Daniel Beverungen
University of Paderborn
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Featured researches published by Daniel Beverungen.
Wirtschaftsinformatik und Angewandte Informatik | 2008
Daniel Beverungen; Ralf Knackstedt; Oliver Müller
ZusammenfassungDie Erstellung von Leistungsbündeln aus Sach- und Dienstleistungen wird für Unternehmen immer bedeutender. Dabei setzen eine Veränderung der organisatorischen Rahmenbedingungen und die dynamische Anpassung der Leistungserstellung an wechselnde Kundenanforderungen wandlungsfähige Informationssystemarchitekturen in Produktion und Dienstleistung voraus. Serviceorientierte Architekturen (SOA) leisten einen Beitrag zur Erhöhung dieser Wandlungsfähigkeit. Jedoch ist die Identifikation, Spezifikation und Implementierung von Services als Basis der Serviceorientierten Architekturen bislang nur unzureichend methodisch unterstützt. Der Schließung dieser Forschungslücke dient eine Konzeptionsmethode, die Ansätze zur Kundenintegration adaptiert und eine betriebswirtschaftliche mit einer informationstechnischen Analyse verbindet. Die Anwendbarkeit der Methode wird dabei anhand der prototypischen Erstellung einer Serviceorientierten Architektur für das Recycling elektronischer Geräte demonstriert. Die angestrebte Ausweitung der Architektur auf weitere Leistungsbündel und die Standardisierung der dabei spezifizierten Services zielen darauf ab, in zukünftigen Arbeiten die Ausschöpfung bestehender Potentiale bei der Integration von Produktion und Dienstleistung durch die Bereitstellung einer umfassenden Referenzarchitektur zu fördern.AbstractOffering product-service bundles (consisting of products and services) is becoming more important for companies. Modifying the organizational structure of the cooperation as well as adapting to changing customer demands requires versatile information systems. Implementing Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) is one attempt to provide this flexibility. Currently, there is little methodical guidance for the identification, specification and implementation of services as building blocks of Service Oriented Architectures. Accounting for this need, a conceptual approach is designed, which adapts approaches of customer integration, and combines a business and IT analysis. The applicability of the method is demonstrated by designing a Service Oriented Architecture for the recycling of electronic equipment. Implementing services for other product-service bundles will support additional integration scenarios. By standardizing services, a sound integration of products and services can be backed by providing a reference architecture.
hawaii international conference on system sciences | 2008
Jörg Becker; Daniel Beverungen; Ralf Knackstedt
Being confronted with decreasing margins and a rising customer demand for integrated solutions, manufacturing companies integrate complementary services into their portfolio. Offering product-service packages (consisting of products and services) demands for setting up integrated product-service systems, which incorporate the coordinated design and provision of products and services. Conceptual Modeling is an established approach to support such efforts. This paper evaluates the current support of reference models and modeling languages for setting up conceptual models in the area of product-service systems. Consecutively, some perspectives are presented to induce further research in this field.
Archive | 2008
Jörg Becker; Daniel Beverungen; Ralf Knackstedt
Sachguter werden zunehmend als Massenware (engl. commodity) angesehen, die in ahnlicher Qualitat von verschiedenen Unternehmen bereitgestellt werden konnen, die im internationalen Wettbewerb stehen. Um aus dem dadurch bedingten Preiskampf auszubrechen, bietet sich die Integration von Dienstleistungen in das Leistungsportfolio von Unternehmen, die bisher hauptsachlich Sachleistungen angeboten haben, an. Die das physische Produktspektrum erganzende Vermarktung von Dienstleistungen eroffnet neben einem Verkauf zu hoheren Margen (vgl. Wise, Baumgartner 1999) vielfaltige andere Nutzenpotentiale (vgl. Quinn, Baruch, Paquette 1988), wie z. B. den Aufbau einer langerfristigen und intensiveren Kundenbindung (vgl. Sturts, Griffis 2005), die Steigerung der Leistungsfahigkeit des Produktes und seine flexiblere Anpassung an Kundenbedurfnisse (vgl. Howells 2003). Dabei kann sich auch das bisher verfolgte Geschaftsmodell des Sachleistungserstellers gravierend wandeln. Betreibermodelle sehen etwa vor, dass der Kunde nicht mehr die Sachleistung selbst, sondern deren Einsetzbarkeit bzw. das Ergebnis ihres Einsatzes erwirbt (vgl. Freiling 2003; Meier, Werding 2004). In den USA sind in fuhrenden produzierenden Unternehmen bereits 50 % des Umsatzes und 60 % der Margen auf die Vermarktung von Dienstleistungen zuruck zu fuhren (vgl. Allmendinger, Lombreglia 2005).
hawaii international conference on system sciences | 2009
Jörg Becker; Daniel Beverungen; Ralf Knackstedt; Martin Matzner
Recently, service orientation has increasingly been debated both in research and practice. While researchers postulate a paradigm shift towards services as the basic unit of exchange in economies, companies strive to efficiently provide a wide array of business services to their customers. To accomplish this, companies (a) are required to consciously design the services in their portfolio with respect to a structured engineering approach and (b) also have to flexibly adapt the engineered service processes to individual customer needs, wants, and demands. Hence, services shall be supplied efficiently and in consistent quality without sacrificing customization for customers. Supporting this mass-customization strategy for business services, we present a configurative service engineering approach. After engineering a configurable process model for business services, customized service processes can efficiently be derived from the model by applying configuration mechanisms. The process of configuration is aided by the software tool Adapt(X). We present the concept and tool support by applying them on business services for corrective maintenance in the mechanical engineering sector.
Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISAJ) | 2009
Jörg Becker; Daniel Beverungen; Ralf Knackstedt; Oliver Müller
Customers in B2B as well as B2C markets increasingly demand integrated problem solutions from their suppliers, comprising both physical artefacts (products) and services. Applying a mixed bundling strategy to offer such value bundles to customers foremost requires a sound configuration and economic calculation of value propositions, based on previously defined modules of products and services. In this paper, a modelling language is introduced to describe the function and structure of such modules, as well as to calculate the economic consequences of value propositions on a customer-individual level. The proposed modelling language has been embedded into a software tool to evaluate its utility regarding the customization and offering of integrated value bundles to customers.
hawaii international conference on system sciences | 2013
Sara Hofmann; Michael Räckers; Daniel Beverungen; Jörg Becker
Social media hold abundant opportunities for service providers to interact with their clients. Whereas social media as sales channels have been studied extensively in the Marketing literature, much less is known about the ways in which public sector organisations capitalize on this potential. The purpose of this study is to explore how local governments utilize online social networks as a means for external communication. In a content analysis approach, we analyse 2,522 postings on the Facebook profiles of three out of the ten largest cities in Germany. The analysis is mainly based on a coding scheme that was derived both from literature as well as from interviews with experts, and complemented with a quantitative analysis of the Facebook profiles of the 25 largest German cities. We find that public administrations hardly make use of the opportunities these new media offer, yet.
Archive | 2009
Jörg Becker; Daniel Beverungen; Ralf Knackstedt; Christoph Glauner; Marco Stypmann; Christoph Rosenkranz; Robert Schmitt; Sarah Hatfield; Gertrud Schmitz; Simone Eberhardt; Michaela Dietz; Oliver Thomas; Philipp Walter; Hans-Martin Lönngren; Jan Marco Leimeister
Mit Ordnungsrahmen lassen sich hoch aggregierte Uberblicke uber die wesentli-chen Funktionsbereiche einer Domane darstellen. Der Beitrag regt die Entwick-lung eines Ordnungsrahmens fur die hybride Wertschopfung an. Mit der Konstruk-tion des Ordnungsrahmens soll eine modellbasierte Grundlage geschaffen werden, um in weiterfuhrenden Arbeiten einen strukturierten Uberblick uber die fur die hybride Wertschopfung bereits entwickelten beziehungsweise zukunftig zu entwi-ckelnden Artefakte bereitstellen zu konnen. Als Ausgangspunkt fur die Konstrukti-on eines hierfur geeigneten Ordnungsrahmens wird ein erster Vorschlag zu dessen inhaltlicher Gestaltung prasentiert. Der vorgestellte Ordnungsrahmen wird evalu-iert, indem er zur Strukturierung von in Expertenbefragungen erhobenen Artefak-ten der hybriden Wertschopfung herangezogen wird.
hawaii international conference on system sciences | 2013
Ralf Plattfaut; Thomas Kohlborn; Sara Hofmann; Daniel Beverungen; Bjoern Niehaves; Michael Räckers; Jörg Becker
The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of individual differences on service channel selection for e-government services. In a comparative survey of citizens in Germany and Australia (n=1205), we investigate the impact of age, gender, and mobility issues on the selection of personal or mobile communication as channels for service consumption. The results suggest that Australians are more likely to want to use new technology-oriented channels as internet or mobile applications while Germans tend to use classical channels as telephone or in person. Moreover, differences with respect to age, gender, and mobility exist. Implications for practice and issues for future research are discussed.
Business & Information Systems Engineering | 2018
Daniel Beverungen; Hedda Lüttenberg; Verena Wolf
Although many methods have been proposed for engineering service systems and customer solutions, most of these approaches give little consideration to recombinant service innovation. Recombinant innovation refers to reusing and integrating resources that were previously unconnected. In an age of networked products and data, we can expect that many service innovations will be based on adding, dissociating, and associating existing value propositions by accessing internal and external resources instead of designing them from scratch. The purpose of this paper is to identify if current service engineering approaches account for the mechanisms of recombinant innovation and to design a method for recombinant service systems engineering. In a conceptual analysis of 24 service engineering methods, the study identified that most methods (1) focus on designing value propositions instead of service systems, (2) view service independent of physical goods, (3) are either linear or iterative instead of agile, and (4) do not sufficiently address the mechanisms of recombinant innovation. The paper discusses how these deficiencies can be remedied and designs a revised service systems engineering approach that reorganizes service engineering processes according to four design principles. The method is demonstrated with the recombinant design of a service system for predictive maintenance of agricultural machines.
Computer Science - Research and Development | 2017
Daniel Beverungen; Sebastian Bräuer; Florian Plenter; Benjamin Klör; Markus Monhof
The electric vehicle battery is the crucial component in electric vehicles. It propels the vehicle’s engine and causes around 25 % of the vehicle’s overall costs. Unfortunately, due to deterioration, the battery’s use gradually restricts the vehicle’s driving range, acceleration, and charging speed over time. Only a battery replacement restores the vehicle’s performance. Despite its deterioration, the used battery can be repurposed to serve as a battery energy storage system in less demanding second-life application scenarios. Examples are home storage solutions for energy from photovoltaic panels or larger buffer storage solutions for stabilizing energy from wind parks or solar farms. With strongly increasing numbers of electric vehicles world-wide, some hundred thousand aged batteries can be assumed to be available soon. Considering the necessity for a reliable fit of the targeted second-life application scenario (as context) and the battery energy storage solution built from aged batteries (as form), the decision for which scenario a battery should be repurposed needs to be supported by information systems. Since current research falls short of identifying and prioritizing the requirements that characterize second-life application scenarios, information system developers lack justificatory knowledge to guide and constrain the design of corresponding information systems. In an explorative multi-method study, we set out to identify the requirement categories and metrics that need to be elicited for repurposing batteries. The study (a) contributes a prioritized list of requirement categories and metrics for repurposing batteries, and (b) documents how they were instantiated respectively why they were important in an analyzed case.