Júlia Trevisan Martins
Universidade Estadual de Londrina
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Featured researches published by Júlia Trevisan Martins.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2009
Júlia Trevisan Martins; Maria Lúcia do Carmo Cruz Robazzi
The purpose of this study was to investigate the feelings of suffering that Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nurses experience, and the strategies they use to face these feelings. It is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach and based on content analysis. The study used previous studies on Work Psychodynamics as complementary groundwork. Data collection occurred by means of semi-structured interviews, which were transcribed, categorized, and subcategorized. Results showed that suffering is related to: taking care of a young patient in critical condition, taking problems home, the patient’s family, the team’s work, and technology at work. As for the defense strategies used, emphasis is given to the search for strength in religion, promoting inter-relationships among team members, engaging in physical activity, and withdrawing from the patient.The purpose of this study was to investigate the feelings of suffering that Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nurses experience, and the strategies they use to face these feelings. It is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach and based on content analysis. The study used previous studies on Work Psychodynamics as complementary groundwork. Data collection occurred by means of semi-structured interviews, which were transcribed, categorized, and subcategorized. Results showed that suffering is related to: taking care of a young patient in critical condition, taking problems home, the patients family, the teams work, and technology at work. As for the defense strategies used, emphasis is given to the search for strength in religion, promoting inter-relationships among team members, engaging in physical activity, and withdrawing from the patient.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2010
Júlia Trevisan Martins; Maria Lúcia do Carmo Cruz Robazzi; Maria Cristina Cescatto Bobroff
O presente trabalho e uma reflexao teorica com o objetivo de refletir sobre as questoes de vivencias de prazer e sofrimento no trabalho da equipe de enfermagem, sob a otica da psicodinâmica dejourina do trabalho. Esta reflexao contribui para elucidar a importância dos processos organizativos no trabalho da equipe de enfermagem, em especial por considerar os aspectos relacionados a intersubjetividade e a historia singular de cada ser humano. Diagnosticar as situacoes cotidianas no ambiente de trabalho e importante para intervencoes nas formas de organizacao do processo de trabalho, bem como em outras situacoes que forem necessarias, contribuindo, assim, para a melhoria da qualidade de vida no ambiente laboral e na vida privada.The present study is a theoretical reflection which approaches the feelings of pleasure and suffering in the nursing team work in the perspective of the psychodynamic under Dejour optics. This reflection contributes to elucidate the importance of the organization processes of nursing team work, in special for considering the aspects related to the intersubjectivity and the singular history of each human being. The intervention in the health area organizations and in other institutions, consequently favors the diagnostic of the work situations, contributing for the improvement of the quality of life in the proper labor environment and also in the private life, among others.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2012
Renata Perfeito Ribeiro; Júlia Trevisan Martins; Maria Helena Palucci Marziale; Maria Lúcia do Carmo Cruz Robazzi
Mans endless search for methods of performing different activities leads to increased workloads, which eventually result in physical, psychological and emotional conditions. The objective of this study was to seek scientific evidence regarding the types of work-related conditions or illnesses in nursing, as well as the means of coping and preventing occupational diseases and accidents. An integrative review was performed on the electronic health databases using the following descriptors: occupational disease, occupational prevention, and nursing worker. Twenty-seven articles were found. It was realized that nurses have back pain and musculoskeletal injuries, suffer accidents with sharp-edged materials and endure stress and tension at work, in addition to exposure to environmental pollution and dermatitis.Mans endless search for methods of performing different activities leads to increased workloads, which eventually result in physical, psychological and emotional conditions. The objective of this study was to seek scientific evidence regarding the types of work-related conditions or illnesses in nursing, as well as the means of coping and preventing occupational diseases and accidents. An integrative review was performed on the electronic health databases using the following descriptors: occupational disease, occupational prevention, and nursing worker. Twenty-seven articles were found. It was realized that nurses have back pain and musculoskeletal injuries, suffer accidents with sharp-edged materials and endure stress and tension at work, in addition to exposure to environmental pollution and dermatitis.
Ciencia y enfermería | 2009
Júlia Trevisan Martins; Maria Lúcia do Carmo Cruz Robazzi; Maria Lúcia Garanhani
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar los sentimientos de placer vividos por los enfermeros de Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos. El trabajo se realizo en dos Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos de adultos de un hospital escuela. Se trato de una investigacion cualitativa en la que fueron entrevistados ocho enfermeros de todos los turnos de trabajo. El referencial teorico utilizado fue la psicodinamica del trabajo y la metodologia fue el analisis de contenido y los resultados mostraron que aunque los enfermeros trabajan en un ambiente considerado complejo, de ritmo acelerado y con pacientes graves en el que la muerte es inminente, relataron sentir placer en varias situaciones.
Ciencia y enfermería | 2008
Lucinéia Da Silva Lucas; Júlia Trevisan Martins; Maria Lúcia do Carmo Cruz Robazzi
This study aimed to understand the meaning of life quality for people with chronic ulcers in the lower limbs. At the same time it tries to identify which aspects of their lives had negatively changed the most in order to understand their satisfaction and dissatisfaction levels, towards the problems they might have faced. It is a non-experimental study with a descriptive, quality and quantitative approach. Fifteen research subjects who performed cures in the Basic Health Units in the city of Maringá-Pr., took part in the study. Results showed that those interviewed related the meaning of quality of life, more specifically to three factors: be healthy, have good economic conditions and family always present.Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo comprender el significado de la calidad de vida para los individuos portadores de heridas cronicas en miembros inferiores, identificando cuales aspectos de su vida han sufrido mayor impacto negativo, con la finalidad de comprender el grado de satisfaccion e insatisfaccion frente a los posibles problemas enfrentados. Se trata de un estudio de naturaleza no experimental del tipo descriptivo, con abordaje cuali-cuantitativo. Se constituyeron sujetos de la investigacion 15 personas que se realizaban curaciones en las Unidades Basicas de Salud en la ciudad de Maringa-Pr. Los resultados demostraron que los entrevistados relacionaron el significado de calidad de vida, mas especificamente a tres factores: ser saludable, tener buenas condiciones economicas y tener la familia siempre presente.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2012
Renata Perfeito Ribeiro; Júlia Trevisan Martins; Maria Helena Palucci Marziale; Maria Lúcia do Carmo Cruz Robazzi
Mans endless search for methods of performing different activities leads to increased workloads, which eventually result in physical, psychological and emotional conditions. The objective of this study was to seek scientific evidence regarding the types of work-related conditions or illnesses in nursing, as well as the means of coping and preventing occupational diseases and accidents. An integrative review was performed on the electronic health databases using the following descriptors: occupational disease, occupational prevention, and nursing worker. Twenty-seven articles were found. It was realized that nurses have back pain and musculoskeletal injuries, suffer accidents with sharp-edged materials and endure stress and tension at work, in addition to exposure to environmental pollution and dermatitis.Mans endless search for methods of performing different activities leads to increased workloads, which eventually result in physical, psychological and emotional conditions. The objective of this study was to seek scientific evidence regarding the types of work-related conditions or illnesses in nursing, as well as the means of coping and preventing occupational diseases and accidents. An integrative review was performed on the electronic health databases using the following descriptors: occupational disease, occupational prevention, and nursing worker. Twenty-seven articles were found. It was realized that nurses have back pain and musculoskeletal injuries, suffer accidents with sharp-edged materials and endure stress and tension at work, in addition to exposure to environmental pollution and dermatitis.
Ciencia y enfermería | 2007
Júlia Trevisan Martins; Maria Lúcia do Carmo Cruz Robazzi; Gisele Aparecida Plath
Los objetivos de este estudio han sido identificar si las auxiliares y tecnicos de enfermeria de una unidad de ingreso medico-quirurgica vivencian sentimientos de satisfaccion e insatisfaccion en el trabajo y los factores que mas contribuyeron para la satisfaccion e insatisfaccion en el trabajo de esas personas. Se trato de una investigacion cuantitativa, utilizandose como instrumento una escala del tipo Likert. Participaron 24 auxiliares y 2 tecnicos de enfermeria. Los resultados demostraron que el trabajo puede ser percibido de diferentes maneras, considerandose que cada uno tiene su concepcion de mundo, sus aspiraciones, sus tristezas y alegrias. La satisfaccion laborales solamente una de tantas variables de su dimension. Ella produce una variedad de consecuencias para los individuos, que puede afectar su actitud con relacion a la vida, a la familia, a uno mismo, y tambien puede influir directamente en la asistencia al pacienteABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to check if the auxiliaries and technician nurses working in a hospital ward experiencesatisfaction and dissatisfaction during the shift and also to identify which factors contributed to these people’sfeelings. A quantitative research study was conducted using a Likert type scale. Twenty four auxiliaries and twotechnician nurses answered the questionnaire. Results showed that work can be experienced in different ways,considering that each person has its own world perception, aspirations, sorrows and joys. Work satisfaction isonly one of many variations of its extent. It bears several consequences which can affect the individual’s attitudestowards life, family themselves and also influence directly into patients’ care.Keywords: Work satisfaction, nursing team, feelings.Fecha de recepcion: 06/03/06. Fecha de aceptacion: 10/05/07. INTRODUCAODesde os primordios, o trabalho vem sendoincorporado a vida humana, preenchendocada vez mais espacos e alterando a forma deviver. Em consequencia, novas necessidadesvao surgindo como o reconhecimento, a va-lorizacao e o prestigio social, dentre outras,sendo que atraves do exercicio profissional enas relacoes laborais, ha oportunidades paraatende-las.Ao mesmo tempo, que o trabalho e umaatividade de vasto alcance que se reflete e in-fluencia em todos os aspectos da conduta hu-mana, porque os individuos ao desempenha-lo nao somente ultrapassam as suas habilida-des intelectuais e fisicas, mas, tambem as suasindividualidades (Larraguibel e Paravic, 2003).Fazer com que as pessoas conhecam seutrabalho e desenvolvam plenamente suas ca-pacidades, motiva e compromete os gruposde trabalhadores em direcao aos objetivoscomuns e compartilhados, porque se conse-guem um respeito e conhecimento reciproco,fatores que sao indispensaveis para obter-se aeficiencia e equidade.O trabalho, qualquer que seja, deve ser fon-te de satisfacao para quem o executa e umavia de realizacao pessoal e desta forma torna-se, por consequencia, uma satisfacao na vidafamiliar e social (Giovanizzi, 1997). Ele e omediador de integracao social, seja por seuvalor economico, seja pelo aspecto cultural,tendo importância fundamental no entendi-mento das questoes que envolvem a subjeti-vidade, no modo de vida e, portanto, na sau-de fisica e mental das pessoas.O destaque que se e dado ao trabalho navida do individuo pode muitas vezes abalar ovalor subjetivo que ele se auto atribui, geran-do sentimentos de desvalorizacao, angustia,inseguranca, levando a insatisfacao; se essesfatores nao existirem podem leva-lo a satisfa-cao (Seligmann-Silva, 1995). A importânciada satisfacao nas atividades desenvolvidas notrabalho parece ser clara. Trabalhadores sa-tisfeitos tem taxas mais baixas de absenteismoe estas podem ser um fator de decisao para asua permanencia na instituicao.Existe relacao entre a satisfacao laboral e asaude. Os sujeitos insatisfeitos no trabalhotendem a ficar doentes, manifestando desdeenxaquecas ate problemas vasculares, ou seja,aumentam-lhes as probabilidades de infartoe outras enfermidades, especialmente as deordem psicologicas. Somente este fato ja e osuficiente para justificar os meios que levema maior satisfacao no ambiente laborativo,pois ha diminuicao com gastos a saude e per-da de individuos, prematuramente (Paravic’,1998).As pessoas satisfeitas no trabalho, adota-rao atitudes mais positivas diante da vida deuma maneira geral e consequentemente, po-derao construir uma sociedade mais sauda-vel, no que tange os aspectos biopsicosociais.Na enfermagem essas assertivas aplicam-
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2010
Júlia Trevisan Martins; Maria Lúcia do Carmo Cruz Robazzi; Maria Cristina Cescatto Bobroff
O presente trabalho e uma reflexao teorica com o objetivo de refletir sobre as questoes de vivencias de prazer e sofrimento no trabalho da equipe de enfermagem, sob a otica da psicodinâmica dejourina do trabalho. Esta reflexao contribui para elucidar a importância dos processos organizativos no trabalho da equipe de enfermagem, em especial por considerar os aspectos relacionados a intersubjetividade e a historia singular de cada ser humano. Diagnosticar as situacoes cotidianas no ambiente de trabalho e importante para intervencoes nas formas de organizacao do processo de trabalho, bem como em outras situacoes que forem necessarias, contribuindo, assim, para a melhoria da qualidade de vida no ambiente laboral e na vida privada.The present study is a theoretical reflection which approaches the feelings of pleasure and suffering in the nursing team work in the perspective of the psychodynamic under Dejour optics. This reflection contributes to elucidate the importance of the organization processes of nursing team work, in special for considering the aspects related to the intersubjectivity and the singular history of each human being. The intervention in the health area organizations and in other institutions, consequently favors the diagnostic of the work situations, contributing for the improvement of the quality of life in the proper labor environment and also in the private life, among others.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2009
Júlia Trevisan Martins; Maria Lúcia do Carmo Cruz Robazzi
The purpose of this study was to investigate the feelings of suffering that Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nurses experience, and the strategies they use to face these feelings. It is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach and based on content analysis. The study used previous studies on Work Psychodynamics as complementary groundwork. Data collection occurred by means of semi-structured interviews, which were transcribed, categorized, and subcategorized. Results showed that suffering is related to: taking care of a young patient in critical condition, taking problems home, the patient’s family, the team’s work, and technology at work. As for the defense strategies used, emphasis is given to the search for strength in religion, promoting inter-relationships among team members, engaging in physical activity, and withdrawing from the patient.The purpose of this study was to investigate the feelings of suffering that Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nurses experience, and the strategies they use to face these feelings. It is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach and based on content analysis. The study used previous studies on Work Psychodynamics as complementary groundwork. Data collection occurred by means of semi-structured interviews, which were transcribed, categorized, and subcategorized. Results showed that suffering is related to: taking care of a young patient in critical condition, taking problems home, the patients family, the teams work, and technology at work. As for the defense strategies used, emphasis is given to the search for strength in religion, promoting inter-relationships among team members, engaging in physical activity, and withdrawing from the patient.
Journal of Nursing Ufpe Online | 2013
Maria Cristina Cescatto Bobroff; Júlia Trevisan Martins; Juliana Helena Montezeli
Work-related stress is an important issue all over the world because of its many negative impacts on workers health, such as physiological and psychological problems. Stress prevention is mandatory in all occupational areas.This publication was developed by a group of experts organized by the International Labour Office that reviewed workplace stress issues and included a list of checkpoints for identifying stressors in workplace environment. It is emphasized that the workers and their representatives’ involvement is essential for the prevention of stress and by using this manual’s checkpoints they will be able to detect causes of stress at work and prevention measures could be performed.
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Alexandrina Aparecida Maciel Cardelli
Universidade Estadual de Londrina
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