinais depressivos presentes em idosos internados em uma unidade de urgencia e emergencia. Metodos: Estudo transversal, realizado com 140 idosos internados em um hospital publico do Distrito Federal, entre o mes de maio a outubro 2016, realizado por meio de questionario semiestruturado sobre dados de saude, escala de religiosidade de DUREL e de depressao geriatrica. Resultados: Os idosos estudados sao vulneraveis em relacao a escolaridade, local de residencia, a habitos de vida, 37,3% dos idosos apresentavam sinais depressivos, e que existe uma associacao fraca de protecao entre religiosidade e desenvolvimento de sinais depressivos (p ≤ 0,00 r = 0.12) e (p =0,02 e r = 0,06). Conclusao: Observou-se a religiosidade isolada nao apresenta fator protetor eficaz, mas apresenta papel importante no desenvolvimento de resiliencia diante da enfermidade e uma fonte construtora de rede de apoio ao idoso. Palavras–chave: Idoso. Religiao. Depressao. Vulnerabilidade em saude. Espiritualidade.OBJECTIVES To identify vulnerabilities and the association between religiosity and depressive signs in the elderly hospitalised in an emergency unit. METHODS This cross-sectional study was conducted with 140 elderly patients admitted to a public hospital in the Federal District, Brazil, between May and October 2016. Data were collected using a semi-structured health questionnaire, the Duke University Religion Scale (DUREL), and the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). RESULTS The elderly patients were vulnerable in terms of schooling, place of residence, and life habits, and 37.3% exhibited signs of depression. A weak association was found between religiosity and the development of depressive signs (p ≤ 0, R = 0.12; p = 0.02 and r = 0.06). CONCLUSION The results showed isolated religiosity is not an effective protective factor, but it strengthens resilience in the face of disease and serves as a support network for the elderly.
Journal of Nursing Ufpe Online | 2018
Leides Barroso Azevedo Moura; Andréa Mathes Faustino; Ana Beatriz Duarte Vieira; Vanessa Mara Alves da Silva Noronha
RESUMO Objetivo: descrever as experiencias de violencias e a autopercepcao da qualidade de vida e saude apos os 60 anos de idade. Metodo: estudo quantitativo, transversal e descritivo desenvolvido com 100 idosos comunitarios. Utilizaram-se, para a coleta de dados, os instrumentos Qualidade de Vida (WHOQOL-BREEF), Avaliacao do Estado Mental e questionario sobre a ocorrencia de violencias. Resultado: constatou-se uma maior frequencia de idosos do sexo feminino (62%), com ensino fundamental incompleto (43%) e renda familiar de ate um salario minimo (46%). Mais da metade dos idosos (62%) declarou nao ter uma boa qualidade de vida e 38% descreveram sentimentos compativeis com o desespero, a ansiedade e a depressao. Observou-se que 73% sofreram algum tipo de violencia destacando-se o insulto e a discriminacao (40% e 35%, respectivamente), o abandono (31%), o abuso financeiro (15%) e a agressao fisica (12%). Nao se observou relacao entre sofrer violencia e autopercepcao de saude e qualidade de vida (p-valor de 0,5587). Conclusao: destaca-se a importância da identificacao e magnitude das violencias nesse segmento populacional, pois as intervencoes interdisciplinares e intersetoriais precisam estar articuladas com o setor saude e, assim, favorecer o protagonismo do idoso no enfrentamento as violencias. Descritores : Violencia; Idoso; Qualidade de Vida; Exposicao a Violencia; Autoimagem; Determinantes sociais de Saude. ABSTRACT Objective: to describe experiences of violence and self-perception of quality of life and health after 60 years of age. Method: quantitative, cross - sectional and descriptive study developed with 100 elderly. Data collection was used for the Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREEF), Mental State Assessment and questionnaire on the occurrence of violence. Results: there was a higher frequency of female elderly (62%), incomplete primary education (43%) and family income up to a minimum wage (46%). More than half of the elderly (62%) reported not having a good quality of life, and 38% described feelings compatible with despair, anxiety and depression. It was observed that 73% suffered some form of violence, including insult and discrimination (40% and 35% respectively), abandonment (31%), financial abuse (15%) and physical aggression (12%). There was no relation between suffering violence and self-perception of health and quality of life (p-value 0.5587). Conclusion: the importance of the identification and magnitude of violence in this population segment is highlighted, since interdisciplinary and intersectoral interventions need to be articulated with the health sector and, thus, to favor the protagonism of the elderly in confronting violence. Descriptors : Violence; Aged; Quality of Life; Exposure to Violence; Self Concept; Social Determinants of Health. RESUMEN Objetivo: describir las experiencias de violencias y la autopercepcion de la calidad de vida y la salud despues de los 60 anos de edad. Metodo: estudio cuantitativo, transversal y descriptivo desarrollado con 100 ancianos comunitarios. Se utilizaron los siguientes instrumentos para la recoleccion de datos: Calidad de Vida (WHOQOL-BREEF), Evaluacion del Estado Mental y cuestionario sobre la ocurrencia de violencias. Resultados: se constato una mayor frecuencia de ancianos del sexo femenino (62%), con ensenanza basica incompleta (43%) y renta familiar de hasta un salario minimo (46%). Mas de la mitad de los ancianos (62%) declaro no tener una buena calidad de vida y 38% describieron sentimientos compatibles con la desesperacion, la ansiedad y la depresion. Se observo que el 73% sufrieron algun tipo de violencia, destacandose el insulto y la discriminacion (40% y 35%, respectivamente), el abandono (31%), el abuso financiero (15%) y la agresion fisica (12%). No se observo relacion entre sufrir violencia y autopercepcion de salud y calidad de vida (p-valor de 0,5587). Conclusion: se destaca la importancia de la identificacion y magnitud de las violencias en ese segmento poblacional, pues las intervenciones interdisciplinares e intersectoriales necesitan estar articuladas con el sector salud y, asi favorecer el protagonismo del anciano en el enfrentamiento a las violencias. Descriptores : Violencia; Anciano; Calidad de Vida; Exposicion a la Violencia; Autoimagem; Determinantes Sociales de la Salud.
Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing | 2014
Andréa Mathes Faustino; Leides Barroso Azevedo Moura; Lenora Gandolfi
Objetivo: Apresentar o perfil sociodemografico e identificar situacoes de violencia dos tipos fisica, psicologica, sexual, abandono, negligencia, abuso financeiro e autonegligencia em idosos de uma Area Metropolitana de Brasilia. Metodo: Estudo transversal e descritivo, onde idosos foram perguntados ativamente se ja haviam sofrido algum tipo de violencia. Resultados: Fizeram parte da amostra 131 idosos, com idade media de 70 anos, 68% mulheres, 41% casados, 41% da cor parda, 50% analfabetos, 90% residem com familiar e 52% recebiam ate 3 salarios minimos. Quanto as violencias, 72% relatou ter sofrido algum tipo apos ter completado 60 anos, sendo a violencia psicologica a mais declarada pelos idosos (34%). Conclusao: O perfil do idoso que sofre violencia nesta area e de um idoso jovem, do sexo feminino, que mora com algum familiar, principalmente conjuge ou filhos, de baixas escolaridade e renda, e que ja passou por situacoes de violencia psicologica apos os 60 anos.
Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing | 2010
Andréa Mathes Faustino; Cristine Alves Costa de Jesus; Paula Elaine Diniz dos Reis; Edcesar Ferreira de Moura; Kesia Costa Medeiros; Maria Aparecida Neris de Amorim
Journal of Coloproctology | 2014
Ana Lúcia da Silva; Andréa Mathes Faustino; João Batista de Sousa; André Luiz Vianna; Paulo Gonçalves de Oliveira
Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing | 2010
Andréa Mathes Faustino; Paula Elaine Diniz dos Reis; Cristine Alves Costa de Jesus; Ivone Kamada; Sirlene Rocha Izidorio; Simone Soares Ferreira