Eduardo Navarro Stotz
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation
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Featured researches published by Eduardo Navarro Stotz.
Interface - Comunicação, Saúde, Educação | 2004
Paulette Cavalcanti de Albuquerque; Eduardo Navarro Stotz
This paper presents a review of the literature on health education experiences in services as well as a documental analysis of this theme. Discussion is based on popular health education and its potential contribution to comprehensive primary health care. The way in which health education is promoted in health services and the difficulties encountered in fulfilling its role of contributing towards the construction of comprehensive primary health care is of central concern. Health actions are understood as educational actions. Thus, the health team and the patients learn and teach, in a dialogical construction of knowledge. Individual care is also discussed in this paper, insofar as the health professional’s posture in relation to popular knowledge concerning health care and his respect for the patient’s attempt to find the best therapeutic is at issue. As a result of the review of the literature, a systematic compilation of health educational programs and activities, which may be integrated into a program of popular health education for the municipalities, is proposed.This paper presents a review of the literature on health education experiences in services as well as a documental analysis of this theme. Discussion is based on popular health education and its potential contribution to comprehensive primary health care. The way in which health education is promoted in health services and the difficulties encountered in fulfilling its role of contributing towards the construction of comprehensive primary health care is of central concern. Health actions are understood as educational actions. Thus, the health team and the patients learn and teach, in a dialogical construction of knowledge. Individual care is also discussed in this paper, insofar as the health professionals posture in relation to popular knowledge concerning health care and his respect for the patients attempt to find the best therapeutic is at issue. As a result of the review of the literature, a systematic compilation of health educational programs and activities, which may be integrated into a program of popular health education for the municipalities, is proposed.
Trabalho, Educação e Saúde | 2008
Vera Joana Bornstein; Eduardo Navarro Stotz
Resumo Esteartigobuscacaracterizarasdife-rentesformasdemediacaopresentesnocotidianodotrabalhodoagentecomunitariodesaude–ele-mentoinovadornoquadrofuncionaldaEstrategiaSaudedaFamilia–,asquaisoscilamentreocon -vencimentoeatransformacao.Consideraqueafuncao mediadora desempenhada pelos agentespodeserdegrandeimportâncianamudancadomodeloassistencial,namedidaemqueassumaumcaratertransformador,eentendeaeducacaopopu -larcomoumcaminhoparaofortalecimentodestaformademediacaoeparaamudancadomodeloas-sistencial.Oestudopossibilitouoconhecimentodaspraticasdosagentescomunitariosdesaudeepermitiuapontarquestoesconsideradasfundamen -taisparaqueomodeloassistencialpossacorres-ponderasnecessidadeseexpectativasdapopula-caoeseaproximardosprincipiosdeintegralidade,equidade,humanizacaoeparticipacaopopular.Palavras-chave agentecomunitariodesaude;saudedafamilia;atencaoprimariaasaude;mediacao.
Trabalho, Educação e Saúde | 2005
Eduardo Navarro Stotz
“Se eu fosse um antiquario, so teria olhos para as coisas velhas. Mas sou umhistoriador. E por isso que amo a vida”. Esta frase de Henri Pirenne, conta-da por Marc Bloch (1993, p. 43) como uma anedota de viagem, serve de epi-grafe da memoria apresentada a seguir.A historia e “ciencia dos homens no tempo”, disse Bloch. Os historia-dores sao homens de seu proprio tempo, viventes mergulhados nas questoesrecorrentes e necessarias a inteligibilidade da sua epoca.Comecemos entao pela pergunta persistente quando se trata de educa-cao na saude: por que Educacao ‘Popular’ e (em) Saude? O termo ‘popular’,ao fazer distincoes sociais e politicas, nao separa ao inves de unir? Ou, for-mulada em outros termos, uma pratica educativa na area da saude nao deve-ria ter carater universal? Podemos responder a esta pergunta reformulando-a. E possivel umaeducacao universal numa sociedade dividida em classes, marcada pelo feno-meno da dominacao? Fato e que os profissionais de saude — os medicos, sobretudo, mas naoexclusivamente — tem enorme dificuldade de admitir que sao condiciona-dos pelos objetivos dos grupos ou classes dominantes numa certa epoca, eque esses objetivos nao coincidem com a sua funcao precipua (Berlinguer,1983). Ou seja, que a luta contra as doencas e a garantia do maximo nivel desaude sejam compativeis com a exploracao da forca de trabalho e a inces-sante busca de lucros, principalmente devido as suas implicacoes para a vi-da social — individualismo, estresse, consumo desenfreado, violencia. De onde advem essa dificuldade?
Interface - Comunicação, Saúde, Educação | 2006
Tonia Costa; Eduardo Navarro Stotz; Danielle Grynszpan; Maria do Carmo Borges de Souza
Trata-se de pesquisa bibliografica sobre a recorrencia do processo de naturalizacao como alicerce da medicalizacao do corpo feminino. Este processo institui uma forma de controle social com base na reproducao biologica, em que padroes de comportamento e diferencas de classe social, raca/etnia sao ordenados/redescritos. Assim, se mantem a hegemonia masculina, patriarcal e de classe, e se aprofundam as desigualdades sociais e de genero. Destaca-se a importância do desenvolvimento e da complexidade da tecnologia - que afastam as classes populares das tomadas de decisao sobre o proprio corpo e a saude reprodutiva - e da escola sobretudo, em aulas de ciencias e educacao fisica para manter e perpetuar a hegemonia burguesa.This study discusses, through bibliographic researc h, the recurrence of naturalization as basis for the medicalization of the female body, as a mea ns of social control through biological reproduction, whereby behavioral standards, social class, ethnic and race differences are rearranged/redefined. Through this process, male pa triarchal and class predominance is maintained and the rift of social and gender inequa lities grow wider. It is important to identify the role of technological developments and their co mplexities - which do not allow lowerincome classes to take decisions in regard to their own bodies and reproductive health - and schooling, specially through science and physical e ducation classes whereby upper-class predominance is sustained.
São Paulo em Perspectiva | 2003
Eduardo Navarro Stotz
This essay argues that health policy is an essential legitimizing factor with regard to the bourgeois democratic social order. It examines how policy is formulated within the political re-democratization process and considers the social segmentation of the clients of the existing health care system. It highlights the importance of worker solidarity in overcoming inequities in health care.
Revista Brasileira de Saúde Ocupacional | 2011
José Augusto Pina; Eduardo Navarro Stotz
Introduction: Changes introduced in Brazilian automotive industry working process since the 1990s have increased the weight of workforce management as determinant of workers’ health. Background: This article discusses two elements of management: profit or result sharing (PRS) and flexible working hours (FWH), drawing attention to the relationship between these two aspects and work intensity as well as workers’ wearing down. Method: Literature review and analysis of collective agreements negotiated by the metalworkers’ union in ABC-SP (Santo Andre, Sao Bernardo and Sao Caetano – three industrial centers in Sao Paulo metropolitan area), between 2001 and 2008. Results: The analysis showed that reorganization and lengthening of working time as well as high work intensity, both resulting from PRS goal achievement process and FWH, push workers towards qualitative and quantitative increase of their work, evidencing that these managerial tools cause work intensification and workers’ wearing down. Time off work is also affected, hindering workers’ recovery and biopsychic ability development as well. Conclusion: PRS and FWH can be characterized as models of management by stress, which increase workload and workers’ wearing down.
Interface - Comunicação, Saúde, Educação | 2004
Paulette Cavalcanti de Albuquerque; Eduardo Navarro Stotz
This paper presents a review of the literature on health education experiences in services as well as a documental analysis of this theme. Discussion is based on popular health education and its potential contribution to comprehensive primary health care. The way in which health education is promoted in health services and the difficulties encountered in fulfilling its role of contributing towards the construction of comprehensive primary health care is of central concern. Health actions are understood as educational actions. Thus, the health team and the patients learn and teach, in a dialogical construction of knowledge. Individual care is also discussed in this paper, insofar as the health professional’s posture in relation to popular knowledge concerning health care and his respect for the patient’s attempt to find the best therapeutic is at issue. As a result of the review of the literature, a systematic compilation of health educational programs and activities, which may be integrated into a program of popular health education for the municipalities, is proposed.This paper presents a review of the literature on health education experiences in services as well as a documental analysis of this theme. Discussion is based on popular health education and its potential contribution to comprehensive primary health care. The way in which health education is promoted in health services and the difficulties encountered in fulfilling its role of contributing towards the construction of comprehensive primary health care is of central concern. Health actions are understood as educational actions. Thus, the health team and the patients learn and teach, in a dialogical construction of knowledge. Individual care is also discussed in this paper, insofar as the health professionals posture in relation to popular knowledge concerning health care and his respect for the patients attempt to find the best therapeutic is at issue. As a result of the review of the literature, a systematic compilation of health educational programs and activities, which may be integrated into a program of popular health education for the municipalities, is proposed.
Interface - Comunicação, Saúde, Educação | 2001
Eduardo Navarro Stotz
Pedro Orosio achava do mesmo modo lindeza comum nos seus campos-gerais, por saudade de la, onde tinha nascido e sido criado. Mas, outras coisas, que seo Alquiste e o frade, e seo Jujuca do Acude referiam, isso ficava por ele desentendido, fechado sem explicacao nenhuma; assim, que tudo ali era uma Lundiana ou Lundlândia, desses nomes. De certo, segredos ganhavam, as pessoas estudadas; nao eram para o uso de um lavrador como ele, so com sua saude para trabalhar e suar, e a protecao de Deus em tudo. Um enxadeiro, sol a sol debrucado para a terra do chao, de orvalho a sereno, e puxando toda a forca de seu corpo, como e que ha de saber pensar continuado? E, mesmo para entender ao vivo as coisas de perto, ele so tinha poder quando na mao da precisao, ou esquentado – por odio ou por amor. Mais nao conseguia.
Interface - Comunicação, Saúde, Educação | 2006
Tonia Costa; Eduardo Navarro Stotz; Danielle Grynszpan; Maria do Carmo Borges de Souza
Trata-se de pesquisa bibliografica sobre a recorrencia do processo de naturalizacao como alicerce da medicalizacao do corpo feminino. Este processo institui uma forma de controle social com base na reproducao biologica, em que padroes de comportamento e diferencas de classe social, raca/etnia sao ordenados/redescritos. Assim, se mantem a hegemonia masculina, patriarcal e de classe, e se aprofundam as desigualdades sociais e de genero. Destaca-se a importância do desenvolvimento e da complexidade da tecnologia - que afastam as classes populares das tomadas de decisao sobre o proprio corpo e a saude reprodutiva - e da escola sobretudo, em aulas de ciencias e educacao fisica para manter e perpetuar a hegemonia burguesa.This study discusses, through bibliographic researc h, the recurrence of naturalization as basis for the medicalization of the female body, as a mea ns of social control through biological reproduction, whereby behavioral standards, social class, ethnic and race differences are rearranged/redefined. Through this process, male pa triarchal and class predominance is maintained and the rift of social and gender inequa lities grow wider. It is important to identify the role of technological developments and their co mplexities - which do not allow lowerincome classes to take decisions in regard to their own bodies and reproductive health - and schooling, specially through science and physical e ducation classes whereby upper-class predominance is sustained.
Interface - Comunicação, Saúde, Educação | 2009
Eduardo Navarro Stotz
It is a posthumous publication that presents the main moments of the trajectory of the teacher and researcher Victor Vincent Valla. By rescuing projects and experiences that marked this trajectory, the vital link that Valla built between academia and the street is highlighted, as well as his contribution to and involvement with popular movements in Brazil, particularly by means of Education and Health, an interdisciplinary field in which he acted until the end of his life, as a teacher and researcher with the Postgraduate Program in Education of Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) and Escola Nacional de Saude Publica (ENSP).