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Featured researches published by Maria Célia Barcellos Dalri.

Acta Paulista De Enfermagem | 2008

Semiotécnica e semiologia do recém-nascido pré-termo: avaliação de um software educacional

Luciana Mara Monti Fonseca; Adriana Moraes Leite; Débora Falleiros de Mello; Maria Célia Barcellos Dalri; Carmen Gracinda Silvan Scochi

Objective: Evaluate the educational software application Semiotics and semiology of the preterm newborn. Methods: The layout and content evaluation of the application was performed with the participation of three information technology specialists, two audiovisual specialists and eleven nurses (professors and healthcare nurses). Results: Most of the items evaluated in the application received good and very good concepts from over 70% of the evaluators, and were therefore deemed adequate for layout and content. Final Considerations: We consider that the software is adequate for use in nursing education about the semiotics and semiology of the preterm newborn.Objective: Evaluate the educational software application Semiotics and semiology of the preterm newborn. Methods: The layout and content evaluation of the application was performed with the participation of three information technology specialists, two audiovisual specialists and eleven nurses (professors and healthcare nurses). Results: Most of the items evaluated in the application received good and very good concepts from over 70% of the evaluators, and were therefore deemed adequate for layout and content. Final Considerations: We consider that the software is adequate for use in nursing education about the semiotics and semiology of the preterm newborn.

Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2006

Análise da produção científica sobre a Classificação das Intervenções de Enfermagem (NIC) de 1980 a 2004

Anamaria Alves Napoleão; Tânia Couto Machado Chianca; Emilia Campos de Carvalho; Maria Célia Barcellos Dalri

This study aimed at reviewing the knowledge produced about the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) available in the scientific literature from January 1980 to January 2004. NIC is a taxonomy with activities performed by nurses. Authors searched Lilacs and Medline databases, materials at the Center for Nursing Classification-University of Iowa College of Nursing and a doctoral dissertation obtained from a private library. The works found referred to the application of NIC to practice, the languages used in information systems, the use of NIC in these systems and the presentation, construction, development and validation of a taxonomy, among others. Authors concluded that there are several possibilities related to the production of knowledge on NIC in Brazil and that it is necessary to encourage studies on this taxonomy, raising questions and generating new knowledge to contribute to the improvement of Brazilian Nursing.This study aimed at reviewing the knowledge produced about the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) available in the scientific literature from January 1980 to January 2004. NIC is a taxonomy with activities performed by nurses. Authors searched Lilacs and Medline databases, materials at the Center for Nursing Classification-University of Iowa College of Nursing and a doctoral dissertation obtained from a private library. The works found referred to the application of NIC to practice, the languages used in information systems, the use of NIC in these systems and the presentation, construction, development and validation of a taxonomy, among others. Authors concluded that there are several possibilities related to the production of knowledge on NIC in Brazil and that it is necessary to encourage studies on this taxonomy, raising questions and generating new knowledge to contribute to the improvement of Brazilian Nursing.

Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2008

Relations between nursing data collection, diagnoses and prescriptions for adult patients at an intensive care unit

Emilia Campos de Carvalho; Fernanda Titareli Merizio Martins; Maria Célia Barcellos Dalri; Silvia Rita Marin da Silva Canini; Ana Maria Laus; Maria Márcia Bachion; Lídia Aparecida Rossi

This descriptive, retrospective study aimed to analyze the relation between nursing data collection, diagnoses and prescriptions for 26 adult patients who were hospitalized at the intense care unit of a large teaching hospital for at least 24 hours. Through the analysis of medical records, 135 diagnoses and 421 nursing prescriptions were established, and 24 different diagnosis categories and 20 different items for prescriptions were identified. The most frequent diagnosis risk was that for infection, present in the medical records of 22 (84.60%) patients, with 175 prescriptions (42%) related to this diagnosis. The data the nurses collected were sufficient to establish the nursing diagnoses, and the majority of prescriptions (87.9%) were related to the diagnoses.This descriptive, retrospective study aimed to analyze the relation between nursing data collection, diagnoses and prescriptions for 26 adult patients who were hospitalized at the intense care unit of a large teaching hospital for at least 24 hours. Through the analysis of medical records, 135 diagnoses and 421 nursing prescriptions were established, and 24 different diagnosis categories and 20 different items for prescriptions were identified. The most frequent diagnosis risk was that for infection, present in the medical records of 22 (84.60%) patients, with 175 prescriptions (42%) related to this diagnosis. The data the nurses collected were sufficient to establish the nursing diagnoses, and the majority of prescriptions (87.9%) were related to the diagnoses.

Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2007

Lipodystrophy syndrome associated with antiretroviral therapy in HIV patients: considerations for psychosocial aspects

Ana Paula Morais Fernandes; Roberta Seron Sanches; Judy Mill; Daniel Lucy; Pedro Fredemir Palha; Maria Célia Barcellos Dalri

Several side effects have been strongly associated with antiretroviral therapy in HIV patients. Among them, the lipodystrophy syndrome which presents alterations in body shape with central adipose hypertrophy and peripheral lipoatrophy, reported by patients as a visible marker identifying them as HIV patients. This manuscript presents an analysis of current literature regarding the psychosocial aspects of HIV patients with lipodystrophy associated with antiretroviral therapy. The results show that the alterations in body shape can be disturbing in terms of psychosocial well being, affecting quality of life and increasing the stigma associated with the disease, with consequent disturbances in social relations. This analysis provides a preliminary review of the psychosocial aspects of lipodystrophy and further studies are needed for a better understanding of this complex syndrome, which could provide new information to be used in nursing care for HIV patients affected by this problem.Varios efectos secundarios han sido fuertemente asociados con la terapia antiretroviral en pacientes con HIV. Entre ellos, el sindrome de la lipodistrofia se presenta con alteraciones en la forma del cuerpo con hipertrofia adiposa central y lipoatrofia periferica, las cuales son reportadas por pacientes como marcas visibles que los identifica como pacientes con VIH. En este manuscrito, presentamos un analisis de literatura actual con respecto a los aspectos psicosociales de pacientes con VIH presentandose con lipodistrofia asociado con la terapia antiretroviral. Los resultados demuestran que las alteraciones de la forma del cuerpo pueden ser inquietantes en lo que se refiere al bienestar psicosocial, afectando la calidad de vida y aumentando el estigma asociado con la enfermedad, con las consiguientes dificultades en las relaciones sociales. Este analisis provee un repaso preliminar de los aspectos psicosociales de la lipodistrofia; sin embargo, otros estudios son necesarios para entender mejor este complejo sindrome, proveyendo nueva informacion para ser utilizada en el cuidado de enfermeria para pacientes con VIH que estan afectados por este problema.

Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2011

Theoretical knowledge of nurses working in non-hospital urgent and emergency care units concerning cardiopulmonary arrest and resuscitation

Angélica Olivetto de Almeida; Izilda Esmenia Muglia Araujo; Maria Célia Barcellos Dalri; Sebastião Araújo

Non-Hospital Urgent and Emergency Care Units were created to deliver care to patients in chronic or acute situations and to coordinate the flow of urgent care. This descriptive study analyzed the theoretical knowledge of nurses working in these units concerning cardiopulmonary arrest and resuscitation. A questionnaire was applied to 73 nurses from 16 units in seven cities in the region of Campinas, SP, Brazil. The respondents displayed some gaps in their knowledge such as how to detect Cardiopulmonary Arrest (CPA), the ability to list the sequence of basic life support, and how to determine the appropriate compression to ventilation ratio (>60%). They also did not know: the immediate procedures to take after CPA detection (>70%); the rhythm pattern present in a CPA (>80%); and they only partially identified (100%) the medication used in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The average score on a scale from zero to ten was 5.2 (± 1.4). The nurses presented partial knowledge of the guidelines available in the literature.As unidades nao hospitalares de atendimento a urgencia e emergencia foram criadas para atender pacientes com quadros agudos ou cronicos agudizados e ordenar os fluxos de urgencia. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o conhecimento teorico dos enfermeiros dessas unidades, sobre parada cardiorrespiratoria e ressuscitacao cardiopulmonar. Este e um estudo descritivo, cujos dados foram obtidos pela aplicacao de questionario a 73 enfermeiros de 16 unidades, de sete municipios da Regiao Metropolitana de Campinas. Observou-se que os entrevistados apresentaram lacunas de conhecimento sobre como detectar a parada cardiorrespiratoria, a sequencia do suporte basico de vida e a relacao ventilacao/compressao (>;60%); desconhecem as condutas imediatas apos deteccao (>;70%) e os padroes de ritmos presentes na parada cardiaca (>;80%) e que identificaram parcialmente (100%) os farmacos utilizados na ressuscitacao cardiopulmonar. A nota media foi 5,2 (±1,4), em uma escala de zero a dez. Conclui-se que os enfermeiros apresentaram conhecimento parcial das diretrizes disponiveis na literatura.

Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2006

Diagnósticos de enfermagem de pacientes em período pós-operatório imediato de colecistectomia laparoscópica

Cristina Camargo Dalri; Lídia Aparecida Rossi; Maria Célia Barcellos Dalri

Os objetivos deste estudo foram identificar e analisar os diagnosticos de enfermagem de pacientes no periodo pos-operatorio imediato de colecistectomia laparoscopica. Foi elaborado e validado um instrumento de coleta e registro de dados. Foram avaliados 15 pacientes adultos no periodo pos-operatorio imediato de colecistectomia laparoscopica: 4 homens e 11 mulheres, com idade media de 45 anos. Os diagnosticos de enfermagem identificados foram: Integridade tissular prejudicada (100%), Risco para infeccao (100%), Percepcao sensorial perturbada (100%), Risco para aspiracao (100%), Risco para funcao respiratoria alterada (80%), Hipotermia (60%), Risco para temperatura corporal desequilibrada (40%), Nutricao desequilibrada: mais do que as necessidades corporais (33,3%) e Dor aguda (26,7%). Todos os pacientes foram admitidos em regime ambulatorial e receberam alta do Centro de recuperacao pos-anestesica, apresentando ainda os diagnosticos de enfermagem Integridade tissular prejudicada e Risco para infeccao.The aim of this study was to identify and analyze the nursing diagnoses for patients in the immediate postoperative period of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. We elaborated and validated an instrument for data collection and registration. Fifteen 15 adult patients were evaluated in the immediate postoperative period of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, four men and 11 women, with average age of 45 years. Identified nursing diagnoses were: Impaired Skin Integrity (100%), Risk for Infection (100%), Sensory/Perceptual Alterations (100%), Risk for aspiration (100%), Risk for Ineffective Breathing Pattern (80%), Hypothermia (60%), Risk for Altered Body Temperature (40%), Altered nutrition: more than body requirements (33,3%) and Acute pain (26,7%). All patients were admitted in ambulatory regimen and were discharged from Post anesthesia Care Unit, still presenting the nursing diagnoses of Impaired Skin Integrity and Risk for infection.

Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2006

Diagnósticos de enfermagem de familiares de pacientes adultos queimados no período próximo à alta hospitalar

Sueli Leiko Takamatsu Goyatá; Lídia Aparecida Rossi; Maria Célia Barcellos Dalri

O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os diagnosticos de enfermagem de familiares de pacientes adultos queimados no periodo proximo a alta hospitalar. Dez membros das familias de pacientes queimados foram avaliados por meio de entrevista e observacao. Os diagnosticos de enfermagem foram estabelecidos com base na Taxonomia II da NANDA e na interpretacao da Taxonomia I da NANDA realizada por Carpenito. Foram identificadas 11 diferentes categorias diagnosticas, todas do tipo real. Conhecimento deficiente e ansiedade foram os diagnosticos que apresentaram maior frequencia entre os familiares avaliados. O primeiro caracterizou-se pela necessidade de informacao dos familiares sobre os cuidados com as areas queimadas e a prevencao de infeccao. O sentimento de ansiedade estava relacionado, principalmente, as mudancas ocorridas na aparencia, estrutura ou funcao do corpo do paciente queimado e as expectativas de familiares em relacao ao retorno do paciente ao ambiente familiar e ocupacional, apresentando alguma sequela fisica, psico-emocional ou social.

Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2002

O uso do computador como ferramenta para a implantação do processo de enfermagem

Yolanda Dora Martinez Évora; Maria Célia Barcellos Dalri

Este texto tiene por objetivo analizar la utilizacion de la computadora como herramienta auxiliar en el proceso de trabajo dei enfermero. Son varias las evidencias de que la informatica viene revolucionando los procesos de cuidado, de gerencia y de ensenanza dentro de las estructuras de los servicios. De esta manera, la informatizacion esta conduciendo la enfermeria para el desarrollo de una practica sistematica, organizada, posibilitando desarrollar un cuidado individualizado ai paciente. Las autoras discurren a cerca de un software para el apoyo a la planificacion de la atencion de enfermeria y hacen algunas consideraciones con vistas ai crecimiento y a la modernizacion de la practica de enfermeria brasilena.

Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2010

Diagnósticos de enfermagem de prematuros sob cuidados intermediários

Natália Del'Angelo; Fernanda dos Santos Nogueira de Góes; Maria Célia Barcellos Dalri; Adriana Moraes Leite; Maria Cândida de Carvalho Furtado; Carmen Gracinda Silvan Scochi

El estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar los diagnosticos de enfermeria de prematuros asistidos en una unidad de cuidado intermediario neonatal del interior de Sao Paulo, Brasil. Re realizo un estudio retrospectivo a partir de los registros hospitalarios de prematuros hospitalizados. Los diagnosticos mas frecuentes fueron: Perturbacion del Sueno (83,1%), Riesgo de Infeccion (76,3%) y Alteracion de los Procesos Familiares (75,4%), pertenecientes a los dominios NANDA: actividad/reposo, seguridad/proteccion y papel/relacion, en esta orden. Los resultados del estudio articularon la frecuencia de los diagnosticos con los dominios NANDA pertenecientes, identificando limitacion del abordaje de los mismos y principales dominios apuntados en la sistematizacion de la asistencia al recien-nascido prematuro en cuidado intermediario.The study aims at identifying nursing diagnoses of premature infants attended in a neonatal intermediary care unit in the countryside of São Paulo State, Brazil. That was a retrospective study conducted from 118 patient records of hospitalized premature infants. The most frequent nursing diagnosis were sleep deprivation (83.1%), risk for infection (76.3%) and dysfunctional family processes (75.4%), belonging to NANDA domains: activity/rest, security/protection and role relations, this order. Study results articulated the diagnosis frequency with NANDA domain to which they belong identifying their approach limitation and main domains pointed in assistance systematization to premature newborn in intermediary care.

Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2002

Planejamento da assistência de enfermagem a pacientes portadores de queimadura utilizando um software: aplicação em quatro pacientes

Maria Célia Barcellos Dalri; Emilia Campos de Carvalho

In order to evaluate the applicability of a software to the execution of a nursing process of care to burn patients, a case study method has been used. Four (4) subjects who had been admitted to a burn unit were evaluated. All the four cases were inserted into a computer program where the plan of nursing care was executed. The software was adequate, enabling the planning of the nursing care in a reduced time.


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Tânia Couto Machado Chianca

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

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