Kathrin Heinitz
Free University of Berlin
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Featured researches published by Kathrin Heinitz.
Zeitschrift Fur Arbeits-und Organisationspsychologie | 2007
Kathrin Heinitz; Jens Rowold
Zusammenfassung. Gepruft wurde, ob das Transformational Leadership Inventory (TLI; Podsakoff, MacKenzie & Bommer, 1996; Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Moorman & Fetter, 1990) mit sieben Inhaltsskalen zur Erfassung transformationaler und transaktionaler Fuhrung fur die Beurteilung deutscher Fuhrungskrafte geeignet ist. In Testanalysen wurden die Gutekriterien der deutschen Adaptation anhand zweier Stichproben (N1 = 404, N2 = 267) ermittelt. Konfirmatorische Faktorenanalysen bestatigten das siebenfaktorielle Modell des TLI. Hohe Zusammenhange zwischen den transformationalen Skalen und erstens subjektiven Zufriedenheits- und Leistungsmasen sowie zweitens dem Commitment der Mitarbeiter werden als Belege fur die Konstruktvaliditat gewertet. Lediglich eine Skala des TLI erscheint aufgrund ihrer geringen internen Konsistenz als verbesserungswurdig. Insgesamt steht mit der hier vorgestellten deutschen Adaptation des TLI ein okonomisches Instrument mit ansprechenden Gutekriterien fur den Einsatz bereit. Bezogen auf die Kon...
European Journal of Psychological Assessment | 2005
Kathrin Heinitz; Detlev Liepmann; Jörg Felfe
Abstract. Over the last decade, the research dealing with transformational leadership put the emphasis on a more differentiated model of leadership. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) assesses nine leadership facets. The instrument, though, is often criticized as the five transformational facets cannot be empirically distinguished and Contingent Reward - a transactional aspect - shows high correlations with the transformational scales. This study investigates the underlying factor structure of the MLQ 5X Short. Based on the fact that the proposed structure does not show a good model fit, a parallel analysis was conducted in order to determine the number of factors to retain. Results suggest that three factors should be extracted. Subsequently, a three-factor solution is extracted from a second sample, and tested on a third. The examination of the augmentation effect shows that, although nearly two thirds of the items were omitted, only 14% of variance explained in the MLQ Success criterion is ...
Zeitschrift Fur Arbeits-und Organisationspsychologie | 2009
Jens Rowold; Lars Borgmann; Kathrin Heinitz
Ziel des vorliegenden Beitrages ist, die Gutekriterien eines Instruments zur Erfassung von ethischer Fuhrung zu uberprufen. Ausgangspunkt war die Ubersetzung der Ethical Leadership Scale von Brown, Trevino und Harrison (2005) ins Deutsche (ELS-D). Anschliesend wurde anhand dreier Stichproben (N1 = 100, N2 = 119, N3 = 507) die faktorielle Binnenstruktur des Instrumentes uberpruft. Es ergaben sich zwei Faktoren (ethische Mitarbeiterfuhrung und ethisches Rollenmodell). Es zeigten sich konvergente Validitaten zwischen den Skalen ethischer Fuhrung und transformationaler, transaktionaler, mitarbeiter- und aufgabenorientierter Fuhrung (positive Korrelationen) sowie Laissez-faire (negative Korrelation). Demgegenuber waren die Skalen ethischer Fuhrung erwartungskonform uberwiegend unabhangig vom Alter der gefuhrten Mitarbeiter und vom Geschlecht der Fuhrungskraft. Hohe Zusammenhange zwischen ethischer Fuhrung und der Arbeitszufriedenheit sowie dem Commitment der Mitarbeiter werden als Belege fur die Konstruktvalid...
PLOS ONE | 2014
Timo Lorenz; Kathrin Heinitz
Rooted in the neurodiversity approach, this study provides an overview of the strengths and interests of individuals with Aspergers Syndrome. We interviewed136 individuals with Aspergers Syndrome and 155 neurotypical individuals via an online survey with regards to (a) demography, (b) occupational strengths, (c) general self-efficacy, (d) occupational self-efficacy, and (e) the job interest profile according to Holland. The vocational and educational fields of the individuals with Aspergers in the sample are more diverse than and surpass those classical fields stated in research and biographical literature. The comparison of both groups in cross-tables showed that the indicated strengths differ in several areas (ΦCramer = .02–.47), which means that a specific strength profile can be derived, and this profile goes beyond the clinical view of the diagnostic criteria. Individuals with Aspergers indicate lower self-efficacy, both general and occupational. Furthermore, a high concentration of individuals with Aspergers can be found in the areas I (Investigative) and C (Conventional) of Hollands RIASEC model.
Zeitschrift für Personalpsychologie | 2008
Jens Rowold; Kathrin Heinitz
Zusammenfassung Stress hat in Organisationen weitreichende Konsequenzen. Die Vermeidung von Stress kann sich gunstig auf den organisationalen Alltag sowie die Effektivitat des Unternehmens auswirken. Das Verhalten der Fuhrungskrafte kann hierbei eine Moglichkeit zum Abbau oder zur Vorbeugung von Stress darstellen. Die Frage, welche einzelnen Fuhrungsstile relevant in Bezug auf Stress sind, wurde jedoch bisher unzureichend empirisch uberpruft. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht daher die Zusammenhange unterschiedlicher Fuhrungsstile mit diversen Stressindikatoren. Die Ergebnisse zweier Studien (N = 1311 und N = 101) weisen auf eine unterschiedliche Wirkung transformationaler, transaktionaler sowie mitarbeiter- und aufgabenorientierter Fuhrungsverhaltensweisen in Abhangigkeit vom jeweiligen Stressindikator hin. Mitarbeiterorientierung zeigte durchgangig negative Zusammenhange zu Stressindikatoren. Transaktionale Fuhrung stand kurzfristig in einem positiven, langerfristig in einem negativen Verhaltnis mit Ind...
PLOS ONE | 2016
Timo Lorenz; Cora Frischling; Raphael Cuadros; Kathrin Heinitz
The aim of this study was to discover how individuals with autism succeed in entering the job market. We therefore sought to identify expected and occurred barriers, keeping them from taking up and staying in employment as well as to identify the solutions used to overcome these barriers. Sixty-six employed individuals with autism–17 of them with autism-specific employment–participated in an online survey. Results showed a variety of possible barriers. Individuals in autism-specific employment named formality problems–problems with organizational and practical process-related aspects of the job entry–most frequently while individuals in non-autism-specific employment mentioned social problems–obstacles concerning communication and human interaction–most. In terms of solutions, both groups used their own resources as much as external help, but differed in their specific strategies. In addition, correlations of an autism-specific employment with general and occupational self-efficacy as well as life and job satisfaction were examined. Possible implications of the results are discussed with regard to problem solving behavior and the use of strengths.
PLOS ONE | 2016
Timo Lorenz; Clemens Beer; Jan Pütz; Kathrin Heinitz
With the Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ) being the standard measure to assess psychological capital (PsyCap) in the context of organizations, this paper aims to broaden this domain-specific approach by introducing a measure with universal claim. Two studies were conducted to create and validate a German self-report scale (CPC-12) measuring PsyCap. We performed confirmatory factor analyses and correlations with other positive psychological constructs on the data of two German samples (N1 = 321; N2 = 202). The twelve-item CPC-12 exhibits the anticipated factorial structure with a very good model fit and associations to other constructs concur with previous findings with other measures of PsyCap.
PLOS ONE | 2018
Kathrin Heinitz; Timo Lorenz; Daniel Schulze; Julia Schorlemmer
Increasing individual subjective well-being has various positive outcomes, knowledge about its antecedents and the mediators of this relationship can therefore help to increase subjective well-being and the accompanying positive effects. The more future oriented facets of psychological capital, i.e. optimism, hope and self-efficacy have been shown in several studies to be positively related to subjective well-being and negatively to ill-being. Furthermore, recent studies suggest coping strategies as mediators for these relationships. In our study, we examined the longitudinal relation of optimism, hope and self-efficacy with subjective well-being and ill-being in a German panel dataset and tested the mediating effect of flexible goal adjustment in a path model. Our results show a statistically significant positive effect of self-efficacy and optimism on subjective well-being as well as a statistically significant negative effect of optimism on depression over three years. All three predictors show a statistically significant relation with flexible goal adjustment, but flexible goal adjustment did not mediate the effect on subjective well-being or depression.
Archive | 2017
Timo Lorenz; Nomi Reznik; Kathrin Heinitz
With this chapter, we want to open up the debate whether neurodiversity might be the next step of diversity. The term neurodiversity was first established in the online autism community in the 1990s and has since spread both off‐ and online. It describes the idea that, throughout the human population, different brain developments and structures exist. Neuronal variances such as Autism are therefore not to be seen as disorders but as variations different from the neurotypical brain. Instead of being considered ill and cure‐worthy, neurodiverse people should be included and integrated into society. In our current research, we follow the neurodiversity approach and focus on the subject of autism in the work context. We found that certain strengths and abilities are most prominent in autistic people (such as logical reasoning, visual perception) and that autistic people are able to find different effective solutions to overcome the barriers detaining them from entering the job market. Furthermore, while many autistic individuals are employed in regular competitive jobs, more focus on autism‐specific job environments is needed. These findings lead us to the conclusion that autistic individuals have potential that is beneficial for society.
German Journal of Human Resource Management | 2017
Jens Rowold; Mathias Diebig; Kathrin Heinitz
Work-related stress has considerable consequences for organizations. Thus, the prevention of stress has the potential to positively affect employees’ health and performance. While previous research found the first evidence that transformational leadership is negatively related to followers’ levels of perceived stress, this research was limited by its reliance on common methods and subjective experience of stress. In addition, innovative leadership concepts such as instrumental leadership have not been explored as potential barriers to followers’ stress. The present article has therefore tested the relationships between transformational and instrumental leadership by utilizing an objective indicator of stress, namely followers’ levels of cortisol, as measured in two samples. In sample 1, followers provided two saliva samples per day; in sample 2, they provided samples of their hair. For both saliva and hair, reliable and valid assessments of cortisol are feasible and were utilized for the purpose of the present study. Results revealed that transformational leadership had no effect on cortisol levels. However, instrumental leadership was negatively associated with (a) evening levels of saliva cortisol and (b) hair cortisol. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.