Angélica Tanus Benatti Alvim
Mackenzie Presbyterian University
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Featured researches published by Angélica Tanus Benatti Alvim.
Cadernos Metrópole. | 2011
Angélica Tanus Benatti Alvim; Eunice Helena Sguizzardi Abascal; Luís Gustavo Sayão de Moraes
In the contemporary city, urban design emerges as a counterpoint to all the practices resulting from large-scale planning. It introduces a vision of strategic management with norms and reflexive procedures articulated in a thoughtful set of actions and instruments of transformation of space, considering an inclusive logic. In Brazil, the Urban Consortium Operation introduces a contemporary vision of urban design, which goes beyond traditional urban zoning. The gains for society and the built environment are hardly significant, private sector action predominating due to the lack of an urban project. This article, based on the case of the Agua Branca Urban Operation, Sao Paulo, discusses the fragility of this instrument in the face of the transformations underway in this region controlled by property
Cadernos Metrópole | 2015
Angélica Tanus Benatti Alvim; Volia Regina Costa Kato; Jeane Rombi de Godoy Rosin
The relation between urban and environmental policies translate into the challenge of formulating answers to the urban pressure versus the environmental preservation. In watershed areas of Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area, the dimension of these challenges is particularly significant, mainly due to the clash between environmental and urban policies, which are faced with spontaneous and precarious occupation processes in protected areas. This article sets the institutionalization panorama of public policies – urban and environmental - in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Billings sub-basin, emphasizing on the implementation of urban planning tools that integrate housing and environment. One can conclude that the challenges to recover watershed areas go beyond the imposition of legal landmarks. They primordially depend on innovative intervention strategies that involve civil society and may signal a real transformation to the reality faced by protected drainage basins.
Engenharia Sanitaria E Ambiental | 2007
Angélica Tanus Benatti Alvim; José Luiz Caruso Ronca
This paper presents a method of qualitative evaluation of the actions of the river basin committee, giving emphasis to the theory of integrated management. It presents the theory of integrated management of river basins and its relation with the Politics of the State of Sao Paulo on water resources. The methodology is arranged from one ensemble of qualitative indicators implicit in the concept of articulation that measure in a particularized way each aspect of the phenomenon. The methodology is implemented by the study of the High Tiete River Committee, entity that is responsible for the management of water resources in the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region. The results allow verifying not only the level of articulation of its actions, but also in what aspects this forum has contributed to the integrated management of the metropolitan region.
Revista Nacional de Gerenciamento de Cidades | 2015
Andréa Holz Pfützenreuter; Angélica Tanus Benatti Alvim
RESUMO Neste artigo sao tratados aspectos gerais referentes ao desenvolvimento e ao planejamento das politicas publicas que preconizam o envelhecimento populacional, tendo os indicadores de saude, como longevidade e manutencao da capacidade funcional, como mentores de qualificacao da saude publica e, por consequencia, a melhora dos espacos urbanos de convivio nas cidades. A abordagem paralela e realizada pelo questionamento de programas para idosos que se caracterizam pela implementacao de acoes em segmentos (partes) das cidades desconexas entre si, mas recebendo um titulo globalizado. Com essa finalidade sao apresentadas as acoes da Organizacao Mundial da Saude (OMS), da Comissao Europeia e o Programa Cidade Amiga do Idoso. A discussao quanto a subjetividade da imagem dos lugares ou situacoes e apontada como um dos fatores criticos das diretrizes dos programas propostos pelos orgaos internacionais, pois pode ser influenciada pela percepcao pessoal relacionada a uma impressao individual, a qual pode variar completamente entre pessoas do mesmo grupo etario, mas com diferentes interesses. Faz-se uma critica, em primeiro lugar, ao estimulo para a criacao de planos e propostas que nao sao aplicadas, nem fiscalizadas e que, em situacoes pontuais, recebem o merito do contexto global da cidade; e, em segundo, as rotulacoes e premios que omitem o contexto geral das cidades, mas que evidenciam acoes pontuais, que deveriam ter amplitude de politica publica. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Envelhecimento. Politicas Publicas. Cidades. THE RIGHT TO THE CITY: THE GUIDELINES GLOBAL POLICIES FOR AGING ABSTRACT In this article are treated general aspects relating to the development and planning of public policies that advocate population aging, and health indicators, such as longevity and maintenance of functional capacity, as qualifying mentors of public health and, consequently, the improvement of urban living spaces in cities. The parallel approach is performed by questioning programs for the elderly that are characterized by the implementation of actions in segments (parts) of unconnected cities with each other, but getting a global title. To this end we present the actions of the World Health Organization (WHO), the European Commission and the Age-Friendly Cities Project. A discussion about the subjectivity of the image of the places or situations is seen as a critical factor guideline of proposed programs by international bodies, as may be influenced by personal perception related to an individual print, which can vary quite between people of the same age but with different interests. It will be a critical, first, to stimulate the creation of plans and proposals that are not applied or enforced and that, in specific situations, given the merits of the overall context of the city; and, second, to labels and awards that omit the general context of cities, but show specific actions, which should have public policy amplitude. KEYWORDS: Aging. Public Policy. Cities EL DERECHO A LA CIUDAD: LAS POLITICAS DIRECTRICES MUNDIALES PARA ENVEJECIMIENTO RESUMEN En este articulo se tratan aspectos generales relacionados con el desarrollo y la planificacion de las politicas publicas que promueven el envejecimiento de la poblacion, y los indicadores de salud, como la longevidad y el mantenimiento de la capacidad funcional, como mentores de calificacion de la salud publica y, en consecuencia, la mejora de la espacios de vida urbana en las ciudades. El enfoque paralelo se realiza al cuestionar los programas para las personas mayores que se caracterizan por la implementacion de acciones en segmentos (partes) de las ciudades no conectadas entre si, pero conseguir un titulo mundial. Para ello se presentan las acciones de la Organizacion Mundial de la Salud (OMS), la Comision Europea y el Ciudad Companera de los viejos. A discusion acerca de la subjetividad de la imagen de los lugares o situaciones es visto como una guia factor critico de los programas propuestos por organismos internacionales, como puede verse influida por la percepcion personal relacionada con una impresion individual, que puede variar bastante entre personas de la misma edad pero con diferentes intereses. Sera una critica, primero, para estimular la creacion de planes y propuestas que no se aplican o ejecutada y que, en situaciones especificas, teniendo en cuenta los meritos del contexto general de la ciudad; y, en segundo lugar, las etiquetas y los premios que omiten el contexto general de las ciudades, pero que muestran acciones especificas, que deben tener amplitud de las politicas publicas. PALABRAS CLAVE : Envejecimiento. Politica Publica. Ciudades
Archive | 2010
Angélica Tanus Benatti Alvim; Luiz Guilherme Rivera de Castro
Pós: Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo da FAUUSP | 2006
Angélica Tanus Benatti Alvim
Revista Thésis | 2017
Camila Apollaro; Angélica Tanus Benatti Alvim
Archive | 2017
Angélica Tanus Benatti Alvim; Eunice Helena Sguizzardi Abascal; Eduardo Castedo Abrunhosa
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences | 2017
Camila Apollaro; Angélica Tanus Benatti Alvim
Cadernos de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo | 2016
Eunice Helena Sguizzardi Abascal; Angélica Tanus Benatti Alvim