Leticia Moreira Casotti
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
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Featured researches published by Leticia Moreira Casotti.
Latin American Business Review | 2006
Leticia Moreira Casotti
ABSTRACT Every meal and every drink present in the human diet carries with it symbolic meanings. In this exploratory study, 29 women were interviewed about the practices and meanings of special family meals. What is changing? What remains? What is new is foods association with health, illnesses, and other risks. What is old is the history, the several social and cultural meanings of food consumer behavior. For the interviewees, meals still seem to be essential to unite the family and establish social bonds. In spite of technological developments and the convenience of foods, the study suggests that the family meal and the celebration of food will persist because they are events that bring people together. RESUMEN. En la actual dieta humana, cada comida y cada bebida llevan embutidos significados simbólicos. En este estudio exploratorio, se entrevistó a 29 mujeres sobre las prácticas y comida familiares especiales. ¿Qué está cambiando? ¿Qué es lo que resta? Lo que hay de nuevo es la asociación de los alimentos con la comida, la salud, enfermedad y otros riesgos. Lo antiguo, es su historia, los distintos significados socioculturales del comportamiento del consumidor respecto a la comida. Para el entrevistado, las comidas parecen ser una forma de vital importancia para unir a la familia y establecer bonos sociales. A pesar de los logros alcanzados con el desarrollo tecnológicoy la conveniencia de las comidas, el estudio sugiere que la comida familiar y la celebración de los alimentos continúa, porque hay muchos eventos que reúnen a las personas. RESUMO. Cada comida e cada bebida do cardápio humano contěm significados simbólicos. Neste estudo exploratório, 29 mulheres foram entrevistadas a respeito da prática e dos significados das comidas especiais da família. O que tem mudado? O que permanece? O que há de novo é a associação do alimento com a saúde, as doenças e outros riscos. A história dos diversos significados sócio-culturais do comportamento do consumidor de alimentos é antiga. De acordo com as entrevistadas, a refeição parece ser fundamental para unir a família e estabelecer relações sociais. Apesar do desenvolvimento tecnológico e da necessidade do alimento, o estudo sugere que a refeição familiar e a celebração do ali-mento persistirão, porque são ocasiões que reúnem as pessoas.
Rae-revista De Administracao De Empresas | 2013
Marcus Wilcox Hemais; Leticia Moreira Casotti; Everardo Pereira Guimarães Rocha
Economic stability in Brazil has allowed items that were formerly only accessible to the better-off social classes, to be consumed at ¨the bottom of the pyramid¨. This has aroused the interest of both the academic and business world and led to a desire for a better understanding of this phenomenon. Two lines of argument have arisen with distinct perspectives. The first supports a hedonistic approach, which believes that consumption at the base of the pyramid is driven by a wish to reduce poverty, while the other, where a moralistic standpoint is predominant, criticizes this view because it believes that people´s lives can only be improved by including people with less purchasing power in the production processes. One of the aims of this essay is thus to discuss how the literature on consumption at the bottom of the pyramid, shows features of these types of approaches. In addition, it seeks to encourage further studies by setting out a research agenda.Economic stability in Brazil has allowed items that were formerly only accessible to the better-off social classes, to be consumed at ̈the bottom of the pyramid ̈. This has aroused the interest of both the academic and business world and led to a desire for a better understanding of this phenomenon. Two lines of argument have arisen with distinct perspectives. The first supports a hedonistic approach, which believes that consumption at the base of the pyramid is driven by a wish to reduce poverty, while the other, where a moralistic standpoint is predominant, criticizes this view because it believes that people ́s lives can only be improved by including people with less purchasing power in the production processes. One of the aims of this essay is thus to discuss how the literature on consumption at the bottom of the pyramid, shows features of these types of approaches. In addition, it seeks to encourage further studies by setting out a research agenda. keywords Hedonism, moralism, poverty, consumption, income. Resumen La estabilidad económica en Brasil permitió que artículos accesibles solamente a las clases sociales más adineradas fueran consumidos por la “base de la pirámide”. Tal hecho despertó el interés académico y empresarial para comprender mejor ese fenómeno. Surgieron dos líneas argumentativas, con distintas perspectivas. Mientras una defiende un discurso hedonista, al incentivar el consumo por la base de la pirámide como forma de disminuir la pobreza, la otra, cuja perspectiva dominante es moralista, critica tal visión, pues considera que solamente la inserción de las personas con menor poder adquisitivo en el proceso de producción contribuirá a mejorar sus vidas. Uno de los objetivos del presente ensayo es, por lo tanto, discutir cómo la literatura sobre el consumo en la base de la pirámide presenta elementos de esos tipos de discursos. Además, se busca estimular más estudios, proponiendo una agenda inicial de investigación. Palabras clave Hedonismo, moralismo, pobreza, consumo, renta. Marcus Wilcox Hemais [email protected] Doutorando em Administração de Empresas pelo Instituto Coppead de Administração – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; e Professor do Instituto de Administração e Gerência, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro – Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brasil Leticia Moreira Casotti [email protected] Professor do Instituto Coppead de Administração, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brasil Everardo Pereira Guimarães Rocha [email protected] Professor do Departamento de Comunicação Social, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro – Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brasil PALAVRAS-CHAVE Hedonismo, moralismo, pobreza, consumo, renda. artigos HEDONISMO E MORALISMO NO CONSUMO NA BASE DA PIRÂMIDE ISSN 0034-7590 200 ©RAE n São Paulo n v . 53 n n. 2 n mar/abr. 2013 n 199-207 INTRODUÇÃO O interesse acadêmico em consumidores de baixa renda data desde a década de 1960, sendo David Caplovitz (1967) um dos primeiros estudiosos sobre o assunto. O tema continuou a ser pesquisado, especialmente nos Estados Unidos, durante a década de 1970 (ANDREASEN, 1976), ao mesmo tempo que cresciam debates sobre consumerismo (KOTLER, 1972). Essa temática foi posta em segundo plano, todavia, à medida que o movimento consumerista perdia suas forças. O tema voltou a ganhar destaque no meio acadêmico, no início dos anos 2000, a partir dos estudos de C. K. Prahalad (PRAHALAD e HAMMOND, 2002; PRAHALAD e HART, 2002). O livro do autor (PRAHALAD, 2006a) foi listado entre os mais vendidos em importantes revistas e livrarias americanas e inglesas, mostrando sua relevância na divulgação do tema (LANDRUM, 2007). Prahalad chamava a atenção para o fato de haver quatro bilhões de pobres no mundo, na “base da pirâmide”, com rendimento de até dois dólares por dia. Mesmo que suas condições de consumo fossem restritas, seu volume representava uma oportunidade única de mercado para empresas, que, além de lucrar, ajudariam esses indivíduos a saírem da pobreza. Após Prahalad, discussões sobre quem são aqueles que compõem a base da pirâmide passaram a ser vistas na literatura (SACHS, 2005). No Brasil, por exemplo, diferentes critérios existem para estratificar classes sociais ou econômicas. A Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD), realizada pelo IBGE, leva em consideração a renda média mensal domiciliar para classificar a população em seis estratos (INSTITUTO..., 2009). Com base no PNAD, a Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) transforma os seis estratos em cinco, dividindo-os em classes A, B, C, D e E (NERI, 2010). O Critério de Classificação Econômica Brasil, elaborado pela Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Pesquisa (ABEP), por sua vez, considera a posse de bens e o grau de instrução do chefe do domicílio para estratificar a população em oito classes econômicas: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, D e E (ASSOCIAÇÃO..., 2012). Entender quais classes sociais constituem a base da pirâmide ou mesmo a população de baixa renda no Brasil tem se mostrado um desafio para pesquisadores (MATTOSO, 2010; NOGAMI e PACAGNAN, 2011). A classe C, por exemplo, pode ser incluída na base da pirâmide (LIMEIRA, 2008) ou ser considerada “a nova classe média” (NERI, 2010). Consciente de tais dificuldades, o Centro de Excelência em Varejo da Fundação Getulio Vargas (CEV-FGV) definiu consumidores de baixa renda, no Brasil, como aqueles pertencentes às classes D e E, segundo classificação do IBGE, ou seja, com renda familiar diária inferior a cinco dólares (NOGAMI e PACAGNAN, 2011). Essas discussões e divergências sugerem a dificuldade e a crescente importância em entender as classes inferiores do estrato social, também chamadas de “base da pirâmide”, conforme Prahalad, ou de “baixa renda”. Embora importante, não é o foco do ensaio, entretanto, debater as diferenças entre classificações. O que se pretende é discutir o aumento do interesse em torno do consumo na base da pirâmide e as críticas que surgiram em relação ao tema. Após Prahalad proferir sua visão sobre a base da pirâmide, autores questionam se a ideia e a forma proposta para erradicar a pobreza servem, na realidade, a esse fim (ARORA e ROMIJN, 2011; KARNANI, 2007a, 2011; JAISWAL, 2008). Para os defensores dessa perspectiva, o incentivo ao consumo na base da pirâmide não soluciona o problema da pobreza, e as grandes empresas multinacionais não devem autoproclamar-se como salvadoras da sociedade. As críticas feitas por Karnani geraram um interessante debate, entre ele e Prahalad, sobre a validade da proposta de incentivo ao consumo na base da pirâmide. Durante esse debate, Prahalad diz que: Estou surpreso que você [Karnani] tenha caído na mesma armadilha em que a maioria cai. O consumo pode aumentar a renda... O tempo dirá se a base da pirâmide é um mercado ou não. Eu acredito que é... O debate não é mais sobre quantos indivíduos são realmente pobres; é sobre como trazer os benefícios dos padrões globais a preços acessíveis, de modo a aumentar o acesso (PRAHALAD, 2006b, tradução nossa). e Karnani alega que: Uma crítica à proposta da base da pirâmide é que tratar o pobre como um consumidor pode levá-los a fazerem más escolhas de consumo, que não são de seu interesse próprio. Assim, empresas poderiam acabar explorando esses pobres. Os proponentes da base da pirâmide ignoram tais argumentos, por considerá-los arrogantes e condescendentes, e afirmam que os pobres são consumidores conscientes (KARNANI, 2007b,
Cadernos Ebape.br | 2012
Maribel Carvalho Suarez; Marie Agnes Chauvel; Leticia Moreira Casotti
This paper aims at investigating why individuals make the decision to abandon a category in different contexts of stimulation and questioning of consumption. For this study, the product categories car and cigarette were selected, taking into account contents from the advertising system. In the case of cars, these contents mainly concern reinforcement of consumption; with regard to smoking, the questioning of consumption predominates (due to the Brazilian governments anti-smoking campaigns and ban on tobacco industry advertising). This research uses a qualitative methodology for the collection and analysis of data obtained through in-depth interviews with 29 consumers (ex-smokers and ex-car owners). The paper contributes to the literature on anti-consumption characterizing three different types of abandonment and suggesting that, more than a move away from negative meanings to protect selfesteem (HOGG et al., 2009), abandonment is also likely to promote affirmative, positive, differentiation and to reinforce self-esteem. This research shows that, like consumption, abandonment is able to construct identities and signalize important changes. Contingency abandonment occurs when the individual, despite sharing meanings with other consumers of a category, is forced to abandon consumption. Positional abandonment is driven mainly by the rejection of symbolic associations that consumption provides. Finally, ideological abandonment presents a collective perspective where the individual believes that society as a whole should abandon or reassess that kind of consumption.
Latin American Business Review | 2009
Maribel Carvalho Suarez; Leticia Moreira Casotti
ABSTRACT Although there is a plethora of literature on marketing orientation in the private sector, within the nonprofit arena, this topic has been largely ignored. This paper analyzes the orientation and experience of Afro Reggae, a successful Brazilian nongovernmental organization that maintains a permanent presence in four drug-dominated slums in Rio de Janeiro. The present research uses the case study method for purposes of collecting and analyzing information. The paper discusses the implications for research in the area of marketing orientation in the third sector as well as the lessons learned regarding the low-income population vis-à-vis their experience with Afro Reggae.
Rae-revista De Administracao De Empresas | 2016
Leticia Moreira Casotti; Maribel Carvalho Suarez
O ano de 2015 marcou 10 anos da publicacao do artigo Consumer Culture Theory (CCT): Twenty years of research, por Arnould e Thompson (2005), no Journal of Consumer Research. O trabalho procurava compilar as pesquisas de orientacao cultural produzidas desde a decada de 1980 dentro do campo de marketing. Ao criar uma marca capaz de evidenciar coesao entre trabalhos que antes recebiam chancela de interpretativos ou pos-modernos, o artigo terminou por catalisar a legitimidade desse tipo de pesquisa e fez florescer uma comunidade de pesquisadores ativa e diversificada
Cadernos Ebape.br | 2018
Catia Silva da Costa Moreira; Leticia Moreira Casotti; Roberta Dias Campos
Consumer socialization is a central subject to the field of consumption studies, since all consumption is learned. Previous research primarily related the phenomenon to the formation of children and adolescents to function as consumers, with studies grounded in positivism. This article is positioned in the tradition of the Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) research and is inspired by the search for new theoretical and methodological alternatives for consumer socialization in adult life. Thus, we first present a brief review of the research on consumer socialization, reflecting on its ontological contours and challenges. Next, the assemblage theory and the life course perspective are presented. The combination of these theoretical lenses has enabled the construction of an integrative conceptual framework that seeks to offer greater dynamism to the investigation of consumer socialization. Finally, we discuss the contributions of the conceptual framework and suggest methodological strategies to handle new challenges posed by research in the area.
Revista FSA | 2013
Maribel Carvalho Suarez; Leticia Moreira Casotti
Os metodos passivos de ensino tem sido questionados por suas limitacoes no desenvolvimento da capacidade de analise e senso critico dos alunos. O modelo centrado no professor mostra-se inadequado ao ensino de Administracao quando se entende que um dos principais objetivos da educacao nessa area de conhecimento nao esta so na troca de informacoes, mas principalmente na formacao de individuos capazes de pensar de maneira independente e criativa a realidade dos negocios. Uma das alternativas utilizadas por diversas escolas americanas e europeias e o metodo do caso. Esse trabalho procura discutir a adequacao dessa metodologia ao ensino de administracao no Brasil, os requisitos basicos para a sua utilizacao e o papel do professor nesse modelo. Para isso, utiliza, ele proprio, de um caso e sua proposta de analise. Trata-se de um material do tipo “armchair” , criado a partir das experiencias das autoras. A proposta e fornecer um instrumento a ser utilizado em workshops ou seminarios que apresentem esse metodo de ensino para professores e/ou alunos.
RAC: Revista de Administração Contemporânea | 2008
Maribel Carvalho Suarez; Leticia Moreira Casotti; Victor Manoel Cunha de Almeida
Beleza Natural is a chain of beauty salons with six branches located in Rio de Janeiro and Espirito Santo States. The company, which has been operating for 14 years, specializes in the treatment of curly hair and provides services for close to 30,000 clients every month. Increasing demand has stimulated the growth of the enterprise, however the companys partners question the business model to be followed in the coming years: to let the company grow organically or to allow franchising.
Organizações & Sociedade | 2018
Ana Raquel Coelho Rocha; Leticia Moreira Casotti
This study sheds light on the perspective of Black female consumers in regards to certain effects of marketing initiatives adopting the literature on demarketing as a framework. The context examined is their experience with the market of hair beauty and care. Media actions are analyzed along narrative interviews in order to understand the phenomenon. The findings reveal a structural dominant pattern which perpetuates the marginalized status of Black women’s natural traits. Emerging market initiatives point to movements concerning the visibility of such female consumers, who despite being eager to consume, have their demand discouraged. This suggests that they perceive a selective and veiled demarketing, as one of the results of marketing actions. The analysis invites for theoretical reflections on demarketing and veiled racism in Brazil.
Revista de Administração da UFSM | 2017
Marcus Wilcox Hemais; Leticia Moreira Casotti
The marketing literature on low income consumers differs about the benefits the relationship between this segment with companies and governments can bring. Some authors believe that companies can improve the quality of life of this public and governments can protect it from market failures, by offering quality public services. Other authors, for their part, discuss the advantages received by companies at the expense of these consumers and say that governments do not protect them from companies. These perspectives, however, are not analyzed from the optic of low income consumers and do not represent the way that companies and government actions are received by them, creating doubt if this group obtains or not benefits from companies and governments. The present paper, therefore, brings forth the opinion of low income consumers, with the objective of understanding their view of the relationship between companies and governments. For this, 27 interviews with consumers from this segment were conducted. From the data, it is possible to understand that the interviewees see the relationship with companies and governments marked by a hierarchy of power, in which they are in an inferior position, without strength to change this. Low income consumers believe they do not obtain the promised quality of life improvements in their relationship with companies and governments and indicate a distancing between the involved parties in their accounts: them there and us here.The marketing literature on low income consumers differs about the benefits the relationship between this segment with companies and governments can bring. Some authors believe that companies can improve the quality of life of this public and governments can protect it from market failures, by offering quality public services. Other authors, for their part, discuss the advantages received by companies at the expense of these consumers and say that governments do not protect them from companies. These perspectives, however, are not analyzed from the optic of low income consumers and do not represent the way that companies and government actions are received by them, creating doubt if this group obtains or not benefits from companies and governments. The present paper, therefore, brings forth the opinion of low income consumers, with the objective of understanding their view of the relationship between companies and governments. For this, 27 interviews with consumers from this segment were conducted. From the data, it is possible to understand that the interviewees see the relationship with companies and governments marked by a hierarchy of power, in which they are in an inferior position, without strength to change this. Low income consumers believe they do not obtain the promised quality of life improvements in their relationship with companies and governments and indicate a distancing between the involved parties in their accounts: them there and us here.