Handan Çulal Kiliç
Süleyman Demirel University
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Featured researches published by Handan Çulal Kiliç.
African Journal of Biotechnology | 2010
Gürsel Karaca; İsmail Karaca; Nejla Yardimci; Ozan Demirözer; Baran Aslan; Handan Çulal Kiliç
As a result of three year surveys performed in the apple orchards in Isparta region, 19 pest species belonging to 4 orders were determined and it was found that the main pest was codling moth. Most of the predators and parasitoids were effective against aphids and they were mostly found in the orchards where selective pesticides were used. Apple scab and powdery mildew were the most common and important diseases. Biology of codling moth and apple scab in the region were investigated. By using the obtained data, proper application times were given and some recommendations regarding integrated pest management program in apple orchards, were summarized.
Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe | 2015
Demet Yilmaz; Mustafa Karaboyaci; Handan Çulal Kiliç; Kübra Kitapçi; Sinem Yelkovan
Biodegradable and sustainable products are being employed to make contributions to efforts concerning environmental protection and the reduction of oil consumption. Biodegradable fibres present a simple and notable opportunity for providing sustainable textiles. Soybean fibre is a kind of regenerated and new-generation protein plant fibre. The present work aimed to analyse the many different properties of soybean fibres. Particularly it was focused on their performance, functional, comfort and dyeing properties. In literature, there are studies regarding soybean fibres but topics mostly involved the analysis of comfort properties of the fibre. In this study, fibre structure and composition, flame and UV resist ance, strength, pilling behaviour, air and water vapour permeability, water absorption, drape and dyeing properties were studied. It was indicated that soybean fibre is capable of meeting the performance, comfort and functional requirements of classical and technical textile products. The fibre has many of the good qualities of natural fibres such as tenacity, moisture regain, soft-lustrous handle, dyeability and colour fastness properties, and also has some of the functional properties of synthetic fibres such as being flame retardant and anti-ultraviolet.
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi | 2017
Demet Yilmaz; Handan Çulal Kiliç; Kasım Aksoy
Cevrenin korunmasi bakimindan atiklarin geri kazanilmasi ve hammadde kaynagi olarak tekrar kullanilmasi icin yontemlerin gelistirilmesi buyuk onem arz etmektedir. Bu calismada da, gunluk yasamda ve endustriyel urunlerde cok yaygin bir sekilde kullanilan polietilen tereftalat (PET) atiklarindan kaynaklanan kirliligin onlenmesi, plastik uretiminde atik haline donusen kismin efektif bir sekilde degerlendirilebilmesi ile birlikte geri donusum ve kompozit malzemelerin oneminden yola cikarak nano boyutlu cesitli partikuller iceren geri donusum PET (rPET) esasli nanokompozitlerin uretimi ve cesitli ozelliklerinin analizleri gerceklestirilmistir. Calismada, geri donusum PET polimerleri ile nanopartikuller (bor, zeolit ve pomza) eriyikte birlestirme veya eriyikte harmanlama metodu kullanilarak cift vidali ekstruder icerisinde %3 oraninda karistirilmis ve granul halinde nanokompozitler elde edilmistir. Calismada, partikul icerikli nanokompozitlerin polimer-partikul etkilesimi konusunda fikir sahibi olmak amaciyla bazi ic yapi ve termal ozellikleri incelenmistir. Bor, zeolit ve pomza icerikli nanokompozit uretimi konusunda on bir arastirmanin gerceklestirildigi calisma sonucunda, kullanilan partikul turune ve partikul dagilimina bagli olarak farkli degisimlerin meydana geldigi belirlenmistir.
Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi | 2017
Handan Çulal Kiliç; Levent Isparta; Nejla Yardimci; Kader Doğan
Isparta ve Burdur illeri domates uretim alanlarinda 2014 yilinda sorvey calismalari gerceklestirilmistir. Bu surveyler sirasinda domates uretim alanlarindan 78 yaprak ornegi toplanmis ve bu ornekler ticari poliklonal antiserumlar kullanilarak DAS-ELISA yontemi ile Domates Lekeli Solgunluk Virusu ( Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus, TSWV) icin test edilmistir. DAS-ELISA testi sonucunda orneklerin hepsi TSWV bakimindan negatif bulunmustur. Daha sonra bu orneklerden RT-PCR (Test Transkripsiyon polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu) yontemi kullanilarak TSWV’e ait RdRp genleri cogaltilarak 78 ornekten 15 tanesinin enfekteli oldugu tespit edilmistir. Yapilan bu calisma TSWV’nun teshisinde RT-PCR yonteminin DAS-ELISA yonteminden daha hassas oldugunu gostermistir.
African Journal of Biotechnology | 2009
Nejla Yardimci; Handan Çulal Kiliç
International Journal of Biology | 2013
Handan Çulal Kiliç; Nejla Yardimci; Gözde Ürgen
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi | 2016
Ahmet Çat; Nejla Yardimci; Handan Çulal Kiliç
Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi | 2015
Handan Çulal Kiliç; Demet Altindal; Nejla Yardimci; lknur Akgün
Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi | 2015
Handan Çulal Kiliç; Nejla Yardimci; Gözde Ürgen
International Journal of Scientific and Technological Research | 2015
Handan Çulal Kiliç; Nejla Yardimci; Serdar Toplu; Ali Konu