Mark R. Schoeberl
Goddard Space Flight Center
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Featured researches published by Mark R. Schoeberl.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1996
Eric R. Nash; Paul A. Newman; Joan E. Rosenfield; Mark R. Schoeberl
We have developed objective criteria for choosing the location of the northern hemisphere polar vortex boundary region and the onset and breakup dates of the vortex. By determining the distribution of Ertels potential vorticity (Epv) on equivalent latitudes, we define the vortex edge as the location of maximum gradient of Epv constrained by the location of the maximum wind jet calculated along Epv isolines. We define the vortex boundary region to be at the local maximum convex and concave curvature in the Epv distribution surrounding the edge. We have determined that the onset and breakup dates of the vortex on the 450 K isentropic surface occur when the maximum wind speed calculated along Epv isolines rises above and falls below approximately 15.2 m s -1 . We use 1992-1993 as a test case to study the onset and breakup periods, and we find that the increase of polar vortex Epv values is associated with the dominance of the term in the potential vorticity equation involving the movement of air through the surface due to the diabatic circulation. We also find that the decrease is associated with the dominance of the term involving radiatively induced changes in the stability of the atmosphere.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1992
Mark R. Schoeberl; Leslie R. Lait; Paul A. Newman; Joan E. Rosenfield
Reconstruction of the Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment and Airborne Arctic Stratosphere Expedition aircraft constituent observations, radiative heating rate computations, and trajectory calculations are used to generate comparative pictures of the 1987 southern hemisphere (SH) late winter and 1989 northern hemisphere (NH) mid-winter, lower stratospheric, polar vortices. Overall, both polar vortices define a region of highly isolated air, where the exchange of trace gases occurs principally at the vortex edge through erosional wave activity. Aircraft measurement showed that (1) between 50 and 100 mbar, horizontally stratified long-lived tracers such as N20 are displaced downward 2-3 km on the cyclonic (poleward) side of the jet with the meridional tracer gradient sharpest at the jet core. (2) Eddy mixing rates, computed using parcel ensemble statistics, are an order of magnitude or more lower on the cyclonic side of the jet compared to those on the anticyclonic side. (3) Poleward zonal mean meridional flow on the anticyclonic side of the jet terminates in a descent zone at the jet core. Despite the similarities between the SH and NH winter vortices, there are important differences. During the aircraft campaign periods, the SH vortex jet core was located roughly 8 o - 10 o equatorward of its NH counterpart after pole centering. As a result of the !arger size of the SH vortex, the dynamical heating associated with the jet core descent zone is displaced further from the pole. The SH polar vortex can therefore approach radiative equilibrium temperatures over a comparatively larger area than the NH vortex. The subsequent widespread formation of polar stratospheric clouds within the much colder SH vortex core gives rise to the interhemispheric differences in the reconstructed H20, NOy, C10, and 03, species which are affected by polar stratospheric clouds.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | 2006
Mark R. Schoeberl; Anne R. Douglass; Ernest Hilsenrath; Pawan K. Bhartia; Reinhard Beer; J. W. Waters; M. R. Gunson; L. Froidevaux; John C. Gille; John J. Barnett; Pieternel F. Levelt; Phil DeCola
Aura, the last of the large Earth Observing System observatories, was launched on July 15, 2004. Aura is designed to make comprehensive stratospheric and tropospheric composition measurements from its four instruments, the High Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder (HIRDLS), the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS), the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), and the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES). With the exception of HIRDLS, all of the instruments are performing as expected, and HIRDLS will likely be able to deliver most of their planned data products. We summarize the mission, instruments, and synergies in this paper.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1996
Anne M. Thompson; Kenneth E. Pickering; Donna P. McNamara; Mark R. Schoeberl; R. D. Hudson; J. H. Kim; Edward V. Browell; Volker W. J. H. Kirchhoff; D. Nganga
The seasonal tropospheric ozone maximum in the tropical South Atlantic, first recognized from satellite observations (Fishman et al., 1986, 1991), gave rise to the IGAC/ STARE/SAFARI 1992/TRACE A campaigns (International Global Atmospheric Chemistry/South Tropical Atlantic Regional Experiment/Southern African Fire Atmospheric Research Initiative/Transport and Atmospheric Chemistry Near the Equator- Atlantic) in September and October 1992. Along with a new TOMS-based method for deriving tropospheric column ozone, we used the TRACE A/SAFARI 1992 data set to put together a regional picture of the 0 3 distribution during this period. Sondes and aircraft profiling showed a troposphere with layers of high O3 (->90 ppbv) all the way to the tropopause. These features extend in a band from 0 o to 25oS, over the SE Indian Ocean, Africa, the Atlantic, and eastern South America. A combination of trajectory and photochemical modeling (the Goddard (GSFC) isentropic trajectory and tropospheric point model, respectively) shows a strong connection between regions of high ozone and concentrated biomass burning, the latter identified using satellite-derived fire counts (Justice et al., this issue). Back trajectories from a high-O3 tropical Atlantic region (column ozone at Ascension averaged 50 Dobson units (DU)) and forward trajectories from fire- rich and convectively active areas show that the Atlantic and southern Africa are supplied with O3 and O3-forming trace gases by midlevel easterlies and/or recirculating air from Africa, with lesser contributions from South American burning and urban pollution. Limited sampling in the mixed layer over Namibia shows possible biogenic sources of NO. High-level westerlies from Brazil (following deep convective transport of ozone precursors to the upper troposphere) dominate the upper tropospheric 03 budget over Natal, Ascension, and Okaukuejo (Namibia), although most enhanced O3 (75% or more) equatorward of 10oS was from Africa. Deep convection may be responsible for the timing of the seasonal tropospheric 0 3 maximum: Natal and Ascension show a 1- to 2-month lag relative to the period of maximum burning (cf. Baldy et al., this issue; Olson et al., this issue). Photochemical model calculations constrained with TRACE A and SAFARI airborne observations of O3 and 03 precursors (NOx, CO, hydrocarbons) show robust ozone formation (up to 15 ppbv O3/d or several DU/d) in a widespread, persistent, and well-mixed layer to 4 km. Slower but still positive net 03 formation took place throughout the tropical upper troposphere (cf. Pickering et al., this issue (a); Jacob et al., this issue). Thus whether it is faster rates of 0 3 formation in source regions with higher turnover rates or slower 03 production in long-lived stable layers ubiquitous in the TRACE A region, 10-30 DU tropospheric 03 above a -25-DU background can be accounted for. In summary, the 03 maximum studied in October 1992 was caused by a coincidence of abundant 03 precursors from biomass fires, a long residence time of stable air parcels over the eastern Atlantic and southern Africa, and deep convective transport of biomass burning products, with additional NO from lightning and occasionally biogenic sources.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1996
Eric J. Jensen; Owen B. Toon; Henry B. Selkirk; James D. Spinhirne; Mark R. Schoeberl
We have used a detailed cirrus cloud model to evaluate the physical processes responsible for the formation and persistence of subvisible cirrus near the tropical tropopause and the apparent absence of these clouds at midlatitudes. We find that two distinct formation mechanisms are viable. Energetic tropical cumulonimbus clouds transport large amounts of ice water to the upper troposphere and generate extensive cirrus outflow anvils. Ice crystals with radii larger than 10 – 20 μm should precipitate out of these anvils within a few hours, leaving behind an optically thin layer of small ice crystals (τvis ≃ 0.01 – 0.2, depending upon the initial ice crystal size distribution). Given the long lifetimes of the clouds, wind shear is probably responsible for the observed cloud thickness ≤1 km. Ice crystals can also be generated in situ by slow, synoptic scale uplift of a humid layer. Given the very low temperatures at the tropical tropopause (≃−85°C), synoptic-scale uplift can generate the moderate ice supersaturations (less than 10%) required for homogeneous freezing of sulfuric acid aerosols. In addition, simulations suggest that relatively large ice crystal number densities should be generated (more than 0.5 cm−3). The numerous crystals cannot grow larger than about 10–20 μm given the available vapor, and their low fall velocities will allow them to remain in the narrow supersaturated region for at least a day. The absorption of infrared radiation in the thin cirrus results in heating rates on the order of a few K per day. If this energy drives local parcel temperature change, the cirrus will dissipate within several hours. However, if the absorbed radiative energy drives lifting of the cloud layer, the vertical wind speed will be about 0.2 cm-s−1, and the cloud may persist for days with very little change in optical or microphysical properties. The fact that these clouds form most frequently over the tropical western Pacific is probably related (through the nucleation physics) to the very low tropopause temperatures in this region. Simulations using midlatitude tropopause temperatures near −65°C suggest that at the higher temperatures, fewer ice crystals nucleate, resulting in more rapid crystal growth and cloud dissipation by precipitation. Hence, the lifetime of thin cirrus formed near the midlatitude tropopause should be limited to a few hours after the synoptic-scale system that initiated cloud formation has passed.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1994
Joan E. Rosenfield; Paul A. Newman; Mark R. Schoeberl
A radiation model, together with National Meteorological Center temperature observations, was used to compute daily net heating rates in the northern hemisphere (NH) for the Arctic late fall and winter periods of both 1988–1989 and 1991–1992 and in the southern hemisphere (SH) for the Antarctic fall and winters of 1987 and 1992. The heating rates were interpolated to potential temperature (θ) surfaces between 400 K and 2000 K and averaged within the polar vortex, the boundary of which was determined by the maximum gradient in potential vorticity. The averaged heating rates were used in a one-dimensional vortex interior descent model to compute the change in potential temperature with time of air parcels initialized at various θ values, as well as to compute the descent in log pressure coordinates. In the NH vortex, air parcels which were initialized at 18 km on November 1, descended about 6 km by March 21, while air initially at 25 km descended 9 km in the same time period. This represents an average descent rate in the lower stratosphere of 1.3 to 2 km per month. Air initialized at 50 km descended 27 km between November 1 and March 21. In the SH vortex, parcels initialized at 18 km on March 1, descended 3 km, while air at 25 km descended 5–7 km by the end of October. This is equivalent to an average descent in the lower stratosphere of 0.4 to 0.9 km per month during this 8-month period. Air initialized at 52 km descended 26–29 km between March 1 and October 31. In both the NH and the SH, computed descent rates increased markedly with height. The descent for the NH winter of 1992–1993 and the SH winter of 1992 computed with a three-dimensional trajectory model using the same radiation code was within 1 to 2 km of that calculated by the one-dimensional model, thus validating the vortex averaging procedure. The computed descent rates generally agree well with observations of long-lived tracers, thus validating the radiative transfer model.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1994
Darryn W. Waugh; R. A. Plumb; Roger Atkinson; Mark R. Schoeberl; Leslie R. Lait; Paul A. Newman; M. Loewenstein; D. W. Toohey; Linnea M. Avallone; C. R. Webster; R. D. May
The fine-scale structure in lower stratospheric tracer transport during the period of the two Arctic Airborne Stratospheric Expeditions (January and February 1989; December 1991 to March 1992) is investigated using contour advection with surgery calculations. These calculations show that Rossby wave breaking is an ongoing occurrence during these periods and that air is ejected from the polar vortex in the form of long filamentary structures. There is good qualitative agreement between these filaments and measurements of chemical tracers taken aboard the NASA ER-2 aircraft. The ejected air generally remains filamentary and is stretched and mixed with midlatitude air as it is wrapped around the vortex. This process transfers vortex air into midlatitudes and also produces a narrow region of fine-scale filaments surrounding the polar vortex. Among other things, this makes it difficult to define a vortex edge. The calculations also show that strong stirring can occur inside as well as outside the vortex.
Advances in Space Research | 1990
S. Chandra; Eric L. Fleming; Mark R. Schoeberl; John J. Barnett
Abstract This paper presents a monthly mean climatology of zonal mean temperature, zonal wind, and geopotential height with nearly pole-to-pole coverage (80°S-80°N) for 0–120 km which can be used as a function of altitude and pressure. This climatology reproduces most of the characteristic features of the atmosphere such as the lowering and cooling of the mesopause and the lowering and warming of the stratopause during the summer months at high latitudes. A series of zonal wind profiles is also presented comparing this climatological wind with monthly mean climatological direct wind measurements in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere. The two data sets compare well below 80 km, with some general seasonal trend agreement observed above 80 km. The zonal wind at the equator presented here simulates the observed features of the semiannual oscillation in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1994
R. A. Plumb; Darryn W. Waugh; Roger Atkinson; Paul A. Newman; Leslie R. Lait; Mark R. Schoeberl; Edward V. Browell; A. J. Simmons; M. Loewenstein
Investigations of the kinematics of the lower stratospheric Arctic vortex during the winter of 1991–1992 using the contour advection with surgery technique reveal three distinct events in which there was substantial intrusion of midlatitude air into the vortex, in apparent contradiction of the view that the polar vortex constitutes an isolated air mass. Two of these events, in late January and mid-February, were well documented. They were predicted in high-resolution forecasts by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, most clearly in experimental forecasts with reduced diffusion. Direct confirmation of the presence of the intrusions and of their calculated locations was provided by aerosol observations from the airborne differential absorption laser lidar aboard the NASA DC-8, taken as part of the second Airborne Arctic Stratospheric Expedition campaign; aerosol-rich air of midlatitude origin was seen in the expected position of the intrusions. The reality of the February event was also confirmed by in situ measurements from the NASA ER-2. Such events may be significant for the chemical processes taking place within the winter vortex. The intrusions were evidently related to the meteorology of the northern stratosphereduring this winter and in particular to persistent tropospheric blocking over the northeastern Atlantic Ocean and western Europe and concomitant ridging into the lower stratospheric vortex in this region. Nevertheless, preliminary investigations have indicated that such events are not uncommon in other northern hemisphere winters, although no such events were found in the southern hemisphere during the Antarctic winter of 1987.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2003
Mark R. Schoeberl; Anne R. Douglass; Zhengxin Zhu; Steven Pawson
[1] We use kinematic and diabatic back trajectory calculations, driven by winds from a general circulation model (GCM) and two different data assimilation systems (DAS), to compute the age spectrum at three latitudes in the lower stratosphere. The age spectra are compared to chemical transport model (CTM) calculations, and the mean ages from all of these studies are compared to observations. The age spectra computed using the GCM winds show a reasonably isolated tropics, in good agreement with observations; however, the age spectra determined from the DAS differ from the GCM spectra. For the DAS diabatic trajectory calculations there is too much exchange between the tropics and midlatitudes. The age spectrum is thus too broad, and the tropical mean age is too old as a result of mixing older midlatitude air with tropical air. Likewise, the midlatitude mean age is too young because of the in-mixing of tropical air. The DAS kinematic trajectory calculations show excessive vertical dispersion of parcels in addition to excessive exchange between the tropics and midlatitudes. Because air is moved rapidly to the troposphere from the vertical dispersion, the age spectrum is shifted toward the young side. The excessive vertical and meridional dispersion compensate in the kinematic case, giving a reasonable tropical mean age. The CTM calculation of the age spectrum using the DAS winds shows the same vertical and meridional dispersive characteristics of the kinematic trajectory calculation. These results suggest that the current DAS products will not give realistic trace gas distributions for long integrations; they also help explain why the extratropical mean ages determined in a number of previous DAS-driven CTMs are too young compared with observations. Finally, we note that trajectory-generated age spectra show significant age anomalies correlated with the seasonal cycles. These anomalies can be linked to year-to-year variations in the tropical heating rate. The anomalies are suppressed in the CTM spectra, suggesting that the CTM transport scheme is too diffusive.