Edvan Alves Chagas
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária
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Featured researches published by Edvan Alves Chagas.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2008
Ronny Clayton Smarsi; Edvan Alves Chagas; Luis Lessi dos Reis; Gabriella Ferreira de Oliveira; Vander Mendonça; Leandro Tropaldi; Rafael Pio; João Alexio Scarpare Filho
The objective of the present research was to evaluate the effect of the IBA application and different kinds of substrates in the vegetative propagation of litchi by air layering technique. The air layering had been done in semi-hardwood, healthy and vigorous branches of cultivar Bengal, in stock plants of 12 years old. The branches had been ring-girdled, 1,5 cm of width, and the exposed wound treated with different IBA concentrations (0, 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 mg.L-1), enclosed with three moistened substrates (plantmax®, humus and sphagnum moss), involved with transparent plastic and tied in the two extremities. After 84 days, it was evaluated the length of root (cm), number of root expressed in notes from 0 to 5, percentage of callus and rooting. The best results in the vegetative propagation of litchi, cultivar Bengal, by air layering technique were obtained using plantmax® and IBA between 2.166 and 2.430 mg.L-1. The use of humus combined with concentrations between 2.175 and 2.250 mg.L-1 of IBA, also gave good results in the development of air layering. The poor success independently of IBA concentration was gotten with the use of sphagnum moss.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2007
Graciela da Rocha Sobierajski; W. Barbosa; José Emílio Bettiol Neto; Edvan Alves Chagas; Fernando Antonio Campo-Dall'Orto
The knowledge of phenological stages and nut development of macadamia trees is essential for the adequate management of the plant, aiming pollination studies and controlled crossing between cultivars, needed in breeding programs. The phenological temporal patterns of seven macadamia cultivars selected at the Instituto Agronomico (IAC) were researched in the collection of cultivars. Small variations were verified among the initial phenological stages, from emission of the racemes up to the swollen flower bud stage. The complete cycle, from the flower bud emission to the fruit dropping took 253 days. The phenological stages - mature fruits and fruit dropping - occurred from the second tenth of February to the end of March.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2008
Wilson Barbosa; Edvan Alves Chagas; Leila Martins; Rafael Pio; Maria Luiza Sant'anna Tucci; Fabiane Aparecida Artioli
The achachairu (Garcinia sp), a fruit widely grown in Bolivia, has been commercialized in Brazil for many years. The fruit is globular-oblong shaped, with a white succulent pulp, mucilaginous texture and a well balanced sweet-acid flavor (oBrix 15; pH 4.1). Due to the increasing interest in its cultivation in Brazil, this work was carried out aiming to study the seeds germination and seedling development throughout the first 12 months after seed emergence. The seeds, after being extracted from full ripe fruits were placed in a B.O.D. type chamber, under the following temperatures: 25, 30, 20-30 oC, as well as under room temperature (25±2 oC). The best result was given by the steady temperature of 30oC, with a germination of 92% and a germination speed index (GSI) of 0,255. At room temperature, seeds germination was low (30%), with a GSI of 0,015. Seedling development at greenhouse conditions was very slow mainly throughout the first weeks post emergence. The first pair of leaves appeared 25 days after seedling emergence, when seedlings averaged 8cm. From the eighth month on, many lateral branches were burst out, from the seedling medial portion towards the apical one.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2012
Leandro Camargo Neves; André José de Campos; Ronaldo Moreno Benedette; Jéssica Milanez Tosin; Edvan Alves Chagas
The objective of the present study was to characterize the chemistry and the antioxidant capacity in 8 species of native fruits from Amazonia. All the fruits were collected at full physiological and commercial maturity from properties located at: Boa Vista / RR, Sao Luiz do Anaua / RR, Manaus / AM, and Belem / PA. At the end of the experiment, the functional pattern for the camu-camu fruits showed that the total phenolic and ascorbic acid content and antioxidant assays were superior compared to the other samples. Despite the functional losses detected for the freeze-dried samples of the camu-camu fruit, all the other freeze-dried samples kept under -20oC showed appropriate stability for long-term storage. In addition, it was also observed that fruit peel showed higher antioxidant activity than pulp or samples containing peel and pulp tissues in the same extract. When the ratio between the ORAC and total phenolic assays were observed, the uxi fruit demonstrated the highest antioxidant power compared to the other fruits studied, despite its relatively low levels of phenolic compound content and ORAC values. This means that there is a relevant contribution of these phenolic compounds to the antioxidant activity of uxi fruit.
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira | 2007
Rafael Pio; Fernando Antonio Campo Dall'Orto; Wilson Barbosa; Edvan Alves Chagas; Mário Ojima; Nelson Pires Feldberg
The objective of this work was to compare the performance of five loquat selections grafted on quince seedlings and on loquat seedlings. The following selections were assessed: IAC 966-23, IAC 265-66, IAC 1467-25, Mizauto (IAC 167-4) and Mizumo (IAC 1567-411). The selections were grafted in rooted cuttings of quince cultivar Portugal (planted at the field with an spacing of 4x2 m, corresponding to a density of 1,250 plants ha-1) and in loquat seedlings (planted at the field with an spacing of 7x4 m, corresponding to a density of 357 plants ha-1). The experiments were carried in Monte Alegre do Sul, SP, Brazil. Production (kg and number of the fruits per plant), fruit average mass (g) and productivity (Mg ha-1), along three years of plantation at the field, were evaluated. After the last harvest, the average of all harvests was calculated. The IAC 265-66 selection showed the best performance when grafted on quince and loquat rootstocks. Despite the lower production, there was no difference in productive between quince and loquat as rootstocks. The use of quince as rootstock is an option for loquat cultivation, mainly due to the plant size reduction and consequently, the easier cultural practices.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2011
Leandro Camargo Neves; Ronaldo Moreno Benedette; Jéssica Milanez Tosin; Edvan Alves Chagas; Vanuza Xavier da Silva; Marcos André de Souza Prill; Sérgio Ruffo Roberto
The aim of this work was to obtain the nutritional enrichment of nectars of fruits, by means of blends processament, using tropical and Amazonian fruit produced in Roraima. Nectars of pineapple, buriti, cashew, camu-camu, star fruit, passion fruit, murici, Tahiti lime and tapereba were used. A preliminary assay was carried out where it was observed that the nectars of pineapple and passion fruit would be used as matrix, and from these ones the following treatments were originated: 2 controls - 100% of pineapple and 100% of passion fruit; 1 blend using the matrix - 50% of pineapple + 50% of passion fruit; 7 blends of each matrix with which chosen fruit in the proportion of 1:1. The sodium benzoate and sulfur dioxide were added in the concentrations of 500 and 200 ppm, respectively, in all nectars and evaluated blends. The results regarding the nutritional composition of blends reflected a significative raise of nutritional values when compared to the matrix, as well when compared to the individual nectars of each fruit. The same behavior was observed even after 10 days of no refrigerated storage. Regarding the microbiological stability, just the blends in which buriti was used as component were damaged. The blends chemical analysis showed different standard in relation to the matrix, however, when submitted to the sensorial analysis, showed to be satisfactory by the panel. The compositions that more enjoyed the panel were the blends of both matrix associated to camu-camu and murici.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2011
Marina Keiko Welter; Valdinar Ferreira Melo; Claudio Horst Bruckner; Helen Thaís Pereira de Góes; Edvan Alves Chagas; Sandra Cátia Pereira Uchôa
The seedling production of native fruits is an important step towards the preservation of species, commercial exploitation and sustainable employment generation. In this context, alternative fertilizers, such as rock dust, provide obtaining a substrate with higher fertility, nutrient-rich, with reduced costs in manpower and replacement of fertilization. The objective in the present research was to evaluate the initial development of camu-camu seedlings (Myrciaria dubia H.B.K. McVaugh) in function of levels of crushed basalt. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, at CCA/UFRR. The experimental designed was completely randomized with eight treatments and five repetitions in factorial scheme (5x2+1), being five levels of crushed basalt (0, 0.42, 1.04, 2.08, 4.17 and 8.33 g kg-1), two particle size (0.05 mm and 0.10 mm f). Vases of polyethylene of 14L of capacity were the experimental units, and the soil was a Distrofic Yellow Latosol. The incubation period of the soil in vases was for 120 days and after that period the seedlings were transplanted to vases. Six months after the transplant the height, diameter of plant, branches number, and aerial part and root dry biomass of seedlings were determined. From this data the morphologic indexes were calculated. The Treatments without crushed basalt (0 g kg-1) and the levels 0.42 g kg-1 produced seedlings of lower quality in both granulometry analyzed. The better development of seedlings of camu-camu was obtained using 4.17 e 8.33 g kg-1 of crushed basalt with 0.05 granulometry.
Ciencia Rural | 2010
José Emílio Bettiol Neto; Fernando Antonio Campo Dall'Orto; Wilson Barbosa; Edvan Alves Chagas; Rafael Pio; Fernanda Carvalho Costa
ABSTRACT The yield of the loquat tree selections ( Eriobotryajaponica ) IAC 263-49, IAC 363-27, IAC 264-54, IAC 464-9,IAC 165-9, IAC 265-66, IAC 966-23, IAC 167-1, IAC 677-13,IAC 967-5, IAC 1367-43, IAC 1367-46, IAC 1467-12, IAC1467-25, IAC 1467-170, IAC 1467-177, IAC 1467-296, IAC1467-301, IAC NE-3, IAC KM-6 and ‘Mizuho’ were evaluated,in Jundiai city, SP, Brazil. The seedlings growing on cultivar‘Mizumo’ rootstocks were planted at field in a randomizedblocks design. From the third to seventh year after planting thefruits number and fresh weight, the total yield per plant and theproductivity were evaluated, besides the calculation of theaverage of the quadriennium. The IAC 165-9, IAC 265-66 andIAC 677-13 selections showed the highest productions andthey are promising for the diversification of the loquat treecultivation. Key words: Eriobotrya japonica Lindl., loquat, fruit quality. INTRODUCAO O cultivo de nesperas ( Eriobotryajaponica ) vem se intensificando no mundo, em especialnos paises europeus localizados na regiao domediterrâneo e no Brasil, pela excelente qualidadeorganoleptica de seus frutos, pela baixa necessidadede aplicacoes sistematicas de defensivos agricolas,frente aos minimos problemas fitossanitarios, e pelaexcelente fonte de renda, em razao do crescenteconsumo nos ultimos anos (PIO et al., 2008).O aumento do consumo de nesperas estarelacionado principalmente ao sabor peculiar dos seusfrutos, bem como as suas caracteristicas nutraceuticas.As nesperas sao ricas em acido galacturonico, malicoe fumarico (FEMENIA et al., 1998), flavonoides,carotenoides e outros e compostos antioxidantes,localizados nas casca e na polpa dos frutos (KOBA etal., 2007; FARIA et al., 2009; FERRERES et al., 2009).Alem disso, possui elevada concentracao de pectina
Revista Virtual de Química | 2015
Rita de Cássia Pompeu de Sousa; Edvan Alves Chagas; Pedro Vitor P. Guimarães; Wilson B. do Nascimento Filho; Antonio Alves de Melo Filho
The camu-camu of fruits (Myrciaria dubia (HBK) McVaugh, Myrtaceae) arising from Amazonia, are considered a major source of vitamin C in the world. There are still important sources of different bioactive compounds and good source of minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, manganese and copper. However, the processing of these fruits for extraction of the pulp, the product of greatest interest to many consumption, creates an effective quantity of different wastes, solid and liquid, capable of utilization for various uses its technological potential is studied. Thus, this work aimed at determining, quickly, via direct condutometric electroanalytical method, the amount of dissolved minerals contained in the aqueous extract of processed seeds and peels, coproducts of Myrciaria dubia, with potential use in the area of biotechnology development. The samples used for the study come from the experimental processing of fruit camu-camu. Three coproducts (byproducts/waste) named: CF, CS and SSC also processed via Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) created in our own laboratory for the study of organic waste. Analyzing the results obtained it was found that the samples CF and SSC showed higher electrical conductivity, which characterizes them as a rich source of electrolytes, showing greater ability to exchange ions to the solution, which can be characterized as a nutrient solution. Conductivity values obtained from samples from CF, CS and SSC outweigh some brands of bottled water sold in the Brazilian market, ranging from 32 to 72% when compared to the highest value obtained, 408,0 S.cm at 25°C, considered as a nutrient solution of high value rich in minerals. The conductometry technique was effective for rapid determination of total dissolved coproducts of processed fruit samples camu-camu minerals. It also made possible by the high mineral contents, characterize them as nutrient solution, with potential for exploitation in the area of biotechnology
Scientia Agropecuaria | 2013
Carlos Abanto Rodriguez; Edvan Alves Chagas; Mario Pinedo Panduro; Diego Garcia Soria; José Sánchez-Choy; R. M. B. Lozano; Gisela Saldaña Rios
The aim was to verify the initial development of camu camu plants with different organic substrates in conventional nursery bedding microsprinkler irrigation and shade management Chromatine® mesh with 50% red light. We used genetic material from mother plants Germplasm Bank of INIA-camu camu Iquitos, seeds were germinated in decomposed sawdust and kept for a period of 40 days after subculturing was performed with 10 cm in height in different substrates according treatments in nursery beds with dimensions of 1.20 m wide x 10 m long with a depth of 30 cm. After conducting assessments of height (cm) and basal diameter (mm) for a period of 120 days, it was found that the substrate manure has become the substrate for greater efficiency in plant development camu camu substrate followed by humus worm.